Grizzco Break Room


Inkling Fleet Admiral
Aug 4, 2016
If you read though here you will find a lot of tips for working shifts for Mr. Grizz

A few off the top of my head and hopefully a some other people will jump in and make a few suggestions.

Do not hesitate to use your specials. If it looks like its going to be a crew wipe in the first round don't be afraid to pop one off.

If you are being targeted by a Stinger don't strafe across the whole map. Remember you have other co-workers out there also.

Ink. Every surface is a possible escape route or fast track to the egg basket. Also keep an eye on your co-workers that may have a weapon that is bad at ink coverage or picking off those pesky smallfry. For example the E-Liter and Hydra can do some really good work but if they are busy fending off the mooks or trying to ink a path to get to a better position you will be in bad shape more than likely.

Those are a few and there are plenty more but i don't want to go on a long rant.

Enjoy and be safe. :)


Inkling Commander
Jun 7, 2016
I can't wait to get my sandals so I can pair them with the twisted headband too! They're ultra cute!

Does anyone happen to have a guide on Salmon Run etiquette? I'm thinking of looking for one on youtube but figured I'd ask here. I want to take SR much more seriously in hopes of getting better gear and improving my aim + teamwork!
Stick to the same general area as your teammates. The path will be more clear and you'll get more eggs. Straying to kill a nuisance boss is fine.

Know which bosses your weapon is good at killing and take care of them. I sometimes see rollers trying to take on Steelheads ... no that's the job of the long range teammates. Fast weapons can swim over to bomb the Fly Fish easier, and collect more eggs. Don't feel obligated to wade through enemies to grab eggs if you have a low mobility weapon like a charger.


Inkling Fleet Admiral
Sep 20, 2015
Know which bosses your weapon is good at killing and take care of them. I sometimes see rollers trying to take on Steelheads ... no that's the job of the long range teammates.
Depends on the Roller and the pilot. Both Flingza and Dynamo have the capacity to 1HKO them if the pilot knows how to time it. However definitely not for a Carbon. Honestly, a lot of it depends on the pilot, most average mid-low range shooting weapons can 1 cycle them.


Inkling Cadet
Sep 21, 2015
i really wish they would put another level after pro ..................... i have a hard time starting at pro 400 and getting paired with guys much lower and only have to get 13 to 15 eggs and if i don't play beyond awesome it's painful.... the sad truth is i have an easier time with hazzard level max because the guys know the basics well.

it's getting really frustrating for me.


Senior Squid
Feb 18, 2018

This guy totally nailed the SR tier list! I only disagree with inkbrush and eliter being too low and the blobbobbler being too high...


Inkling Fleet Admiral
Mar 8, 2018
Switch Friend Code
btw this is my tier list I made yesterday without seeing that one first so ha
Salmon Run Tier List.png


Inkling Commander
Sep 5, 2015
I genuinely believe the Tri Slosher is poorly represented in both of those lists; slosher bullets will continue to travel through enemies if they're OHKO'd, meaning they shred the Glowfly waves - the exceptions are the Sloshing Machine and Bloblobber. The Tri may not have a lot of range, but the extra two sloshes make it incredibly potent.

In the first list, the Bloblobber is too high, considering those bubbles hit only one target. Outside of that, I think it's pretty solid and I can see the rationality behind each choice.

In your list, @Enperry , I actually disagree with a lot of it. Most of it really:
The DPS on the Grizzco Brella and the ink consumption on the Grizzco Slosher are heavy penalties, so I don't think they belong in the highest tier.
I don't think the Splatterscope is any higher than the Splat Charger really, and all else considered I think the range of visibility on the unscoped variant is more valuable than the tiny range increase of the scope.
The ability for the Ballpoint to transition between arguably the best painter in the game and absurd DPS in 0.5 second intervals, and a Hydra range with more mobility, leaves it as an amazing utility weapon in competent hands; with proper use, it'll be at least an S+ weapon in my eyes.
The Inkbrush moves fast, sure, but its range and DPS are utterly abysmal and with DPS being one of the most important considerations for Salmon Run, this weapon can't be considered more than a C.
The Tri Slosher should be at least in B, if not better given my explanation above.
Why... is the Flingza below the vanilla Splat Roller? It can KO Steelheads like a Dynamo but doesn't have the bad mobility and ink consumption, and it can KO Chum and lower like the vanilla can.
The Luna, Mini, and Nautilus all have amazing DPS and painting capabilities. The Luna is on the lower end of the painting spectrum, but it hits everything so hard in such a massive area. It's a lightweight weapon too, so it can egg ferry like a champ. They're all at LEAST A rank.
The H3, Rapid Pro, and Range Blaster should all be lower because of their pathetic DPS.
The Undercover Brella does let you keep up the damage output in hairy situations, it's a light weapon, and it paints decently. It's much better than you give it credit for, but it's not amazing.
Both E-litres can OHKO a line of Cohoks if you aim properly, and can OHKO Steelheads, Scrappers, and Steel Eels. Why is it in the Trash Tier?
And lastly, the Sploosh. Why? It's a lightweight weapon, has pretty damn good DPS, paints like a champ, and has decent efficiency. It's outclassed by the Dapples, absolutely, but it's basically those without the damage boosting roll.

Conclusion: Tier lists are stupid. In almost every setting they're subjective, and weapons have situational advantages. -ESPECIALLY in a game like Splatoon, where a weapon's viability is contingent on the map, game mode, perk choice, weapon comps of both teams, and no doubt a variety of other aspects including but not limited to phases of the moon.


Inkling Fleet Admiral
Mar 8, 2018
Switch Friend Code
I genuinely believe the Tri Slosher is poorly represented in both of those lists; slosher bullets will continue to travel through enemies if they're OHKO'd, meaning they shred the Glowfly waves - the exceptions are the Sloshing Machine and Bloblobber. The Tri may not have a lot of range, but the extra two sloshes make it incredibly potent.

In the first list, the Bloblobber is too high, considering those bubbles hit only one target. Outside of that, I think it's pretty solid and I can see the rationality behind each choice.

In your list, @Enperry , I actually disagree with a lot of it. Most of it really:
The DPS on the Grizzco Brella and the ink consumption on the Grizzco Slosher are heavy penalties, so I don't think they belong in the highest tier.
I don't think the Splatterscope is any higher than the Splat Charger really, and all else considered I think the range of visibility on the unscoped variant is more valuable than the tiny range increase of the scope.
The ability for the Ballpoint to transition between arguably the best painter in the game and absurd DPS in 0.5 second intervals, and a Hydra range with more mobility, leaves it as an amazing utility weapon in competent hands; with proper use, it'll be at least an S+ weapon in my eyes.
The Inkbrush moves fast, sure, but its range and DPS are utterly abysmal and with DPS being one of the most important considerations for Salmon Run, this weapon can't be considered more than a C.
The Tri Slosher should be at least in B, if not better given my explanation above.
Why... is the Flingza below the vanilla Splat Roller? It can KO Steelheads like a Dynamo but doesn't have the bad mobility and ink consumption, and it can KO Chum and lower like the vanilla can.
The Luna, Mini, and Nautilus all have amazing DPS and painting capabilities. The Luna is on the lower end of the painting spectrum, but it hits everything so hard in such a massive area. It's a lightweight weapon too, so it can egg ferry like a champ. They're all at LEAST A rank.
The H3, Rapid Pro, and Range Blaster should all be lower because of their pathetic DPS.
The Undercover Brella does let you keep up the damage output in hairy situations, it's a light weapon, and it paints decently. It's much better than you give it credit for, but it's not amazing.
Both E-litres can OHKO a line of Cohoks if you aim properly, and can OHKO Steelheads, Scrappers, and Steel Eels. Why is it in the Trash Tier?
And lastly, the Sploosh. Why? It's a lightweight weapon, has pretty damn good DPS, paints like a champ, and has decent efficiency. It's outclassed by the Dapples, absolutely, but it's basically those without the damage boosting roll.

Conclusion: Tier lists are stupid. In almost every setting they're subjective, and weapons have situational advantages. -ESPECIALLY in a game like Splatoon, where a weapon's viability is contingent on the map, game mode, perk choice, weapon comps of both teams, and no doubt a variety of other aspects including but not limited to phases of the moon.
Hehe yeah looking back this tier list was totally biased lol. There's now changing my mind about the Grizzco weapons though. Any chance you'd like to share your SR tier list?


Inkling Commander
Sep 5, 2015
Hehe yeah looking back this tier list was totally biased lol. There's now changing my mind about the Grizzco weapons though. Any chance you'd like to share your SR tier list?
Well at the bottom of that post I said that I find tier lists incredibly subjective in general, but especially for Splatoon. That being said, I made this Salmon Run exclusive list as some kind of thought exercise and my own subjective input. I also made it in like 5 minutes, so take it for what it's worth:

As far as Salmon Run goes, anything that can output a lot of sustained, high DPS is a useful weapon, because being able to efficiently clear out hordes of enemies aids in crowd control. Ink efficiency is another important attribute, because it contributes to continuous fire and painting ability.

Given what I said, all Dualies and Splatlings are inherently very powerful in SR. I've praised the Dapples for their light weight and high mobility, coupled with their highest DPS in the game albeit at a low range. Having additional range is more of a quality-of-life thing in SR, and it doesn't necessarily determine how the weapon plays like it would in PVP; in other words, you can totally use an E-litre like a heavy hitting squiffer if you want, and you won't suffer like you would in PVP. That being said, the ability for the Ballpoint to be a ~100% accurate and hydra-range rapidfire weapon is incredibly useful in taking out Stingrays and for saving teammates. Outside of that, you should stay in low range mode for its insane DPS and incredible painting. I'd rank the Dapples and Ballpoint at the top.

At the bottom, I'd put the H3 and Octobrush for their piss-poor DPS and no particular advantage over any other weapon. The Goo Tuber gets a longer tap-fire range, but in SR all this means is that it can paint a larger rectangle by strafing than other chargers can; the slower charge is still a huge penalty and it can’t OHKO Scrappers and Steel Eels like it should, given that its full charge damage is equal to an ELitre in PVP.
Last edited:


Senior Squid
Feb 18, 2018
A reason i see about heavy weapons (like dynamo and hydra) are understimated it's because they can shine only under some circumstances. While ballpoint and dapples have max potential basically in any situation and set,heavy weapons:

- must be the only one in the team: while 4 ballpoints or 4 dapples can do great, 4 hydras or eliters... would be a disaster. Even with 2 i think
- they need good team support
- those weapons need some practice. Dapples are very easy to use I.e., hydra requires a bit more practice

If these 3 points are covered, the heavies are definitely top tier


Inkling Commander
Sep 5, 2015
A reason i see about heavy weapons (like dynamo and hydra) are understimated it's because they can shine only under some circumstances. While ballpoint and dapples have max potential basically in any situation and set,heavy weapons:

- must be the only one in the team: while 4 ballpoints or 4 dapples can do great, 4 hydras or eliters... would be a disaster. Even with 2 i think
- they need good team support
- those weapons need some practice. Dapples are very easy to use I.e., hydra requires a bit more practice

If these 3 points are covered, the heavies are definitely top tier
I run under the assumption that people have a good understanding of the weapons in play before making the list. For the Ballpoint to actually work, you need to understand that it fires at 20 bullets/s in short range and 12/s in long range mode, that it can be recharged at any time, that it spends 1/4 ring in low range while unloading, etc. Clearly it’s not reasonable to assume every rando has excellent knowledge of every weapon, because I still see them using long range mode to paint and it hurts my soul.

The heavy weapons shouldn’t really be lumped together as “top tier IF you know how to use them”, because even then some of them are just better than others. The Explosher is kind of bad because of its rate of fire and damage output, and even though it can take out Flyfish you’ll want to only try this is they’re close to the basket. Wandering to the edges of the map to abuse this feature will just get you swarmed and splatted, because you don’t have the ability to deal with that.

The Hydra, by contrast, may be slow as balls and have terrible charge times like the Elitres, but unlike them it can handle Smallfry effectively, paint well, take out a Steelhead with a partial charge, and output a MASSIVE amount of damage without having to line enemies up. For reference, a fully charged Hydra can push back the Mothership by itself before it even reaches the basket.

But back to your point, the weapons that are flexible and can handle any role effectively will always see the most use. That’s one reason the Enperries and Splattershots are so popular in PVP.


Inkling Fleet Admiral
Mar 8, 2018
Switch Friend Code
Why is Luna so high? Also, where would you place the Grizzco weapons?


Inkling Fleet Admiral
Aug 4, 2016
I like most of whats on the lists.

The all random round this weekend shows that some of the 'top tier' weapons are situational. We had two hydras one round is was pretty much over before it started.

I also think the tide and day/night makes a lot of difference of how good or bad a weapon is.


Inkling Commander
Sep 5, 2015
Why is Luna so high? Also, where would you place the Grizzco weapons?
The Luna is higher up on my list because it fires quite quickly for a Blaster, it has a massive hitbox, and deals high damage per shot. This makes it amazing for crowd control and can keep large swathes of enemies at bay and make things easier for weapons that need their space, such as the Hydra and ELitres. It can also effectively take out most bosses if not all of them, and it's a lightweight weapon to boot.

I'd probably put the Grizzco charger at the Dapples/Ballpoint tier, if not slightly higher; it can clear out an astonishing path of enemies, charges instantly, and hits insanely far. It can be effectively used for any role, you just have to mind your ink tank. I'd put the Blaster at the Dapples/Ballpoint because of its rapid fire rate and painting capability, but its range and its low single-target damage are a little lacklustre. The Slosher and Brella would be in the "Pretty dern güt" category because of their ink consumption and damage output respectively. The Slosher can't paint that well and kind of resigns itself to taking out lines of enemies and the occasional flyfish, but four slow shots isn't enough to do much of anything else. The Brella paints like a beast, but its damage just isn't there and it can find itself not being able to keep up with the hordes.


Inkling Fleet Admiral
Aug 4, 2016
These weapon tiers are a lot like Smash character tier charts. Sure its a good indication on how good something is in a 'perfect world' scenario but if you cannot use`em *cough ballpoint cough splatling* the point is moot.


Octarian Storyteller
Site Moderator
May 1, 2018
Octo Valley
You know what would be great, if teammates actually targeted the most problematic Salmonids, I for one, hate any battle that eventually becomes a Tentamissile rain, which is why I make such a big deal on taking down the Flyfish as soon as possible, even going as far as reducing them to zero.


Jan 6, 2019
Switch Friend Code
I'm sure I will visit this thread frequently. b(^.^)
How do you all like the current/new system of random weapons being loaned out? I really enjoy the Grizzco Blaster! I wonder if it'll be available for purchase in the future. C:
I would buy that so fast! That's definitely my fav on Salmon Run


Inkling Commander
Sep 5, 2015
I never thought I’d say this, but I wish I’d get more blue capsule Superbonuses. Main Power Up has been a thing for some time now, and I’ve had a grand total of one drink ticket for it. -and I don’t think I’ve missed getting 1200 points on a single shift since that update.


Inkling Fleet Admiral
Aug 4, 2016
I never thought I’d say this, but I wish I’d get more blue capsule Superbonuses. Main Power Up has been a thing for some time now, and I’ve had a grand total of one drink ticket for it. -and I don’t think I’ve missed getting 1200 points on a single shift since that update.

I have gotten 3 since that ability dropped.

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