Grizzco Break Room

Absolutely Absol

Pro Squid
Oct 19, 2017
In a Switch cartridge
If there is Grizzco Splatling, it should have very short charge but its duration and range is as long as Hydra's and DPS is higher than Hydra. Oh, it's very ink consuming, maybe one charge for whole 1/4 ink tank.

Have you check your Salmon Run stats in Splatnet especially co-workers? I just noticed there is very often one co-worker who defeated few bosses (usually 1-3) in whole three waves. Though they have high golden egg count sometimes. I rather have egg collectors than useless loads. My defeated boss count in whole three waves is usually around 15, depends on my weapon loadout. My highest count is 21 and that's happened on all rare Grizzco weapon loadout. How many bosses do you usually defeat?


Inkling Commander
Sep 5, 2015
Have you check your Salmon Run stats in Splatnet especially co-workers? I just noticed there is very often one co-worker who defeated few bosses (usually 1-3) in whole three waves. Though they have high golden egg count sometimes. I rather have egg collectors than useless loads. My defeated boss count in whole three waves is usually around 15, depends on my weapon loadout. My highest count is 21 and that's happened on all rare Grizzco weapon loadout. How many bosses do you usually defeat?
My current pet peeve is teammates that shoot on sight instead of thinking. It’s incredibly easy to lure Maws or a Scrapper to the basket, and they almost never do it. I usually don’t get as many boss kills because I typically focus on bringing easy bosses like that closer to the basket so the bottom feeders that you mentioned can get their high egg counts. I also try to play the medic role because the people who shoot on sight are often the slayers in PvP, and CONSTANTLY jump into bad situations like they’re loaded up on Quick Respawn.

I have so many clips of me basically giving Maws a pat on the snoot as she pops out, because at least then she’ll chase me and not the idiot trying to chuck bombs at her along the shoreline.


Inkling Fleet Admiral
Aug 4, 2016
I average 11 a shift.

I know its a dead horse but it is so tiring when co-workers spaz out and attack any boss on sight soooooooooooooooo far away from the basket.
Been getting a lot of egg watchers lately. Trust me there are plenty of bosses each wave, those few eggs are meaningless.

Today`s load-out with the ballpoint may have been the worst its been in a while. Think I completed one shift out of 10 and I was profresh 400.


Inkling Commander
Sep 5, 2015
Today`s load-out with the ballpoint may have been the worst its been in a while. Think I completed one shift out of 10 and I was profresh 400.
It’s odd, I was having an awful time too. I lost the first round and promptly got stuck in sub-400 hell where it’s damned near impossible to complete a shift. I went seven shifts in a row without getting to use my baby Ballpoint, and when it’s left in the wrong hands you also LOSE seven in a row. As soon as I do get it, we get 30+ eggs in the wave. Weird how that works eh?

It’s a good weapon, but it actually requires more than just charge-and-shoot to be useable.


Inkling Commander
Sep 5, 2015
After vigorous research I have come to the conclusion that 84.6% of Grizzco employees cannot use any type of Splatling. Insufferable.
Yeah, it seems that way. That’s why I wanted to make an “Everything I need you to know about Splatlings” post on Reddit; it seems like most of the people scouting through the subreddit are below S and could use some weapon explanations in GREAT detail. I do like to type, clearly.

This shift was actually very good for me. Very respectable DPS and a fast bucket to clear out the Chum in Glowfly waves. I won all six I played.


Full Squid
Mar 15, 2019
Switch Friend Code
I'd definitely love advice on splatling,i feel so bad when its in rotation and I get it because i have no idea where to even begin with splatlings


Full Squid
Aug 6, 2018
Hi radio-fashion (and everyone!),

It makes me weep quietly every time I see someone in Salmon Run rush to the frontline with a Splatling.

I'll happily share some general Splatling tips... I'm by no means an expert, but they're my favorite weapon class!

My biggest advice: situational awareness is key to playing Splatlings well in any game mode. You have to anticipate where you're needed ahead of time to position effectively and offset the charge time of the Splatling. In Salmon Run, this is a lot easier than in regular games since the Boss Salmonid movements are very predictable.

The next thing to know is the range of each Splatling. Playing this weapon class, range is your best asset. You are not a frontline weapon and you should play at a distance from enemies that is fairly close to your maximum range. Here's my range estimates (someone can correct me if I'm off):
Mini - a little more range than Splattershot or N-ZAP, less than Splattershot Pro and .96 Gal.
Heavy - more range than Splattershot Pro and .96 Gal, not as much as Jet Squelcher or Splat Charger.
Hydra - very close to Splat Charger range.
Nautilus - slightly shorter range than Heavy Splatling.
Ballpoint - in short-range mode, the range is about that of the Splattershot Jr.; in long range mode, it's basically Hydra range.
For Salmon Run, experience will tell you where you can stand with each Splatling to reach targets. Outside of Salmon Run, you can get a feel for the range in the test arena or playing regular games.

Next, know how long it takes to fully charge each Splatling (again, correct me if I'm off):
Mini - half a second
Heavy - a little more than a second
Hydra - two and a half seconds
Nautilus - a little more than a second (note that it can briefly store a charge while swimming like some unscoped Chargers)
Ballpoint - about a second and a half
There is also a mechanic in the double charge rings that Splatlings have. The first ring charges up to maximum range, and the second charges up to maximum firing time. It may not always be necessary to fully charge to be effective. Note that the Hydra gets a damage boost if it is fully charged.

Finally, it's helpful to know how many full charges a full ink tank will give you for ink management, so you can anticipate when you need to pause in firing to refill. This is especially true if you are briefly advancing to collect an egg. As far as I know, these are the same in Salmon Run as they are in regular games... but correct me if I'm wrong:
Mini - six full charges, with a little left over
Heavy - four full charges, with a little left over
Hydra - about three full charges
Nautilus - six full charges (if you don't recharge midstream)
Ballpoint - four full charges (if you don't recharge in midstream)
Note that you can still charge up a Splatling with empty ink, it just takes forever to do so.
If you throw a Bomb, it uses three-quarters of the ink tank in Salmon Run, so you'll get about one charge out of most Splatlings afterwards.

Lastly, damage was increased slightly on many Splatlings in Salmon Run, meaning they can single-handedly tear through Boss Salmonids in no time flat.

Hope this helps... happy Splatling! May you be blessed with them in this weekend's all-random rotation. (Hydra is very good on Marooner's Bay!)



Inkling Commander
Sep 5, 2015
So what’s the verdict on June’s Salmon Run reward? Are we finally getting the next piece of Octoleet gear or will we be surprised with yet another piece of butt-ugly headgear like a scuba helmet?

No joke I want them to make a massive tower of pots and pans for a Stinger hat. Really just like six feet tall, like a Marge Simpson thing going on.


Octarian Storyteller
Site Moderator
May 1, 2018
Octo Valley
If they seriously needed another Salmon Run exclusive shoe slot, the Octoleet Boots would've been better and I'm just saying this because I don't want my octo kid being barefoot. Imagine how uncomfortable it is for him to step on rough parts of the ground and sunbaked concrete, not a pleasant experience at a game in which it's summer.
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Inkling Commander
Sep 5, 2015
the Octoleet Boots would've been better
And I’m just saying this because I’m dying for a pair of shoes that’ll look good with all my Rockenberg Splatling gear that I can also put double Run Speed on. Can’t exactly do that with the Punks or Motos.


Full Squid
May 5, 2016
United States
Switch Friend Code
Did they ever say when they're going to stop releasing SR exclusives? I don't recall them ever saying when they'll stop releasing new SR stuff aside from stages.
I don't get why they don't just release a set (hat, shirt, shoes) every month instead. Having a whole month with just one exclusive item seems a bit much, especially since rotations last much longer + are more frequent nowadays.


Full Squid
Aug 2, 2015
New Jersey, United States
Switch Friend Code
EDIT: Hahaha, completely lost track of what rotation is currently on and fell behind on my own list a bit, didn't realize this was the current one!

Trying to update the Wildcard rotations list... what was the Grizzco weapon for this rotation?

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