Meanwhile in Slimeskin Garrison.... The tentacle colors change again, allowing Wish to gain control. He fires more Shadow Balls and Dark Pulses at the Octocommanders, splatting a few of them, but not all of them. The remaining Octocommanders open fire on Wish, and he gets hit by all of the shots. Extremely weak, he barely manages to find cover. The tentacle colors change back again, letting Hope regain control. She's weak enough where the Octoling soldiers leave her there for a bit and Super Jump to Cephalon HQ to get the Hypnoshades. After a few long, long hours, they eventually find them, then Super Jump back to Slimeskin Garrison and enter the same kettle, finding their way towards Hope and forcing the Hypnoshades on her. She soon falls under DJ Octavio's control after having the Hypnoshades on for a few seconds, not hesitating to fight Coral, Kelp and the others when they arrive. The tentacle colors change again, indicating that Wish in in control. He walks out of the kettle, riding some Ride Rails to the Boss Kettle for the Octo Shower. Wish tells the Octo Shower that two defected Octolings are coming to 'save him'. The Octo Shower hisses from its vents, ready to attack. Three Octocopters fly in with a shower head, sealing up the Octo Shower's tentacle.
Back with Coral and Kelp... the Octo Samurai shrugs as best he can. He doesn't know where their friend is, but he can point them towards where to go. He points up to the ceiling, telling them to leave the kettle, then he points to the right, trying to let them know of the launchpad that will take them to the next area, Beaker's Depot.