Infestation in Inkopolis! IC


Inkling Cadet
Jan 2, 2022
Eagle City, Komerika, Ninjala
Switch Friend Code
Evelynn bites her lip, tracing a shape on the ground with a webbed finger. This “whole new world” is so big and scary and chaotic, and she knows nobody here… she might as well be completely, utterly lost. At least, that’s how she feels inside. Not to mention so very alone, despite being surrounded by bustling city life. She kind of feels for the lone insect that had been slowly, casually crawling over the toes of her Chocolate Dakroniks for the last several minutes. She shivers- there is ominous music playing from inside the building she is sitting next to. “Grizzco,” it reads in scrawling, messy letters. Suspicious… but perhaps worth checking out.
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Inkling Cadet
Jan 2, 2022
Eagle City, Komerika, Ninjala
Switch Friend Code
Evelynn slowly stands up and peers in through the doorway of the Grizzco place from around the corner. The amber lights within are dim and are barely enough to illuminate the room. She yelps as a group of maybe four people suddenly rush out, chattering excitedly and nearly trampling over Evelynn. One of them walks over to a service spot that Evelynn hadn’t noticed before. It looks like a food service spot on a food truck. “Bonus?” he says, in a bored tone. But judging from the look in his eyes, he seemed as excited as the rest of the crew. He glanced over at Evelynn while he waited. “Yo, you a newbie? Ha, good luck surviving Salmon Run.”
“S-Salmon Run..?” Evelynn echoes, staring at the boy blankly.
“It’s like fishing, on steroids. Totally whack,” adds a girl standing next to the boy who had spoken first. “Bonus!” she suddenly cheers as the service window briefly opens and Evelynn catches a split-second glimpse of tv screens and fishing gear before the window slams shut again. “Aw cool, this gear is so fresh!” says another girl in the group, and the fourth person, another boy, leans over to look at her bonus ball.
“Smell ya later, noob,” the first boy says, and all four of them take off snickering.
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Octarian Storyteller
Site Moderator
May 1, 2018
Octo Valley
Coral notices the number of Salmonids growing by the second as he also takes note of a fishing bobber heading toward Kelp.

Coral: Kelp, watch out for a Maws trying to swallow you whole!

Kelp starts to panic a little.

Kelp: Where? Where?!

Coral: Behind you! Quick, be ready to escape the ring and throw a Splat Bomb inside for the Maws to swallow it!

Kelp: Is there any other way to take it out without using that risky strategy?

Coral: Yes, but it often takes forever, and I assume you want the Maws to be splatted as quick as possible.

Kelp: Okay, I'll try it!

Coral: Just make sure you have enough ink for the Splat Bomb.

Coral goes over to Kelp and inks an escape path for her so she would be able to escape in time, then he returns to looking for boss Salmonids until he spotted a Steel Eel.


Aug 20, 2021
Hope fires at the Steel Eel to try and help Coral, and Mirage attempts to snipe the Maws in an effort to help Kelp. The canopy of the Splat Brella reappears on the handle, and Hope holds it open like a small shield until the canopy goes flying off the handle again.


Octarian Storyteller
Site Moderator
May 1, 2018
Octo Valley
Kelp waits for the fishing bobber to get underneath her then notices a flashing circle around her, she drops a Splat Bomb inside then escapes. Causing the Maws to swallow the Splat Bomb, dropping three Golden Eggs.


Inkling Cadet
Jan 2, 2022
Eagle City, Komerika, Ninjala
Switch Friend Code
Evelynn hesitantly steps up to the threshold of the building. Fishing…? she thinks. Well that’s something I’ve always been good at, but… what if they don’t like me here? What if I mess something up and they hate me? She takes a deep breath. I’m sure it’ll be fine… just play to your skills and don’t worry about what others think. You got this.
Evelynn exhales nervously, gathers up her courage, and walks into the building.


Aug 20, 2021
Hope picks up a Golden Egg, then shifts to her octopus forme and swims to the egg basket, placing the Golden Egg in the basket. Mirage is still trying to snipe the Steel Eel, unaware that it might already be taken care of.


Octarian Storyteller
Site Moderator
May 1, 2018
Octo Valley
Kelp picks up a Golden Egg, becoming an octopus to swim back to the basket. Meanwhile, Coral comes face to face with a Steelhead.

Coral: Shoot, I need to be on a higher ledge to reach its bomb!

Coral promptly inks the wall and becomes an octopus to swim up and get the Steelhead, only to realize that the Steelhead launched its saliva bomb. Kelp sees it and immediately warns Coral.

Kelp: Watch out for that bomb!


Inkling Cadet
Jan 2, 2022
Eagle City, Komerika, Ninjala
Switch Friend Code
Evelynn hears a gravelly voice growl behind her a moment later and whirls around to look for the source of the voice. She immediately spots a small, intricately-carved, wooden statue of a grizzly-bear with a fish clamped in its jaws. The statue is sitting on top of what appears to be a cooler. As she takes a closer peek at the statue, she notices it suddenly move- as if all on its own- and stumbles back in shock. The voice speaks again, and that’s when Evelynn realizes that the voice had come from the bear statue.
“Hey, kid. How'd ya like to shape the future of Inkopolis? Welcome to Grizzco Industries. I'm Mr. Grizz. Here at Grizzco, we're tryin' to make the world a better place, see? And we need fresh young talent to do it. Yeah, it's just your run-of-the-mill, manual-labor type of work, but's for a good cause, and we pay well. So whaddaya say, kid? The next training boat is headin' out now. You ready to be part of somethin' bigger than yourself?" it said. Evelynn stares and listens. Finally she replies, “You sure talk a lot.”
The bear statue, she notes, does not take this response very well. It frowns and grunts, “It’s part of my job, kid. Now do you wanna catch some fish or not??”
Evelynn grins at it. “Now you’re talkin’ my language.”
The bear- Mr. Grizz- stares her right in the eye and she holds his gaze steadily for a moment. The bear tilts his head and studies her, looking her all over scrutinizingly. “You seem like you aren’t new to this sort of thing, yet I swear I’ve never seen you before in my life.”
Evelynn shrugs. “I’m new to the city, but catching fish and splatting enemies? That I can do.”
Mr. Grizz stares at her for a moment, admiring her humble confidence. “You’ve got moxie, kid. Spunk. Mojo. I like that. I’m not gonna bore you with the whole shabang. You look like you know what you’re doing enough to hold your own. Next boat’s leavin’ soon… go grab a spot and jump on in,” he says.
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Octarian Storyteller
Site Moderator
May 1, 2018
Octo Valley
Coral takes heavy damage from the bomb's explosion but barely managed to not get splatted. However, this doesn't stop a few other Salmonids from going after him. He attempts to do dodge rolls to get away from the Chum crowd, but the ink required to do so is too low since it was used up to splat smaller Salmonids to be able to get away from the explosion. Not knowing that Hope is nearby, he calls for help.

Coral: Guys, I need a little help here!


Inkling Cadet
Jan 2, 2022
Eagle City, Komerika, Ninjala
Switch Friend Code
Evelynn hops off of the boat on an island near where Mr. Grizz’s map said Marooner’s Bay was located along with the rest of the crew, and soon finds herself equipped with a weapon called the “Inkbrush.” She has observed the octopus- and squid-people use a wide variety of weapons but did not get to experience many of them for herself since the webbing between her fingers make operating weapons involving a trigger quite awkward. She wears tough leather gloves when she absolutely had to operate such weapons, but she hated the gloves and avoided those weapons at all costs. She generally wears fingerless gloves to hide the webbing, since she wants to fit in here as much as possible.
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Aug 20, 2021
Hope swims back to where Coral is in an attempt to help him, firing at the Steelhead. Mirage inks a path to Coral, then refills his ink and swims to where he is in an attempt to help, then he manages to steady his aim as best he can and snipe some Chums.

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