moray towers is high up on the list of "dont like that stage. no sir" for me - in splat1 it was worse, though, i admit. it's not that i dont like the stage itself really, i don't mind it, it's the players that are on the stage. everyone wants to practice their charger game on moray, leaving the other map in rotation to sort of flounder. (excuse the pun.)
there were a few moray rotations i had in splat1 that saw lobbies half-full or more of nothing but chargers - on moray, the chargers would play, sometimes do well, sometimes not. but if it were the other stage in rotation? sometimes the chargers would sit at base and do nothing, or squid party instead of playing the match. the attitude around moray is one i grew to loathe over time, and it unfortunately carried into spla2n, leaving moray to be a map that will keep me out of the rotation completely.
camp triggerfish and humpback pump track are also contenders for my least favorite map. it's too bad about humpback, actually - when the game first came out, i really liked that stage. i don't know what changed, to tell you the truth.