NA splatfest! Snowman vs Sandcastle

The ΩS

Apr 16, 2007
@Award The best idea of playing Splatfests is do it when it starts till King/Queen. Otherwise, it's just disconnect central/fresh weapon flavor fest for sure when its down the wire. I do feel you though. This game feels like work than an actual game and can really turn off people even if they do win. Hopefully, Nintendo takes notice for any future IP dealing with shooters (and online in general) next time.


Inkling Cadet
Dec 30, 2015
The Changeling Hive, Equestria
Well, that was unexpected. The new system really masked the outcome, I think. I like the changes they made, but obviously they're going to have to tweak/rework some things. It seems like if you didn't get above 1500 points or so in the beginning, then you were sucked into an endless hole of lag, disconnection, and terrible teammates.

I was earning 7 points per win, not sure if that's the max, though I got to 1500 something so maybe higher powers get more points
After a while, I started to get 8 points for winning, and I got above 1600, so maybe.
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Joseph Staleknight

Inkling Fleet Admiral
Jun 9, 2015
East Coast USA
Switch Friend Code
Changed nothing for the unpopular. Sandcastle wins.
Well, that's 20 extra snails I'm not getting. I should be glad to even get four once my GamePad comes back out of service.

Anyway, anyone got the popularity and wins breakdowns for my scorecard?

E:NVM, found it on Twitter.

The ΩS

Apr 16, 2007
Well, that's 20 extra snails I'm not getting. I should be glad to even get four once my GamePad comes back out of service.

Anyway, anyone got the popularity and wins breakdowns for my scorecard?


It's a lot less lopsided than the previous Splatfests, but the fundamental problem is still there.


Inkling Cadet
Jul 26, 2015
The sudden change where I see more people use :wst_charge_longscp00: and :wst_roller_heavy00:at around the 1500-1600 Splatfest Power Level really just hampered my excitement for splatfests. I really want to have fun and just have a good time but now I'm being stressed to play my best or else lose. I understand people want to win but my god it feels like I'm playing ranked Turf Wars. That's not what I want to constantly see when I play Splatfests. I mean who knows the system is still new so I'm not going to just blame the system and say it sucks period but they really need to figure out the difference between S and S+ players.


Squid Savior From the Future
Dec 18, 2015
You just described my Splatfest experience to the last letter. I found it was nothing but Dynamos and E-Litres (the two weapons that splat me the most), I alternated between so many weapons and ultimately lost with all of them, I settled on the Octoshot at the very end for my last match and won it, I won less than 15-20% of my matches, all opposing teams seemed to have perfect composition, and it was generally a miserable time. The only difference is that I finished with a few hours to spare.

At least my side won, so I have a few extra gear slots to my name.

The other thing weird other than the weapon selection was the style of play. It was pure Team Deathmatch. Both sides raced to do nothing but splat each other. We gripe about that a lot in Ranked on this forum as it's a pattern.....But it was even worse and more apparent here. To the point that playing eliter (as an eliter main in the upper ranks!) seemed non-viable. Eliters work sniping oponents fixed on an objective. In here the eliter WAS the objective. Like the "only the last 30 seconds count" rule in Splatfest meant they just screwed around in deathmatch for 2:00 before actually considering turfing. As a result sniping was unsafe, or at least needed to be played differently as any sniping would result in 3 squid ambushes from flanks.

I also don't understand the fes power. It started me at 1400 (Currently A+) but started blu above was 1200 and seemingly upper B+, but was paired with C+s. I was given 1400, I'm currently in A+50 on that account (max S - maybe that factors in, maybe not), was paired mostly with A/A+/S in the fest, but losing almost every game only brought me down to 1320. Huh? Yet by the last few rounds it finally did match me with C's & B's the only reason I was able to win that last round for King. Yet I play against A/A+/S AND S+ in TW all the time.....and none of them play the weird Deathmatch style that was seen today. Maybe it's what happens without more strategic Japanese players? But TW didnt feel like a quest for map control at all today....not like it normally feels, even when played with S+ players. It was very weird.

None of my opponents seemed to be "that one super player" except for some isolated cases. I wasn't excessively splatted at least not more (and certainly less) than your average TC/RM round. I didn't have huge double digit kills, but I was generally between 5 and 12 kills and between 4-7 deaths. Not great but not awful. My teams never SEEMED overtly awful. Some of them even included S's. Yet those S's didnt seem to do well. But they seemed disorganized.

It felt weird and broken. It didn't feel like TW. I found myself trying to paint the Zone because if anything it felt most like SZ. Which I love...except there was no Zone.

The sudden change where I see more people use :wst_charge_longscp00: and :wst_roller_heavy00:at around the 1500-1600 Splatfest Power Level really just hampered my excitement for splatfests. I really want to have fun and just have a good time but now I'm being stressed to play my best or else lose. I understand people want to win but my god it feels like I'm playing ranked Turf Wars. That's not what I want to constantly see when I play Splatfests. I mean who knows the system is still new so I'm not going to just blame the system and say it sucks period but they really need to figure out the difference between S and S+ players.
The diference is below that. I'd say 1300, or maybe 1350. It started me at 1400 (A+) and dynamos and eliters and lunas were all I saw. Normal TW weapons were no longer viable. The ranked meta was in full effect (except oddly I wasn't able to use my eliter effectively against snowman....even in arrowanna. I'm not quite on the level of S+ Japanese Eliter Ace....but FWIW, my max k/d record is in Arowanna TC with C-ELiter.....I SHOULD have been certainly capable of using that weapon there today....but it wasn't working.)

I saw less of those weapons only when I dropped below 1350 or 1340. So basically Anyone in A- or above is stuck with ranked TW.

Personally I'd LOVE a ranked TW and would love this change....if it weren't even more broken than the brokenness of the ranked matchmaker. And if game currency didn't depend on it. And that's too much binge grinding on "ranked anything" to get your snails to have fun playing at that level of intensity.
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Inkling Cadet
Jul 26, 2015
The other thing weird other than the weapon selection was the style of play. It was pure Team Deathmatch. Both sides raced to do nothing but splat each other. We gripe about that a lot in Ranked on this forum as it's a pattern.....But it was even worse and more apparent here. To the point that playing eliter (as an eliter main in the upper ranks!) seemed non-viable. Eliters work sniping oponents fixed on an objective. In here the eliter WAS the objective. Like the "only the last 30 seconds count" rule in Splatfest meant they just screwed around in deathmatch for 2:00 before actually considering turfing. As a result sniping was unsafe, or at least needed to be played differently as any sniping would result in 3 squid ambushes from flanks.

I also don't understand the fes power. It started me at 1400 (Currently A+) but started blu above was 1200 and seemingly upper B+, but was paired with C+s. I was given 1400, I'm currently in A+50 on that account (max S - maybe that factors in, maybe not), was paired mostly with A/A+/S in the fest, but losing almost every game only brought me down to 1320. Huh? Yet by the last few rounds it finally did match me with C's & B's the only reason I was able to win that last round for King. Yet I play against A/A+/S AND S+ in TW all the time.....and none of them play the weird Deathmatch style that was seen today. Maybe it's what happens without more strategic Japanese players? But TW didnt feel like a quest for map control at all today....not like it normally feels, even when played with S+ players. It was very weird.

None of my opponents seemed to be "that one super player" except for some isolated cases. I wasn't excessively splatted at least not more (and certainly less) than your average TC/RM round. I didn't have huge double digit kills, but I was generally between 5 and 12 kills and between 4-7 deaths. Not great but not awful. My teams never SEEMED overtly awful. Some of them even included S's. Yet those S's didnt seem to do well. But they seemed disorganized.

It felt weird and broken. It didn't feel like TW. I found myself trying to paint the Zone because if anything it felt most like SZ. Which I love...except there was no Zone.

The diference is below that. I'd say 1300, or maybe 1350. It started me at 1400 (A+) and dynamos and eliters and lunas were all I saw. Normal TW weapons were no longer viable. The ranked meta was in full effect (except oddly I wasn't able to use my eliter effectively against snowman....even in arrowanna. I'm not quite on the level of S+ Japanese Eliter Ace....but FWIW, my max k/d record is in Arowanna TC with C-ELiter.....I SHOULD have been certainly capable of using that weapon there today....but it wasn't working.)

I saw less of those weapons only when I dropped below 1350 or 1340. So basically Anyone in A- or above is stuck with ranked TW.

Personally I'd LOVE a ranked TW and would love this change....if it weren't even more broken than the brokenness of the ranked matchmaker. And if game currency didn't depend on it. And that's too much binge grinding on "ranked anything" to get your snails to have fun playing at that level of intensity.
Yeah same here I dropped from 1600 to 1500 then ended off with 1576. In the end I was just not prepared for the incoming S/S+ Turf Wars. Also I have a feeling some S ranked squids got carried through squad battles and didn't learn as much when they got to S compared to S ranked squids who understand what it means to be a reliable dependable teammate in Splatoon.


Inkling Cadet
Jan 23, 2016
Switch Friend Code
I've got to be honest, this Splatfest was quite possibly the single worst video game experience I have had in my life. And that encompasses a LOT of video game experience since the original SMB launched.

I was busy for much of the day so I got home with about 4 hours to spend on Splatfest. I was looking forward to it. I really live Splatfest and always look forward to spending ALL day on Splatfest. It was disapointing that didn't get to spend much time on this one, but I figured 4 hours should still be enough to max my main ,and maybe get SOMETHING going for my new alt which has only 1 slot gear.

The end result was catastrophically miserable. Long wait times (Sandcastle) to find Snowman matches. 6 or so mirror matches. One player disconnecting or idling every few games. Teleportation lag on the enemy team fairly frequently (I watch a player appear on 3 different islands of mahi without ever jumping, before appearing back on my base's ramp and splatting me.) Frequent disconnects on the stat screen, presumably rage quitters. I don't know if the new matchmaker just likes to screw me the way it does in ranked by delivering me to the underdog team again and again, or if Team Sandcastle sucked beyond suckage. I happened to WIN every mirror match and lose the majority of matches against snowman, which tells me Team Sandcastle was probably sucking overall. Overall out of all the matches i played tonight (what, 30, 40?) I won less than 20% of them.

The meta was weird for TW. Eliters, splatterscopes, dynamos, and blasters everywhere. Few inking weapons beyond some inkbrushes, splattershots etc. However even as an eliter main who also mains dyamo, I did not see much succes with these weapons - anytime I tried eliter I'd get a second charger on my team, no turfing, and we'd just get flanked all match. Snowman made it work, but I could not.

I changed between about 9 weapons during the course, failing in general with MOST of my ranked mains and my normal TW mains. I did the best with sploosh, and finally settled on a weapon I never play and utterly deplore: Tentatek/octoshot to play the majority of rounds. TTK in TW? WTF? Let alone ME playing TTK who never plays it and generally dislikes it. My usual Aero MG was as worthless in this TW splatfest as it is in TC. This made no sense. I've never played TTK in ranked....heck, I play INKBRUSH, in A+ & S matches often these days.

The sense of always being on an underdog team, and losing almost every match as the timer runs out, and the worst, securing a lead, holding the leat, only to get splatted with 10 seconds on the clock and then LOSING because the team could not hold it alone, across dozens of matches renders a game quite opposite of fun.

Of note, I was playing in the FINAL 4 hours...maybe the problem was that all the alts were leveling up and the matchmaker was confused. But from a sheer gameplay perspective, the entire experience was the OPPOSITE of fun. Nintendo usually asks "is it fun" as its criteria for making a game. The answer to that question today was :No, it's not.

If it was just that Team Sandcastle sucked, then the problem is that the new system didn't actually SOLVE anything. The experience is still awful for the bad team. If the problem is that the new system broke splatfest, it's something much worse.

FWIW, I DID get my King the very last 99th winning the VERY last match before Breaking News ended Splatfest. That's not a very good way to have to end it - and a loss would have yielded missing by only a handful of points.

I was one of the biggest fans of Splatfest, but after this one I may absolutely despise it. :(

Are we twins? Because what you described is exactly what I went through for about the 8 hours I played. I used to hate when splatfest used to end, but my goodness. I am so happy that it's finally over. And I played during the morning time. Sandcastle was bad at the beginning, but we got better players as the day went on, then I guess it decreased as it was ending.


Inkling Fleet Admiral
Nov 3, 2015
In the Paradox of Spring
Damn. I seem to have lucked out something fierce, because I didn't have any of the problems y'all did (save for the occasional Dynamo Roller BS). Perhaps if I'd continued into the upper "ranks," as it were, I'd be able to see it for myself.

Like I said on Miiverse, I'm honestly surprised that Team Sandcastles won. Not just because I was doing pretty well, but because NA has historically been unkind to Marie's teams. I'd figured the Pokémon Splatfest results were just a fluke, but it seems that Marie's lucky break is still going strong over here.


Inkling Commander
May 4, 2015
Switch Friend Code
I'm still B+ rank and I had a good experience. Looks like I should not touch ranked again until I get the perfect gear I want if I want to continue to have enjoyable Splatfests. Good thing I only have a headgear set I am trying to get a triple on. I already got two shirts and two shoes with a triple on them.


Inkling Cadet
Feb 28, 2016
I am just going to say what I said on a different forum:

I like the general idea.
I like this splatfest more then a few others (my favorite was transformers) because i am not stressing as much of 1 v 4 carrying. HOWEVER I still got bad teammates that did not know what the heck was goin on, on my alt I went 1400 to 1100 (boosted back to 1400 in final ranking due to turf coverage adjustment)
Then I thought I try sandcastle side, my GOD it was like night and day, teammates using specials well, shouting booyha comeon when there was a 3 or 4 v 0 or 1 advantage, and stuff like this.

We need ranks reset
we need ranks stored on nintedo side so people can't savescum
squads need not to effect rank (just give money)

this way there is no effing carrying, this splatfest really showed me a lot of people are carried/savesum in A/S ranks. (team snowman not enjoyable, sandcastle enjoyable)

Also burst bombs need a a slight nerf (get rid of push effect on it, is the extreme push caused by lag more so then game manachic?)
Dynamo rollers in some cases do side hit 1 hit splat (depends on slight tilt ) I am fairly sure I was able pull it of in the test range where I 1 hit splat the things a bit on the side hitting it with the roller itself where the other rollers do not do this.
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Inkling Cadet
Sep 21, 2015
Well, that was unexpected. The new system really masked the outcome, I think. I like the changes they made, but obviously they're going to have to tweak/rework some things. It seems like if you didn't get above 1500 points or so in the beginning, then you were sucked into an endless hole of lag, disconnection, and terrible teammates.

After a while, I started to get 8 points for winning, and I got above 1600, so maybe.

i was above 1600 the whole time so i got 8 points per win how did the points work? 1 less per 100 power slots? down to 5 points per win?


Inkling Cadet
Sep 21, 2015
I am just going to say what I said on a different forum:

I like the general idea.
I like this splatfest more then a few others (my favorite was transformers) because i am not stressing as much of 1 v 4 carrying. HOWEVER I still got bad teammates that did not know what the heck was goin on, on my alt I went 1400 to 1100 (boosted back to 1400 in final ranking due to turf coverage adjustment)
Then I thought I try sandcastle side, my GOD it was like night and day, teammates using specials well, shouting booyha comeon when there was a 3 or 4 v 0 or 1 advantage, and stuff like this.

We need ranks reset
we need ranks stored on nintedo side so people can't savescum
squads need not to effect rank (just give money)

this way there is no effing carrying, this splatfest really showed me a lot of people are carried/savesum in A/S ranks. (team snowman not enjoyable, sandcastle enjoyable)

Also burst bombs need a a slight nerf (get rid of push effect on it, is the extreme push caused by lag more so then game manachic?)
Dynamo rollers in some cases do side hit 1 hit splat (depends on slight tilt ) I am fairly sure I was able pull it of in the test range where I 1 hit splat the things a bit on the side hitting it with the roller itself where the other rollers do not do this.
honestly a great post i had the exact same experience in splatfest today and burst bombs really needs a nerf my main is all defenced up and it don't mean anything to a burst bomb i just don't agreee with a guy that is going to die can get out of jail free with those bombs


Inkling Cadet
Sep 21, 2015
i didn't have disconnects and i didn't really think my lag was bad untill i had a teammate bubble me then 2 seconds later i died in the bubble so i guess the lag was 2 or 3 seconds for me which with short range weapons mostly lol sucks

going to hardwire my wii and get off wifi


Inkling Cadet
Apr 23, 2015
Many parts of Canada
I didn't notice much different with weapon choices this Splatfest, I saw most of what I usually see. Lots of Aerosprays, Jrs, quite a few N-ZAPs, some Chargers, the still-ubiquitous Krak-Ons.

I started at 1400 (A rank) and made it to 1507 by the end. Played it just like I do regular Turf War. Had the usual amount of disconnects.

It all seemed pretty regular to me, really. I even used a weapon I almost never use for almost the whole thing, the vanilla Splattershot.


Inkling Cadet
Feb 28, 2016
Congratulation NA! Finally another Art Vs Science result.

they played very different. in science vs art you could see a lot of well known names on both sides, with this one, all the well known names (or squads) was mostly seen on sandcastle, they might look the same but the skilled people, for the most part flocked to sandcastle. This is another reason why pop was closer, it sees more and more people are trying to guess winner on na side and pick the one more likely to win.

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