I've got to be honest, this Splatfest was quite possibly the single worst video game experience I have had in my life. And that encompasses a LOT of video game experience since the original SMB launched.
I was busy for much of the day so I got home with about 4 hours to spend on Splatfest. I was looking forward to it. I really live Splatfest and always look forward to spending ALL day on Splatfest. It was disapointing that didn't get to spend much time on this one, but I figured 4 hours should still be enough to max my main ,and maybe get SOMETHING going for my new alt which has only 1 slot gear.
The end result was catastrophically miserable. Long wait times (Sandcastle) to find Snowman matches. 6 or so mirror matches. One player disconnecting or idling every few games. Teleportation lag on the enemy team fairly frequently (I watch a player appear on 3 different islands of mahi without ever jumping, before appearing back on my base's ramp and splatting me.) Frequent disconnects on the stat screen, presumably rage quitters. I don't know if the new matchmaker just likes to screw me the way it does in ranked by delivering me to the underdog team again and again, or if Team Sandcastle sucked beyond suckage. I happened to WIN every mirror match and lose the majority of matches against snowman, which tells me Team Sandcastle was probably sucking overall. Overall out of all the matches i played tonight (what, 30, 40?) I won less than 20% of them.
The meta was weird for TW. Eliters, splatterscopes, dynamos, and blasters everywhere. Few inking weapons beyond some inkbrushes, splattershots etc. However even as an eliter main who also mains dyamo, I did not see much succes with these weapons - anytime I tried eliter I'd get a second charger on my team, no turfing, and we'd just get flanked all match. Snowman made it work, but I could not.
I changed between about 9 weapons during the course, failing in general with MOST of my ranked mains and my normal TW mains. I did the best with sploosh, and finally settled on a weapon I never play and utterly deplore: Tentatek/octoshot to play the majority of rounds. TTK in TW? WTF? Let alone ME playing TTK who never plays it and generally dislikes it. My usual Aero MG was as worthless in this TW splatfest as it is in TC. This made no sense. I've never played TTK in ranked....heck, I play INKBRUSH, in A+ & S matches often these days.
The sense of always being on an underdog team, and losing almost every match as the timer runs out, and the worst, securing a lead, holding the leat, only to get splatted with 10 seconds on the clock and then LOSING because the team could not hold it alone, across dozens of matches renders a game quite opposite of fun.
Of note, I was playing in the FINAL 4 hours...maybe the problem was that all the alts were leveling up and the matchmaker was confused. But from a sheer gameplay perspective, the entire experience was the OPPOSITE of fun. Nintendo usually asks "is it fun" as its criteria for making a game. The answer to that question today was :No, it's not.
If it was just that Team Sandcastle sucked, then the problem is that the new system didn't actually SOLVE anything. The experience is still awful for the bad team. If the problem is that the new system broke splatfest, it's something much worse.
FWIW, I DID get my King status.....to the very last 99th point.....by winning the VERY last match before Breaking News ended Splatfest. That's not a very good way to have to end it - and a loss would have yielded missing by only a handful of points.
I was one of the biggest fans of Splatfest, but after this one I may absolutely despise it. :(