Huh, that's weird, since I was playing against my own blue team twice yesterday.So many team Red vs Red's. Whenever i fight blue it's usually players far below or far higher leveled than my own team.
Generally got paired up with a lot more weaker teams this time around, both on my and the enemy teams. Was at least fun to try and take down as many enemies as possible.
I've seen about 6 people so far who have gotten 0-4. I'm about halfway through Defender, but I took a break because I got 2 disconnects in a rowThe above photo is a VERY clear example of what AMAZING 6 year olds I have to deal with. 0/8 master race amirite?
Popularity may seem pretty close, which team is more decked out isn't. Oh well, did what I could. I've lost all interest in this one. Happy with the subject of the Splatfest, disgusted with the results.
Got my Queen, woopty doo or whatever.