I forgot some players here are EU - I'm looking at screens thinking "On Fire"??? I didn't know there was anything beyond So Hawt! Then I realized they're the same thing :)
I've got a few losing streaks with bad teams, but mostly win streaks on blue.... a lot of good players....and I feel kind of ashamed at how many times we've spawncamped opponents. I don't usually participate in spawncamps, but if I didn't I wouldn't have anything to do today!
The again I heard from a fairly low skill player that the play on blue is AWFUL...saw some of those rounds myself. This is a lv40-something player that's not very good but not "put beacons on the spawn" awful. But was always, ALWAYS paired with LV1-10 players who DID put beacons on the spawn. Most rounds ended in less than 10% of the map there.
Even when my team spawncamps we leave them 15-25% :)
So it seems like it's a better experience for higher tier players than low tier players on Blue. High tear, you'll spawncamp every time. Low tier you'll GET spawncamped. Not sure what that means for the overall score. I'm guessing the really good and reallly bad players are Blue, and Red is generally average.
Fav Teammates name so far? "MyTeamSuks" - guy was good, double digit kills each time....I'm sure S+. Good teammate though.
Agreed on he lag. I've seen some BAAD lag. Multi-telepoters, getting splats many seconds later, then getting a second that I didn't even know existed, ink showing up much later behind a roller. Big pools of enemy Ink appearing suddenly under me....then vanishing. Someone that took 6 hits with an SS Pro. Makes no sense though since the game is P2P and not hosted on Nintendo servers, so I think it's just player side lag.