Octo Lab - IC Thread


Inkling Cadet
Nov 9, 2015
Hunter sighs as he checks his gear. He didn't want to just sit around as this thing was hunting people he knew the more people they had the better chance they had to excape.

action: wait


Mar 17, 2017
Raye watched the battle that unfolded in front of their eyes with a mixture of fear and disbelief. For all the creature's fearsome strength, it could be overcome. At least, when they were able to fight one alone. Raye didn't want to know if the Octarians had created more, and if they hunted in packs.

Once the battle ended, Raye followed after Laura, and decided to let her handle the talking for now.

@Rustic [Action - Follow Laura, talk if needed.]


Inkling Commander
Jul 5, 2015
Canada, ON
@Ikaheishi @Zerul @Devack @MacSmitty
"I hope those two girls can hold that creature off." He says rather distantly before something did come to his head. "Hey Selena. You mouthed the Octoling text off that wall before we entered the arena. What was that about?"

"That's something that we don't have time for." Selena replied quietly, glancing down to the bluenette down below when she started shouting.

Hey! Are all of you okay?” Laura yelled out along the way.

At Selena's response, he glanced back at the creature, which was trying to escape from all of them. She's right. We gotta finish that thing off. He thought.
Before he could say anything else to the green Inkling, he heard another female voice cry out.
Turning to the source of the voice, he saw the blue girl that had been crying in that other room earlier. Along with her was the pink girl that had been comforting the aforementioned blue girl and the Blue twins that had been staring at him before.
"Oh... so that's where you guy's were." Zale commented, eyeing the place the other group had just come from. "Well, Selena here," He said doing a presenting arm gesture to the green Inkling, "Took some damage, but she seems to be fine. And Hunter, also seems to Ok."

Selena did a small wave to the small group. She shifted her roller off of her shoulder as she glanced towards where the creature had fled, wary of its viciousness, that and she didn't feel like getting caught in its tentacles again.
As she shifted her attention back to the group, Selena had finally recognized the two and she felt a pang of pity for the bluenette down below.

"Have you guys seen the last few of our group? I lost track of them after we all landed." She asked them, brushing off her concern.

Laura's head head tilted at the pinkling's mention of the name Hunter; it sounded vaugely familiar.
She looked at the greenie, and then over her shoulder at Raye.
So, uh… I didn't catch your name.” Laura said to the pinkette.

"I'm Zale Kai." He responded, bowing. "Leave it to me to destroy any obstacle that gets in our path..." He said posing with one knee down.
"Anyway." He said. "What about you four? Wouldn't want to refer to by your color like I did with these two."

A little over the top much?” Laura muttered. She spoke up. “I'm Laura. My pinkie friend behind me is Raye.
Laura then let out a sigh. “I don't know about the boys there. We kinda just met while hiding from that… thing…

Zale stared at the brothers before stating, "You weren't originally with us. Did others come with you?"

"Y-yeah." The younger brother answered. "Uh... purple guy, I um..."

The older brother put his hand on the little one's shoulder, silencing him. "Sorry, Carl gets like this when he's, well, stressed. But he's talkin' about this guy, Razor, I think he called himself."

"Aside from that, Carl and I haven't seen anythin'." He bopped himself on the head. "Where are my manners...?" The older brother extended his hand, "I'm Thomas, Tom for short."

Zale's pink eyes lit up in surprise. There was another Inkling in the arena, which made him wonder how many of the kidnapped Inklings those scientists were expecting to finish off that creature. Due to him not paying much attention to the other Inklings besides the one that caught his eye, he had nothing to say about "Razor". Jumping down the podium with an unnecessary backflip, he landed to go shake the older brothers hand.
"You wouldn't have happened to see where Razor landed have you?" He asked glancing back at direction the thing ran off.

Tom shook his head, "no, can't say I saw the weird kid's landing."

Uh… I hate to say this,” Laura interupted, “But we should probably look for them and anyone else, with that… thing on the loose.
She shuddered in response to thinking about the creature.

"Yeah, let's find em before that thing tears em a new one," Tom nodded, spinning one of his dualies in his hands.

Carl nodded hesitantly, not happy with the thought of fighting the creature. "Yeah, let's g-go beat it!" He said encouragingly, although he was shaking in his boots.

"Alright." Zale replies squidding back up the podium. "You guy's won't have to worry about much regarding the creature. We did softened it up after all."

"Yeah," Tom mumbled, remembering the creature's unsettling appearance. "Although I wish you kept that helmet on it. That's a face only a mom could love..."

Zale had no comment what Tom felt about the creature, so he turned to the two girls. "Are you up for it?" He asks Laura and Raye.

Laura tensed up. “No… Not really…” She shivered at the thought of going directly against the creature herself. “But, there isn't really a choice… We need to.

Laura looked towards Hunter, Selena, and Zale. “Since the three of you managed to fight it off, if we all stick together, we'll have even better chances against it when we run into it again."

She moved slightly closer to Raye, probably as a slight fear response. Laura felt much more comfortable with the prospect more having allies against the creature.

Raye looked up upon noticing that the other pink inkling had asked her something. "Not particularly, but there's really no other option, is there? Who knows how many of those things are out there, and if any of the others have run into them." she said, before notcing that Laura had edged slightly closer.

"Right, we oughta find them before anything happens." Tom agreed, glancing back up to the group up top.

Selena jumped down, joining the rest of them. "If they heard the fight, they might--"

Suddenly, a similar landing to the first one had happened. However, instead of a howl, it was simply silent. In the distance, the group could hear heavy mechanical clanks, moving around the arena. In fact, if one listened closely, it was as though there were multiple footsteps, not just one.

"I don't think our luck will hold out now..." Tom mumbled as he nervously glanced around, adjusting his wide-brim hat.

In the background, they heard the creature's light footsteps near them. It seemed as though the recent distraction emboldened her aggression. However, she wasn't in sight. Wherever she was, the group didn't know.

Raye readied her Splattling in case it attacked, as Zale sighed. "Perfect." He said sarcastically while he brandished his Carbon Roller.

Up above, another set of tentacles appeared over the edge and waved at the air almost tauntingly at the group down below, before another showed up. However, it didn't join in and just joined the first creature in circling them. They didn't seem keen on attacking the group of Inklings at the bottom. Zale and Hunter, however, had clear views of the creatures around them. They seemed mostly similar, although their tentacles were differently coloured now.

One of them, the one that was waving at the group down below didn't possess the same amount of suckers on its tentacles, and they seemed to be more longer. The creature's tentacles were slightly orange and had one sucker on each in comparison to the others. The other two had a slight maroon colour to them with significantly more suction cups on their tentacles.

Now they were in the vision of them now, and elsewhere in the arena, there was gunfire and shouting. Which made the younger brother move slightly closer to his brother. The group moved backward into each other, watching each others' backs.

What next, everyone?

(( Next post in on the 29th of June. As always, request to add actions if you think up any that would be more suitable for the situation. ))
Turn-Ending actions
Talk... (Talk with the person) - Will be responded to in GM post. A talk-scene will occur on the Discord channel, so the player(s) can be a voice for themselves in their interaction to the NPCs/PCs.
Attack with... (Attack with the intention of starting a fight) - Will be responded to in GM post.
Use... (Use something, state on how you're using it. Lest it be unclear and your result won't be what you want.) - Will be responded to in GM post.
Go to/Move to... (Go somewhere, name it. Move somewhere, name it. Else I won't know where and may just arbitrarily pick your next destination.) - Will be responded to in GM post.

Insta-Response Actions (As instant as I can make it, at least)
Hide at... (Hide somewhere, use it to evade detection.) - Will be responded to instantly.
Grab... (Grab an item, compliments hiding in cover.) - Will be responded to instantly.
Fix... (Attempt to fix a computer, broken down robot, or weapon.) - Will be responded to instantly.
Examine... (Take a more in-depth look at an object or person.) - Will be responded to instantly.
Shadow... (Follow someone close behind while hiding) - Will be responded to instantly.
Approach... (Approach to interact with a CaST.) - Will be responded to instantly.
Throw... (Throw an object, it can a rock, a vial, a broken gun, etc, to grab something's attention. However it needs to be logical, as in no objects appearing out of thin air. Can start a fight.) - Will be responded to instantly.


Inkling Cadet
Nov 9, 2015
Hunter spots the group sorrounded. "That looks bad!" He gets into position and takes aim looking for the one he broke the mask off of. Once he was in sight he charges up a shot and shoots that one in the head.

action: Attempt rescue by shooting the one that was injured by Hunter and his mask broken. He is aiming for the head.


Oct 14, 2015
Laura looked rapidly around in response to the noise, and stumbled back at the sound of gunfire.

Um, she said, I think somebody else just found that thing…

@Rustic [Examine: Surroundings and the situation]


Inkling Commander
Jul 5, 2015
Canada, ON
Laura glanced around her, seeing the many tentacles drifting around above her as they moved around, signalling that one of the creatures was there, waiting and watching. In the area around, she heard a Charger periodically fire, occasionally followed by an angered roar. At least they might've been putting up a good fight.

As she looked up, she saw a line of blue Ink streak, likely Hunter's towards one of the things above her, striking home as she heard a pained shriek immediately afterward, heavy footsteps clanking as whatever was up there retaliated with its own attack. Soon after, the creature's tentacles lashed towards Hunter, as he returned one more shot, the wounded creature from before leapt over the group towards the orange-tentacles creature.

Afterwards, another creature pounced onto the structure that Hunter stood on, jumping off of it as it left to chase after him.

What will you do?

Hunter spots the group surrounded. "That looks bad!" He gets into position and takes aim looking for the one he broke the mask off of. Once he was in sight he charges up a shot and shoots that one in the head.

Chance to hit: 65%
3/5 Rolls managed to hit.
Wounded Creature's HP 35/40
70% Ink left in Hunter's OOPA.

Hunter's shot hit the armored collar of the creature, ricocheting off, hitting it. It hissed as it stood up, grasping at the injury from the shot, stumbling away towards one of the other creatures. The other creature growled, standing in front of the injured one.

Chance to Hit: 60%

3/5 Rolls managed to hit.
Hunter's HP 6/8

Suddenly, its tentacles surged forth, the stubby things slamming against Hunter as he tried to block it, sliding backward from the blow. The hit scratched his helmet's camera as he fell backward from the attack, as he stood back up.

Zerul first a shot off to the side for an excape and recharge route before atempting again to hit the injured one. once he fired the shot he would then use the ink path to excape the counter attack and to possible get there attention long enough for the trapped people to excape

His shot hit the injured creature, however, it glanced off of its armor and made it retreat towards the third creature, jumping over the group below.

The creature that had attacked him chased after him, running behind him right through his trail of Ink. The creature was seemingly and completely unaffected by the Ink, although that may have had something to do with its robotic limbs.

Chance to Run Away: 68%
4/5 rolls managed to succeed.

It followed behind him, as he heard its heavy footfalls. Turning around for a brief moment as he fled, he had only seen one, or was it two? Hunter didn't know, as he hadn't seen anything there. However, his run had succeeded in drawing away the attention of at least one.

He continued moving away from the creature, turning around to look behind him. Hunter saw that it wasn't there anymore, it seems that he had lost it, until he heard it slowly walking along, prowling towards him. Hunter looked around him, seeing that there weren't many hiding spots around him. He could dive into the ramps and bends inside the 'skatepark', or he could hide elsewhere in another spot before it arrived there.

What next?

(( Actions will be added upon request. ))
Turn-Ending actions
Talk... (Talk with the person) - Will be responded to in GM post. A talk-scene will occur on the Discord channel, so the player(s) can be a voice for themselves in their interaction to the NPCs/PCs.
Attack with... (Attack with the intention of starting a fight) - Will be responded to in GM post.
Use... (Use something, state on how you're using it. Lest it be unclear and your result won't be what you want.) - Will be responded to in GM post.
Go to/Move to... (Go somewhere, name it. Move somewhere, name it. Else I won't know where and may just arbitrarily pick your next destination.) - Will be responded to in GM post.

Insta-Response Actions (As instant as I can make it, at least)
Hide at... (Hide somewhere, use it to evade detection.) - Will be responded to instantly.
Grab... (Grab an item, compliments hiding in cover.) - Will be responded to instantly.
Fix... (Attempt to fix a computer, broken down robot, or weapon.) - Will be responded to instantly.
Examine... (Take a more in-depth look at an object or person.) - Will be responded to instantly.
Shadow... (Follow someone close behind while hiding) - Will be responded to instantly.
Approach... (Approach to interact with a CaST.) - Will be responded to instantly.
Throw... (Throw an object, it can a rock, a vial, a broken gun, etc, to grab something's attention. However it needs to be logical, as in no objects appearing out of thin air. Can start a fight.) - Will be responded to instantly.


Inkling Cadet
Nov 9, 2015
Hunter looks around thinking of his next plan. he looks around unsure where the sound was coming from. A reaction from his turfwar days he arms his weapon and inks the area in several directions to give himself a way out. he knew that the ink was ineffective at slowing these things down but they were not as fast as a squid in ink. This could like up a counter attack shot as waits for creature to pounce.

Action: Ink Area, Ready Counter attack (the new charge up mechanic that keep the gun charged)


Inkling Cadet
Aug 12, 2014
New York City
As the action unfolded between Hunter and the damaged creature, Zale turned to the new creature that entered the fray. "Alright. Time to get my hands dirty." He said while cracking his knuckles.

He attempted to jump on the creature's head, possibly to make it go wild and damage itself or as a distraction for the others to damage it.
[Action: Jump on the creature's head]


Oct 14, 2015
Laura's eyes opened wide in shock as Zale jumped at one of the creatures. Nervous, she raised her weapon and pointed it in that direction, ready to fire.

I guess this means we're fighting it right now! she shouted out to the others, her unease audible in the wobble of her voice.

@Rustic [Attack: The creature Zale is jumping onto]


Mar 17, 2017
Raye was nervous. She had seen what the creatures could do, and now, they were more or less forced to fight them. Raye spun the barrels of her Splattling as she took aim at the creature that both Zale and Laura were now attacking, and pulled the trigger.

@Rustic [Action - Attack the creature the others are attacking.]


Inkling Commander
Jul 5, 2015
Canada, ON
A reaction from his turf war days, Hunter arms his weapon and inks the area in several directions to give himself a way out. He knew that the ink was ineffective at slowing these things down but they were not as fast as a squid in ink. This could link up a counter attack shot as he waits for creature to pounce.

The creature slowly crept forth from one of the structures, it looked around, walking onto the blue Ink.

Chance to hit: 65%
3/5 Rolls managed to hit.
Father Creature's HP 45/50
70% Ink in Hunter's OOPA.

As Hunter moved out of his cover, he had to take a moment to quickly readjust his aim, since he had planned the creature to come running out in pursuit. However, he still landed the shot, piercing several of the creature's tentacles, cutting them off.

Chance to hit: 60%
2/5 Rolls managed to hit.

It angrily roared, lunging forth. The creature swiped from side to side with its metal hands, as Hunter dodged them with some difficulty. One of them had come close to his face, if it weren't for his reflexes and the helmet, he would've likely lost his nose.

The creature leapt over him, seeing that its attack hadn't succeeded, standing up straight, it faced Hunter down, tendrils flitting back and forth as it stood there.

Hunter slipped into his ink and quickly swam past the creature's feet. Once on the other side, he super jumped into the creature attempting to knocking it off balance.

Chance to hit: 65%
2/5 rolls managed to hit.
Refilled OOPA: 70% Ink left due to attack.

As Hunter swam past the creature's feet, it turned around almost instantly and saw the ripple through the Ink as he charged up his super-jump to launch into the creature. However, it dodged out of the way, moving away, it lunged out with one of its tendrils in an attempt to grab him out of the air.

Chance to hit: 60%
3/5 rolls managed to hit.
Hunter's HP 6/8

Hunter felt something wrap around one of his tentacles, before he was violently ripped out of the air and slammed back into the ground. The creature strode over to him, rolling him over with his foot, it stared at him with contemptuous curiosity, readying itself to continue its attack.

Hunter quickly shifted back and fires at the creature's head before swiftly swimming out of its sight.

Chance to hit: 65%
3/5 Rolls managed to hit.
Father Creature's HP 40/50
Refilled OOPA: 70% Ink left due to attack.

The Creature recoiled backward, stumbling as it wiped off the blue Ink. The faceplate of the helmet was chipped off now, showing one angry eye scanning the Ink around it. The Creature seemed to be be out for blood now as it looked for him.

Chance to find: 60%
2/5 Rolls managed to succeed.
Got away!
Hunter succeeds in his escape, however, he has chosen to re-engage.

Hunter is going to aim for the back of its leg and shoot it. Trying to cripple the creature.

Chance to hit: 65%
4/5 Rolls managed to hit.
Father Creature's HP: 35/50
40% Ink left in Hunter's OOPA.

Hunter charged up his rifle as he leapt out from the Ink, aiming at the creature's leg, he fired at it and landed the shot. The creature snarled, collapsing underneath its weight, the leg shuddering before it righted itself and stood back up normally again.

The creature readied itself for another attack, preparing itself to dodge whatever Hunter planned next.

Father Creature used Evasion!
Increased Defense by 10.
Defense is now 20!

Hunter smirks at the creature. "Come on with moves like that my grandmother could take you on!" He then turns and using his ink gets further from the creature stopping at the end of the ink trail and not emerging watching the creature's response.

The creature crept down on all fours, standing up for a brief moment on its legs, sniffing the air, before it swept a hand through the Ink. Closing its eyes, the creature's murmurs quieted. Soon after, it looked up and around it, scanning the Ink carefully before it saw a ripple in the Ink leading off in the direction where Hunter went.

Chance to hit: 60%
4/5 Rolls managed to hit.
Hunter's HP 4/8

It raised its clawed hand, swiping the spot where Hunter waited in the Ink, the blow sent him flying off to the side and he transformed back to his humanoid form. The creature gurgled quietly, a sound akin to a laugh.

Hunter was caught off guard by the fact the creature could see clearly where he was in the ink. He quickly bounds up. "Laugh all you want I will be getting the last laugh!" He shoots a trail towards the High ground area in the park before swiftly swimming towards it. Once up there he ink every possible direction around the tower giving him room to swim around the high point and attack the creature that he was baiting up there.

Chance to hit: 65%
3/5 Rolls managed to land.
Father Creature's HP: 30/50
Refilled OOPA: 70% Ink left due to attack.

As soon as the creature crawled up the slope, Hunter's rifle was already charged and ready, firing it straight at the creature. He missed his target, which was its head, but he was very close. Hunter's shot bounced off of its collar, breaking it off. It fell onto the ground, clattering quietly.

The creature grabbed at its throat, wiping off the Ink that had splattered onto it and flicking it onto the ground. It growled for a moment, before it stopped, its hand rising back up to it. It felt around its neck, standing up on its legs. The creature paused, standing there, before it snarled at him again.

Chance to hit: 60%
1/5 Rolls managed to land.

Suddenly, it lunged out towards Hunter, the tentacles going straight towards him. Although now, the creature struck with far less fervor and strength now, its attacks seemed to graze and just miss him.

Hunter leaps off the tall structure and dives into his ink poping out at the bottom and fires a shot at the creature before moving to another spot at random to repeat this. should the creature move from the top he would bait it back up there with another shot.

Chance to hit: 65%
3/5 Rolls managed to hit.
Father Creature's HP 25/50.
Ink has been repeatedly filled because all Hunter has been doing is running away as a squid.

As it approached, the creature was aware of Hunter's little cat-and-mouse game, so instead of going straight on, the creature came from the side. Running up the slope, Hunter quickly responded to its approach and fired a reactionary shot at the creature. The shot went into its side, piercing the armor.

The creature kept going, shrugging off the injury it had just received, using its anger to keep moving towards Hunter.

Chance to hit: 60%
3/5 Rolls managed to hit.
Hunter's HP: 2/8
Critical Health!

The creature dodged another shot from Hunter, ducking downward before it uppercutted him into the air, grabbing him by the legs, it spun around and threw him towards the location where the spawnpoint would normally be in a Turf War.

Hunter was hit quite hard. When he became aware of the situation he notices he was going to land quite a ways away from the creature. He quickly fires a shot where he was going to land and lands in the ink in squid form. "These creatures are tough... Didn't' realize they could throw someone a mile with ease." He gets out of his ink clearly wounded from the attack as ink oozed from his mouth. He quickly moves away from where he landed leaving a false trail for the creature to follow. He needed time to recover from his injuries.

Hunter looks down at his OOPA. "You there...OOPA was it. I need to get healed quickly before that thing finds me again."

"I do not possess the ability to mend your body's major problems." The OOPA began, "however, I can administer restorative agents and stimulants to heal your more minor injuries. Your vest should be automatically repairing itself now that we are not receiving damage." The small Ink-tank added, its eye looking over his torso.

Hunter nods. "OK. just keep the stimulants going. we aren't finished with this fight yet." He will keep his distance from the creture but keep an eye on it to ensure it wasn't botherign the others. If he could keep it isolated it should improve the other's odds of beating the weakened and third one.

"I cannot supply them constantly, as they will ruin your system and actually end up killing you, Hunter." The OOPA replied, stating the dangers of administering them into his body. On cue, a light blue liquid that glowed slightly mixed into the container, mixing in with the Ink. Before long, he felt a little bit better. Noticing that the smaller bruises, scrapes, and shallow cuts began to heal, forming into fresh, healthy surfaces.

In the park, he heard footsteps recede from him, and Hunter turned towards the source of the sound. The creature walked away out of the park, suddenly leaving Hunter there, bewildered. It seemingly wanted Hunter's head in between its jaws, but left as suddenly as its appearance.

Hunter wanted to follow but not engage in combat. Waiting for the medicine to do its job. And wanting to see what its up to.

Reasoning to himself that the creature could potentially be going to regroup with the rest of its kind, he followed behind it as he gave it a lot of room. As he climbed after it, leaving the futuristic 'skatepark', Hunter saw the others fighting the orange creature, although two of them were on the ground, dead or knocked out, he didn't know.

Ahead of Hunter, the creature continued moving away, and the size of it made it an effort to pursue as the creature climbed over obstacles that he had to super-jump up just to keep up with it. He went over a tall structure to see his target had stopped moving and seemed to be looking for something, below, there seemed to be a purple Inkling fighting another creature down below them in the other 'skatepark', several other Inklings were lying on the ground around him, and he appeared to be the last one standing against the large creature

There was another creature, a blue trail leading up to it as it lay there, almost completely still.

What to do now?

(( Actions will be added upon request. ))
Turn-Ending actions
Talk... (Talk with the person) - Will be responded to in GM post. A talk-scene will occur on the Discord channel, so the player(s) can be a voice for themselves in their interaction to the NPCs/PCs.
Attack with... (Attack with the intention of starting a fight) - Will be responded to in GM post.
Use... (Use something, state on how you're using it. Lest it be unclear and your result won't be what you want.) - Will be responded to in GM post.
Go to/Move to... (Go somewhere, name it. Move somewhere, name it. Else I won't know where and may just arbitrarily pick your next destination.) - Will be responded to in GM post.

Insta-Response Actions (As instant as I can make it, at least)
Hide at... (Hide somewhere, use it to evade detection.) - Will be responded to instantly.
Grab... (Grab an item, compliments hiding in cover.) - Will be responded to instantly.
Fix... (Attempt to fix a computer, broken down robot, or weapon.) - Will be responded to instantly.
Examine... (Take a more in-depth look at an object or person.) - Will be responded to instantly.
Shadow... (Follow someone close behind while hiding) - Will be responded to instantly.
Approach... (Approach to interact with a CaST.) - Will be responded to instantly.
Throw... (Throw an object, it can a rock, a vial, a broken gun, etc, to grab something's attention. However it needs to be logical, as in no objects appearing out of thin air. Can start a fight.) - Will be responded to instantly.


Inkling Cadet
Nov 9, 2015
He spots the robot was trying to regroup with the other one and charges up a shot before getting close enough to land a shot on the one he was chasing. he was aiming for its leg so it would fall down and buy him time to get some distance again.


Inkling Commander
Jul 5, 2015
Canada, ON
Hunter aimed at the creature, glad that it didn't seem to be moving much at all. Its long tentacles lay low on the ground, as it stared out, looking around for whatever it seemed to be searching for.

Chance to hit: 65%
2/5 rolls managed to hit.
Enraged F.C's HP: 20/20

As Hunter fired, his shot glanced off of the creature's small pauldron. Which caused it to growl, and stand up from its perch over the battle below. It looked straight at Hunter and charged towards him on all fours.

"Enough!" The creature struggled out, whatever remained of its throat must've made it difficult for it to speak. "This ends... now."

Chance to hit: 60%
3/5 rolls managed to hit.
Hunter's HP: 5/8

The creature's charge knocked Hunter over as it quickly seized him by the neck and dragged him roughly across the ground, throwing him near the ledge. Hunter's OOPA began to release more of the healing ooze into his Ink-Tank, attempting to revitalize him and repair any injuries he may have sustained.

Hunter coughs from the sudden choking. He quickly gets up and looks below. If he goes down there he would be in a bad situation with two of the robots if he tricks the robot to fall down there then the other person would be in a bad situation. Hunter runs along the edge and fires a shot ahead of him. He then turns into a squid and quickly swims in that direction before jumping out of the ink turning around and shooting at the creature.

Chance to hit: 65%
4/5 rolls managed to hit.
Enraged F.C's HP 15/20
100% Ink due to reloading OOPA.

His shot hit the creature in the shoulder, temporarily knocking it off balance as it was chasing after him. It leapt after him as he ran away, the broken helmet flew off of its head, its maw unveiled from the tendrils that surrounded it.

Chance to hit: 60%
3/5 rolls managed to hit.
Hunter's HP: 2/8
Critical Condition!

The creature slammed into Hunter, biting into his arm. It lifted him into the air, and with a swing of its head, threw him off of the structure sending him over the edge. It quickly followed him down, leaping into the halfpipe, blocking off one of the 'skateparks' in the arena as he would have to go past him.

It stood up, revealing its true height. Towering over Hunter, the creature's tentacles flicking back and forth behind it as it prepared to chase after him.

Hunter gets up and aims a charged shot at the head an unloads as many shots as he could into it.

Chance to hit: 65%
4/5 rolls managed to hit.
Father Creature's HP: 10/20.
70% Ink left in Hunter's OOPA.

As Hunter began to fire at the creature, shots perforating the plating encasing it. It slowly started to lumber towards him, its gait was unbalanced by the shots hitting it. Before it knelt down, staring at Hunter dead on.

Speaking with a low, guttural tone, it slowly said. "Stop."

Hunter, not wanting to give it a moment to rest, kept firing at it to make sure it was dead.

Chance to hit: 65%
3/5 rolls managed to hit.
Enraged F.C's HP: 5/20

The first of the shots Hunter fired had hit it in the side, damaging the now-exposed flesh there. Its torso recoiled backward, before it bent back into position, glaring at Hunter now.

Chance to hit: 60%
4/5 rolls managed to hit.
Hunter's HP: 0/8

The creature quickly grabbed Hunter's arm, the one that held the Charger, bending it painfully as it lifted him up with its other arm, roughly carrying him by the shoulder. Its bright green eyes stared at him, and he felt unnerved by the creature's stare.

It quickly cast a look towards something, before everything went black for Hunter, the injuries and exhaustion overcoming him as he remained up there by the creature.

Before long, Hunter awoke in a dark place, it wasn't warm, so he definitely wasn't eaten whole. His Charger wasn't in his hands. Maybe he was back at the little dorm?

"Such hostility..." A deep voice rumbled out, and Hunter immediately became alert and pushed the thoughts that this was his room in this sterile place. "...from... someone who doesn't even know." It continued, gurgling out the words.

The OOPA frantically looked around for the source, turning on a flashlight. The creature stood in front of Hunter now. "You're ignorant and..." It gurgled, the tendrils over its mouth jiggling slightly. "...unable to see things for how they really are."

Hunter backs away from the creature. "Your one to talk from where im standing your just a pile of flesh that melted onto a metal frame of some kind."

The creature laughed, a loud gurgling sound that seemed to engulf the entire space. "I am... flattered you think that way."

"From what Delta... told us, the Inkling education taught... peace. But you opened fire on my... daughter." It stated, the humor from before fading away. "While those... monsters up above watch us fight for amusement."

Hunter was confused. "what are you talking about i attacked because i was attacked first. and sister? kinda hard to tell gender. and who are these monsters you talking about?"

"The Octolings, sheep." It snarled, glancing up above. The very thought of the scientists seemed to enrage it. "Fiends and... barbarians. They did this to me. To us. And they... will do the same to you, sheep."

Hunter looks up at the direction it was looking. "If you want to make them pay then why attack us? wouldn't it be better to take advantage of the chaos of having inkling in this octaraian research lab to attack them?"

"Oho..." The creature laughed, the sound reverberating off of the metal walls. "Such an amazing eye on this one... If we had the option of attacking them, do you think we would've... done it already?"

Hunter growled. "then why attack us if were not your enemy!"

The creature simply gurgled out a response, "those collars. They shock us... burn us into submission to them. The only reason why you're alive now is because of you breaking it off... otherwise, I'm sure you know what'd happen."

Hunter just stays silent unsure to be thankful or fearful of the creature.

"Now that you're paying attention... perhaps... we may create a bargain?" The creature questioned, growling slightly. It knelt down, coming close to his face.

"In exchange for your survival... you will request your companions to stop attacking us... in return, we will help you break out, possibly leading to your escape..." It said, continuing on. "A satisfactory deal... yes?" The creature hissed.

Hunter felt a little uncomfortable. it was a harsh deal help them or face death. "S...Sure. I will have a talk with the others to see if they will stop attacking you and the others."

His OOPA spoke to him through his helmet, the relief in its voice was palpable. "A... wise choice, Hunter."

The creature hissed, sounding both glad and happy. "Finally... a chance for vengeance. They will pay..."

"Get comfortable... this may take a while..." It murmured, picking him up with its tentacles, wrapping them around him. "I will hand you your Charger... after they are certain with helping us."

Hunter will not but was unsure how the others would react to this information.

After several uncomfortable minutes wrapped inside of its tentacles, he saw the outside of it become lit up, signalling that they had reached wherever it wanted to go. Which Hunter had assumed to be the laboratory's arena. It unwrapped him and set him on the ground, unarmed.

It insistently pushed him forward, "go, lead the way, sick one." The creature said, waiting for him to go. They appeared to have come from a dark trench behind them, and he could hear the sounds of battle somewhere in the arena. The area looked familiar, it was definitely near where he had started off.

Turn-Ending actions
Talk... (Talk with the person) - Will be responded to in GM post. A talk-scene will occur on the Discord channel, so the player(s) can be a voice for themselves in their interaction to the NPCs/PCs.
Attack with... (Attack with the intention of starting a fight) - Will be responded to in GM post.
Use... (Use something, state on how you're using it. Lest it be unclear and your result won't be what you want.) - Will be responded to in GM post.
Go to/Move to... (Go somewhere, name it. Move somewhere, name it. Else I won't know where and may just arbitrarily pick your next destination.) - Will be responded to in GM post.

Insta-Response Actions (As instant as I can make it, at least)
Hide at... (Hide somewhere, use it to evade detection.) - Will be responded to instantly.
Grab... (Grab an item, compliments hiding in cover.) - Will be responded to instantly.
Fix... (Attempt to fix a computer, broken down robot, or weapon.) - Will be responded to instantly.
Examine... (Take a more in-depth look at an object or person.) - Will be responded to instantly.
Shadow... (Follow someone close behind while hiding) - Will be responded to instantly.
Approach... (Approach to interact with a CaST.) - Will be responded to instantly.
Throw... (Throw an object, it can a rock, a vial, a broken gun, etc, to grab something's attention. However it needs to be logical, as in no objects appearing out of thin air. Can start a fight.) - Will be responded to instantly.
Last edited:


Inkling Commander
Jul 5, 2015
Canada, ON
Zale attempted to jump on the creature's head, possibly to make it go wild and damage itself or as a distraction for the others to damage it.

Chance to land: 60%
3/5 Rolls managed to hit.
Zale is now on top of Orange-Tentacle Creature.

Zale flew in from above the orange-tentacle creature, he landed on top of its back, grabbing onto a bundle of the thin, wispy tentacles to stay on top of it.

The new creature, surprised by Zale's sudden drop from above, reared up onto its true legs. Attempting to get the pink Inkling off of itself, the creature shook its upper body ferociously but to no avail, as Zale kept his grip on the creature's tentacles.

The injured creature expressed its surprised through a gurgle, standing up as it went back a few steps.

As Zale was being shaken, he briefly considered somehow making the creature slam into the other one, but the shaking caused him to panic, and he attacked the creature's back in a knee-jerk reaction.

Laura did her best to steady her aim, focusing on the creature as it tried to shake Zale off. She squeezed the trigger tensely and with little thought when she saw Zale jerk.

Zale, after a brief struggle to keep his balance on the creature's back, managed to slam his Roller onto it.

Chance to hit: 60%
3/5 Rolls managed to hit.
75% Ink left in Zale's OOPA

He smashed the Roller into the creature's back, knocking it down as he heard Laura, he thought, call out to the group. It growled, struggling to get back up before a light blue lance shot into its side. The creature shrieked, a pained sound that made the younger brother drop his Roller and block out the sound with his hands.

Chance to hit: 60%
3/5 Rolls managed to hit.
65% Ink left in Laura's OOPA
Orange Creature's HP 40/50

Getting back up as it struggled to move out of range of Laura, it held its hand with a free hand, crawling on three limbs. As it went, the wounded creature from before made its move.

Chance to hit: 60%
4/5 Rolls managed to hit.
Zale's HP: 6/8
Zale is no longer on the Orange Creature!

The wounded creature lunged out with its tentacles, sniping Zale in the chest, making him fly backward off of its companion's back. The two brothers down below joined in the attack, the two brothers super-jumping from above to the creatures, closing the distance almost instantly.

Chance to hit: 60%
3/5 Rolls managed to hit.
"Strike as One" in effect.
Wounded Creature's HP 34/40
Carl's Ink: 60%
Tom's Ink: 80%

Carl landed first near the wounded creature, screaming a warcry that simultaneously sounded like he was scared and angry, charging up his swing, he uppercutted the wounded creature into the air. Like his younger brother, Tom dropped down from above, shooting the ground before he landed, transitioning to a slide, he leapt up and fired at the exposed belly of the Wounded Creature.

She yelped, landing heavily on her back and, as a result, her tentacles. The Orange-Creature quickly recovered after Zale was violently ejected from its back, and it snarled, a happy sound for it, but also one that didn't bode well for the group.

Chance to hit: 60%
4/5 rolls managed to hit.
Carl's HP: 7/8
Tom's HP: 6/8
"Strike as One" effect lost.

It jumped at Carl, and its clawed fingers splayed out and ready to tear into him, before Thomas tackled Carl out of the way, the creature crashed into him, sending the two off the ledge into the halfpipe below.

Zale got up with a pained groan, and glared at the wounded creature that smacked him. Jumping on one of them again was out of the question, but maybe he could use their tentacles for something. An idea came to his head, and he decided to carry it out despite it being insanely reckless. Running between the two creatures he decided to goad the two into attacking him.
"Hey you wannabe mutants! How about you come here and get some of this!" He taunted while doing a crotch chop.

"Strength in Numbers" Buff gained!
Chance to hit: 72%

1/5 rolls managed to hit.
Failed to taunt.

The two creatures, attracted by the noise Zale was making, turned to look at him, standing their ground against his loud whooping and rude gestures. One of them, the orange-tentacled creature slightly shifted its head to the side in confusion.

It didn't seem to understand what Zale was implying with his gesture, perhaps that was a weak point for them to exploit? Whatever happened, the two creatures seemed more confused than agitated.

With the newer orange creature moving out of sight, Laura shifted her aim to the first creature, and let loose another round at its head. “Take that!” she screamed.

Chance to hit: 72%
2/5 rolls managed to hit.
70% Ink left in Laura's OOPA.

The gun thunderously fired, catching Laura offguard, her aim went wildly veering to the side. The Wounded Creature, distracted by Zale, instinctively ducked down to avoid the gunfire, as did its ally. Surprised, it stood back up and gurgled quietly as it checked itself for anymore hits.

Chance to hit: 72%

5/5 Rolls managed to hit.
Critical Success!
Wounded Creature's HP: 26/40
70% Ink left ink Raye's OOPA.

Raye's salvo of Ink pelleted the creature's side, it screamed out in pain, falling onto the ground. The creature gripped its side armor, torn and mangled from the Splatling-fire, having breached the skeletal armor, it struggled to move away from the group.

"I stand corrected..." Raye's OOPA mumbled, remembering what it had said when she had first picked up the Mini-Splatling.

Chance to hit: 60%
5/5 Rolls managed to hit.
Critical Success.
Raye's HP 7/9

As a desperate attack, it lashed out with its tentacles and lunged towards Raye. Smacking her from the behind towards it, it grabbed her with its bloodied hand and smashed her into the ground. The creature shuddered, pulling its hand back to its side.

Selena jumped up, holding her Roller up high, swinging it as she fell upon the Wounded Creature. It struggled to hold up its hand to defend itself to no avail as the giant Roller smashed through its guard, crashing onto its shoulder, sliding down towards its neck.

Chance to hit: 72%

3/5 rolls managed to hit.
Wounded Creature's HP: 21/40

A loud crack, and a collar fell off of its neck, broken by the vicious swing from the powerful Roller. The creature, struggling with its injuries, continued trying to get away from them. The Ink making a slight sizzling noise as it singed its exposed parts.

Carl, over concern for his brother, quickly jumped down the ledge to help Thomas, landing down in the halfpipe. He saw the Orange-Tentacled creature in a grapple with his brother, Tom was just barely surviving against the creature, kicking it and bashing it with his dualies.

Chance to hit: 72%
3/5 rolls managed to hit.
Orange Creature's HP: 38/50

Carl quickly swung with his roller, bashing the creature off of his brother. Thomas stood back up, backing away slightly as he fired a quick burst from his dualies at the creature. A series of blue bolts splashing against its armor, the Ink sinking in between the gaps, it began to sting and singe the creature's pale flesh, turning it red as its body struggled to repair the damage.

**Chance to hit: 60%**
4/5 rolls managed to hit.

The Wounded Creature stood up, stumbling slightly as it tried to get away from them, its movements were slow and uneasy. Its last attack must've drained all of its strength, as shown by its sluggish and erratic movements, the creature wasn't able to walk straight without falling down.

The many blows to the head it had received must've seen to that. The creature fell down, finally succumbing to its injuries, or perhaps it was just playing dead. It got back up, and pulled itself over the ledge and fell down, hissing upon its landing. The creature rolled over and dragged itself along using its tentacles. The Orange Creature growled, its tentacles shaking menacingly before it launched upward, surprising Thomas as it made its getaway from the two short-range weapon users. It landed in front of the main group and hissed, the creature quickly stood up, moving towards Selena.

The greenette swung at the creature, however, it swatted away the Roller with an almost contemptuous swipe before it raised its leg and kicked at Selena. A powerful blow that had sent her flying off the tower.

Chance to hit: 60%
4/5 rolls managed to hit.
Orange Creature used Lash!
Targetted Selena.
Selena's HP 1/8.
Selena is incapacitated!

The girl was out cold from the hit, landing silently at the base of the structure. The creature looked towards the trail leading off of the tower, before it turned towards the remaining Inklings on the top of the structure.

Zale stopped taunting the creatures as it only gained him strange looks and gestures from the creatures in question. As the others attacked he moved out the way in order to not be crushed by their bodies, though he noticed that the creatures were now putting serious hurt on them. Selena got knocked out by the Orange creature which made him widen his eyes on how she fell.

Clenching his fist tightly he attempted to run to the girl in order to give her some cover.

Zale hopped down the structure, rolling as he landed beside Selena. Quickly, he knelt down and felt for a pulse, relieved that it was still beating.

Her OOPA's eye was fizzling, struggling to stay online after the fall. It was still in one piece, even if it was scarred and battered. It quietly hissed as a slightly luminescent blue liquid mixed in with the Ink. Zale stood back up, readying himself to defend her from the creatures.

Chance of Success: 72%
Strength of Ability: 5/5
+1 Armor applied, Selena is unable to be targeted.

Getting grabbed and slammed by the creature she had just wounded had knocked the breath from her lungs, and she would need a moment or two to recover. Raye began to shakily get back to her feet.

Behind it, another battle was occuring, a lone purple Inkling dodged a concentrated barrage of tentacles from a larger, maroon-coloured creature, jumping onto them and firing a charger at the creature, it rose one of its arms and deflected the shot, making it ricochet into the ground.

Zale was thankful that the creatures hadn't attacked him or Selena at the moment, instead focusing on Laura and the others. He still didn't know if Raye was still kicking after getting tentacle slammed, so he figured he should check up on her too.
"Man does it suck playing medic right now." He muttered.

Slinging Selena over his shoulder he headed to where Raye was lying in order to make sure she was alright.

Raye was finally able to catch her breath and get to her feet just in time to see Zale running towards her, with what looked like the greenette slung over his shoulders. "Get her somewhere safe!" Raye shouted, checking to make sure her Splattling was still working, before running towards the creature that had attacked Laura, and unleashing her own stream of ink.

Zale nodded at the pink girls command, and rushed to place Selena near the small corridors of the skatepark arena. While damage was being done to the orange creature, the others were still taking damage, and Zale didn't know how Hunter was doing against that other creature. Before Zale could decide to help out on the destroying the orange creature, he noticed that a purple Inkling was 1v1ing another creature. Since Raye was back in the picture, the pink boy decided to Super Jump towards the new creature and the purple boy who was presumably "Razor" readying to attack the new creature.

Chance to hit: 60%
3/5 rolls managed to hit.
Mother Creature's HP 56/60

After Zale landed, he noticed the creature wasn't aware of his arrival yet. He took his advantage and, after closing in, smashed its leg with his roller.

The creature, not expecting the strike, stumbled forward. As Razor also backed away from the creature, not expecting the help to come in. It was welcome to him, but unexpected. The creature turned to Zale, and growled, backing away from the two to get in to a better position.

The larger creature behind the orange creature growled at Zale, a bit high-pitched in comparison to the rest of them. Its tentacles twitched slightly, before it attacked Zale.

Chance to hit: 60%
1/5 rolls managed to hit.

Zale didn't see the slight movement on its tentacles in time, however, it seemed Razor did. Shouting out a warning, Zale quickly realized it and rolled out of the way. Avoiding the attack.
Razor charged up his rifle, using his newfound ally as bait and fired at the creature.

Chance to hit: 65%
2/5 rolls managed to hit.

Razor ran, sliding on his knees through the Ink. At least, until he came across Zale's pink Ink. He faceplanted into the ground, getting back up. Amidst the noise of the battle, Zale could hear Razor grumble out a few insults.

Zale was beginning to get tired of dealing with these things. After dodging the new creatures attacks and watching his new ally fail to hit the creature, he decided to make up for that by running under the creature and attempting to hit in a very precious spot.

Chance to hit: 60%
3/5 rolls managed to hit.
Mother Creature's HP: 51/60

The creature didn't expect such an unusual method of attack. For a brief moment, it watched Zale slide in between its legs. Quickly, he took the chance and hit it right in its privates. It let out a high-pitched squeak as it started to fall onto the ground. The pink Inkling quickly got out from under it, a satisfied look on his face as Razor paused to look at him.

"L-low... blow." The creature muttered, almost too quietly for them to hear.

Chance to hit: 60%
4/5 rolls managed to hit.
Zale's HP: 6/8

The creature, lying on the ground now, quickly lashed out with one of its tendrils. It was clear who its target was, it was heading for a certain somebody's "family jewels". It hit Zale right in his groin, hitting with an audible thud.

Razor, having dodged back a bit, cringed at the sight of seeing Zale get hit in such a sensitive location.

Zale smirked at the creature, only to stop when it spoke, saying "Low... blow..."
It surprised him so, he didn't notice that the creature decided to return the favor and gave him a hit in the family jewels. His face contorted in pain as he let out a high pitched pained yell from the pain received and he was sent spiraling on the floor writhing in pain.

The larger creature on the ground finally got up, standing awkwardly as it looked hatefully at Zale for the fairly indecent hit that he had done. It glanced around, before focusing on Razor. He got ready to dodge its attack, readying himself for its attacks once more.

Chance to hit: 60%
4/5 rolls managed to hit.
Razor's HP: 6/8

The creature whipped at him with its tentacles, and he dodged all of them, landing lightly. He laughed mockingly, until a slim tendril lashed out and hit him right where his privates are. Razor yelped, clutching it painfully as he fell to the ground, groaning.

The creature gurgled happily, laughing now it seems. "Serves... you boys... right." It grumbled, looking over its work. The two were on the ground now, still recovering from the cheap shots.

Zale got up, the pain making it hard to do so. "So you are-urg- some type living being." He commented, glaring at the creature.
As hypocritical as it may be, Zale was now pissed for what the creature had just done. Now that his original stategey was out the window, the pink boy had to improvise another plan. But now he had to be careful incase the creature wanted to him seconds of groin hits. So Zale dashed to the creature, feinting for a tentacle attack hoping to tear a tentacle off the creature.

Chance to hit: 60%
3/5 rolls managed to hit.
Mother Creature's HP: 47/60

The creature, seeing that Zale closed in to attack it, bent down a bit as its tentacles lashed out towards him to deflect his attack, however, it didn't expect him to feint it. Dodging the attack, he quickly brought up his roller and bashed it onto the bundle of tentacles.

It didn't squish them like he wanted, as cutting things with a blunt edge is difficult, but it got another satisfactory result. The creature recoiled backward as its tendrils receded, merging back into the mass of the tentacles.

Although, it now seemed he had to deal with its robotic limbs now.

The other creature growled towards Razor, still huddled on the ground, before it jumped above and then landed behind the two. One of its arms whirred and hissed, shuddering slightly, before it launched out towards Zale.

Chance to hit: 60%
3/5 rolls managed to hit.
Zale's HP: 4/8

Zale quickly brought up his roller, his guard crumbling as he fell to the ground from the punch, rolling to a stop. The OOPA on his waist swiftly started to administer things to help the boy recover from the attack. The creature growled at the two, hissing quietly as it crept towards them.

Razor, still sore from the cheap shot, got back up. His legs were skewed awkwardly as he struggled to stand up normally. He took his Charger, swiftly charging up a shot.

Chance to hit: 65%
1/5 rolls managed to hit.

The creature saw the movement and raised up its arm to block the shot, deflecting it off to the side as it bounced off the plating harmlessly. Seemingly satisfied that its attacks were having such an effect on the two, cooing happily and mocking the two in its own way.

Damn it... Those attacks pack a punch! Zale thought while getting up. He was starting to get tired from fighting those creatures, not to also mention his armor was starting to crack, and he would be no help to the purple boy if he was wiped out. As much as he hated to do so, he needed to run away for the time being.
"Hey um... Razor right? Let's bail until we can get some help!" Zale said to the other boy.

Razor glanced over at Zale, then back to the creature, noting the several Inklings that lay around it. "I'm not one to leave people behind... but I'm not stupid either, let's go!" He said, quickly grabbing Zale by the collar and running away.

The creature didn't pursue the two, growling as they left. Before it too turned around and left, picking up the various Inklings that lay strewn around the site of the battle, walking somewhere that they didn't know. The two continued running through the hallways together, getting somewhere safe and away from the massive creature.

"Alright... Pinkie." Razor panted out, tired from the run they had to do. "Thanks for the assist."

A short distance away, they could hear more metallic clanking, similar to the other creatures. However, it sounded as though someone was talking. Maybe it was one of the robots, sent to provide some help to the group. Razor looked at the source of the sounds, then to Zale. It seemed he was going to follow the pink Inkling's lead.

What next?


Inkling Cadet
Nov 9, 2015

Hunter begins looking for the others to try and convince them to stop fighting.


Inkling Commander
Jul 5, 2015
Canada, ON
Zale attempted to jump on the creature's head, possibly to make it go wild and damage itself or as a distraction for the others to damage it.

Chance to land: 60%
3/5 Rolls managed to hit.
Zale is now on top of Orange-Tentacle Creature.

Zale flew in from above the orange-tentacle creature, he landed on top of its back, grabbing onto a bundle of the thin, wispy tentacles to stay on top of it.

The new creature, surprised by Zale's sudden drop from above, reared up onto its true legs. Attempting to get the pink Inkling off of itself, the creature shook its upper body ferociously but to no avail, as Zale kept his grip on the creature's tentacles.

The injured creature expressed its surprised through a gurgle, standing up as it went back a few steps.

As Zale was being shaken, he briefly considered somehow making the creature slam into the other one, but the shaking caused him to panic, and he attacked the creature's back in a knee-jerk reaction.

Laura did her best to steady her aim, focusing on the creature as it tried to shake Zale off. She squeezed the trigger tensely and with little thought when she saw Zale jerk.

Zale, after a brief struggle to keep his balance on the creature's back, managed to slam his Roller onto it.

Chance to hit: 60%
3/5 Rolls managed to hit.
75% Ink left in Zale's OOPA

He smashed the Roller into the creature's back, knocking it down as he heard Laura, he thought, call out to the group. It growled, struggling to get back up before a light blue lance shot into its side. The creature shrieked, a pained sound that made the younger brother drop his Roller and block out the sound with his hands.

Chance to hit: 60%
3/5 Rolls managed to hit.
65% Ink left in Laura's OOPA
Orange Creature's HP 40/50

Getting back up as it struggled to move out of range of Laura, it held its hand with a free hand, crawling on three limbs. As it went, the wounded creature from before made its move.

Chance to hit: 60%
4/5 Rolls managed to hit.
Zale's HP: 6/8
Zale is no longer on the Orange Creature!

The wounded creature lunged out with its tentacles, sniping Zale in the chest, making him fly backward off of its companion's back. The two brothers down below joined in the attack, the two brothers super-jumping from above to the creatures, closing the distance almost instantly.

Chance to hit: 60%
3/5 Rolls managed to hit.
"Strike as One" in effect.
Wounded Creature's HP 34/40
Carl's Ink: 60%
Tom's Ink: 80%

Carl landed first near the wounded creature, screaming a warcry that simultaneously sounded like he was scared and angry, charging up his swing, he uppercutted the wounded creature into the air. Like his younger brother, Tom dropped down from above, shooting the ground before he landed, transitioning to a slide, he leapt up and fired at the exposed belly of the Wounded Creature.

She yelped, landing heavily on her back and, as a result, her tentacles. The Orange-Creature quickly recovered after Zale was violently ejected from its back, and it snarled, a happy sound for it, but also one that didn't bode well for the group.

Chance to hit: 60%
4/5 rolls managed to hit.
Carl's HP: 7/8
Tom's HP: 6/8
"Strike as One" effect lost.

It jumped at Carl, and its clawed fingers splayed out and ready to tear into him, before Thomas tackled Carl out of the way, the creature crashed into him, sending the two off the ledge into the halfpipe below.

Zale got up with a pained groan, and glared at the wounded creature that smacked him. Jumping on one of them again was out of the question, but maybe he could use their tentacles for something. An idea came to his head, and he decided to carry it out despite it being insanely reckless. Running between the two creatures he decided to goad the two into attacking him.
"Hey you wannabe mutants! How about you come here and get some of this!" He taunted while doing a crotch chop.

"Strength in Numbers" Buff gained!
Chance to hit: 72%
1/5 rolls managed to hit.
Failed to taunt.

The two creatures, attracted by the noise Zale was making, turned to look at him, standing their ground against his loud whooping and rude gestures. One of them, the orange-tentacled creature slightly shifted its head to the side in confusion.

It didn't seem to understand what Zale was implying with his gesture, perhaps that was a weak point for them to exploit? Whatever happened, the two creatures seemed more confused than agitated.

With the newer orange creature moving out of sight, Laura shifted her aim to the first creature, and let loose another round at its head. “Take that!” she screamed.

Chance to hit: 72%
2/5 rolls managed to hit.
70% Ink left in Laura's OOPA.

The gun thunderously fired, catching Laura offguard, her aim went wildly veering to the side. The Wounded Creature, distracted by Zale, instinctively ducked down to avoid the gunfire, as did its ally. Surprised, it stood back up and gurgled quietly as it checked itself for anymore hits.

Chance to hit: 72%
5/5 Rolls managed to hit.
Critical Success!
Wounded Creature's HP: 26/40
70% Ink left ink Raye's OOPA.

Raye's salvo of Ink pelleted the creature's side, it screamed out in pain, falling onto the ground. The creature gripped its side armor, torn and mangled from the Splatling-fire, having breached the skeletal armor, it struggled to move away from the group.

"I stand corrected..." Raye's OOPA mumbled, remembering what it had said when she had first picked up the Mini-Splatling.

Chance to hit: 60%
5/5 Rolls managed to hit.
Critical Success.
Raye's HP 7/9

As a desperate attack, it lashed out with its tentacles and lunged towards Raye. Smacking her from the behind towards it, it grabbed her with its bloodied hand and smashed her into the ground. The creature shuddered, pulling its hand back to its side.

Selena jumped up, holding her Roller up high, swinging it as she fell upon the Wounded Creature. It struggled to hold up its hand to defend itself to no avail as the giant Roller smashed through its guard, crashing onto its shoulder, sliding down towards its neck.

Chance to hit: 72%
3/5 rolls managed to hit.
Wounded Creature's HP: 21/40

A loud crack, and a collar fell off of its neck, broken by the vicious swing from the powerful Roller. The creature, struggling with its injuries, continued trying to get away from them. The Ink making a slight sizzling noise as it singed its exposed parts.

Carl, over concern for his brother, quickly jumped down the ledge to help Thomas, landing down in the halfpipe. He saw the Orange-Tentacled creature in a grapple with his brother, Tom was just barely surviving against the creature, kicking it and bashing it with his dualies.

Chance to hit: 72%
3/5 rolls managed to hit.
Orange Creature's HP: 38/50

Carl quickly swung with his roller, bashing the creature off of his brother. Thomas stood back up, backing away slightly as he fired a quick burst from his dualies at the creature. A series of blue bolts splashing against its armor, the Ink sinking in between the gaps, it began to sting and singe the creature's pale flesh, turning it red as its body struggled to repair the damage.

**Chance to hit: 60%**
4/5 rolls managed to hit.

The Wounded Creature stood up, stumbling slightly as it tried to get away from them, its movements were slow and uneasy. Its last attack must've drained all of its strength, as shown by its sluggish and erratic movements, the creature wasn't able to walk straight without falling down.

The many blows to the head it had received must've seen to that. The creature fell down, finally succumbing to its injuries, or perhaps it was just playing dead. It got back up, and pulled itself over the ledge and fell down, hissing upon its landing. The creature rolled over and dragged itself along using its tentacles. The Orange Creature growled, its tentacles shaking menacingly before it launched upward, surprising Thomas as it made its getaway from the two short-range weapon users. It landed in front of the main group and hissed, the creature quickly stood up, moving towards Selena.

The greenette swung at the creature, however, it swatted away the Roller with an almost contemptuous swipe before it raised its leg and kicked at Selena. A powerful blow that had sent her flying off the tower.

Chance to hit: 60%
4/5 rolls managed to hit.
Orange Creature used Lash!
Targetted Selena.
Selena's HP 1/8.
Selena is incapacitated!

The girl was out cold from the hit, landing silently at the base of the structure. The creature looked towards the trail leading off of the tower, before it turned towards the remaining Inklings on the top of the structure.

Zale stopped taunting the creatures as it only gained him strange looks and gestures from the creatures in question. As the others attacked he moved out the way in order to not be crushed by their bodies, though he noticed that the creatures were now putting serious hurt on them. Selena got knocked out by the Orange creature which made him widen his eyes on how she fell.

Clenching his fist tightly he attempted to run to the girl in order to give her some cover.

Zale hopped down the structure, rolling as he landed beside Selena. Quickly, he knelt down and felt for a pulse, relieved that it was still beating.

Her OOPA's eye was fizzling, struggling to stay online after the fall. It was still in one piece, even if it was scarred and battered. It quietly hissed as a slightly luminescent blue liquid mixed in with the Ink. Zale stood back up, readying himself to defend her from the creatures.

Chance of Success: 72%
Strength of Ability: 5/5
+1 Armor applied, Selena is unable to be targeted.

Laura was horrified by what she just saw. The sight of both Raye and Selena laying on the ground—dead for as far as she could tell—was too much for her to bear. Laura started to cry…

…but suddenly she looked up at the creature that had just attacked Selena. The wounded one from before had slinked out of sight. Laura's head slowly tilted to the right, as she became slightly hunched. She was breathing heavily, and her head ever so slightly vibrated. Had she not been wearing the helmet, anyone taking one look at her face would realized what just happened.

Laura's sadness and dispair was no more, for she had finally been pushed over the edge. There was not a single thought or feeling from before left in her. Only two things coursed though Laura's mind—if you could even call it her mind anymore—vengeful rage and bloodlust.

Her body broke out into a dash at the orange creature. With the gun raised and pointed at it, an intense volley of Laura's ink was unleashed.

Chance to hit: 72%

4/5 Rolls managed to hit.
40% Ink left in Laura's OOPA. Will need reload after next attack.
Orange Creature's HP 34/50

The volley of Ink hit the creature square in the chest, causing it to stop for a moment from the powerful weapon, hissing as it retreated down the tower. She slowed down as the recoil of the gun kicked violently, however, Laura continued down the tower in her bloodlust, still firing at the creature.

The creature moved around, attempting to dodge her assault, however, it seemed as though Laura had sensed where it was would be next, and it was shot despite its efforts to defend itself. Each shot damaged its armor, plating denting in places, and smaller tentacles were severed and torn.

Behind it, another battle was occuring, a lone purple Inkling dodged a concentrated barrage of tentacles from a larger, maroon-coloured creature, jumping onto them and firing a charger at the creature, it rose one of its arms and deflected the shot, making it ricochet into the ground.

Chance to hit: 60%

4/5 rolls managed to hit.
Laura’s HP 7/9

The creature roared, a twisted sound of both agony and rage. Turning around as it weaved towards Laura, backhanding her with its fist, the bluenette stumbled backward from the blow, but out of her rage remained standing. It snarled at her, the helmet distorting the sound.

Behind it, another battle was occuring, a lone purple Inkling dodged a concentrated barrage of tentacles from a larger, maroon-coloured creature, jumping onto them and firing a charger at the creature, it rose one of its arms and deflected the shot, making it ricochet into the ground.

Behind Laura, the two brothers ran to her side. Carl looked at her, surprised as she stood up to the attack, before focusing on the enemy in front of the three.

Chance to hit: 78%

4/5 rolls managed to hit.
Orange Creature’s HP: 28/50

Thomas went ahead of the group, inking a path for him and Carl, he pelted the creature with multiple shots from his pistols, as his little brother squidded behind him and launched up from the Ink and smacked the Orange Creature with his roller, sending it reeling as he retreated back to the relative safety of his brother.

The fight behind the creature seemed to be never-ending, as both seemed to slowly tire.

Raye was finally able to catch her breath and get to her feet just in time to see Zale running towards her, with what looked like the greenette slung over his shoulders. "Get her somewhere safe!" Raye shouted, checking to make sure her Splattling was still working, before running towards the creature that had attacked Laura, and unleashing her own stream of ink.

The boy nodded, running off somewhere.

Chance to hit: 72%

3/5 rolls managed to hit.
Orange Creature's HP 23/50
50% Ink left in Raye's OOPA, will need reload after next shot.

The barrage of Ink streak across the creature, as it stumbled backward form the hit, tendrils being cut and destroyed. It roared in defiance towards them, as the other younger bluenette stepped backward a bit, fearful of the creature.

However, the creature's breaths came out raggedly now, as its weakness had begun to sap at it.

Laura let out a sound that could only be described as a scream and a roar, extremely loud for for any sort of sound to be coming from such a young inkling as herself. She then bolted towards the creature as fast as she possibly could, resuming fire at it.

Chance to hit: 72%

3/5 rolls managed to hit.
Orange Creature's HP: 18/50
10% Ink in Laura's OOPA. Need to reload.

The creature brought up its arm, blocking the burst from the gun. However, it struggled just to move it afterwards. It growled, shaking the disfunctional arm as it glared at Laura, the tendrils from its back shook threateningly.

Orange Creature used: Wrap!
Chance to hit: 60%
3/5 rolls managed to hit.
Laura's HP: 5/9
Carl's HP: 8/9
"Strike as One" effect lost!

The creature's tentacles surged forth, grabbing Laura's gun and lifted her into the air, as she refused to let go of the weapon, before it slammed her down onto the ground and twisted it out of her hands. As it was doing that, the creature had also grabbed and wrapped its tentacles around Carl, lifting him above it.

"No!" Thomas shouted out, rushing ahead in an attempt to force the creature to free his brother. He ran around the creature, firing his pistols at the creature.

Chance to hit: 72%
2/5 rolls managed to hit.
40% Ink left in Thoma's OOPA.

The creature deflected the shots with its dysfunctional arm, flicking it to remove the Ink, and defended itself from the remainder of his assault. Even when Thomas charged at it, drop-kicking the creature, he couldn't get it to release its hold on the boy snared in its tendrils.

Laura's body ominously righted in a slow, slightly disturbing manner. The helmet she was wearing had somehow been knocked off by the creature's attack, revealing an unnerving expression upon her face which only grew menacingly more intense.

Disarmed, she suddenly lunged though the air at the creature, grabbing on wherever she could, and—uncharacteristically of Laura—sunk her beak right into the creature's flesh.

Chance to hit: 72%
3/5 rolls managed to hit.
Damage reduced because Unarmed.
Orange Creature's HP 16/50

The creature roared, standing up as it grabbed at Laura and attempted to dislodge the bluenette from its side. He pulled at her, grabbing Laura and after some struggle, managing to throw her away from him, and she rolled and skidded as across the ground, standing back up from the attack.

It rubbed its mangled side, covering it with its good arm to defend the vulnerable part from the rest of the group. Its growl sounded a little weaker than usual.

Raye took aim and fired another burst of ink at the creature.

Chance to hit: 72%

4/5 rolls managed to hit.
Orange Creature's HP: 11/50
10% Ink left in Raye's OOPA. You need to reload.

The creature growled, stumbling backward as it snarled, wiping the Ink off of its chest. It still maintained its grip on the boy in its tentacles, unwilling to let him and Laura's gun fall out of its grasp.

The creature snarled sharply at Laura, tightening its grip on Carl. The boy. cried out in pain as it did so. It charged towards her at full speed.

It let out a shrill howl, distorted by its helmet and its torn body.

Chance to hit: 60%

3/5 rolls managed to hit.
Laura's HP 3/9

Orange Creature used Constrict!
Carl is unable to use his turn!
Carl's HP 7/9

The creature didn't stop, instead it leapt along to its side and rammed itself into Laura. The attack sent her flying away, falling onto the ground finally.

In its grip, the creature squeezed the boy tightly, as if afraid of losing its grip on him.


The sound of the air being forced out by the impact could be faintly heard by anyone within earshot. Laura's body was limp as it flew through the air and hit the ground. Her rampage had ended; she was out cold.

The creature lurched backward, glancing around at the three in front of it. Still recovering from the burst from the pinkette, it lashed out with its tentacles whipping at the Ink, as the creature itself started towards them.

Orange Creature used Wrap!
Chance to hit: 60%
4/5 rolls managed to hit.
Raye's HP: 5/9
Raye is now Disarmed!
Laura's HP: 1/9
E For Everyone; Laura cannot be disarmed.

The creature's tendrils impacted the group in front of them, hitting Laura, slightly rolling her as she lay on the ground.

Laura's body rolled slightly from the impact of the tentacles, but remained laying on the ground, sprawled, contorted, and splayed out like that of a lifeless ragdoll. Laura let out a murmur of an unconscious groan. Barely audible, it was the only sign of life from her frail, limp body.


Finally, Laura started to move. First there was an ocasional twitch of her left hand. Then her head started to roll, followed by the rest of her body. Her eyes finally started to open once she was on her hands and knees.

Laura let out another moan as she rose to her feet. Her right hand passed over and around herself to gently rub the back of her head. Noticing the lack of her hat, she then put it on before hobbling towards her helmet and picking it up.

Noticing the now fallen orange crature, she wandered over to it and retreived her weapon, digging though the mess of tentacles strewn about.

Satisified, Laura simply waked away in a slow, unaware, and mindless shuffle.

She didn't know where she was going, shuffling towards some. Her foot hit something, making her fall onto the ground. Laura's injuries flared up, slightly rousing her from the stupor she was in. She got back up.

The glowing floor led her as she walked up a ramp, looking around to see the central tower in front of her once again. Great claw marks from the battle that had happened earlier still marred it.
Last edited:


Inkling Cadet
Aug 12, 2014
New York City
Zale collapsed to the ground once he and Razor managed to run away to a safe spot. "My name... *huff* is Zale..." He let out in short gulps of air.

After resting for a bit he and his fellow companion heard a couple of metallic noises and talking coming from a certain distance. Zale was in no way eager to fight another one of those creatures, but hearing it speak did make him curious. Giving Razor a follow me gesture, Zale went to the source of the noise to eavesdrop on the creature.

[Action: Shadow and Eavesdrop on the creature]


Inkling Commander
Jul 5, 2015
Canada, ON
Zale attempted to jump on the creature's head, possibly to make it go wild and damage itself or as a distraction for the others to damage it.

Chance to land: 60%

3/5 Rolls managed to hit.
Zale is now on top of Orange-Tentacle Creature.

Zale flew in from above the orange-tentacle creature, he landed on top of its back, grabbing onto a bundle of the thin, wispy tentacles to stay on top of it.

The new creature, surprised by Zale's sudden drop from above, reared up onto its true legs. Attempting to get the pink Inkling off of itself, the creature shook its upper body ferociously but to no avail, as Zale kept his grip on the creature's tentacles.

The injured creature expressed its surprised through a gurgle, standing up as it went back a few steps.

As Zale was being shaken, he briefly considered somehow making the creature slam into the other one, but the shaking caused him to panic, and he attacked the creature's back in a knee-jerk reaction.

Laura did her best to steady her aim, focusing on the creature as it tried to shake Zale off. She squeezed the trigger tensely and with little thought when she saw Zale jerk.

Zale, after a brief struggle to keep his balance on the creature's back, managed to slam his Roller onto it.

Chance to hit: 60%

3/5 Rolls managed to hit.

He smashed the Roller into the creature's back, knocking it down as he heard Laura, he thought, call out to the group. It growled, struggling to get back up before a light blue lance shot into its side. The creature shrieked, a pained sound that made the younger brother drop his Roller and block out the sound with his hands.

Chance to hit: 60%

3/5 Rolls managed to hit.
Orange Creature's HP 40/50

Getting back up as it struggled to move out of range of Laura, it held its hand with a free hand, crawling on three limbs. As it went, the wounded creature from before made its move.

Chance to hit: 60%

4/5 Rolls managed to hit.
Zale's HP: 6/8
Zale is no longer on the Orange Creature!

The wounded creature lunged out with its tentacles, sniping Zale in the chest, making him fly backward off of its companion's back. The two brothers down below joined in the attack, the two brothers super-jumping from above to the creatures, closing the distance almost instantly.

Chance to hit: 60%

3/5 Rolls managed to hit.
"Strike as One" in effect.
Wounded Creature's HP 34/40

Carl landed first near the wounded creature, screaming a warcry that simultaneously sounded like he was scared and angry, charging up his swing, he uppercutted the wounded creature into the air. Like his younger brother, Tom dropped down from above, shooting the ground before he landed, transitioning to a slide, he leapt up and fired at the exposed belly of the Wounded Creature.

She yelped, landing heavily on her back and, as a result, her tentacles. The Orange-Creature quickly recovered after Zale was violently ejected from its back, and it snarled, a happy sound for it, but also one that didn't bode well for the group.

Chance to hit: 60%

4/5 rolls managed to hit.
Carl's HP: 7/8
Tom's HP: 6/8
"Strike as One" effect lost.

It jumped at Carl, and its clawed fingers splayed out and ready to tear into him, before Thomas tackled Carl out of the way, the creature crashed into him, sending the two off the ledge into the halfpipe below.

Zale got up with a pained groan, and glared at the wounded creature that smacked him. Jumping on one of them again was out of the question, but maybe he could use their tentacles for something. An idea came to his head, and he decided to carry it out despite it being insanely reckless. Running between the two creatures he decided to goad the two into attacking him.
"Hey you wannabe mutants! How about you come here and get some of this!" He taunted while doing a crotch chop.

"Strength in Numbers" Buff gained!

Chance to hit: 72%
1/5 rolls managed to hit.
Failed to taunt.

The two creatures, attracted by the noise Zale was making, turned to look at him, standing their ground against his loud whooping and rude gestures. One of them, the orange-tentacled creature slightly shifted its head to the side in confusion.

It didn't seem to understand what Zale was implying with his gesture, perhaps that was a weak point for them to exploit? Whatever happened, the two creatures seemed more confused than agitated.

With the newer orange creature moving out of sight, Laura shifted her aim to the first creature, and let loose another round at its head. “[color=00abff]Take that![/color]” she screamed.

Chance to hit: 72%

2/5 rolls managed to hit.
70% Ink left in Laura's OOPA.

The gun thunderously fired, catching Laura offguard, her aim went wildly veering to the side. The Wounded Creature, distracted by Zale, instinctively ducked down to avoid the gunfire, as did its ally. Surprised, it stood back up and gurgled quietly as it checked itself for anymore hits.

Chance to hit: 72%

5/5 Rolls managed to hit.
Critical Success!
Wounded Creature's HP: 26/40
70% Ink left ink Raye's OOPA.

Raye's salvo of Ink pelleted the creature's side, it screamed out in pain, falling onto the ground. The creature gripped its side armor, torn and mangled from the Splatling-fire, having breached the skeletal armor, it struggled to move away from the group.

"I stand corrected..." Raye's OOPA mumbled, remembering what it had said when she had first picked up the Mini-Splatling.

Chance to hit: 60%

5/5 Rolls managed to hit.
Critical Success.
Raye's HP 7/9

As a desperate attack, it lashed out with its tentacles and lunged towards Raye. Smacking her from the behind towards it, it grabbed her with its bloodied hand and smashed her into the ground. The creature shuddered, pulling its hand back to its side.

Selena jumped up, holding her Roller up high, swinging it as she fell upon the Wounded Creature. It struggled to hold up its hand to defend itself to no avail as the giant Roller smashed through its guard, crashing onto its shoulder, sliding down towards its neck.

Chance to hit: 72%

3/5 rolls managed to hit.
Wounded Creature's HP: 21/40

A loud crack, and a collar fell off of its neck, broken by the vicious swing from the powerful Roller. The creature, struggling with its injuries, continued trying to get away from them. The Ink making a slight sizzling noise as it singed its exposed parts.

Carl, over concern for his brother, quickly jumped down the ledge to help Thomas, landing down in the halfpipe. He saw the Orange-Tentacled creature in a grapple with his brother, Tom was just barely surviving against the creature, kicking it and bashing it with his dualies.

Chance to hit: 72%

3/5 rolls managed to hit.
Orange Creature's HP: 38/50

Carl quickly swung with his roller, bashing the creature off of his brother. Thomas stood back up, backing away slightly as he fired a quick burst from his dualies at the creature. A series of blue bolts splashing against its armor, the Ink sinking in between the gaps, it began to sting and singe the creature's pale flesh, turning it red as its body struggled to repair the damage.

Chance to hit: 60%

4/5 rolls managed to hit.

The Wounded Creature stood up, stumbling slightly as it tried to get away from them, its movements were slow and uneasy. Its last attack must've drained all of its strength, as shown by its sluggish and erratic movements, the creature wasn't able to walk straight without falling down.

The many blows to the head it had received must've seen to that. The creature fell down, finally succumbing to its injuries, or perhaps it was just playing dead. It got back up, and pulled itself over the ledge and fell down, hissing upon its landing. The creature rolled over and dragged itself along using its tentacles. The Orange Creature growled, its tentacles shaking menacingly before it launched upward, surprising Thomas as it made its getaway from the two short-range weapon users. It landed in front of the main group and hissed, the creature quickly stood up, moving towards Selena.

The greenette swung at the creature, however, it swatted away the Roller with an almost contemptuous swipe before it raised its leg and kicked at Selena. A powerful blow that had sent her flying off the tower.

Chance to hit: 60%

4/5 rolls managed to hit.
Orange Creature used Lash!
Targetted Selena.
Selena's HP 1/8.
Selena is incapacitated!

The girl was out cold from the hit, landing silently at the base of the structure. The creature looked towards the trail leading off of the tower, before it turned towards the remaining Inklings on the top of the structure.

Around her, Raye could hear fighting. Laura angrily shouting followed by the creature's pained roars. Getting grabbed and slammed by the creature she had just wounded had knocked the breath from her lungs, and she would need a moment or two to recover. Raye began to shakily get back to her feet.

Chance to hit: 60%

4/5 rolls managed to hit.
Laura’s HP 7/9

The creature roared, a twisted sound of both agony and rage. Turning around as it weaved towards Laura, backhanding her with its fist, the bluenette stumbled backward from the blow, but out of her rage remained standing. It snarled at her, the helmet distorting the sound.

Behind it, another battle was occuring, a lone purple Inkling dodged a concentrated barrage of tentacles from a larger, maroon-coloured creature, jumping onto them and firing a charger at the creature, it rose one of its arms and deflected the shot, making it ricochet into the ground.

Behind Laura, the two brothers ran to her side. Carl looked at her, surprised as she stood up to the attack, before focusing on the enemy in front of the three.

Chance to hit: 78%

4/5 rolls managed to hit.
Orange Creature’s HP: 28/50

Thomas went ahead of the group, inking a path for him and Carl, he pelted the creature with multiple shots from his pistols, as his little brother squidded behind him and launched up from the Ink and smacked the Orange Creature with his roller, sending it reeling as he retreated back to the relative safety of his brother.

Raye was finally able to catch her breath and get to her feet just in time to see Zale running towards her, with what looked like the greenette slung over his shoulders. "Get her somewhere safe!" Raye shouted, checking to make sure her Splatling was still working, before running towards the creature that had attacked Laura, and unleashing her own stream of ink.

Chance to hit: 72%

3/5 rolls managed to hit.
Orange Creature's HP 23/50

The barrage of Ink streak across the creature, as it stumbled backward form the hit, tendrils being cut and destroyed. It roared in defiance towards them, as the other younger bluenette stepped backward a bit, fearful of the creature.

However, the creature's breaths came out raggedly now, as its weakness had begun to sap at it.

Laura let out a sound that could only be described as a scream and a roar, extremely loud for for any sort of sound to be coming from such a young inkling as herself. She then bolted towards the creature as fast as she possibly could, resuming fire at it.

Chance to hit: 72%

3/5 rolls managed to hit.
Orange Creature's HP: 18/50

The creature brought up its arm, blocking the burst from the gun. However, it struggled just to move it afterwards. It growled, shaking the dysfunctional arm as it glared at Laura, the tendrils from its back shook threateningly.

Orange Creature used: Wrap!

Chance to hit: 60%
3/5 rolls managed to hit.
Laura's HP: 5/9
Carl's HP: 8/9
"Strike as One" effect lost!

The creature's tentacles surged forth, grabbing Laura's gun and lifted her into the air, as she refused to let go of the weapon, before it slammed her down onto the ground and twisted it out of her hands. As it was doing that, the creature had also grabbed and wrapped its tentacles around Carl, lifting him above it.

"No!" Thomas shouted out, rushing ahead in an attempt to force the creature to free his brother. He ran around the creature, firing his pistols at the creature.

Chance to hit: 72%

2/5 rolls managed to hit.

The creature deflected the shots with its dysfunctional arm, flicking it to remove the Ink, and defended itself from the remainder of his assault. Even when Thomas charged at it, drop-kicking the creature, he couldn't get it to release its hold on the boy snared in its tendrils.

Laura's body ominously righted in a slow, slightly disturbing manner. The helmet she was wearing had somehow been knocked off by the creature's attack, revealing an unnerving expression upon her face which only grew menacingly more intense.

Disarmed, she suddenly lunged though the air at the creature, grabbing on wherever she could, and—uncharacteristically of Laura—sunk her beak right into the creature's flesh.

Chance to hit: 72%

3/5 rolls managed to hit.
Damage reduced because Unarmed.
Orange Creature's HP 16/50

The creature roared, standing up as it grabbed at Laura and attempted to dislodge the bluenette from its side. He pulled at her, grabbing Laura and after some struggle, managing to throw her away from him, and she rolled and skidded as across the ground, standing back up from the attack.

It rubbed its mangled side, covering it with its good arm to defend the vulnerable part from the rest of the group. Its growl sounded a little weaker than usual.

Raye took aim and fired another burst of ink at the creature.

Chance to hit: 72%
4/5 rolls managed to hit.
Orange Creature's HP: 11/50

The creature growled, stumbling backward as it snarled, wiping the Ink off of its chest. It still maintained its grip on the boy in its tentacles, unwilling to let him and Laura's gun fall out of its grasp.

The creature snarled sharply at Laura, tightening its grip on Carl. The boy. cried out in pain as it did so. It charged towards her at full speed. It let out a shrill howl, distorted by its helmet and its torn body.

Chance to hit: 60%

3/5 rolls managed to hit.
Laura's HP 3/9
Orange Creature used Constrict!
Carl is unable to use his turn!
Carl's HP 7/9

The creature didn't stop, instead it leapt along to its side and rammed itself into Laura. The attack sent her flying away, falling onto the ground finally. In its grip, the creature squeezed the boy tightly, as if afraid of losing its grip on him.

Chance to hit: 72%

3/5 rolls managed to hit.
Orange Creature's HP 9/50

Thomas jumped up onto the creature, hopping onto its back. He quickly let out a barrage into its back, determined to help his brother get out of its tendrils. It growled as he perforated the many limbs on its back, shaking him off of it, he fell down and landed heavily on his back.


The sound of the air being forced out by the impact could be faintly heard by anyone within earshot. Laura's body was limp as it flew through the air and hit the ground. Her rampage had ended; she was out cold.

Raye noticed that she was getting low on ink, so she fired a quick burst on the ground, and dove into it in Squid form to reload. After finishing her reload, she popped out of the ink puddle, and fired yet another burst at the creature.

Chance to hit: 72%

5/5 rolls managed to hit.
Critical Success!
Orange Creature's HP: 3/50.

The creature lurched backward, glancing around at the three in front of it. Still recovering from the burst from the pinkette, it lashed out with its tentacles whipping at the Ink, as the creature itself started towards them.

Orange Creature used Wrap!
Chance to hit: 60%

4/5 rolls managed to hit.
Raye's HP: 5/9
Raye is now Disarmed!
Laura's HP: 1/9
E For Everyone; Laura cannot be disarmed.

Carl's HP: 6/9

The creature's tendrils impacted the group in front of them, slamming them away from the creature as it wrenched the Splatling out of Raye's grasp, slapping her with it as it did so. On the other hand, it hit Laura, slightly rolling her as she lay on the ground.

Laura's body rolled slightly from the impact of the tentacles, but remained laying on the ground, sprawled, contorted, and splayed out like that of a lifeless ragdoll.

Raye, seeing for the first time that her allies were down, dove for her gun, which had been ripped out of her hands earlier by the beast, and swung it around. As soon as it was pointing at the creature, she pressed the triggers, sending a stream of ink at the beast.

Chance to hit: 72%

2/5 rolls managed to hit.
40% Ink left in Raye's OOPA. Need to reload after next shot.

Raye's shots missed the creature, as it was moving away from the group after she grabbed the weapon out of its tentacles. A bold move, as it could've retaliated. Instead, after flinching from the shot, it attacked.

Chance to hit: 60%
4/5 rolls managed to hit.
Thomas' HP: 5/9
Carl's HP: 5/9

Thomas, in a flash of movement, shoved Raye aside to keep the creature's attack from hitting her. Instead, he took the hit for himself and slid backward as he attempted to block the attack. Kneeling down as the tentacles receded, recovering from the injuries as his arms felt like rubber.

Chance to hit: 72%
4/5 rolls managed to hit.
Orange Creature's HP: 1/50
Critical Condition!

It seemed as though a dark aura emanated from the protective brother, panting heavily as he stood back up. Suddenly, he let out a warcry, dropping one of his dualies in favour of grabbing a severed tentacle off of the ground, he shot a few rounds at the creature's head as a distraction, before he bashed it over the head with its own tentacle.

The creature roared, indignant at the thought of being hit by its own limb, and tried to punch Thomas, he moved out of the way and, dropping the tentacle, grabbed the creature in a headlock. Shooting its head, the helmet fell off of it, finally exposing the creature's head.

Looking to the two, he shouted out. "Raye! The head! Shoot it!"

Behind Raye, Laura let out a murmur of an unconscious groan. Barely audible, it was the only sign of life from her frail, limp body. Raye let loose another stream of ink at the creature she'd been fighting with a loud battle cry.

Chance to hit: 72%

4/5 rolls managed to hit.
Orange Creature's HP: 0/50
Orange Creature is defeated.

The creature wrestled with Thomas, releasing itself out of the headlock. Thomas, seeing Raye take aim, punched the creature before wrapping his arms around and yanking it towards Raye for an easier shot, doing it just in time as she fired.

The creature took the entire burst from the Splatling, shrieking out in pain before it went limp. Thomas tossed it to the side, wiping his hands on his shirt. He gave a thumbs up to Raye as he started to sift through the mass of tentacles for his brother.

Raye let out a sigh of relief, kneeling down with her Splatling. She smiled contentedly under the helmet, glad that the creature was dead. She'd personally seen to that, and if it was just playing dead. As whatever the OOPA was frantically mixing into her Ink, wore off. The pinkette slowly realized the full extent of her exhaustion.

However, rest would have to come later with a full meal. Raye stood back up, stretching her weary legs.

Wait... Where's Laura? She thought, hastily turning around to where the creature had charged her into. The pinkette ran to where she was, sliding down a ramp in the skatepark. Laura was gone now, and there wasn't any trail for her to find.

What's next?


Mar 17, 2017
Laura was gone, that much was obvious. She was hurt... Raye thought to herself. She couldn't possibly gone too far on her own.

Raye was sure Laura was still nearby, hoping that she had merely crawled someplace to try to recover during the battle. Raye began searching the immediate area for some sign of her friend.

@Rustic: [Action - Examine Surroundings.]


Inkling Commander
Jul 5, 2015
Canada, ON
As Zale beckoned Razor, he crept towards the sound of the speaking. He noted that it sounded as though the speaker spoke through a muzzle, since it was barely understandable from where he was. Occasionally, a smaller, more understandable voice replied to the first, they sounded fearful. After a while, the two finally got to the source and hid behind a wall. Zale crouched down, looking around the corner. Razor looked around the same corner.

It would've been a comedic sight to see; the two boys looking at their mark. If not for the circumstances they found themselves in. Now that they were closer, Zale could actually hear and understand what the voices were saying.

It was the creature, speaking to an Inkling it held in its tentacles. "...granting us a chance for vengeance, Inkling." The creature gurgled, he noted that it sounded feminine. Almost. "My... love is of the same mind and will support us in our endeavor." It said.

Love? Zale thought, his mind quickly going dirty for a second. He wiped the mental image out of his head, listening once more. "Uh... how can we be sure you're telling the truth?" An orange Inkling said, the fear was palpable in her voice. The creature darkly giggled, amused by the squirming girl in its grasp. "Your head... it is still attached, no?"

"Y-yes." The orangenette confirmed, nodding slightly.

"Then... you have your answer." The creature slowly replied.

Razor went back into the cover, pulling Zale back as he saw the creature glance their way. "Pinkie, you got any idea what they're saying?" He whispered, glancing around the corner again.

What will you do?

Raye looked around her, searching for Laura. The wounded bluenette couldn't have gotten far, as she had gotten hurt badly from the creature's charge. There wasn't much sign that she was there, since the blue, glowing grid that made up the floor made Laura's bright blue Ink very hard to spot. Although there was a trail of blue droplets leading off from where Raye looked.

She looked towards the halfpipe to her left, before her eyes went back to the droplets' trail. Raye knelt down to get a closer look, scrutinizing the little drops. It was definitely blood that was there. Something must've busted up Laura pretty bad if it drew blood.

What next?

Turn-Ending actions
Talk... (Talk with the person) - Will be responded to in GM post. A talk-scene will occur on the Discord channel, so the player(s) can be a voice for themselves in their interaction to the NPCs/PCs.
Attack with... (Attack with the intention of starting a fight) - Will be responded to in GM post.
Use... (Use something, state on how you're using it. Lest it be unclear and your result won't be what you want.) - Will be responded to in GM post.
Go to/Move to... (Go somewhere, name it. Move somewhere, name it. Else I won't know where and may just arbitrarily pick your next destination.) - Will be responded to in GM post.

Insta-Response Actions (As instant as I can make it, at least)
Hide at... (Hide somewhere, use it to evade detection.) - Will be responded to instantly.
Grab... (Grab an item, compliments hiding in cover.) - Will be responded to instantly.
Fix... (Attempt to fix a computer, broken down robot, or weapon.) - Will be responded to instantly.
Examine... (Take a more in-depth look at an object or person.) - Will be responded to instantly.
Shadow... (Follow someone close behind while hiding) - Will be responded to instantly.
Approach... (Approach to interact with a CaST.) - Will be responded to instantly.
Throw... (Throw an object, it can a rock, a vial, a broken gun, etc, to grab something's attention. However it needs to be logical, as in no objects appearing out of thin air. Can start a fight.) - Will be responded to instantly.

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