It's also because some people may just like the way they look more than Inklings. Or they just want some more variety.Your opinion! But I don't really like 'em. I stay an Inkling forever. But again: I never mind if people are playing as an octarian.
Even if this is legit, there's still the issue of it possibly never even being used anyway. (I think it's fake, the Boy's hair look way too out of proportion compared to the female version, even for a WIP.)This image has also been found in the game's files:
EDIT: This image was actually sent to the dataminers privately, so it's not guaranteed to be legitimate. However, they decided to inklude it in their post on Reddit, so it's possible it holds merit.
.... You have Marina to blame for that.I hate to be a killjoy, but frankly I think this is a load of rubbish. The first game had all this "evidence" and "hype" and people were saying playable Octoling were inevitable - only for us to get absolutely nowt.
I don't believe these claims. I never have and I never will until they're officially playable in the game.
Even if this is legit, there's still the issue of it possibly never even being used anyway. (I think it's fake, the Boy's hair look way too out of proportion compared to the female version, even for a WIP.)
Besides, I think Octolings are easily the most overrated element in the series anyway.
ಠ_ಠBesides, I think Octolings are easily the most overrated element in the series anyway.
For Octolings being "overrated"? For me it was the opposite. Marina was cool because she was an Octoling, not the other way around. The implications surrounding her being an Octoling were also exciting, like the fact that it shows Octos can be accepted into Inkling society. Just let the takos play Turf, Ninty. They just wanna have fun ;A;.... You have Marina to blame for that.
Besides, I think Octolings are easily the most overrated element in the series anyway.
(refuses to post memes but is also triggered)
(refuses to post memes but is also triggered)
I want to say aesthetic only so people can choose the race they prefer, but going by how clothing works in Splatoon and by that I mean the clothes have abilities and so it is not just about preference, but also about having an outfit with abilities that support your playstyle. Well, that is how it is for a big part of the players, at least.I wonder, if they do add playable octolings... Do y'all think it would just be an aesthetic change, or would there be something else? Like maybe a trade-off of less run-speed but more swim-speed than an inkling, or vice-versa? Or more health but lower mobility (or, again, vice versa)? It would certainly be tricky to balance to make sure no one species is objectively better to play as, but I think it would be very interesting if they tweaked the stats to make playing as an octoling FEEL different, more than just a reskin.
That would open up a can of Squid Worms I would rather not see. If the octolings are playable, I can't imagine they would have different stats. Since their SP structures are the same as a player's, I think they would be different purely on an aesthetic level based on how they function.I wonder, if they do add playable octolings... Do y'all think it would just be an aesthetic change, or would there be something else? Like maybe a trade-off of less run-speed but more swim-speed than an inkling, or vice-versa? Or more health but lower mobility (or, again, vice versa)? It would certainly be tricky to balance to make sure no one species is objectively better to play as, but I think it would be very interesting if they tweaked the stats to make playing as an octoling FEEL different, more than just a reskin.