I take back everything ambivalent or negative I've said about Splat Zone. Port Mackerel and Blackbelly, currently on rotation, proved its worth. Both are split-objectives map, where you need to split focus along TWO zones of contest instead of one, and it's done an incredible job of making ranked interesting. The flows and shifts in team and priority dynamics have been astounding, and the emergent teamwork has been absolutely beautiful.
Port Mackerel especially, where the zone objectives are far apart from each other. You NEED to take the farther zone to get ahead, but the more people you put on the offense, the greater you risk somebody backdooring your loosely guarded "near" zone. That tension makes for a beautiful game, even when you're losing. I have had a LOT of games today that went to the OT timer, and far fewer knockouts. Even one game where it was a ONE-SECOND split--the most exasperating loss, but making ranked all the more exciting for it.
I want to see more maps made this way, and existing maps rebalanced along that direction. Saltspray Rig, especially, which is a lousy one-chokepoint experience on Ranked. Putting a zone on each of the platform forces both teams to utilize the entire map, making for much more dynamic play.