I was just wondering what everyone's strategy is for the opening 30secs to 1 minute of Turf Wars.
When I first started playing Splatoon everyone was like "Ink Your Base!!" so that is what I did. It was easy to do with a roller and got you lots of points toward your special early on. I had pretty good success with this strategy and my wife and my friends who come over to play have never deviated from this.
However, I started reading more and watching some streamers and I noticed that many of them rushed ahead to the central area to either meet the opposing team head-on, take control of the middle first, or secure the high ground. So I tried this strategy when I first decided to get good at shooters (instead of just the Krack-On). It worked really well for me as I not only was able to capture the middle, but I was still able to get lots of points for my special.
After awhile though, the rush forward strategy seemed to be failing. I think it was due to more and more people adopting that same strategy and while I am usually better than 50% at splatting people, I still got splatted frequently. So, for this past splatfest I returned to inking the base first and then heading out to confront the enemy.
Honestly, the "ink the base" tactic has worked better. I was using the RG, which has ink strike which means I could cut off the enemy early and I'm more of a close combat person (because of my terrible aim from long distance) so I can splat people easy after the initial cover (more ink to hide in).
But, I can see this tactic changing depending on weapons. If I went back to the .52 gal I'd probably rush to the middle a bit faster. One of the reasons I like this mode is of the many ways to achieve victory.
So, what tactic does everyone else use?