They also had a reason to put beakons on sploosh, but that doesn't mean it was a good reason or that there's any synergy. What do you think is their reason, and why do you think it's valid?
My answer: it's not valid. I just know that wall is also favored on weapons that have no benefit from combos whatsoever, and 52 has a longer range than most short ranged shooters and has no issue standing still and threatening a two shot so it does the job.
As for the range thing, I'd like to point out that .52 is one of the best wall users, and it doesn't have nearly as much range as rapid. It uses its wall very aggressively. And besides, s-blast does have a similar range to rapid, and although it has a small indirect radius, a wall would let it go for long range directs much more easily with good positioning. (This is one of its primary struggles right now, because if you go for a direct and miss or there are other players, there is quite a bit of endlag that can make it very risky.) Also, the short range mode would let it hit opponents that are rushing it down while it switches sides of the wall, in a similar way to .52. Obviously neither of these comparisons are perfect, but I think they show why it would work on '92 similarly to those other weapons.
I'd see your point if not for the fact there are multiple examples of AOE weapons with wall that suffer immensely because of it. Flingza from S2 is a decent comparison because it really can't take advantage of it as much as it seems like it could, even with a bomb rush which was pretty good back in 2. Range Blaster when it was a much better main weapon in S1, HATES wall. It is also in part due to strike but vanilla range was HORRIBLE in 1. Slosher also DESPISED wall back in 1 and it had KRAKEN as a special. Swig also hates wall in this game, as an AOE weapon that has it in the vanilla game.
This is true. But what makes you think it wouldn't be helpful on s-blast specifically?
Similar reason as to why REEFLUX hates wall. S'Blast is a weapon that due to its range value, HATES standing still. Maybe a little less so than Flux but still. Same reason why something like Squiffer should never get a wall. Why slosher hates wall, why rollers have always done terrible with a wall. And Blasters are basically the combination of the two classes.
Why do you think it so badly needs a bomb? Yes, the shorter range blasters need them as poking tools because they really don't have any other way to do that, but s-blast has a long range mode. The small blast radius might not be able to poke (it would with the buff!) but directs certainly can, especially if it gets a wall.
Because I know that no utility sub gives it the necessary opportunities to combo. Custom Blaster does have sensor though so I am lightening up on the idea of giving a utility sub but wall has been consistently shown to NEVER work on short ranged AOE. Long range AOE is its own thing, hence why Explo is okay with wall, why Rapid wouldn't mind wall, etc.. I'm not saying bombs are an ABSOLUTE must, even though it might seem like it and I do think it makes complete sense to keep fizzy for synergy and distribution. I'm just saying there's a reason why wall is not a good choice for oneshot blasters in general.
gonna be honest, I have no idea what this sentence means. I don't see any reason for mine to be on this weapon. (This is actually true for most weapons but I'll talk about this later.)
I messed this phrasing up lmao. I thought in my head if the short ranged radius had 60 then maybe a vision with mines could work as a more backish playstyle, but even then, the fact it hates to not move makes mines not great for it.
S-blast already has struggles with downtime; why should it get the most expensive sub in the game? And how would it benefit from it any more than, say, dread D?
The thing with beakon is that there are no white ink frames and you are almost never setting them up at the heat of battle, which makes it far more reasonable of an option than you might think. And if S'Blast 92 back in 4.0 is something to go by, if you have an entry tool, you really don't need a poking bomb as much if your main weapon can fight. Which as a onetrick weapon, it DEFINITELY can, which I can't say quite the same for dread, which almost NEEDS a bomb due to having a 90 damage maximum which has worse reliability than S'Blast's long ranged indirect was with 1.8 units.
Mist also seems kind of weird. Maybe it could sometimes let you get more directs, but wall would do that better anyway, and mist also doesn't really cover any of the weapon's weaknesses.
Mist was never meant to cover weaknesses, rather enhance strengths since the 91 kit already covers weaknesses really well. Wall would not help S'Blast as much as you think since S'Blast wants to keep on moving as it fights. Mist slows down the opponent, allowing you to well, keep moving. As for the direct situation for S'Blast, you need to be RUSHING for directs, you want to be peeking like crazy. You do NOT want something that incentivizes you to stay in place. Mist would be MUCH better for getting directs in comparison.