Rofl, you seriously believe my last response was a serious one?! Bahahahaha!! I stopped taking most of the people on this thread seriously long ago, your reaction to my obvious bad joke of a joke post is over the top! Another big paragraph to just one little sentence of my!! Ahahahaha, Dude, of course I don't do that!! Rofl, I'm done, thanks for the amazing laugh!!
...Really. Just...really. -_-
I'm sorry, considering your attitude with your reactions to everyone arguing with you (and no, I'm not the only one), I thought you were legitimately serious, since you've made it outright hard to tell if you're even joking or not with this subject. My reaction was justified; I asked you a question with no blatantly clear intent of joking, and you respond with only a joking answer which, as a result, gets us nowhere? You may as well not have posted at all. And who cares if an argument is a sentence, a paragraph, or an essay? What's your deal with mentioning that repeatedly like it's a dumb thing to do?
And if you stopped taking us all seriously now, then why are you still talking to us? Just trolling? Sound like that's what you're admitting. I've been mature and cool-headed until now, and you respond like you're the only smart one here when you won't even read my post which you oh-so-affectionately called an "essay", and just jumped to the conclusion that our argument will only go in circles after my SECOND post to you, which, again, you admitted to not bothering to read. We're not taking things too seriously; you're taking things too lightly.
It's hilarious any time to me because it's just a game and silly looking. Especially in a turf war where your rank isn't effected. If I'm playing a ranked match or if it were for a tournament I'm usually to focused on trying my best in order to win to seabag. It would be immature if I took the game to seriously all the time trying to be formally honorable in a game that's about squids inking eachother for dominance. Really, the game's world, characters, and premise is silly and immature going by your logic. Maybe you shouldn't play the game because encourages you to be a squid kid.
The setting of a video game does not matter. The animation looking "silly", at least, in your opinion, doesn't matter. She likely is saying it's immature because it is an act people possibly are substituting for teabagging, an act intended to taunt AND humiliate the defeated user by making it look like they are... "doing something with their mouth to the other guy against their will", and I think you know what that is. Am I right, Reila?
Oh, and Jeremy, sorry for getting my point across in multiple paragraphs again. I know how much you hate reading long posts.