Sheldon's Picks Volume 2 Announced


Squid Savior From the Future
Dec 18, 2015
So I finally got around to using all the new weapons. I had some big surprises and some big non-surprises where the surprise is that not all of you had the same experience with it.

Bento: I'm sorry, I hate these things. I'm not surprised. I'm a charger main who plays an aggressive charger. I switched to splatterscope from eliter after 2.7 because eliter could no longer be as aggressive a charger, so it's the expected result. But still, it makes me a sad (panda) squid that they finally release not one but two new entries in my main main class, and they're very unsuited for me. The walls kind of force it to be a perch sniper, and it's too slow to prep a shot to really make use of the wall as an offensive pushing instrument. Bamboozler Mk1 remains my wall-charger for offensive pushing. It handles so much faster and more nimbly behind its walls. I'm slightly glad though. I didn't want bamboozler to become redundant in one of it's really good kits. It's not, it's still, IMO, the better one. I see Bento as a greater threat to eliter populatirty as a perch sniping platform. One provides the range, the other provides a defense screen on the perch.

Remix: I'll have to play with this some more. I see some of the appeal. It's a strange weapon, and I can think of no other weapon that's main feature is that it specializes in killer wails. It could have an odd sniper-ish role long-term. I can't see myself maining it, but it's a weird, fun weapon, and it might be fun to pull out in a splatfest.

NZap 83: Interesting weapon. I didn't expect much from yet another nzap, and I did awful when I first picked it up. But I got into it toward the end. It's hard deciding if I like the 83 or the 85 better. Splat bombs are far more universal than sensors and play into the weapon very well, and yet an nzap that can kraken, with the rate of charge is pretty handy, and sensors along with the fairly moderate range are handier than on short range weapons like the Neo Sploosh. I like it, which surprises me, though I rarely play midrange shooters.

Cherry H3: I just can't get a feel for this thing. The bubbler really is its strength more than the wall. It can use the wall a lot like a bamboozler, but the bamboozler is still faster through the wall if you don't get the ohko with Cherry (which with moving targets isn't often, it's ohko's more likely come from stealth positioning, not challenging head-on with a wall.) I couldn't help but feel that the original H3 is still the best one. (That's not saying much.) The suction bombs really help zone out the big range. I can see the value in bubble spamming....but it makes it a ranged Jr that's a PITA to aim. Can't I go CHydra if I want to bubble spam AND not have a painful weapon to aim? :) For me, so far, (further testing required) I feel that the vanilla H3 is still the most versatile. I might even prefer the Dolphin to this one, but that one's more debatable. The bubble may make you invincible, but the H3 is just impossible to aim when you're in the face of an enemy that isn't surprised by you.

Sploosh 7: I'm a sploosh main along with chargers. But I wasn't have the best run with this (except the round I had an amazing run with it). The kit's great, the weapons' great, but I think I was experiencing way too much sploosh lag - shots going through people making them impossible to hit. I do think this will be my new main sploosh from now on, but it highlights again that Sploosh can be weak not based on its stats or the skill of the player but due to lag making guaranteed 3hko's become 8hko misses while in a very dangerous place. Great weapon, bad test experience. But the round where i was one of the two "titans" of the lobby with double digit kills encouraged me greatly.

Grim: I'm stunned. I've always liked RnB, but I've never been a great RnB player. It either pulls ahead for me or doesn't. I was playing this thing VERY solidly. Kills were just happening. The burst bombs, the mobility, the quick charging wails. Thanks to the bursts acting like a semi-disruptor I was getting far more ohko's even against amazing players than I've ever had on an RnB before. On paper, the Custom is still the better weapon, but in practice, I'm really liking the Grim. First time an RnB played like a charger for me.

CoroCoro: I'm even more stunned. Everything about a roller with a wall sounded downright stupid. It's not. This is now my favorite splat roller. I didn't see it until I played it: The wall is not for defense. Using it for defense will fail. It's for shutting down routes of escape! Throw in an inkzooka and it's a carbon roller with more range, squish ability, and can control the path of the enemy! This might be my favorite roller overall now. It's a very tactical roller. My Bambi Mk1 experience helps me use it I think.

AeroPG: But the big winner for me, though I'm not surprised, is the Aerospray PG. This thing is amazing. Inks like nothing else, krakens for very offensive pushes, charges krakens faster than any other weapon in the game, and burst cancelling DOES indeed provide very fast ttks. It's the ultimate rushdown weapon, outsplooshing the sploosh. I think many might not like it because many aren't fans of the new burst bombs and the need to aim them precisely, but for those that are good at burst bomb aim, the lag resistance, ok range, and ttk are excellent. After one burst, even with no dmg up it becomes a 3hko from the main gun. 2hko with some dmg up. It frustrates me that I now need to do the campaign on my two alts just to get this thing on all accounts. But I need it. Aerospray is back in the meta! Maybe we need an #aerorevoloosh. Hmm. #aerospraymainstay? #aerodareo?

How about #YearOfThePG? :D

I don't care what the Aero is built for, I use the RG offensively. And with the PG, I'll probably use it offensively too. :) ;)
Here here! Offensive Aeros unite! :)


Inkling Fleet Admiral
Sep 25, 2015
Inkopolis, born and raised!
Switch Friend Code
AeroPG: But the big winner for me, though I'm not surprised, is the Aerospray PG. This thing is amazing. Inks like nothing else, krakens for very offensive pushes, charges krakens faster than any other weapon in the game, and burst cancelling DOES indeed provide very fast ttks. It's the ultimate rushdown weapon, outsplooshing the sploosh. I think many might not like it because many aren't fans of the new burst bombs and the need to aim them precisely, but for those that are good at burst bomb aim, the lag resistance, ok range, and ttk are excellent. After one burst, even with no dmg up it becomes a 3hko from the main gun. 2hko with some dmg up. It frustrates me that I now need to do the campaign on my two alts just to get this thing on all accounts. But I need it. Aerospray is back in the meta! Maybe we need an #aerorevoloosh. Hmm. #aerospraymainstay? #aerodareo?

How about #YearOfThePG? :D

Here here! Offensive Aeros unite! :)
*raises fist* Offensive forever! Maybe #RatedAeroPG *shrugs*


...........Oops! I fell asleep!
Jun 25, 2015
Octo Valley
i'm glad others love the PG, because i'm really really digging it ;v; haven't tested it in ranked (though i think it could be useful in TC) but honestly... it feels SO GOOD. i really missed using an Aerospray, and now i know it was an absolute shame that we all had to stop using them! such a good feeling weapon, seriously.


Prodigal Squid
Aug 18, 2015
I didn't really like the PG. I feel like you get a better gun with either the L-3D or the Neo-Splash, depending on what you want to do. You want something that inks well + burst bombs? Neo splash. You want something that can slay, burst bomb, ink decent, and kraken? L-3D.

Maybe the aerospray is a bit easier to use than the L-3D, but I really struggled with its limitations: short range and long time to kill (which a burst bombs doesn't really help all that much).

I'll probably pick it up when I'm bored, but I'll stick with my previous mains.


Inkling Fleet Admiral
Sep 25, 2015
Inkopolis, born and raised!
Switch Friend Code
I didn't really like the PG. I feel like you get a better gun with either the L-3D or the Neo-Splash, depending on what you want to do. You want something that inks well + burst bombs? Neo splash. You want something that can slay, burst bomb, ink decent, and kraken? L-3D.

Maybe the aerospray is a bit easier to use than the L-3D, but I really struggled with its limitations: short range and long time to kill (which a burst bombs doesn't really help all that much).

I'll probably pick it up when I'm bored, but I'll stick with my previous mains.
It's better when you jump over them and splat them (the best splat ever)


Squid Savior From the Future
Dec 18, 2015
I didn't really like the PG. I feel like you get a better gun with either the L-3D or the Neo-Splash, depending on what you want to do. You want something that inks well + burst bombs? Neo splash. You want something that can slay, burst bomb, ink decent, and kraken? L-3D.

Maybe the aerospray is a bit easier to use than the L-3D, but I really struggled with its limitations: short range and long time to kill (which a burst bombs doesn't really help all that much).

I'll probably pick it up when I'm bored, but I'll stick with my previous mains.
IMO the Sploosh, Jr. And Aero all belong to the same family of short-to-mid-range inaccurate (wide spread) shooters. The sploosh is the only one with high damage, higher mobility, but has the ridiculously short range. Aerospray, believe it or not, has a surprisingly long range. It's just that the spread is so severe not enough shots hit at the long range. The damage from the burst bombs reduces the shots to hit, letting you take more advantage of that range (assuming you can hit the burst.)

The Splash, Splattershot, and Tentatek seem to belong to the same family of mid to mid-long range shooters with very accurate lines to varying degrees. They're good for zoning and killing at the extend of your range, while the former three are ideal for in-your-face rushdowns. The "splash" category is your conventional midrange shooter. Stand at the right distance, point, and shoot. While you CAN shoot close and rush down, there's no advantages to doing so. The former three, the wide spread makes it so that the closer you are the faster it kills, incentivizing playing close and aggressive like a roller.

Sploosh's unique claim to fame is its high damage, wide spread, high mobility. It's a beautiful weapon and typically that's been my best killer of the 3, but sometimes the sploosh lag is too much to take. With its short range and the games habit of "objects rendered are probably not nearly as close as they appear" many times I end up running face to face, firing away, and hitting nothing. If this happens we almost surely lose a match through no actual errors of my own, just bad luck. Sploosh is thus CONDITIONALLY my favorite of this bunch. But the aero has that relatively long range (high RNG with spread.) That's very useful. But until now useless since it's so hard to use. With the PG, you can burst (direct hit preferred) as you close in - 50% damage there. Then your range might give you one more hit randomly. Then you need only 1-2 as you close in. I don't think the PG is a beginner friendly weapon (ironic given the RG's pedigree) as it kind of depends on the art of containment and singling out 1v1 battles, but where neither RG or MG were very practical in ranked due to the very high ttk, this new variety gives it teeth if you can be accurate with bombs almost the same way a Rapid Blaster can paralyze opponents as you close in for the kill.

L3 is a different play style entirely I think. Rushdowns simply aren't going to work out well with that gun. Actually rushdowns are more beneficial for H3 IMO.

Sploosh is kind of a fully-automatic roller. In some ways Aerospray PG is a fully automatic uhh...Rapidblaster....splattershot........thingie... :D

Keep in mind I was actually an MG main back in the time of Burgers V Pizza and Naughty v Nice - so I'm not new to trying to make the Aero deadly. But in ranked it was clear that it wasn't keeping up in kill speed in any meaningful way. I think burst bombs fixes that in a big way. And in solo given my teams utter inability to ink anything at all....that's invaluable for RM and zones :)


Prodigal Squid
Aug 18, 2015
The sploosh is definitely a roller in shooter form. There has been multiple times the past two days where a sploosh pops up near me and splats me in (seemingly) one shot. They muzzle velocity + 3 shots to kill make it disgusting at that point-blank range. I can never make it work though.

I used to exclusively use the RG, so I remember doing well with it. But I guess I'm so used to the range + accuracy of the splattershot that I can't use it anymore.

The splash used to be in the short-range category, but after the buff it is kinda in the middle of short and mid range. Longer than the aerosprays by a smidge but shorter than a splattershot by a smidge.
Last edited:


Squid Savior From the Future
Dec 18, 2015
The sploosh is definitely a roller in shooter form. There has been multiple times the past two days where I sploosh pops up near me and splats me in (seemingly) one shot. They muzzle velocity + 3 shots to kill make it disgusting at that point-blank range. I can never make it work though.

I used to exclusively use the RG, so I remember doing well with it. But I guess I'm so used to the range + accuracy of the splattershot that I can't use it anymore.

The splash used to be in the short-range category, but after the buff it is kinda in the middle of short and mid range. Longer than the aerosprays by a smidge but shorter than a splattershot by a smidge.
Hehe, sploosh still kills slower than carbon. I'm not sure how it fares next to splat roller. What it has over the rollers though is its travel speed. I still think it's a travesty that the only thing that rollers aren't actually good at is ROLLING. :) Splooshes and carbons are best played spastic and frantic :) The trick is always GETTING into point blank range though. I think that's one place the Sploosh 7 disappoints a little. it finally has a throwable sub, but it's a throwable sub that works wonders for zoning, and sploosh is one of only two weapons you absolutely do not WANT to zone :) If lag distance weren't a thing, I'd be unstoppable with a sploosh :P But as it is I can easily go 7/9 because of the 4 times I got splatted after firing 5 shots right into someone only for them to get me. When it works it works though. Its the only weapon I was able to power through the entirity of the last splatfest on 2 out of 3 accounts with in the 24 hour span. I did Jr for a while on the one account when the lag was acting up though, but sploosh was most reliable overall. It's hard being THAT spastic for hours and hours on end though. If chargers were worth anything in splatfest it would have been a nice break :)

Splash is quite good now. I rocketed up a rank in an hour a few weeks ago after the buff, but then started getting the dreaded forced losing streaks. It's ttk and lack of lag resistance combined made it painful. Thus adapting back to sploosh and Jr. I'm loyal to sploosh. Both my S accounts had the final round won with Sploosh. But that PG....I's awfully nice...


Semi-Pro Squid
May 14, 2015
I LOVE the coro roller... As a general roller-class main, I thought roller+wall was stupid.... But oh my goodness the utility! Cutting off escapes, countering other splash walls, enabling otherwise unlikely getaways, protecting your flank, team support.... I wish there was a dynamo with a splash wall now. And of course, inkzooka is a dumb special (dumb in the sense that I wish it didn't exist unless I'm using it)


Inkling Cadet
Jan 23, 2016
Switch Friend Code
I'd have to say that I'm enjoying the Bento Charger. I love to play support and this helps me do it even more. I'm just about a perch sniper anyway, so I can see everything that's going on, and throw down a splash wall to protect a teammate and ink out a path if they're in trouble. Not to mention, some people run into the wall for some odd reason, despite the delay it has. I can also protect teammates who superjump to me by throwing one out and just leaving. At first I didn't do as good with the wall as I didn't know the distance, but after a few trials and errors, I just about got it down.

And I can still go aggressive if need be as the wall still protects me if foes happen to get close and I can make my escape. I love this charger and may even consider this over the splat charger in certain maps.

Green Waffles

Inkling Fleet Admiral
Apr 18, 2016
I LOVE the coro roller... As a general roller-class main, I thought roller+wall was stupid.... But oh my goodness the utility! Cutting off escapes, countering other splash walls, enabling otherwise unlikely getaways, protecting your flank, team support.... I wish there was a dynamo with a splash wall now. And of course, inkzooka is a dumb special (dumb in the sense that I wish it didn't exist unless I'm using it)
Was about to post the exact same thing, except the dynamo part.
Nintendo needs to NOT do that as much as they need to NOT give a roller disruptors >_<

My splatooey group likes to brainstorm broken weapons/kits (like akraken that sreads to teammates like bubbler)
and one such thing was a Dynamo roller with splash wall and/or bubbler.
The main weapon is already a powerhouse of defense, any more defense and it would be an un-inkable brick wall for the opposite team.

Don't get me wrong, I want to mercilessly splat ALL the enemy squids, but I don't want them to hate life and not squid party with me in a future turf war xP

On the note of making the enemy team hate your squid guts, I'm getting more and more iffy about the cherry having this sub/special combo as I start getting "better" at the main weapon.
The whole splash wall followed by a bubbler followed by another splash wall feels..
I don't think its wrong... but I can almost hear the receiving player saying
"Oh and you would do that, wouldn't you? Why wouldn't you?! Punk."

Or is this empathy another organic distraction?


Inkling Cadet
Feb 10, 2016
I still feel like they could have done much more for the H-3. They gave it a bubbler, which is okay, but I still don't think splash wall was really the right choice. It would have been great to give it burst bombs or disruptors so it can actually hit stuff, or even a buff of any kind. Splash walls just are not what it needed, it needed a way to go head-to-head. The only way you can use an H-3 like any other weapon is if you are an actual pro at aiming. On any other weapon you can miss two or three shots, but you must hit ALL of the shots with the H-3 unless you are okay with death. It just makes me sad that after all the hype is done it will return to the most underused weapon in the game, at least brushes have a few followers. It just would have been a little nice to make it better, not just slap a bubbler on and say it's good…


Squid Savior From the Future
Community Ambassador
Feb 3, 2016
Uh oh, the more I hear about new wall users finding out how versatile a utility tool splash walls are the more my competitive dread kicks in. Gonna have to up my splash wall game. Hopefully by next week the new weapons will become storage space in everyone's inventory. =p

And I need to try out the Cherry H3 because I want to test the idea of bubbling up, throwing the splash wall behind one or more opponents, then sending them to respawn. So far I've only experienced @TeaBee giving me the Splattershot Jr treatment whenever I finally got the drop on him. Mrgrgr~!


Inkster Jr.
Jun 26, 2015
I'm actually pretty happy with the depletion rates for the new weapons. Except for the Aerospray. Should have been light instead of medium if you ask me. The ability to use Kraken and charge it up easily in return for the awful kill potential this weapon has is something that should be furthered rather than limited.
Ya, I am not feeling the Aerospray PG at all.

It looks good on paper but I am not getting anywhere near the number Kraken as expected due to the medium depletion and the jumping spread nerf. I get Kraken more often with the Permanent Inkbrush and about the same number with the Sploosh, except with the Sploosh I also get a much better K/D ratio.

The accuracy buff helps me win more often against other weak weapons like the Jr. or the Inkbrush but I still lose every firefight I would've lost before.


Inkling Commander
Apr 23, 2015
Under a rock in Texas.
Still love the bento but the aero PG and HS remix make me want to drop chargers....
It's much fun, spreading ink so easily which in turn supports the team. I enjoy supporting teammates for some stupid reason :P
and burst bombs really help the aero PG as aboves have already said. Which I suck with burst bombs but gee golly I'll learn, the feel of the aero PG is just so right.
and as for the remix it covers turf and charges killer wails so easily it feels like I don't even have to bother aiming them. Wail...few seconds much wail...
and it's color scheme/aesthetic looks great! I think I like the aero more though, can be so mobile, stay back and threaten the enemy with bombs if they approach and get a kraken charged up. Too bad the main weapon doesn't benefit from damage up but I might invest in some anyways to help it's TTK


Inkster Jr.
Mar 4, 2016
Uh oh, the more I hear about new wall users finding out how versatile a utility tool splash walls are the more my competitive dread kicks in. Gonna have to up my splash wall game. Hopefully by next week the new weapons will become storage space in everyone's inventory. =p

And I need to try out the Cherry H3 because I want to test the idea of bubbling up, throwing the splash wall behind one or more opponents, then sending them to respawn. So far I've only experienced @TeaBee giving me the Splattershot Jr treatment whenever I finally got the drop on him. Mrgrgr~!
When did that happen? @~@


Lord of the Squids
Aug 5, 2015
Some more of my thoughts if anyone cares!

It's funny how much of a difference the scope makes for me. My Splatterscope game is pretty solid, but man I'm complete trash without it as I learned playing the scope-less Bento version! Kit is obviously great though so this a weapon I'll be using more often, the scope version I mean!

The Heavy Remix, while blatantly inferior to the Heavy Deco, was still great fun especially during Tower Control, and it's kinda nice to have somewhat of a counter against Chargers via Killer Wail, but man I really wish it had Inkzooka instead, ahwells!

N'Zap 83 believe it or not I'm not feeling it at all. To me it's just a noob friendlier but weaker take on the L-3D and Slosher Deco, thus it does nothing for me since I'm already great at those weapons. Since the sub doesn't really aid in direct combat, which is kinda bad for a run and gun weapon, it becomes more reliant on the special. That's quite a problem when it's also worse at getting the Kraken. L-3D has much better inkspread not only with the main weapon but thanks to Burst bombs aswell, and the Slosher Deco spreads ink just as well but it has light depletion and Splash Wall to spread ink safely. Needless to say I don't think I'm going to be using this weapon anymore, L-3D for life!

Corocoro Splat Roller I'm still not completely used to, it just feels so weird! The Roller and Inkzooka work as expected, but the Wall I don't know, I don't like not really being able to spread ink from behind it due to the Roller's lack of range, which is also why you're not really going to be killing anyone behind it unless you run up to the enemy, throw out the wall, and then splat them, but if you're in their face already there's no need for the wall. It can still help push forward, but I was mainly using it for defense and escapes. Nothing wrong with that, but I'd prefer it having a sub it can fully take advantage of, which is why I'm probably not gonna be using this over the Splat Roller and Carbon Roller very often.

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