You can actually remove it when it's in the System Settings, just don't plug it out any other time when outside the System Settings, since that's when it starts using the data off the USB stick.
I was going to post here to see if anyone has the piece of gear I'm looking for, it's in my signature, but I'll post it here again anyway:



As I've said in my signature, I really would like this for my Neo Splash, and I could also use it for the Refurbished Mini, none of the other Bomb Range Up headgear looks very fresh, and the only thing that rolls this naturally is the

, which I'm not overly keen on either. I'm thinking of a Refurbished Mini build along the lines of this:






- Shirt (depending on gear availability)




- Shoes
Also, does anyone have this?



It doesn't need all 3 slots, as 2 usually suffices, but those shoes are pretty nice and since they're blue, they might as well have all blue abilities :p. In all seriousness, I do want those shoes like that, so I can use them on weapons with Burst Bombs, as I'm pretty sure 6 subs/1 main and 3 subs is enough to get a 3rd Burst Bomb, bringing it closer to its original pre-nerf form, which would definitely benefit the Refurbished Mini, as whilst I wouldn't throw all 3 out, I could throw 2 and have 34% of my ink tank left, rather than be left with 20% (I believe this amount makes Burst Bombs cost 33%).