I don't get how they accomplished ensuring short queues for ranked battles or a fair start for everyone anymore than they would have if they'd released the mode at launch. Yeah, I get that was intention behind holding Ranked Battles back, but I'm saying things didn't actually work out that way; level 10 is too easy to achieve to be a true indicator of a player's skill, with the addition that skills won't necessarily transfer from Turf Wars to Splat Zones, and after a mere 2 days, the crowd that has the game now is still pretty much the crowd that had the game at launch. They really didn't achieve what they intended, and I'm upset that one of the things that soured my opinion of the game turned out to be so meaningless.
Hitting level 10 is not THAT easy. (I mean alright it's not hard nor does it take really long, but it still does take a while) and it at least somewhat ensures that the person is rather comfortable with the controls by now and perhaps already knows a few "common" tactis (even if they aren't useable in splat zone). It also means that person has at least one set of gear with unlocked sub-abilites. In most cases more than just one.
But back to your original question of how holding it back ensured short queues:
So the people who got to lvl 10 first would have had to wait longer till they could've started a game sicne the overall population of lvl 10 players was just too low in the first few days (duuuh).
Now "the majority" or at least a huge part of the playerbase is lvl 10 and above which means, more potential players = shorter queues.
Finding 7 other players out of 20 available definitely takes longer than finding 7 out of 1000. Don't you think?
Except you mean why it wasn't just available from level 1 on, in that case read the first part of my reply.
(In short, it basically makes it less likely for people to get grouped with "a complete newbie who can barely aim". Which would be unfair for the players who got grouped with him/her and no fun for the person itself either since s/he would just get stomped. = Less frustration for both sides and more fairness in general. Emphasis on "more". )
Eitherway, calm down. Raging about it is just as meaningless as holding it back seemed to you. It'll be availabe in just a few hours anyway.
How does a fair start affect anyone? No seriously, In a game where rank measures skill how does starting first help? You win your rank goes up. You dont get a boost from starting first. In fact, this "accomplishment" DOESNT separate good players bad and can cause this "frustration" someone in this thread was concerned about.
Not sure if you're concerned about that though.
Honest question.
>One of the first to hit lvl 10 > one of the first to play/win games > higher rank > has to play with lower ranks who just got to 10 since well, there aren't enough people at his rank >
has more experience obviously > easier win > easier climbing > and it goes on
at the same times those who just lost to that person dropped in rank. sure they can get back up but they start off with a clear disadvantage.