Splatdashing correctly: the advanced movement option


Pro Squid
May 14, 2015
This video that I found starting from 1 minute in shows how I suspect that regular swimming and shooting is faster than this technique. The player is able to use the range of her weapon to use squid form to move farther after each shot. Just eyeballing it, it looks faster than than what's seen in the other video. Her movement isn't perfect, but it shows the general idea.



Semi-Pro Squid
May 20, 2015
Okay I concede defeat. I was wrong you where right. This is indeed much faster. I tested it myself I apologise for being well.. brickheaded. I just remembered it really the wrong way. A thousend apolagies.


Inkling Commander
Apr 23, 2015
Okay I concede defeat. I was wrong you where right. This is indeed much faster. I tested it myself I apologise for being well.. brickheaded. I just remembered it really the wrong way. A thousend apolagies.
it's not about being wrong or right. it's a learning experience for all of us, and the more we know, the better we'll get


Inkling Commander
May 7, 2015
Ontario, Canada
ideally someone would just upload video of the methods in the same area done optimally, and post the videos. Then we could reject/accept the best uses of each one and time the stuff ourselves.


Inkling Commander
Apr 23, 2015
ideally someone would just upload video of the methods in the same area done optimally, and post the videos. Then we could reject/accept the best uses of each one and time the stuff ourselves.
once i get my hands on the full game i want to do a comparison of getting to mid on maps with sdashes & hops with getting to mid with more fundamental movement techniques, assuming we can play alone in battle dojo or something to scout maps, and assuming someone else isn't planning on doing the same thing


Inkling Commander
May 7, 2015
Ontario, Canada
once i get my hands on the full game i want to do a comparison of getting to mid on maps with sdashes & hops with getting to mid with more fundamental movement techniques, assuming we can play alone in battle dojo or something to scout maps, and assuming someone else isn't planning on doing the same thing
I'm also hoping for that kind of mode so that i can calculate the percentages certain areas are worth (like north)


Full Squid
May 11, 2015
I'm also hoping for that kind of mode so that i can calculate the percentages certain areas are worth (like north)
The local multi mode should be fine for that. Just set up two players and ignore the balloons.


Sushi Chef
Apr 23, 2015
the West
I was actually going to post about this, but I only timed the difference betw. s-hop and s-dash the previous time I was in tutorial mode. Yesterday I timed s-dash against regular well-timed making a path and then swimming through it. I had myself performing the two movements and my bro timing with his phone so although this of course creates some error we were well-coordinated and so I am going to say we were within +- 0.3 seconds of what it actually was.
*Note: when performing the regular trail ->squid I did not jump. Just trail -> as far as I could go -> trail -> repeat

We timed the two many times in two different scenarios: no ink on ground & enemy ink on the ground.
For no ink on the ground the times were basically even. It all depended on how well you were timing either one.

For enemy ink on the ground. The times seemed to favor s-dash, but tbh I am not sure why. More professional timing will probably confirm that they are extremely similar.

However what I am certain is that s-dash is your best escape option when surrounded in enemy ink and an enemy is firing at you. Also when fighting an enemy in a location where few ink has been laid (the very beginning of match, upon rollout). You start moving as fast as you can tilt at 45 degrees and shoot (so very fast). You wouldn't have time to make a trail then swim if the opponent was shooting at you. In the scenario when you and opponent have limited ink anywhere, I s-dash to the side -> shoot ->s-dash to the side -> shoot (can also do it diagonally towards opponent).
So yep I would say the use of s-dash is fairly limited in use but calling it useless is a bit much. Or maybe someone has optimized s-dash better than I was able to figure out? id, we don't have the game yet lol.

You can raise your score(Which is a contribution to the entire team and it only goes up when you ink turf) ridiculously fast if you just hold the shoot button for 5 or 6 inkshots or so and then move through the entire line then jump at the end of it in squidform and repeat. (Let's call it squidsailing if you have to give it a cool name) It's just as fast as splatterdashing but covers more turf in ink.
No that doesn't need a name rly need a name, and I suppose s-dash doesn't need one either but it was already made by someone else and it is kinda useful cuz it's a type of movement that would be hard to explain otherwise.

I think the effectiveness of shooting/swimming vs splatdashing also depends on the weapon you're using. The junior doesn't project ink as far so you have to stop and shoot a lot more frequently. It's also not necessary to ink a full path. A few shots can create enough ink such that you can swim from puddle to puddle for a while without having to stop momentum by switching back. You can also jump at the end of your puddles to conserve some momentum when you switch back, the jump time usually being sufficient to shoot a few ink puddles ahead.
I completely agree, weapons will cause a whole lot of variances that we'll be able to figure out when the game is out.

Okay I concede defeat. I was wrong you where right. This is indeed much faster. I tested it myself I apologise for being well.. brickheaded. I just remembered it really the wrong way. A thousend apolagies.
o.o ....ummm. *looks at first part of post*


Inkling Commander
Apr 23, 2015
Hi, I am a speedrunner interested in running Splatoon. I thought I would post a video of another runner, Michael_goldfish, using splatdashing to complete the tutorial in 44 seconds. Maybe this will help the debate.

VERY nice! i expect a lot of competitive rollouts will resemble something like this, which is what i want to try out come release date. i also can't wait to see how the speedrunning community will make it through the campaign, whether or not splatdashes/splatterhops are going to make it into the meta.

Trieste Sp

Super Moderator
Apr 24, 2015
Hi, I am a speedrunner interested in running Splatoon. I thought I would post a video of another runner, Michael_goldfish, using splatdashing to complete the tutorial in 44 seconds. Maybe this will help the debate.

I'm impressed. Can't wait to see you speedrun the whole game.


Full Squid
May 24, 2015
I just don't feel like there are very many situations where I would want to use this technique. I'll save me final judgement until I can test it out and compare with other options myself.
Ironically, this was almost word for word one of the earliest responses to wavedashing in Smash melee...


Full Squid
May 24, 2015
Maybe "irony" is the wrong word for it.

At any rate: point is that even small optimizations to movement are extremely important at the competitive level. Especially when this technique isn't particularly onerous in execution. This basically makes the difference between holding a chokepoint or high ground and having to contest for it from a bad position.


Inkling Cadet
May 16, 2015
Woodstock, GA
Maybe "irony" is the wrong word for it.

At any rate: point is that even small optimizations to movement are extremely important at the competitive level. Especially when this technique isn't particularly onerous in execution. This basically makes the difference between holding a chokepoint or high ground and having to contest for it from a bad position.
Maybe I wasn't clear exactly what my thoughts on splat dashing/jumping were in this thread. But I'm not convinced this is an optimization of movement yet, thats the idea I wanted to convey with that post.
I have written several threads and guides full of useless "techs" I discovered for melee and brawl and have read and tried to apply far move than that from other members of the community that just were not practical in actual game play so I've come to suspect every new technique until I can put it into practice myself.

(check out my ten year old guide on samus' bombs here)


8-bit crazy!
May 10, 2015
By reaching an area quicker with this move, the player also sacrifices ink that they lay on the ground. It would be more beneficial to the player if they steadily ink the area they go through.

To be honest I don't see much use for this move other than making the Squid Kid commercial into a reality.


Inkling Commander
Apr 23, 2015
Maybe I wasn't clear exactly what my thoughts on splat dashing/jumping were in this thread. But I'm not convinced this is an optimization of movement yet, thats the idea I wanted to convey with that post.
I have written several threads and guides full of useless "techs" I discovered for melee and brawl and have read and tried to apply far move than that from other members of the community that just were not practical in actual game play so I've come to suspect every new technique until I can put it into practice myself.

(check out my ten year old guide on samus' bombs here)
i understand your reluctance to believe the validity of the techs we're finding, skepticism is only healthy, but i encourage you to try them once the game's out. even if they're bogus, at least we'll find out the truth on how to optimize movement.


Full Squid
May 24, 2015
By reaching an area quicker with this move, the player also sacrifices ink that they lay on the ground. It would be more beneficial to the player if they steadily ink the area they go through.

To be honest I don't see much use for this move other than making the Squid Kid commercial into a reality.
You're forgetting that reaching grounds means denying it from the opposition. If you can successfully hold the center with only two or even three players, you have the entire match's duration to fill in the rest.


8-bit crazy!
May 10, 2015
You're forgetting that reaching grounds means denying it from the opposition. If you can successfully hold the center with only two or even three players, you have the entire match's duration to fill in the rest.
....and so does the enemy team that's not bothering to make it to the center just yet. However the big difference is that they'll have more ink on the ground to protect themselves with in case of conflict. The team that rushes into the center would be setting themselves little to no fallback support from the ink they layed down. Not to mention that the team that inked more will also get their special weapons quicker, having more viable means to defeat the team who chose mobility as a priority.

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