Not sure how SM can be completely locked out of the fight, but knowing where the enemy is certainly can help you and your team get back in.
I say this whenever a heavy or a sniper is in the middle and can't be flanked because they have so much ink coverage everywhere. And since the Sloshing machine can't reach out that far or turf decently on it's own, it's going to be hard gaining control back without a splat bomb rush.
Looking back at my original post, I think I was a bit harsh on this weapon. It's going to get it's bomb rush before the vanilla rapid (180p to special vs 210p is a big difference especially on weapons that can't paint well) and the Sloshing machine can perform much better in close quarters. With it's strafing speed in between sloshes, and the fact that getting a direct + indirect combo is a bit easier on the Sloshing machine.
However, I still think the vanilla rapid is a better weapon overall. Just because of the extra range and it's ability to defend objectives very easily. Even if defending yourself up close is harder.
That doesn't make the Sloshing machine neo complete garbage though. I think this will be a respectable weapon. And it's a weapon that I could see in a lot of team comps. And i could see this Weapon being an extremely reliable pick on Humpback Zones, with the uneven terrain and the bomb rush to turn this weapon from a slayer into a painter.
Personally, I'll have to play with it more in ranked / league just to see how it plays with an objective. (curse you 24 hour turf war)
Overall, this weapon looks promising, definitely worth a try.