Splatoon 3 general issues


Squid Savior From the Future
Dec 18, 2015
I'm convinced S+ rank ups are literally impossible if you didn't make it in 2 months ago. I've played 5 more rank up series. That's 20 total. Every time I either get S- teammates that can't even ink the zone, constantly die, or op opponents that are pro squids. One match the awesome teammate I had my first match was my enemy the last. Oven when there's one even 2 good matches then I just get 100 second shutouts 3 in a row. And then yet again a connection error in the first 30 seconds they know isn't me because they don't warn or ban me they count as a loss and end my rank up said. One I won was a 3v4 that we won anyway.....

If I can't solo 1v4 I don't win. I can solo S's. I can't solo 1v4 S+s. Nor should I have to.

It can't be coincidence. I can't win S+ rank up because it does not want me to. It makes it literally impossible. Not even dude could save these matches.

Also, ultra stamp remains broken. When enemies have it, it's almost impossible to kill them without a charger or splatling from the front. And they teleport/zoom. When I have it I get killed from the front by all weapons frequently. Lag issues no doubt.

Splatoon 3 Anarchy is the worst video game I've ever played. TW is fine. Anarchy is a bad, broken video game
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Squid Savior From the Future
Dec 18, 2015
So honestly I think I am starting to understand why this has been bugging me so much

Splatoon 3 has only had 1 patch so far and no major changes yet.
Why is this bothersome?
Cuz both Spaltoon 1 and 2 had frequent updates almost weekly a new weapon or update with 2 or 3 updates a month and with each weapon addition which shifted the meta slightly other weapons were balanced.
However all the weapons are here from S2, so as a plus weapon updates are less frequent with more time going to redesign for alt and new weapons being added.

The downside to all this though is balance updates are less frequent as well being almost 3 months and only 1 patch so far.
I do feel that with all the data complied patches will be more effective so far we are gonna see nerfs across the board

I definitely see nerfs coming to booyah bomb, tenta spam, probably inkshield special charge rates, and definately a nerf to Last ditch effort

The delay though has made it a little bit harder cuz I think most of us are used to dynamic shifts in the meta (heck in S2 trislosher and aerospray were consider OP in the 1st 2 or 3 patches). Right now meta is eliter/hydra get 2 picks and then you can wall out a zone or wait to 50 or 30 and then you get to win.

So here's to the major December update fizes things, and that updates are underway for matchmaking and maps as well (plz nintendo)
I do worry that kind of like what happened with Halo Infinite, the lack of early updates may have permanently killed the game. I'm not sure the player hemorrhaging that occurred can really be reversed with anything short of a massive, free DLC level blowout update, and I don't see that happening.

I also don't expect Nintendo cares much. They got their money, it did it's job. It's not a service with recurring payments. I'm not totally convinced S3 is more than a stop gap to keep the series alive until the real next entry on the next hardware platform.Outside Japan they mostly market it as a cute kids game for turf war. It'll do fine in Christmas sales. That won't help the ranked and competitive side of things much.

Plus it's largely the animal crossing team and they did the same thing there. By the time they took their sweet time delivering the major content people waited for, everyone was done with the game and didn't care anymore.

tl;Dr Nintendo doesn't understand this Internet thing and neither does Microsoft :p But Nintendo doesn't need to care because kids playing TW is really the money driver for the series.


Squid Savior From the Future
Dec 18, 2015
And another rank up series and another normal win followed by 3 total curb stomps. It's 100% rigged.

Nearly every loss, I'm the top splatter, zone defender and zone inker. Can't really do much more than that. Except one rank up battle that was so bad, I went 0/6, team was 1/3, 1/5, 1,4 (though two were an assist.) So basically my team splatted 2 whole enemies the entire match and with sploosh I just had to dive into 1v4s with fingers crossed but a carbon ninja with perfect aim that perfectly anticipated me kept getting me. Worst battle ever possibly. Rank up is either rigged or broken or both. It's not playable. At all. IDK why it's almost always the other team with X rank pros and mine with B- players that somehow have S+ badges but twice is a coincidence. Over 20 series is design.

So, giving up, probably forever at this point. If I do any ranked ever again I may try it all with Bambi, Squiffer, and carbon though. I can't get the tent to work for me and Stamper i really don't like the feel of. Carbon can be really good in tw but not sure about ranked. Squiffer is good as long as your team can shoot. Which isn't always the case in ranked. Especially S+s somehow. Bambi I sometimes wonder if it's quietly the best weapon in the game.. Range, zoning, fast kills, bombs to flush, wail. It's seriously good if you can aim.


Site Moderator
Site Moderator
Oct 19, 2015
Switch Friend Code
@Award you called it with the teleporting squid and octolings, legit pulled this from the patch notes

-Bug Fixes
Fixes to Player Controls

Fixed an issue where, when another player’s movements were unable to be reproduced smoothly due to the terrain, a process to instantaneously move them would not run, causing them to stay in their displaced position for a long time.

Also I am quite pleased with the patch notes, nerfs to tenta missles
*This thin terrain issue appears alot in the patch notes with sloshing machine, ultra stamp and the teleport bug, and few others

Improvements to splatana and a huge huge buff to zipcaster (65% ink recovery up)

Buff to angle shooter, and buffs to ink vac and reefslider to ohko shields and the occasional squid roll which is beautiful, and bunch of patches to brellas (also stopped bm blaster hits around splash walls and shields)

Yet no nerf for LDE in sight.....hopefully it'll get a nerf soon


Octarian Storyteller
Site Moderator
May 1, 2018
Octo Valley
Honestly, I can wait for more content if it means issues are fixed first.

Oh and Turf War is still terrible connection-wise, if it takes 5 or more tries to get into the first game of the day then yes, it's a problem.


Squid Savior From the Future
Dec 18, 2015
@Award you called it with the teleporting squid and octolings, legit pulled this from the patch notes

-Bug Fixes
Fixes to Player Controls

Fixed an issue where, when another player’s movements were unable to be reproduced smoothly due to the terrain, a process to instantaneously move them would not run, causing them to stay in their displaced position for a long time.

Also I am quite pleased with the patch notes, nerfs to tenta missles
*This thin terrain issue appears alot in the patch notes with sloshing machine, ultra stamp and the teleport bug, and few others

Improvements to splatana and a huge huge buff to zipcaster (65% ink recovery up)

Buff to angle shooter, and buffs to ink vac and reefslider to ohko shields and the occasional squid roll which is beautiful, and bunch of patches to brellas (also stopped bm blaster hits around splash walls and shields)

Yet no nerf for LDE in sight.....hopefully it'll get a nerf soon
I'm honestly not very pleased reading these patch notes. Honestly I'm furious. I know Salamander keeps praising how "open" the devs are and for comp players they seem to be into the "meta", but as far as the actual game goes they seem bewilderingly clueless and incompetent in the extreme.

We waited 3 months for a real patch, and what do we get? 2 maps, 3 weapons + under a dozen kits, a trillion bug fixes for bugs they either already claimed they fixed in the hotfix patches, or bugs that should have been fixed 2 and a half months ago (SZ #1 inker not being #1 inker, which explains at least that one match I talked about that I was #1 inker but didn't remember getting to ink zone much)....how did they leave that in the game for months? That's Day 1 patch material.

One thing other than matchmaking that we all agree on is that the maps are bad. What did they fix? NOTHING!! Not a mention of any map changes at all except for minor changes to Spillway. FOR TW ONLY!!! No Mahi fix, from the sound of it, no Spillway flanking for ranked, no Hammerhead fix, no Gorge fix. They're leaving the broken maps as-is! Let me guess, they'll fix that in Season 4? When there's 20 players left?

No netcode / communication error fixes, like they're unaware the problem exists AT ALL, and their first "fix" fixed it. Or they don't care. Or they don't know how to fix it so they'll pretend it's fine.

No matchmaking fixes which isn't surprising, but you'd think they'd try to fix something considering they broke it more last time they tried to "fix it". And what did they change for ranked? They made the cost of battles more expensive! That's their solution to C+ players ending up in S+, just make the grind worse so the scrubs won't work their way up the ladder?! Which means they fail to even COMPREHEND the problems of their matchmaking! That does nothing but make the grind through their broken rank up battles system MISERABLE. At that point cost, if the rank ups remain broken you'd likely spend 2-4 hours getting back to an S+ rank up battle every time it screws you over, having to play 1/3, 2/3, 3/3, 5/1 regular series to make up the points. 2 screwed matches due to matchmaking or comm errors, and you're back to grinding for HOURS over days and rotations to try again. That's their fix! Problem solved! Make the grind so miserable and long that few squids will spend the hours required to work their way up! Not making the matching work right! Not reworking the system so your rando teammates don't either carry you up or keep knocking you down. Just make the grind longer and more miserable! That might be the most destructive "fix" they could offer, but, no, it get's better, expecting the grind just slows down how fast noobs that ink the base get to S+50, they add the option to VOLUNTARILY surrender your rank. And if you do, it places you where they decide you go (Remember when I said it's not a coincidence, it tries to put you where THEY think you should be rather than based on your own play??), and you can only voluntarily surrender a rank once every 3 months! So in addition to an obnoxious grind adding endless hours of miserable poorly match-made losses between each rank up, the scrubs/griefers that don't know to ink the zone in S+ can now CHOOSE to leave S+, and the game will put them automatically where the game thinks they should be! And then if they get back to S+ then they stay there just like before! And of course they'll always be on my team while the other team is all S+50 pros in the perfectly balanced matchmaker that needs no improvements whatsoever because it's so amazingly good. Trust papa Nintendo. Papa Nintendo always knows best!

I don't think I have any intention of ever playing past B+ again in their dreadful ranked machine. I'd rather play Dark Souls. And I don't even like Dark Souls. And by "ever" I mean Splatoon 4, Splatoon 5....literally ever. It goes from bad to worse, and exits for no reason but to devour your time, and is not fun at all.

Fine they did missiles, which while very annoying wasn't even the game's biggest problem, or a top 5, but nothing that otherwise changes the meta in a meaningful way other than what new weps/kits offers. No LDE nerf, no map fixes, stamper is still broken and dies half the time it's used, bubbler is still on the tower, no matchmaking fixes ,no ranked mode reworking to not totally suck on the rank-ups, no netcode/comms fixes, everything in Splatoon already worked perfectly fine! We made the random squid teleporting work better now, because we forgot to tell you you're playing AIs and not players and everything you see is an approximation. Oh, and we got around to fixing machine killing through walls for the third try so far!

But look at all the Hotlantis catalog updates, locker updates, we fixed Tricolor after 3 splatfests, and now you can ride the flipping floats and take pictures because this is exactly what time and resources needed to be spent on to make Spla - A COMMUNICATION ERROR HAS OCCURRED.

This is actually far, far, far worse than expected. I'm pessimistic about this team, I suffered their ACNH gatcha grind, too. But even I had higher hopes for them than....this. It's like a giant middle finger to players, has very little hope of reviving the player base much at all other than a few weeks curiosity for new weapons before everyone goes back to better games they were otherwise playing anyway. I can't tell if they don't care, are incompitent, or are just trolling at this point. They fixed almost none of the major problems spent tons of effort on cosmetics (yet aren't monetizing them which is why most online shooters prioritize them), and they seem proud of this. 3 months of data, youtubers talking about bad maps....and...."we changed one map in TW"? "Mahi is fine"?

I hoped the update would fix the player population and address larger issues. This....this looks like a week 4 balance patch and a litany of day 1 bug fixes. I assume they've mostly moved onto the next Animal Crossing to launch with new hardware (but will be late) and don't have real time for S3. That's the cash cow. Even I've halfway moved onto other games at this point. I expected to shift back after the update, but as this looks, I might drop it totally short of occasional TW play.

Such a good base game, and it just doesn't get the attention it needs.
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Site Moderator
Site Moderator
Oct 19, 2015
Switch Friend Code
I'm honestly not very pleased reading these patch notes. Honestly I'm furious. I know Salamander keeps praising how "open" the devs are and for comp players they seem to be into the "meta", but as far as the actual game goes they seem bewilderingly clueless and incompetent in the extreme.

We waited 3 months for a real patch, and what do we get? 2 maps, 3 weapons + under a dozen kits, a trillion bug fixes for bugs they either already claimed they fixed in the hotfix patches, or bugs that should have been fixed 2 and a half months ago (SZ #1 inker not being #1 inker, which explains at least that one match I talked about that I was #1 inker but didn't remember getting to ink zone much)....how did they leave that in the game for months? That's Day 1 patch material.

One thing other than matchmaking that we all agree on is that the maps are bad. What did they fix? NOTHING!! Not a mention of any map changes at all except for minor changes to Spillway. FOR TW ONLY!!! No Mahi fix, from the sound of it, no Spillway flanking for ranked, no Hammerhead fix, no Gorge fix. They're leaving the broken maps as-is! Let me guess, they'll fix that in Season 4? When there's 20 players left?

No netcode / communication error fixes, like they're unaware the problem exists AT ALL, and their first "fix" fixed it. Or they don't care. Or they don't know how to fix it so they'll pretend it's fine.

No matchmaking fixes which isn't surprising, but you'd think they'd try to fix something considering they broke it more last time they tried to "fix it". And what did they change for ranked? They made the cost of battles more expensive! That's their solution to C+ players ending up in S+, just make the grind worse so the scrubs won't work their way up the ladder?! Which means they fail to even COMPREHEND the problems of their matchmaking! That does nothing but make the grind through their broken rank up battles system MISERABLE. At that point cost, if the rank ups remain broken you'd likely spend 2-4 hours getting back to an S+ rank up battle every time it screws you over, having to play 1/3, 2/3, 3/3, 5/1 regular series to make up the points. 2 screwed matches due to matchmaking or comm errors, and you're back to grinding for HOURS over days and rotations to try again. That's their fix! Problem solved! Make the grind so miserable and long that few squids will spend the hours required to work their way up! Not making the matching work right! Not reworking the system so your rando teammates don't either carry you up or keep knocking you down. Just make the grind longer and more miserable! That might be the most destructive "fix" they could offer, but, no, it get's better, expecting the grind just slows down how fast noobs that ink the base get to S+50, they add the option to VOLUNTARILY surrender your rank. And if you do, it places you where they decide you go (Remember when I said it's not a coincidence, it tries to put you where THEY think you should be rather than based on your own play??), and you can only voluntarily surrender a rank once every 3 months! So in addition to an obnoxious grind adding endless hours of miserable poorly match-made losses between each rank up, the scrubs/griefers that don't know to ink the zone in S+ can now CHOOSE to leave S+, and the game will put them automatically where the game thinks they should be! And then if they get back to S+ then they stay there just like before! And of course they'll always be on my team while the other team is all S+50 pros in the perfectly balanced matchmaker that needs no improvements whatsoever because it's so amazingly good. Trust papa Nintendo. Papa Nintendo always knows best!

I don't think I have any intention of ever playing past B+ again in their dreadful ranked machine. I'd rather play Dark Souls. And I don't even like Dark Souls. And by "ever" I mean Splatoon 4, Splatoon 5....literally ever. It goes from bad to worse, and exits for no reason but to devour your time, and is not fun at all.

Fine they did missiles, which while very annoying wasn't even the game's biggest problem, or a top 5, but nothing that otherwise changes the meta in a meaningful way other than what new weps/kits offers. No LDE nerf, no map fixes, stamper is still broken and dies half the time it's used, bubbler is still on the tower, no matchmaking fixes ,no ranked mode reworking to not totally suck on the rank-ups, no netcode/comms fixes, everything in Splatoon already worked perfectly fine! We made the random squid teleporting work better now, because we forgot to tell you you're playing AIs and not players and everything you see is an approximation. Oh, and we got around to fixing machine killing through walls for the third try so far!

But look at all the Hotlantis catalog updates, locker updates, we fixed Tricolor after 3 splatfests, and now you can ride the flipping floats and take pictures because this is exactly what time and resources needed to be spent on to make Spla - A COMMUNICATION ERROR HAS OCCURRED.

This is actually far, far, far worse than expected. I'm pessimistic about this team, I suffered their ACNH gatcha grind, too. But even I had higher hopes for them than....this. It's like a giant middle finger to players, has very little hope of reviving the player base much at all other than a few weeks curiosity for new weapons before everyone goes back to better games they were otherwise playing anyway. I can't tell if they don't care, are incompitent, or are just trolling at this point. They fixed almost none of the major problems spent tons of effort on cosmetics (yet aren't monetizing them which is why most online shooters prioritize them), and they seem proud of this. 3 months of data, youtubers talking about bad maps....and...."we changed one map in TW"? "Mahi is fine"?

I hoped the update would fix the player population and address larger issues. This....this looks like a week 4 balance patch and a litany of day 1 bug fixes. I assume they've mostly moved onto the next Animal Crossing to launch with new hardware (but will be late) and don't have real time for S3. That's the cash cow. Even I've halfway moved onto other games at this point. I expected to shift back after the update, but as this looks, I might drop it totally short of occasional TW play.

Such a good base game, and it just doesn't get the attention it needs.
They actually did fix alot of issues but I can explain something 1st matchmaking was fixed

1st your grind to S+ will be easier Award, so up to this point players above B rank could not Derank, which mean players in S and S+ ended up there through persistence and not because they actually understood the game, so there were player in S+ rank that probably should have been close to A+ rank, this has been the cause of the momentum issue is team where 1 player is carrying because they are essentially inverse smurfing, with everyone on their team being B+ to A rank players with one S+ rank vs a team with probably 1 S+ rank and a S rank who because they know what they are doing somewhat are able to snowball
This explains my gripe with players super jumping to unsafe locations because they never learned better, and why superjump spam works so well cuz they haven't learned to punish it (I mean it is still a problem but again 1 suction bomb is all it takes and they are not using them). All things we have learned through trail and error most S3 players haven't

As Bug fixes like this are hard to notice, like I said it was on what they classified as thin terrain, what does that constitute we don't know 100% but consider this isn't all terrian this means that they had to go an adjust the bug for any segment of the map that had this classification, plus this could be apart of we wrote off as connection issue, getting hit while enter swimming mode by attack far away cuz the hitbox extended way to far and we wrote it off as lag, sloshing machine hitting from odd angle I though might be connection based but might just be this terrain, blaster hitting you from behind cover which infuriated me was also just a bug that made then unfair to play against

Lastly tenta missle...tenta missle spam was just unfair, I know you might not have face it but I have seen game where people would get almost 10+ tenta missle fired off in a game, there have been game where the you legit cannot play an anchor because tenta missles were going off every 10 seconds, heck there was once game where there was 2 reef lux and they had a total of 30 tenta missles fired.
(edit I was wrong)
Basically this make is so hiding in the backlines spamming tenta missle players will have to wait for the special to connect... (before the moment the missles were fired you could farm special) so the longer the distance of the missle the longer it will be before you can fire again encourgaing them to be closer to targets, risking only hiting 1 or two target for spam or less special output for a more effective 4 person aoe attack)

Players at all level were unable to position it was a problem and on top of that they would hit locations not marked due to bugs or not show markers all together so you just had to react.
Plus due how quickly it was up other special could easily combo
***tldr missle is an initiation special that can be enhance by team coordinating their special around it...but there was no need to coordiante cuz there was always going to tenta missle up

also they nerf the speed at which it take to build charge on booyah bomb (there was a cap on S2 on mashing so there would be a larger window of vulerablity but in S3 the cap was remove so quicker mashing meant they could get booyah bomb out with little risk)

I will reiterate there is still alot to be fixed and I am not giving nintendo a pass on all of it
Last ditch effort is a pain and it needs a nerf, and most of the abilities could use some rebalancing imo, haunt I feel need a few more tweaks, and opening gambit is borderline useless for the majority of a match (though to be fair is even more broken then LDE if you look at the stats)

As for Map updates, to be honest the community has made it know, BUT it will take a bunch of time to fix it takes alot of time to make a map and probably equally as long to recode and adjust it remember how long arrowana Mall was closed before it got its patch.
Like you said it been ONLY been 4 weeks, and like I said maps take the longest time out of anything to work on, to adjust a map, check for bugs and glitch make sure there is not clippable terrian in the updated map make sure all weapons on said map do no have exploits or can paint under areas, and on top of that adjust the routes for RM, Tower Control, and possibly the layout for turf war and Splat zones...and make the map feel unique from the others.

EX: Mahi has the rising water that adjusts a death barrier they have to make sure that areas of the map you walk on when the water lowers don'tkill you if you walk over them, swim over them, dodge roll, superjump, or squid roll all of that need to be checked potentially for each piece of terrain they add or adjust

I have no doubt maps will change but again that is a long haul, for now adjusting the weapon and fixing matchmaking is a start hopefully it will improve from there
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Squid Savior From the Future
Dec 18, 2015
They actually did fix alot of issues but I can explain something 1st matchmaking was fixed

1st your grind to S+ will be easier Award, so up to this point players above B rank could not Derank, which mean players in S and S+ ended up there through persistence and not because they actually understood the game, so there were player in S+ rank that probably should have been close to A+ rank, this has been the cause of the momentum issue is team where 1 player is carrying because they are essentially inverse smurfing, with everyone on their team being B+ to A rank players with one S+ rank vs a team with probably 1 S+ rank and a S rank who because they know what they are doing somewhat are able to snowball
This explains my gripe with players super jumping to unsafe locations because they never learned better, and why superjump spam works so well cuz they haven't learned to punish it (I mean it is still a problem but again 1 suction bomb is all it takes and they are not using them). All things we have learned through trail and error most S3 players haven't

As Bug fixes like this are hard to notice, like I said it was on what they classified as thin terrain, what does that constitute we don't know 100% but consider this isn't all terrian this means that they had to go an adjust the bug for any segment of the map that had this classification, plus this could be apart of we wrote off as connection issue, getting hit while enter swimming mode by attack far away cuz the hitbox extended way to far and we wrote it off as lag, sloshing machine hitting from odd angle I though might be connection based but might just be this terrain, blaster hitting you from behind cover which infuriated me was also just a bug that made then unfair to play against

Lastly tenta missle...tenta missle spam was just unfair, I know you might not have face it but I have seen game where people would get almost 10+ tenta missle fired off in a game, there have been game where the you legit cannot play an anchor because tenta missles were going off every 10 seconds, heck there was once game where there was 2 reef lux and they had a total of 30 tenta missles fired.
(edit I was wrong)
Basically this make is so hiding in the backlines spamming tenta missle players will have to wait for the special to connect... (before the moment the missles were fired you could farm special) so the longer the distance of the missle the longer it will be before you can fire again encourgaing them to be closer to targets, risking only hiting 1 or two target for spam or less special output for a more effective 4 person aoe attack)

Players at all level were unable to position it was a problem and on top of that they would hit locations not marked due to bugs or not show markers all together so you just had to react.
Plus due how quickly it was up other special could easily combo
***tldr missle is an initiation special that can be enhance by team coordinating their special around it...but there was no need to coordiante cuz there was always going to tenta missle up

also they nerf the speed at which it take to build charge on booyah bomb (there was a cap on S2 on mashing so there would be a larger window of vulerablity but in S3 the cap was remove so quicker mashing meant they could get booyah bomb out with little risk)

I will reiterate there is still alot to be fixed and I am not giving nintendo a pass on all of it
Last ditch effort is a pain and it needs a nerf, and most of the abilities could use some rebalancing imo, haunt I feel need a few more tweaks, and opening gambit is borderline useless for the majority of a match (though to be fair is even more broken then LDE if you look at the stats)

As for Map updates, to be honest the community has made it know, BUT it will take a bunch of time to fix it takes alot of time to make a map and probably equally as long to recode and adjust it remember how long arrowana Mall was closed before it got its patch.
Like you said it been ONLY been 4 weeks, and like I said maps take the longest time out of anything to work on, to adjust a map, check for bugs and glitch make sure there is not clippable terrian in the updated map make sure all weapons on said map do no have exploits or can paint under areas, and on top of that adjust the routes for RM, Tower Control, and possibly the layout for turf war and Splat zones...and make the map feel unique from the others.

EX: Mahi has the rising water that adjusts a death barrier they have to make sure that areas of the map you walk on when the water lowers don'tkill you if you walk over them, swim over them, dodge roll, superjump, or squid roll all of that need to be checked potentially for each piece of terrain they add or adjust

I have no doubt maps will change but again that is a long haul, for now adjusting the weapon and fixing matchmaking is a start hopefully it will improve from there
I'm decidedly less optimistic that anything about matchmaking was fixed by this. I agree that so much of S and S+ were B+ to A rank skill at best (S+ player that SJ'd repeatedly to sharking roller in the zone, this means you! I'm a sploosh-with-3-SSU/roller-with-drop-roller, I can hot drop into the zone and escape 60+% of the time as a high risk move, you are a 52 gal with LDE at 2:00, you can not! :P ...and we won't even talk RM/CB where the objective isn't on rails.... :P ) Although that still does not explain why teams I had in C's, B's and A's actually seem to understand the objective MORE than the players in S/S+. Like I said the other day, I almost never had a problem with teams not knowing how to carry clams in B, matches were pretty good. In S it became a disaster of few teams knowing how to carry points. How do low ranks understand the game MORE than high ranks?? They're not as adept and fast at moving/shooting as the S+'s but they play the ACTUAL game better!! Consistently so! I agree that the problem has been "inverse smurfing" - you describe that perfectly.

But. I'm not as confident this update helps that in any way. There's 3 problems with that:

1: That assumes, especially where rank-up battles are concerned, that the problem is being RANDOMLY paired with these bad players. But I do not believe there's anything random about it at all, the system is assigning them that way by design. If it were random, there would be 50/50 liklihood of it happening. It would not be fairly consistently "my" team on rankups that are like that. And my suspision doubled having played the other side, S battles that are clearly some A+ players rank-up where not only was I alone way too much for them to deal with, but it actually put on my team someone way better than myself, one of the most OP players I've ever had on my own team, and they were there ONLY for that match while selecting "continue with same team" for several. It took an A+ and put them against myself who's technically an S+, and that guy who is undoubtedly X/comp level, and seemed to cherry pick him just for that lobby, just for that match against that A+ rank up candidate. Rank-ups aren't broken by accident. Or if it's by accident it's because the matchmaking calculations are so completely broken, the results are broken by faulty design. Either way, as long as matchmaking at high ranks breaks on rank-ups and traps high level players down, while also allowing bottom ranks up with low win rates and luck, nothing is fixed.

2: That assumes that the new scoring will actively change that dynamic. But all it does is SLOW the exact same process. It makes the grind longer both for the carried and the carriers, but it doesn't actually change the results much. What it probably does is move squidgatory down from A+ into S down to B+ into A+ and trap more S/S+ players down lower longer rather than moving A players up sooner. But by 3 months it'll look basically the same as it does now. And since rank down is "voluntary" and only a one-time deal, it effectively relies on both good-will of the carried, and the fact that they won't continue playing so much to just end up in the same position since it's restricted to once per season.

3: With the new scoring, especially in S, but also in A, the penalties are so high, that when you do get poor matches it's going to take more full series of play to recover. That again keeps higher level squids down lower, longer, adding to the imbalance, just moving the bottleneck down a rank from where it was.

Keep in mind that, remember how I've been saying the matchmaker INTENTIONALLY conspires to move you to where it wants you to be? They basically openly admitted that's within their ability with this patch. With the voluntary rank-down it puts you where it thinks you should be. It has a position it thinks you should be at!! They said it! Not too much more to think they rig matches to move you up or down to that spot but sometimes people get carried up above it.

It's sad with SJ, I used to use SJ very sparingly, only when it was really safe (or with drop roll etc), but I've learned through trial and error in S3, that SJ to relatively unsafe spots tends to yield better success than not SJ and swimming out. The SJ spam for better or worse really does yield better results at all ranks of play in S3 unless getting spawncamped, and I don't see this change repairing that. Even if you keep dying, at least if you're the one carrying the team, it seems to yield better results more of the time than safely swimming out.

The new scoring system, or an even harsher one MAY actually work, but they have to get rid of the rank-up battles COMPLETELY. They don't work. The concept itself is flawed, because it assumes one player is the difference between perfectly balanced teams. Even if the matchmaker didn't suck, it wouldn't be possible to balance it THAT precisely. The regular battle win rates/scores WITHOUT rank-up battles would be a much more fair ranking system really. Plus they don't even use their own rank-up system for 6 entire ranks, so clearly they don't value it all that much. Why it there? It's broken by both concept and implementation! Too many reddit threads exist telling people "you have to be able to play at that level in a normal rank-above match to rank up" - they don't grasp at all how it's actually working or that the real rank matches dont' play at all like the broken rank up matches on either side of it.

While I want to believe it won't be as completely unfun to try to rank up, nothing about this sounds like it will make it better, it sounds like it will make it worse, just doing the same thing more slowly over more games.

Hitboxes vs lag, teleporting etc:
That may be true, although, again, if it took 3 months to fix "the hitboxes let you get killed from someone shooting other than where you are" - 3 months is very late to discover and address a problem like that, where it's been pretty constant an issue. The teleporting issue, is definitely something seen by everyone though, as I've seen countless times that other teammates assist in running down opponents who simply aren't there. We saw them go in, but they're not there. Is that "thin terrain"? Maybe. Why is the game showing approximations instead of actual player positions to BEGIN with though?? Remember, this means that where you see a player moving is not where they actually are, the game is duplicating their movements on DIFFERENT terrain than they did it! So much is wrong with this.

Oh I've played those matches. When 2 or 3 opponents have missiles and it's literally every 10-15 seconds another barrage of them. I definitely hate that and it wasn't fun. One they had 2 flingzas and a reef lux.....in hammerhead...on zones..... And we somehow won....and I was anchor :P Although my happening to specialize in escape acts with a charger is the only way we made it out :P Proud moment, but not a fun game to play, I definitely agree the missiles are a problem (I don't actually understand why they're in the game at ALL!) But I just think there are some even more fundamental problems that rank (pun intended) higher on the priority list that are ignored here. And yeah, I'm glad you noticed not all the markers showing or other locations hitting, I've noticed that, and also the lock-on sound not playing so you don't know you're even targeted if you don't notice the rings.

Maybe it takes more than 3 months to fix the maps, but the problem is GaaS games don't work this way. When a game has these problems players give it a month or two ,and if it's not fixed they move onto a new game that doesn't have problems. They tend not to come back unless there's a major expansion. Splatoon 3's following the Halo Infinite case study in how not to run a GaaS. That game is deader than dead and the only thing that keeps Splatoon almost functional is the captive Nintendo audience being more captive than their PC/XB counterparts. If they don't fix it until 6 months in I doubt enough players will still be playing for it to matter. Which makes it less likely they'll bother doing it. By this time next year we'll probably be talking Switch 2 and Splatoon 4. There's not a huge window to do these things.

I'd like to believe you're right, maybe matchmaking will go better. I'll give it a few weeks, but if it gets bogged down again, that's probably it. There's too many fun games to play to waste endless time grinding one that's not even fun. Except Pokemon Violet that's even more broken than Splatoon 3 :P


Squid Savior From the Future
Dec 18, 2015
I have not played ranked since patch, but, I notice my rank did not reset to C-. Is that December 1, or is that "optional" rank reset feature in place instead of resetting ranks by force for everyone like we anticipated?

In some ways I'd be glad so we don't have to grind up from C- again. Otoh, if so that really means absolutely nothing got fixed since it's all the same other than people voluntarily dropping, and as I feared, worse since the bad matches make you lose far more points. I'd probably just leave ranked where it is anyway.

One thing I noticed at least playing TW though it's they must have reset the MMR. The first TW matches had me against genuine scrubs, like D+ level. As in, I was solo spawn camping in eeltail with bamboozler against enemies throwing bombs from behind the base walls :pIt corrected after a few matches and I started sucking and switched to squiffer. Still really liking it. 8 also wonder if playing many weapons screws up mmr. I'm betting it doesn't track weapons separately and gives me a high inconsistency offset due to ones I suck with assuming it's using glicko2.

I will say that I did not get one single comm error or disconnect at all. Maybe coincidence? Maybe they fixed something and told no one?

The Salamander King

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Jun 23, 2016
Switch Friend Code
A few things:
I'm not particularly happy with this patch either. The balance changes that they implemented didn't touch the things that are super strong in the game besides a few indirect buffs to destroy Crab Tank a little faster. The Line Marker buff is nice but it's still the worst sub weapon in the game. An extra 10p on Eliter means it takes what, one or two tap shots extra to get a Wave Breaker? Wave Breaker isn't even what makes Eliter strong in the first place. Splash o Matic and Sloshing Machine were not touched at all. From a balance perspective it is clear that they are taking a more conservative approach than they have been for the first two games (in which balances changes were already more conservative than most games). In theory this is fine and good, but when patches come out every 3 months now instead of monthly it feels like too little too late. I don't mind if they leave content updates to every 3 months, but I would prefer balance patches monthly.

As for the matchmaking, maybe your copy is Splat 3 is just cursed. I was curious, so I started asking around to see what other people's experience of Anarchy battle was. These players were of various skill levels and ranks, and none of them reported the same massive issues that you did. This is why I thought your NAT type could have been severely limiting the player pool that you were able to play against and weakening your connection. Nobody I asked said that they noticed repeating player names on nonconsecutive Series matches. Every once in a while they would see a familiar name, but it was not consistent enough to be noteworthy for them.

I do not believe that the game has a low player count either. Yes, Splatoon sells best in Japan, but it still does very well in NA and EU. In 2020, Splat 2 sold 3.01 million units in Japan, 1.9 million in NA, and 1.8 million in EU. That was 3 years into the game's life. Splatoon 3 is outselling S2 very quickly, and if the same ratio of JP to NA/EU copies sold is to be believed, then S3 should not have a low player count by any means. Even at the very end of S2 getting into a full ranked lobby with people from your region that are at the same rank as you took no longer than about 30 seconds on average. The experience most people get in S3 is the same, besides seemingly being less strict on what ranks can play together. The likelihood of there being a player population so low that Nintendo has to purposely keep certain players at certain ranks is, well, I don't think it is even plausible. The idea seems more like unintentional selection bias to me, rather than a hidden mechanic that Nintendo put into the game. Also, if they WERE rigging ranked matches like that, we'd most likely already know because of datamining. We know that the Shell Out machine has a specific seed to it, so if ranked somehow also had a similar mechanic we would have already found it.
Also, when you manually reset your rank down, the game won't be putting you where it needs more players, it will be putting you where your glicko score tells it to go, aka, the rank you actually belong in. You should be able to derank as many times as you'd like throughout the season, and also derank naturally by going into the negatives point-wise, but Nintendo has decided to not od that for one reason or another.

If I remember correctly, your rank should degrade by 3. So S+ players would go to A+, A players go to B, etc. I believe that will come into effect later tonight when the new weapons and maps release.

I'm kind of disappointed by this patch for how few thigs were fixed and how long it took to release. I'd say priority 1 is netcode, 2 is maps, and 3 is matchmaking based on letter rank/natural deranking. I am honestly shocked that no new Stringer or Splatana weapons are releasing.


Squid Savior From the Future
Dec 18, 2015
@The Salamander King I'm surprised somewhat, but definitely glad to hear your reaction to the patch as well. A bit of a different perspective to a point due to your focus on the comp metas, but there's definitely a lot of crossover on our specific takes on the balancing. As I was reading the notes I had in mind a lot of the points and topics you've raised, and noticed basically none of them were mentioned once.

Season Derank:
Ahh yeah, the "new season" really kicked in last night, with the new weps and deranks and all. It only dropped me to A+. Not sure if all S's only got dropped to A+, or if it treated me as an honorary S+ because I was past the marker for the rank-up battle. I'll have to check the other account which was one series back from rank-up when I last left it.

I'm not sure when (or if) I'll do the A+ to S rank up again with the new points losses. It was brutal last time, and knowing that all the lousy players I've been playing with are now in A+ with me for the rank up doesn't fill me with much confidence. :P Unless only the S+'s and anyone in the rank-up line got pushed to A+ in which case maybe now's the best time to get good passable teams.

New Weps:
I'm not sure how I feel about the new weps. I did expect stringers and splatanas. I love stringers, I don't love the splatanas that much. But they seemed ripe for something new. IDK much about the new shooter, I don't play shooters other than sploosh really. The new roller....I.....I don't hate it....it's kind of fun....but.....I don't get the point of it. It's a wide, slow roller that doesn't ink as well as dynamo, isn't as fast as any other roller, and doesn't have an ohko at all making it...really dangerous. I had fun playing with it, but I don't get its actual role or why you'd use it over fingza or dynamo, really. I'll have to use it some more, but I don't have a feel for why it exists or what it does well that other rollers don't do better.

The new charger...I'm also mixed on. I don't hate it necessarily. I went back and forth between it and squiffer, and i think I had a better k/d with the new one than squiffer (though I did unusually bad on squiffer), But in alot of ways it feels like a slower bamboozler with a forced delay. I have to spend more time with it ,I kinda like it in some ways, but I'm not sure that it's not just a worse bamboozler with a much higher liability in delays and slow kills.

The big win for me is the carbon deco returning though. It really is nice to have the old carbon back. The sploosh may take a back seat to carbon deco again, because that thing remains devastating, now with range!

New maps: Didn't get to see flounder, but the other one....it's not bad, definitely, spawn is protected well, there's flank routes. But it's pretty small with basically a ramp and mid and that's it. Is Mahi the template for all maps or something? I'm starting to miss Moray...

Player population:
Yeah, Splatoon 3 sells ok. But who is it selling to and who is playing what? There's the people that buy it for the single player and just playing TW. Keep in mind that's probably the majority of sales right there. There's people that casually play periodically and not too often, or only splatfest. There's the people that play only TW. The people that play mostly salmon, or local multiplayer, or open anarchy, or table turf. How big is the non-japan player pool that actually plays regularly, in the competitive modes, in a specific rank tier with a specific mmr range, on a particlar rotation/time of day in a particular matchmaking priority geography? And how many of those are specifically S/low S+ rank? I think there's something of a bubble. Even if you remove salmon and turf and offline and occasional casual players, and look only at those playing anarchy series, you'll find a huge cluster in the C's and B's, maybe into the A's, you'll find the super hardcore enthusiast/comp squids in the high S+'s. I don't think there's going to be that large a pool in the S's/low S+'s. at any time. We're talking specifically about regular players at a specific time of day and geographic matchmaking locale, playing specifically anarchy series, specifically in the S/low S+ ranks with similar MMRs. If we're talking more than 500 people I'd be utterly shocked. Call of Duty? A million easy. S3? A few hundred is optimistic for those narrow requirements, and we're looking at 8 at a time, so in 62 matches or 12 hours of play you'll have met all of them. And there are a large percentage of Japanese players pulled in. I've seen lobbies in rank-up battles where 3/4 opponents and 1 or 2 teammates are Japan. Basically it just dropped me and one or two other players in a Japanese lobby for the battle. And for wait times I've had a number of occasions where it makes me wait 3 minutes or so for a match , obviously it has one SPECIFIC lobby in mind it wants me in and will make me wait for it. Sometimes when it does that it drops with a "not enough players please try again" error.

IDK what it is about my mmr that matches me like this, but it did it in S1, too. The system wasn't as miserable, and it took the KO vs non-KO wins, and the relative skill vs opponent skill into account and S3 does neither, so this takes and old problem and applies worse effects to it.

Would we really know from datamining if the server side of the matchmaking was selecting team makeups to rig which side wins? I'm not sure anything client-side would be involved in that. If it's not rigged, then again, it's broken on a scale that it literally just doesn't work right. We're not talking slight imbalances, we're talking teams that are repeatedly shredded without killing anyone. Surely the system knows well enough they can't hit the broad side of a barn, unless it's just been giving them easy matches by luck?

It's obvious why they won't let you intentionally derank: Trolls/griefers would just smurf it, deranking over and over again to spawncamp low ranks (and use the wins to grind chunks.) But I still don't get the whole never-deranking thing. At first I wand to say I'm glad they don't have natural deranking because I'd be too afraid to lose rank to play...but...so far....I still have yet to go negative meaning I would not at any time so far have ever deranked. Its mostly just the endless cycle of grinding to rank-ups then being shot back down (which will be worse after this patch.) And the rank ups are definitely just plain bad. I do wish they'd get rid of them. The whole idea is bad. Recalling the A+ to S on the alt it was PAINFUL getting past that rank-up, yet then smooth sailing in the normal rank battles. Instead of testing if you're equal to the next rank it tests if you can solo a lobby of the next rank, which of course nobody can, so then it depends on lucking through. It just makes no sense.

Hah, I wouldn't doubt my copy is cursed. And FWIW, there are certainly discussions out there about the same exact thing, especially concerning the rank up battles, and especially concerning the S+ rank up battles. A huge part of the problem with the S+ is that even if they stick with 2+2 SSS+S+, there's a massive difference in skill between S+0 and S+50. I'm easily an S+0, I'm nowhere close to an S+50. But I don't think the matchmaking sees the difference, it just sees "ok, 4-5 S+'s here!" It would be like throwing S's into a B- rank-up battle. Or even S+0's.

It's not only the rank up battles that go like this, but it's at its most extreme there, in part because I'm sure it's not discriminating between S+0 and S+50 rivals. (But then why are they always on the other team? And why was that A+ rank up match my S lobby was thrown into given a super player on my team only for that match?)

We don't know exactly how the matchmaker does what it does, but I don't necessarily disagree that it does not affect all players the same. Whatever it does, it clearly seems to have a certain effect on a certain type of player. And I definitely do not believe that's new for S3. The same problem, but less extreme happened in S1. Back then it just used Elo so it didn't even have consistency offsets etc. I didn't really do much S2 ranked at all, so I don't know if it was better or worse, but in S3 it's right back to the S1 problem, cranked to 11.

Pure speculation, but considering the majority of the time I'm the dominant splatter with few deaths, my assumption is I'm categorized as a sort of hunter-killer player in the algorithm. Which isn't necessarily inaccurate. But it's also a low quality picture of play out of context. It ends up assigning me more times than not as a sort of team guardian intended to protect a team of weaker players from harm by removing opponents. That of course ignores that it should be trying to create teams of equal players, not trying to create "equal" teams based on one player being the dominant protector and it absolutely positively does not do that. It also ignores that, while that player type may be true, it's not the ONLY play style I engage in, I just do what needs doing based on the situation and what my current weapon excels at. And it also ignores that a "hunter killer" player may be able to best multiple opponents at once of lower skill than themselves, can not do so against opponents of equal or better skill than themselves, leading to perpetually being assigned matches in which you're the leader of a bunch of weaker teammates against an team of players equal or above your own skill level. I may be "better" than 2 or 3 members of the other team, but if one of them is equal or better than myself, trying to 1v2, 1v3 continuously starts falling apart. I don't think the matchmaker understands this concept, thus keeps throwing me (and others with similar ratings) into the same bad matches over and over where if you can not 1v3 the enemy team on a continual basis you lose.

I've also noticed if I get a good team where everyone is pretty equal, and we win one or two, and it feels really good, it will then slot out one or two of those players and replace them with much weaker players, specifically making sure to pair me with weaker players.

What stands out the most is that I'd say 90% of matches where we LOSE, I'm the most dominant (usually by far) player on my team. Usually a combination of the best score pusher, the top overall splatter, top enemy splatter, top inker, almost always lowest deaths, often the only one not negative, etc, or if splooshing often even trade k/d or negative by one where everyone else is deep negative, and my sploosh deaths often happen because I was the only one left alive while in deep enemy territory, so 1v4 with no ink and no range. When we WIN, I'm generally not the most dominant in all areas, k/d of 3 or all 4 players is pretty much similar in line with weapon choice. Nobody really stands out as dominant at all. If we go a few games with the same team, sometimes I'm top, sometimes I'm not. We keep winning. Very even. As it should be. But that's a rare treat.


Site Moderator
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Oct 19, 2015
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@The Salamander King
Yeah I am upset that splash, sloshing machine especially haven't been nerf yet
I mean I feel like they did receive like you said crab tank did receive a significant nerf, 2 special gaining bonuses to destroy it, and a decent conter zipcaster getting a singificant buff, and every taticooler based weapon getting a special charge reduction
(though ink vac need more cuz even so it is still the window of vulnerablity for aiming...though not it sole purpose it super punishable by regular shooters let along a crab tank holding ZR....)
Will it offset the issue of spalsh no not likely the splash kit with burst bombs are so so good, and crab tank need some adjustment whether that be to its health, active time, or honestly its firerate (maybe nerfing it in some way and buffing its alt fire?)

I disagree though on wavebreaker eliter has always been good but that has never been an issue in any version, what has been is its sub weapon and special weapon.....(shivers at S1 burst-liter), ink mines thought they are one of my personal favorites are still compareably one of the worst subs in the game (pats the poor angle shooter).
Wave breaker however is a very powerful special and the main issue...it provides location which made S1 eliter so good with echolocator to the point a whole catagory of ability was made in 2 seperate game with that in mind
Plus it deals damage, displaces enemy by forcing them to jump, and can be an engage tool....the longest range weapon has a tool to engage.....(s1 flashbacks)
Again maybe it is just another rant but I do feel that outside of maps (which I already talked about) nerfing its special is the next best thing...but even with that I doubt eliter will ever not be a meta pick

The new roller can OHKO off vertical flick just not horizontal, and its main gimmick and while the dynamo flick is definitely better the quicker swings and mobility will prob make wide roller better

The new charger is weird, it is very much like the Bamboozler, but it also has the high strafe speed of chargers, you can hold charge and walk around realtively fast. Plus it will probably be suepr good for tuef wars and at taking out bubble shields and crab tanks.
I can see it being good with object shredder and of all things thermal ink


Squid Savior From the Future
Dec 18, 2015
@The Salamander King
Yeah I am upset that splash, sloshing machine especially haven't been nerf yet
I mean I feel like they did receive like you said crab tank did receive a significant nerf, 2 special gaining bonuses to destroy it, and a decent conter zipcaster getting a singificant buff, and every taticooler based weapon getting a special charge reduction
(though ink vac need more cuz even so it is still the window of vulnerablity for aiming...though not it sole purpose it super punishable by regular shooters let along a crab tank holding ZR....)
Will it offset the issue of spalsh no not likely the splash kit with burst bombs are so so good, and crab tank need some adjustment whether that be to its health, active time, or honestly its firerate (maybe nerfing it in some way and buffing its alt fire?)

I disagree though on wavebreaker eliter has always been good but that has never been an issue in any version, what has been is its sub weapon and special weapon.....(shivers at S1 burst-liter), ink mines thought they are one of my personal favorites are still compareably one of the worst subs in the game (pats the poor angle shooter).
Wave breaker however is a very powerful special and the main issue...it provides location which made S1 eliter so good with echolocator to the point a whole catagory of ability was made in 2 seperate game with that in mind
Plus it deals damage, displaces enemy by forcing them to jump, and can be an engage tool....the longest range weapon has a tool to engage.....(s1 flashbacks)
Again maybe it is just another rant but I do feel that outside of maps (which I already talked about) nerfing its special is the next best thing...but even with that I doubt eliter will ever not be a meta pick

The new roller can OHKO off vertical flick just not horizontal, and its main gimmick and while the dynamo flick is definitely better the quicker swings and mobility will prob make wide roller better

The new charger is weird, it is very much like the Bamboozler, but it also has the high strafe speed of chargers, you can hold charge and walk around realtively fast. Plus it will probably be suepr good for tuef wars and at taking out bubble shields and crab tanks.
I can see it being good with object shredder and of all things thermal ink
Ink vac really didn't get a buff, it's only buff is really more a nerf on tank/bubble via ink vac, not really an ink vac buff. It does have its uses but it really has a problem in how rare it can fire its shot, how often it leaves you sitting in harms way, and how little time you have to aim it. Ultrastamp really does have a problem with how easy it is to kill from the FRONT as well.

I hated ink mine on eliter at first in S2, but honestly, I've grown to like them well enough, they make bait and punish a fun minigame that works. I kill a lot of squids with trapping them in a mine or two and then just mashing ZR for uncharged shots like an L3. It works. My love for doing that is what got me trying squiffer again after I realized half my eliter kills are from squiffer range. :p The squiffer allowing constant echolocators via sensor brings back those halchyon days of S1 eliter, too. Only problem is every shot I take is juuuuust out of range.

The new roller ohkos vertical? I'll have to try that again, I tried it on dummies and it didn't seem like it. I still don't know why you'd play it vs a flingza or carbon. Maybe vs dynamo but....IDK, I just can't figure out what might make it preferable to any other roller. I haven't spent enough time with it though. I love flingza day 1, maybe I'll get to love the new one, but right now if I have carbon deco on one side of me and flingza on the other....picking the wide isn't going to be an easy choice.

The charger....it really DOES feel like a heavy bamboozler more than a multi charger. I don't really think there's much value in the strafe speed. Why walk around holding a charge without swimming when you can swim, squidroll and anything else with babmoozler and get the first charge up basically as fast? Or use tuber and hold the charge long without having to double tap? And the double tap is much slower than bamboozler and with far less retries if you miss. In some ways it feels like a scoped bamboozler but without the scope. IDK. I don't dislike it, it's fun to play, and I do ok with it, but I don't feel like there's anything it's really doing that bamboozler doesn't do as well or better.

I don't think most players will realize this because nobody ever played bamboozler :p I've been "maining" it and squiffer in my TW exile from ranked so it's second nature to me now :p
Last edited:


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Oct 19, 2015
Switch Friend Code
@Award @The Salamander King
I will admit in all my day of nonmeta in all these years of S2 I never thought I would ever see the day I would say this....thermal ink is a must have for me on the Sniepwriter 5H
The ability to tag someone and know their location for such a long period of time 16 seconds and I think it even refreshes if you tag them again but it is so useful for following up on hits or just positioning in general (if I ever pick up bamboozler might use thermal on it as well)

Plus I am still believe the run speed is fairly useful, (I mean I usually run tons of swim and run speed on my chargers always), but for this charger I do feel some signifcant change it feels like it goes from a .96 gal fire strafing speed to a splattershot pro strafe speed with my near perfect run speed shoes).
I also found success with just being able to walk backwards out of blaster and roller swing range thanks to the run speed kiting them into allies or into follow up shots

Sadly though Object shredder isn't that great it seems probably balanced around it cuz it doesn't deal nearly as much with all 5 shots to a RM shield as a squiffer does with 1

But again there will prob be a pro who cracks the S3 code soon enough...or maybe I am the chosen...nah I love squiffer too much : P

Also yeah it is werid but the splatroller does have ohko vertical I didn't believe it at 1st either until I saw ThatSrb2DUDE using it

I will also say as of right now I am enjoying the new map on Rainmaker, it is a fairly balanced map, the uphill siege makes it difficult to push in while providing decent sniping areas and enough cover in mid to make it fair.
Again I can't speak for the other modes yet but I feel splat zones should be good and Tower control it depends on route, only one I am iffy of rn is its clam blitz layout (I will need to recon it soon)


Squid Savior From the Future
Dec 18, 2015
@Award @The Salamander King
I will admit in all my day of nonmeta in all these years of S2 I never thought I would ever see the day I would say this....thermal ink is a must have for me on the Sniepwriter 5H
The ability to tag someone and know their location for such a long period of time 16 seconds and I think it even refreshes if you tag them again but it is so useful for following up on hits or just positioning in general (if I ever pick up bamboozler might use thermal on it as well)

Plus I am still believe the run speed is fairly useful, (I mean I usually run tons of swim and run speed on my chargers always), but for this charger I do feel some signifcant change it feels like it goes from a .96 gal fire strafing speed to a splattershot pro strafe speed with my near perfect run speed shoes).
I also found success with just being able to walk backwards out of blaster and roller swing range thanks to the run speed kiting them into allies or into follow up shots

Sadly though Object shredder isn't that great it seems probably balanced around it cuz it doesn't deal nearly as much with all 5 shots to a RM shield as a squiffer does with 1

But again there will prob be a pro who cracks the S3 code soon enough...or maybe I am the chosen...nah I love squiffer too much : P

Also yeah it is werid but the splatroller does have ohko vertical I didn't believe it at 1st either until I saw ThatSrb2DUDE using it

I will also say as of right now I am enjoying the new map on Rainmaker, it is a fairly balanced map, the uphill siege makes it difficult to push in while providing decent sniping areas and enough cover in mid to make it fair.
Again I can't speak for the other modes yet but I feel splat zones should be good and Tower control it depends on route, only one I am iffy of rn is its clam blitz layout (I will need to recon it soon)

Haha 🤣. You know, I messed with thermal on elite a while and decided it's useless. I may have to try it!

For regular chargers I never do run speed. People always say it's useful, but the way I play them I make heavy use of charge holding and squid hop so it never does much for my. I do run swim speed always with them though. I'll give run a try though... Snipe writer I do seem to walk more when using it. I've actually been using it mostly with ink save main, sub, and swim because I'm just using my wide roller/carbon build lol.

I'm still undecided about it. I love it one minute and hate it the next. I'm generally doing very well with it though. I mostly can't tell if there's a real reason to use it other than bamboozler. It's redeemed after discovering you CAN use uncharged shots for fast 3hko or partial charge for the 2. Bambi is 4i think so that's one plus.

The new roller is growing on me after discovering the ohko. My proving ground in tw was an opposing carbon deco player, s+player, that decimated my wide on mahi. Then on academy, the tables were turned, I decimated him 11/0 and he went negative. I figure this thing ain't half bad! 😆. I'm playing it like a manic carbon. I do love carbon deco but I may end up playing wide more after all for one reason: "controller role". Lack of turf is one of the biggest ranked problems and carbon isn't great at controlling it. The wide can do wonders. It's definitely grown on me though it's hard to land those thin vertical flicks. The ohko is weird. It's basically sploosh range. I'm finding it can often be better to go for a horizontal follow-ups to 2hko vertical, almost like carbon burst bomb follow up. Also discovered it's not too hard to do a close range horizontal and follow up with rolling/crushing for fast kill.

I love how both of these weapons are really technical weapons with high skill floors. You and I like that. Not sure most players will use them past this week though. I see a lot of players using wide and almost none are using it very well and flicking much. lots of deco not using burst at all either 😂


Token Party Squid
Jul 17, 2016
Switch Friend Code
I for one am not a fan of half the S3 new maps basically being Eeltail recolored (original map do not steal), and the rest either being Albacore levels of uninspired or somehow shrunk in the wash to 1/3 their original size. That's 99% of what made the missile spam at the beginning such an issue for me - there simply wasn't anywhere to go to avoid the things. Backliners are killing it, though - you can cover half of most of the current maps with one e-liter easily. The terror of S1 Moray has returned.

For the love of god stop pushing Intensify Action and Sub Defense so hard. And drink tickets. f you're going to give me nothing but tickets, at least guarantee me the abilities they're supposed to support. Also can't say I'm a super fan of the catalog system, it feels too compulsory to me somehow.

Lag seems much more prominent to me. I'm wired, as always, and we have a strong fiber connection where I am now. Comms errors pretty regularly. Brush wielders granted immortality, people teleporting, no speed buffs at all and yet twice as fast as anyone else. I think my favorite one so far is me suffering a five-second-delayed posthumous splat from another player, who I'm sure saw me die instantly on his end. Thanks, Nintendo!

I still like Splat. I want to love this game, I've met some awesome friends through it. Splash is back to its former glory even without the bomb rush. It'd be a lot more fun without the connection issues.


Squid Savior From the Future
Dec 18, 2015
@Saber I'm actually starting to really like the widebody roller... More then carbon deco. It actually plays a lot like a carbon, but it's extremely violent. And every time I play this game I get a sudden desire to become violent, so it's a good fit! :p

It's surprising how technical it is. It SOUNDS like a simple weapon but I think using it effectively kind of requires a muscle memory knowledge of how the nuisances of all rollers work. Parts of carbon, parts of dynamo, parts of flingza. The ohko is hard to use as the range is so small, but creatively doing 2 shots draws on deep roller experience. I see loads of people trying it, and almost no one using it very effectively. I got pretty good with it fast but
that's from maining rollers+chargers for 8 years. Even flingza when it was new. And had wall. And didn't spam missiles. :P

The new charger though.... It's fun to play with but I'm now convinced it's inferior to bamboozler. There's really nothing it does better and it's always slower. I like using it on turf for fun, bit I can't see seriously using it while bamboo is better and it's equally not meta. Snipe writer has more range but that's about all it's got going for it .

Also booyeah spam is a thing now. I almost miss missile spam. Then I had a lobby with 3 flingza ok the other team. Missile spam was back.

I've finally started salmon run though. It's less bad than anarchy!

I for one am not a fan of half the S3 new maps basically being Eeltail recolored (original map do not steal), and the rest either being Albacore levels of uninspired or somehow shrunk in the wash to 1/3 their original size. That's 99% of what made the missile spam at the beginning such an issue for me - there simply wasn't anywhere to go to avoid the things. Backliners are killing it, though - you can cover half of most of the current maps with one e-liter easily. The terror of S1 Moray has returned.

For the love of god stop pushing Intensify Action and Sub Defense so hard. And drink tickets. f you're going to give me nothing but tickets, at least guarantee me the abilities they're supposed to support. Also can't say I'm a super fan of the catalog system, it feels too compulsory to me somehow.

Lag seems much more prominent to me. I'm wired, as always, and we have a strong fiber connection where I am now. Comms errors pretty regularly. Brush wielders granted immortality, people teleporting, no speed buffs at all and yet twice as fast as anyone else. I think my favorite one so far is me suffering a five-second-delayed posthumous splat from another player, who I'm sure saw me die instantly on his end. Thanks, Nintendo!

I still like Splat. I want to love this game, I've met some awesome friends through it. Splash is back to its former glory even without the bomb rush. It'd be a lot more fun without the connection issues.
Glad to see someone else seeing the same invincible squid issues I see. Salamander thinks I'm crazy 🤣. Plus the speed surges and delayed splats. New one I'm seeing especially with snipewiter is getting kills, delayed, when I'm pretty sure I missed the shot! So the inverse of getting shots but it doesn't register as his. Now you can miss shots and it registers a kill.


Token Party Squid
Jul 17, 2016
Switch Friend Code
Glad to see someone else seeing the same invincible squid issues I see. Salamander thinks I'm crazy 🤣. Plus the speed surges and delayed splats. New one I'm seeing especially with snipewiter is getting kills, delayed, when I'm pretty sure I missed the shot! So the inverse of getting shots but it doesn't register as his. Now you can miss shots and it registers a kill.
Also hi, been a while lol.

I know my experience is a bit different since I don't mess with rank/anarchy, but yeah. Something's going on especially with brushes this time around. Although the revenge-from-the-dead squid was carrying an aerospray, I think. Either way, things are one-shotting me when they shouldn't, and there's sometimes a magical sweet spot right in the center of a trizooka shot that also grants immortality. I know nobody's (officially) got MPU or damage up, sooooo......


Squid Savior From the Future
Dec 18, 2015
Also hi, been a while lol.

I know my experience is a bit different since I don't mess with rank/anarchy, but yeah. Something's going on especially with brushes this time around. Although the revenge-from-the-dead squid was carrying an aerospray, I think. Either way, things are one-shotting me when they shouldn't, and there's sometimes a magical sweet spot right in the center of a trizooka shot that also grants immortality. I know nobody's (officially) got MPU or damage up, sooooo......
It really fa has been a while! It's fun when the handful of remaining old timers on this board pop up! :)

Are you seeing the squids that just vanish, too? Like you chase them down a dead end and they're simply not there anymore? That's a big one at least before this patch. And unofficial damage up is everywhere. It started last patch when they made "faster data transfer" not new to Splatoon really, the ohko tentatek has been around forever, but it was nice when it was missing.

The one I really don't get is ultra stamp. Invincible from front except to chargers when someone else has one. Death to an aerospray 3 seconds in from the front when I have one.

Idk how much I'll bother with anarchy from this point either! It's just so terrible....

@Saber so that booyah spam from the RG..... I'm counting down the minutes until the next season balance patch already lol. It's like missile spam except there's no escape. Hopefully it dies down when lobbies are no longer 3 RGs per lobby.

I'm still having one issue with wide roller.Long slow vertical from it is so unlikely to hit anything it has limited use. I keep going back and forth comparing it and deco for which is the better aggressive roller but it's so hard to evaluate in TW. The ohko exists but it's so high risk it's not that useful. The vertical can zone nicely but really rarely hits anyone at distance. Deco is actually better if using distance via bombs. So the wide seems more about using the vertical to zone and the horizontal to attack. Unless you have high confidence in the ohko range. But the wide is amazing for turf control. If a team can take advantage of that anyway.

Still figuring out if the little extra range in writer is worth the speed and mobility hit vs bamboo.

And I'm still mad about vac. No special should be able to be countered by an aerospray just walking right into it and holding ZR. Salamanders uses for it are all viable but I still feel that makes it so situational as to be a non special outside certain conditions. It really doesn't need major changes, either extend invincibility in front when ready to fire, or just let you fire the shot and end the special at any time, like stamp with the throw option, so that bum rushing it from the front and shooting into it isnt guaranteed to kill the user. They buffed the shot to pop shield which is insane since the problem is you never get to fire the shot.

I also wish I could take my salmon teams into rank up battles. They actually play the objective, work as a team, it's amazing! I think that's why anarchy sucks. Everyone that knows how to play it already knows it just sucks and is playing salmon run instead...

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