Splatoon 3 general issues


Squid Savior From the Future
Dec 18, 2015
I just want Nintendo to treat this franchise like Fortnite: a free to play live service that just gets constant updates. This way, you have a much easier time making more severe changes to balance, and upgrading the internals to make the game run better, and avoid periods where the game gets effectively no support, like Splatoon 2 did. This whole thing feels like Nintendo tried copying such games, but ruined it in their own way.
Are you sure you want to see that a Nintendo f2p micro transaction business model that needs to manipulate people to maintain engagement would look like? We got a taste with 3ds badge arcade. Nintendo would make EA look angelic!

I think that they mostly copied CoD, but they don't have the numbers or the micro transactions to justify maintaining it. CoD generates more money in mtx than all of Nintendo's games combined...

Actually thinking about it a lot of my complaints about these consisntent 50/50 within fights might have to do with the MMR

I think part of the issue is we are seeing at least in theory might be MMR Bloat
The data isn't fully complied yet so players are getting these 50/50 matchups because according to the data that is where all the players in the game should be...but in actuallity they are still too inexperienced and have just got for lack of a better word got the luck of the draw with their team.

I am trying to figure out how to explain this so forigve if it doesn't come out right.

A player is doing well with a team he is a 1v4 champ always getting the medals for the best splats, turf coverage and possibly 1st or second in special output. Right now he is gonna be a high MMR cuz the system seeing that they are top of their team and scoring well and places them with players with similar MMR

But all these players have one problem, they are good at just that, that player with that high MMR who is winning consistently good at flanking, and good at securing kills but none of that matters cuz they are never near objective, cuz the key flaw is they do not know how to work with their team.

From what I have seen alot of these player are good but they are good at their one thing, whether that be kills, coverage, or defense but they do not all know how to work as a team...this is realy really bad in CB. I have legit watched players just ignoring the objective rushing to toss a ball in when the enemy is pushing in, or have 12 clams between 3 players but no one sharing cuz they all are so focused on kills or coverage and not working together.

What seperate alot of X rank and S+ rank is they can coordinate seeing what their team needs and adapting their playstyles to work together...it seems like we got a lot of players for the lack of a better word all want to be the carry for the team instead of working together to carry the game

Right now everyone is playing this game for the 1st time....expect us vets imported our save data, which likely had alot of these MMR stats that have been or the game has some way to calculate MMR off our save data.
Which means to some extent it know where we are in terms of skill level partnering us in some capcity with other vets or people at a similar level to us in S2 (which is also why some of us are stuck in this squidgatory of not playing well yet not losing rank like we should be cuz the game is keep us near the rank we should be at) along all the fresh squids joining in and this MMR bloat who are doing well but do not have enough consistent data to put them in the skill cap they would be more suited for and the battle are these werid 50/50s cuz proably one team just has more players who actually have played before and know what to do.

Again there is no definate to this cuz I do not believe we can see the MMR calculations, but if this is the case as time progresses we will see players slowly shift into the positions they belong and hopefully make games feel less one sided
I think you're largely on the right track, though I think off on the details. Eg if the losing teams were all so good at splatting, a, I wouldn't be the top splatter in them, and would have leeway to play the objective instead of just splatting. Like I did yesterday. I think if other top splatters are like me, the problem is you end up the designated splatter because you're the only one doing it well or able to stop opponents, so you HAVE to rely on them to push objectives.

Yesterday with multiple good splatters in the team, I could get on the tower with a freaking hydra and not instantly die to a triple cross fire and 2 specials :p
I do think you're right with the mmr, but I think what is factoring is something else. Or how is using it.

Tbh mmr is just bad in a squad game. It works for solo shooters. But it's trying to be too smart for it's own good. It can't really figure how how you play because it doesn't really know the circumstances of the action. It can't evaluate adaptability. If it rated on wins and splats alone I think we'd be in better shape. A squad of splatters that often wins with similarly splatting teammates is probably contributing to the objective (or defending it.)

I'm also near positive they used this in s2 as well, except only in your own rank. So it was still bad. But now it's worse since ranks are mixed.

Also the problem with clam blitz is it's complicated and nobody actually knows the rules. I myself didn't actually know you can share clams! Though idk if I'd trust sharing them with the team mates I had the other day anyway... And I had the brush so I had the fastest way to sneak in... And nobody shared with me either ;)
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Pro Squid
Oct 9, 2019
Switch Friend Code
micro transaction business model that needs to manipulate people
I'd be more than happy to spend money on in-game clothes and battle pases. All I want is no gambling, I mean loot boxes. This way, you could ensure a game that's constantly supported than paying $60, and getting two years at best (Splatoon's price should drop over time due to declining value, for example every splatfest). I'm aware that game development costs money (trust me, I'm in pain seeing one of games I love get a reboot, yet no incentive to actually spend money in the store, even though people not spending money killed it the last time), so having a system where you can ask people to chip in every once in a while to keep the whole thing going makes a ton of sense. Also, that way you can just have big updates every once in a while (that could do things like removing broken specials, adding features I want, like flick stick and a way to turn down smoothing on gyro, maybe even mouse and keyboard support to widen the player base to those who can't or don't want to embrace gyro).


Squid Savior From the Future
Dec 18, 2015
And my first series in A+? 3 loses, no wins.

How? Game 1, I admittedly played poorly. First game of the night, I was sluggish out of the gate and getting in gear a bit. Hydra in tc yesterday it was the meta win button. Today? No. New meta. The other team has the tower. My team was never near it. At all. Ever. I was shooting riders but by myself. Got hit by zooka. Come back, shoot at tower alone. Ko. I was kicking myself for doing badly and no tw first. Then stats come up. 2/1... Best overall splatter, best enemy splatter number 1 target! My team...... Killed no one at all....... This wasn't an a+ game, it was a c+ game.

Second game new lobby a duo of legit Japanese acces aces. We're spawn camped and I have hydra in museum.

Third were winning..,.30s to go; And then my team inexplicably is across the map while the enemy has the tower and I'm defending alone spamming this way....... We've lost the lead....

I hate this game :|

It proves salamander is right, last minute comebacks really do happen! If the enemy team consists of one lone defender.... Not quite what you had in mind 😉

I haven't had bad teams just op enemies really until a+ now I have actual legit bad teams.

Or nobody plays Splatoon and a Friday night has no players.

I'd be more than happy to spend money on in-game clothes and battle pases. All I want is no gambling, I mean loot boxes. This way, you could ensure a game that's constantly supported than paying $60, and getting two years at best (Splatoon's price should drop over time due to declining value, for example every splatfest). I'm aware that game development costs money (trust me, I'm in pain seeing one of games I love get a reboot, yet no incentive to actually spend money in the store, even though people not spending money killed it the last time), so having a system where you can ask people to chip in every once in a while to keep the whole thing going makes a ton of sense. Also, that way you can just have big updates every once in a while (that could do things like removing broken specials, adding features I want, like flick stick and a way to turn down smoothing on gyro, maybe even mouse and keyboard support to widen the player base to those who can't or don't want to embrace gyro).
I get it... But I have very little trust in Nintendo when it comes to monetization. They're really the greediest of the big publishers by far.


Pro Squid
Oct 9, 2019
Switch Friend Code
They're really the greediest of the big publishers by far.
I'm sorry, but this is not how you spell Activision Blizzard. Nothing beats their new Diablo game. Then you have EA, with their pay to win card game that pretends to be a soccer thing.

The Salamander King

Site Moderator
Site Moderator
Jun 23, 2016
Switch Friend Code
Assists go into the kill count? Is that new for S3? In S2 I thought kills were just kills and for assists you had to check the phone app. Although that brings up another interesting point. Theres a lot, and I mean a *LOT* of times where I very definitely get the kill on someone, but the assit icon, not the splat icon pops up. That's definitely lag based, but the sheer frequency that a direct hit, without anyone else attacking yields an "assist" icon is insane. We're talking charger hits and rollers over the head where I get an assist icon and defintely don't have a teammate attacking with me. Unless I'm doing 99 damage and they get finished off by 1 damage from ink or something, that may have the assist icon too?

Really, it's kind of broken to not show the assists column by itself and to include it in kills. They showed it in the phone app on 2, idk about 3, but that's flat out stupid to not just put it in the game. It's not hidden data, it's in the app.
Yep it added them up in Splat 2 as well. If you go into the app you can see how many of your kills were assists by looking at the <> next to your kill count:

"Best push" That' one's hard to define outside of comp/squad where "best" is defined by a strategy. Even in solo X rank is that really definable? What makes a "best push" - whoever got it the farthest pushed it the "best", but it's also, in solo, a form of chaos and reaction. There's no way to plan doing it "best" really, it's the moment to moment that figures that out and that's a mix of random chaos, team overall skill, and really.....splatting. Because there's no other way to control the other team other than to remove them (or zone them from the objective.) Real coordinated strategies is a whole other thing, more like (American) football, (and thus Clam Bliz was invented) where the execution is 30% and the strategy is 70% of the result. In Solo you usually can't coordinate with a team to make a "best" push if everyone has different ideas. Although in all those bad matches the OTHER team always seems to somehow do that and work like a special forces squad while my team is scattered everywhere. Yesterday for a change it was our team acting that way...which was weird. In multiple series/teams....
Trying to figure out a "best" push is really difficult. It heavily depends on what weapons, maps, and modes you're on. The best thing you can do is try and think about cause-and-effect situations and try to implement them into your gameplay. This sounds really weird, and I'm not quite sure how to explain this. Try and think about your "win condition" aka what needs to happen for you to win the game. I know it sounds braindead simple, but it isn't especially mid game.
Say you're playing Inkbrush on Tower Control and you can't push it past 90 because there's an Eliter standing on snipe that just shuts down everything your team tries to do.
1. What is stopping you from winning? (Eliter on snipe)
2. Thus, your win condition is... (remove Eliter)
3. But you're playing Inkbrush. How do you do contest the Eliter? (Use bombs and Killer Wail to kill/displace the Eliter)
4. Once the Eliter is removed in one way or another, you can push.

This is an overly simplistic example, but you get the idea. Even one critical kill on a specific player could win you the game.

I'm going to link some videos that go into the correct mindset for winning ranked games. They do a much better job explaining this than I do and go into more specifics.
Squid School playlist: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=glmY3kLz1sc&list=PLlqxull1Xs9SvT9ojx-C6oRRgNBXTY6j7
ThatSRB2DUDE playlist: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iV4lVf06Ke4&list=PLdcZ-EYoMie1VVUBxf_lkA7Mtshm05x5b
flc-Inking and Map Control: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-675cwCl9b4&list=PLxL0xMBUO18diVoDtPPgzMzSFi38AabYr&index=10

Will they ever fix the matchmaker though? It's been broken since 2015 and only gets worse with age. They can balance specials for comp players and LAN parties all they want, but if they're throwing X and C together and calling it "A" and pitting teams of 2 hydras a charger and an aerospray against a team of nzaps and splattershots in TC, there's nothing "balanced" about playing the game unless you're in comp/LAN party. :p Nintendo's myopic focus on that comp level play/balance/top players thing is strange for a company that doesn't even sponsor eSports outside 1 Japanese tournament a year, and actively pulls their only FG out of FG tournaments. "Reduced tentamissile charge rate by 15p" does little to fix a game that has players that stand still and shoot fighting comp players with mismatched weapon mixes and an 800 ping which is what 90% of the player population will play. It's cool that they DO want it to be competitive, but it seems like most of their focus lies there rather than the general player population and they're almost content letting the general play rot into disrepair while they obsess over perfect balance for comps.
I was mostly talking about weapon and mode balance. I don't really have much to comment on about the matchmaking.

I think you have that in reverse, your point IS my point, a TON of my games are from-behind victories.......for the other team...! :) It's when you DO have the lead in the first half, and then the enemy takes the lead in the second half, that taking the lead back appears impossible and I have yet to see it happen once in any match, thus why I started more or less giving up to conserve energy for the next match. If the match did not have a timer until someone won it would be different, but at the moment, it appears that numerically, there is simply not enough time on the clock to mount a SECOND comeback in the same game. The patter that was looping is we have the lead early, then half way or just past half-way the enemy has an unstoppable push to the lead...we do stop them, but to reverse it and take the lead back against a capable opponent isn't possible within the remaining time, considering the push has to be even farther than either team has pushed it already. Particularly true in TC and SZ. RM and CB have more chance, especially CB. RM is debatable. The time reuqired to reverse the turf control to really sustain a push deep into KO territory against enemies skilled enough to take down the highlighted and slow RM carrier isn't very likely. There's an outside chance of a sneaky RM race through enemy ink...I've done it once or twice in S1, but the enemy honestly has to be kind of bad to not shut that down. Of course that all never factored in yesterday where suddenly only a handful of games went that way and we were clearly outmatched.

Specifically, if your team does NOT have the lead in the first half, I think it's possible, if not LIKELY to mount a comeback at the end, which is I think part of what's been happening, and part of the momentum issue @Saber talked about. For the team that HAD the lead in the first half, and can't shut down the resulting enemy comeback push in the middle to second half and lets them take the lead over, I think the liklihood of mounting a successful second-comeback in the allotted time without any OT and/or trading objective control in the OT (thus ending OT not in your favor), is infinitesimal. That's why one of my intended experiments was to actively try to PREVENT my own team from taking the lead early and see how that worked, but, insteady, my teams yesterday managed to simply hold the lead the whole match....

I think the only ways to "fix" that would be to solve the momentum problem (maps/specials related) or to get rid of the timer and partial win and change the modes to require a fight to the KO-death and not rely on clocks and OT. The clocks combined with the maps, turf control, and momentum are favoring whever takes the lead in the mid-to-second half, by making a comeback of both turf control and objective reversal a fight against the clock almost more than a fight against the other team, especially so in TC and SZ.
Getting the lead back it totally possible at any point in the game. Splatoon moves so fast that by the halfway point a team could make 5+ more decent pushes until the timer ends. When you're defending make sure to use your subs and specials as much as you can and as safely as you can. Don't run in and feed in an attempts to make a hero play. Stay calm, build special, and watch what your teammates do. Even if you can't talk to them you can still work with them by assisting them. Is your Splattershot player going after the Range Blaster on the enemy side as they push the rainmaker? They're probably going to die doing that by themselves, but if you help them and 2v1 the Blaster you guys are probably going to win that engagement and weaken their push. Helping your teammates doesn't always mean following them into potentially dangerous situations either. A Splat Bomb or Crab Tank shot in their direction goes a long way in helping out your teammates during fights.

For someone at ultra high level like Salamander, it might not be obvious because he really is super-good enough to carry those teams solo, because he's likely outplaying everyone else on a whole other level they can't keep up with
You are too kind. I am, at best, a mid-level comp player. There are hundreds of players that are much, much better than me. I am very flattered though.
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Inkling Commander
Jul 5, 2015
My daily Splatoon 3 experience has been broken down into a simple timetable.

- Successfully plays match.
- Communication Error.
- Waits to get back in (Usually always joining friend drop-ins).
- Joins Lobby, and in waiting room.
- Communication Error.
- Waits to get back in.
- Successfully plays match.
- Communication Error mid match.
- Waits to get back in.
- Multiplayer Maps have been updated.
- Waits to get back in.
- Repeat from the beginning.


Pro Squid
Oct 9, 2019
Switch Friend Code
If Splatoon was ran in a way that involved actual support, broken aspects of the game (sloshing machine being easily one of the most broken things right now), it would be temporarily removed from the game until a hotfix that resolves the issue.

Also, why do I have to wait through the defeat screen to see my medals? I'm not a 4 year old counting the dab emotes on that team, I just want to know whether it was a 3-gold match for me or not. Oh, and matchmaking is still horrible, I think I got put on a team of horrible people in turf today just to offset things. They spend the first 40 seconds or so just inking the base, and I was pushing mid and dying because they forced me into a 4v1. I'd assume there wouldn't be this many new/bad people in a team at the same time, because having 3 people ink spawn at once is excessive.


Pro Squid
Oct 9, 2019
Switch Friend Code
Had an awful experience with matchmaking so far. Both horrible players, and laggy Japanese players in my lobbies. I'm so glad I didn't decide to hop on anarchy, because I have a whole routine before I do so. Hopefully the next SZ rotation will align with my schedule and not be as bad, but I'm furious that I pay $20 for an experience this horrible. Would anyone be willing to sign a petition to Nintendo to fix matchmaking, including adding skill based matchmaking to Salmon Run, so I don't have a 90% chance of babysitting others in Eggsecutive VP and making them die constantly because I'm bringing the hazard level way too high for their capacity?

I'm sick of seeing clueless players so bad that I can't tell if they're throwing or not, and those Japanese players in my (EU) lobbies with a ping so high that they force every fight to be a trade or straight up shoot me through walls. Making a matchmaking system worse than NEX is impressive in the worst way possible, it's like I paid $120 (I bought the game twice due to dealing with a ****ty store delaying my pre-ordered physical copy, so I ended up getting a digital copy on launch) for a train wreck of a game.


Octarian Storyteller
Site Moderator
May 1, 2018
Octo Valley
In terms of bad players, I have been matched with way too many that don't listen to my callouts. Part of the strategy is to distract the opposing team so the members who respawn can go right on ahead and ink the battlefield with little to no opposition at all. But off course that can't happen if only one or none listen to my callout.


Squid Savior From the Future
Dec 18, 2015
After that nightmare debacle in my last post, I didn't play ranked again at all. I ended on a win/loss series and just couldn't motivate myself to go into ranked again. I finally did it again when I saw SZ was on yesterday. I more or less had a wildly better experience at first. I had one series, starting with 1L/1W from last time, where i won 2 more in a row with a really good team, then lost 2 with total KO shutout messes by overwhelming teams. Started another series, and this time won the whole series with only 1 loss. For most of the games I had a fantastic team that actually worked as a team. Opponents weren't overwhelming. This time I was not the splat lead, with a splashomatic player going 11/2 or so, and me with dynamo like 2/1 to 5/2, however I was getting the medals for zone inker or zone-defender. Imagine that, being able to play the objective while using a weapon that's mostly good at playing the objective! And the matches were tight and played well with close calls. This time we even got a last minute OT win when they only had 4p away from a KO and we had 60. The game played as it's meant to with close calls and back and forth roller coaster action instead of lopsided steamrolls.

But of course the happy train couldn't last. The next series, every round but one was wildly imbalanced with 2 of them ending in KO in the first minute. We never even got to the zone. It seems like the "Zerg Rush" strategy is now the dominant strategy in this game (for non-Starcraft vets, Zerg Rush was the strategy that was dominant for Zerg faction players where you just crank out tons of cheap units fast and rush the enemy bases that are slower to build and wipe them out basically before the match even begins. Pretty much an exploit Blizzard never fixed and it became formal strategy.) Both in TW and ranked I'm seeing more and more the strategy is just rush the enemy base immediately. If the players doing it are good/superior/team heroes enough, it works, the enemy never really even gets out of spawn and the objective is yours. It leads to miserable experiences.

I started another series. One win, 2 horrible imbalanced matches. Then, finally the last one we start, we're playing then I get the yellow "Connection unstable" message I haven't seen since WiiU, 6 out of 8 players show as dropped, then "communication error".....and the game counts it against me as a disconnect and the whole series is a loss. I'm still up in points overall, but I though I may have had a clear run back to S, only to be greeted by that....I was done again.

I've seen a few TW matches where the game disconnects me than bans me for 10 minutes for "disconnecting" during a match. I had a period of time the servers seemed down (couldn't connect to internet - eShop was fine) for a while. Yesterday I had a period it "couldn't connect to internet" but it was Splatoon itself. I closed and restarted the game and it worked. Comm errors were really frequent yesterday, often trying to get into a game 4 or more times before it finally connected to one without an error.

I'm realizing, in TW, IDK about ranked, but I'm sure it's the same, more and more how big an issue lag is in this game. I've seen the teleporting players and invincible players a lot when playing rollers. You tend to know if an enemy is invincible to your roller over the head, is suddenly behind you instead of in front of you, sifts to the side 2 feet, and I've seen many times where I'm splatted by an enemy that was never shooting at me, or even shooting at all. Plenty of times they splat me after I splat them (from their main weapon), or I splat them some period of time after I showed them being splatted. But I've been playing eliter more (TW, I wouldn't take eliter in to solo ranked except for SZ painting if dynamo doesn't work, too slow, can't carry, can't rely on being able to be rear-guard/not getting rushed from behind.) The more you play the long chargers, the more youstart seeing the lag effects because you're watching player pinpoint positions. Do you know how often players shift JUST to the side? Makes charger use kinda hard when it's 100% dependent on hitting precisely where they WILL be rather than where they are. So many missed shots. I started really taking notice after I saw the most obvious example. I was aiming in Wahoo at a player from center, they were heading toward our base. I saw them try to swim up one of the walls, but fail as I was taking shots in their direction. They backed away from the wall and started swimming away. Suddenly they disappeared from that spot and were up on TOP of the wall they'd just failed to climb. I was far out of their range and did end up getting the kill on them anway. This wasn't a sudden 3 inch shift. They were literally in a completely different place. If they were up on the wall that means they NEVER failed to swim up the wall and swim away, they were up on the wall the whole time and the whole display of them failing/falling and swimming away was an AI guessing where they were, that was completely wrong.

Let me restate that: The game shows squids in places they are not, doing things they are not doing, basically showing random/guess animations, if it doesn't know where the are!!!!!! If you are wondering when a team is "really good" how squids may be invincible, or "everywhere all at once" like there's more than 4 of them, there's a good chance it's because there actually ARE more than 4 of them. More specifically, the one you're chasing may not actually exist, it may be a ghost created by the computer "guessing" while the real player is coming from behind to splat you once it updates. You may really see 5 or 6 sqids in different placces over a few seconds because the game is showing the same squid in two different places at different times.

This also means the game does "smoothing" - action is interpolated and not necessarily real-time. And it corrects itself suddenly.

Remember I described the laggy ultra stamp last week that was frozen in place with the stamp looking around, and then suddenly rocketed at Sonic speed across the map taking out everyone in their path? That happens often in small scale. Take a look, a close look, at squid movements. Their speeds under lag are NOT CONSTANT. The game rubber bands. I said it for S1 but it's becoming more obvious with 3's issues, I'm pretty sure they borrowed Mario Kart netcode for this game back on WiiU, and it's still there. Racing games rubberband. FPS games should not rubberband. But Splatoon does and always has. In short, the speed of a squid's movement changes based on the update data from the client. A walking, or swimming, OR SHOOTING squid does not necessarily move across the screen at the fixed speed a walking/swimming squid moves. The game suddenly speeds up their movement dynamically to match where they really are vs when they had them. It basically rushes the missed frames. So a squid walking horizontally across your screen may suddenly be moving 5, 10, 15 even 100% faster than normal speed as the client "rushes" their position to their latest update, "smoothly." This is especially bad when playing a charger because of the distance involved, and the need for muscle-memory reactions based on projected destination based on rate of speed. If the speed is not constant, every shot will miss.

Most of the time this speed change is very subtle. So subtle I blame myself for being inconsistent with a charger and suddenly missing "almost every shot" inexplicably. But sometimes the speed change is very visible and I'm reminded what's really going on. I was feeling that acutely in some TW rounds the other day. I didn't do much eliter in S2. Mained it in S1. But I picked it up again and was feeling the old mojo back, sniping away, landing all the trick shots. Then suddenly it just fell apart, round after round, I missed literally almost ever single shot, hitting nothing but air the whole match, being mostly useless, and just taking to assisting other players by inking for them or hindering opponents by inking. I could hit nothing. I always assume it's just me sucking. Then suddenly, new players inserted, and I'm landing ever snap shot, trick shot, and jump shot, bam, bam, bam....i'm a skilled charger again. I checked the stats...of course....one player's name was a give away. "kiwisheep". New Zealand. It was night and I was playing Oceania. Lag was off the charts, and I could hit nothing with the variable position squids. Think EU to JP is laggy? Try US-East to Oceania. Many times the "superior" other team may not be superior. They're just laggier. If you can't hit them, and they can hit you from behind, they're going to win a lot, and you're going to respawn a lot.

I've also realized a lot of "good" players are exploiting the lag. I dont think they're necessarily knowingly causing the lag to interfere with gameplay to exploit the glitch and win. But I think their frantic movements are not, on their own, making them as hard to hit as they are. The "good" players move chaotically and rapidly. That does make them harder to hit, but, for example, a roller to the head should take them out either way. But I've noticed what it DOES do is abuses the lag with so many inputs and changes so that they effectively gain many "invincibility frames" (to use the fighting genre terminology, except there it's intentional for counters.) They apply so many inputs, which triggers the lag to make many bad predictions and position changes, which effectively grants invincibility frames during which an attack on them does not connect but their attacks on others do connect. They may or may not be abusing the bad netcode to their advantage on purpose, but the result is they learn that when they do that they die less and win more. Even if the cause is not that opponents are THAT much unable to hit them, but that the game not keeping up with the inputs basically makes them unable to be hit.

None of this is necessarily new to Splatoon 3. Shades of this have been visible since 1. But the pace of the game and the weapon dynamics have sped up even more than before, and it becomes that much more apparent. The claustrophobic maps of 2 served to hide and obscure these effects and make it harder to see, while the more wide open maps of 3 make it more visible like in 1. And there's less RAW teleporting (though it still does happen often) and more of the subtle speed changes, invincibility, etc occurring than in 1. A laggy other team or laggy lobby can easily make it seem like the "other team" is "sooo superior" when in reality the other team is simply "sooo laggy/invincible/multiple places at once/shoots you without attacking or looking in your direction so you're dying from all directions at once when no one is even attacking while you hit air."

Getting the lead back it totally possible at any point in the game. Spl
I said I had not see that happen even once. It finally happend once, for our team with a countdown of 4 on their side. Amazing what happens when you have a good/op team. I seldom see that :P

Helping your teammates doesn't always mean following them into potentially dangerous situations either.
Yeah, someone, probably you had talked about that years ago with S2, and I often do keep that in mind, though usually I catch on too late in a match what the team is really lacking with and try to work around that to help. And some rounds it's really just not possible. When they keep SJ'ing into danger, spreading 1 at a time around the map, leaving the objective not controlled while they spread around, and 3 opponents keep chasing you...there's only so much you can do. But I do TRY to play with that in mind, especially when using a good support weapon like dynamo, chargers, hydra. Even flingza. Of course when you have a dynamo and splatting opponents is the team's weakness.....using dynamo like a carbon to make up for it has mixed, comical results.

You are too kind. I am, at best, a mid-level comp player. There are hundreds of players that are much, much better than me. I am very flattered though.
Eric Clapton says he's not really that good at guitar, either.... ;)

Also, why do I have to wait through the defeat screen to see my medals?
That annoys me, too, and I wish they'd change it, BUT I'd assume that screen is actually masking loading the lobby in the background and/or crunching numbers/syncing stats to the windows 95 servers, or compiling the stored replay data. Like the "slowly squeezing through cracks and doors" trick to hide the load screens in modern AAA games. So they probably can't get rid of it, it's probably just a prettied up loading/"syncing data, please wait" screen. It probably hasn't tallied/synchronized the medal data yet.

(I bought the game twice due to dealing with a ****ty store delaying my pre-ordered physical copy, so I ended up getting a digital copy on launch) for a train wreck of a game.
It's broken, but at least it's not Battlefield 2042 broken!

ts. Part of the strategy is to distract the opposing team so the members who respawn can go right on ahead and ink the battlefield with little to no opposition at all.
I've been adopting that strategy often. I am become the laser pointer for the cats. If I distract them my team may be able to control the objective. Either that or my team will go try to find something to kill and leave the zone uncontrolled or in enemy control. :P Generally though I've been happy with generally quality teams. Just...not as high quality as the other team, or two decent teammates and one really bad one that goes 2/12 and basically makes the match a 3v4.


Site Moderator
Site Moderator
Oct 19, 2015
Switch Friend Code
1st I got into S+ last night and hit level 20 last night so better deals in shops and S+ too WOOOO!

But yeah I did notice it last night in my rank up matches it is very very subtle and took me a second to realize but now more than ever there is a huge rubber banding issue in game.
I was playing exploher one round on SZ and the octo brush would disappear next to the pillar next to the objective seperating the ramp from the flank, on my screen it looked like I hit him twice and the ground around me was covered in ink, only to blink see him on top kill me and the whole base of the ramp nearly still in my ink instantly change color seconds after I was splatted.
I again noticed this with a similar strat were a Splashomatic, who I had hit multiple times took no dmg despite 4 players try to hit them, because from what I can tell in the subtle changes in their movement they were still in their ink dodge animation when we were seeing them walking and shooting....it felt like as you mentioned we were fighting the old MK8 ghosts on the track rather than an actual player While the enemy team were able to easily pick us off cuz we weren't firing at anything and as far as they were aware just played it super well.


Squid Savior From the Future
Dec 18, 2015
1st I got into S+ last night and hit level 20 last night so better deals in shops and S+ too WOOOO!

But yeah I did notice it last night in my rank up matches it is very very subtle and took me a second to realize but now more than ever there is a huge rubber banding issue in game.
I was playing exploher one round on SZ and the octo brush would disappear next to the pillar next to the objective seperating the ramp from the flank, on my screen it looked like I hit him twice and the ground around me was covered in ink, only to blink see him on top kill me and the whole base of the ramp nearly still in my ink instantly change color seconds after I was splatted.
I again noticed this with a similar strat were a Splashomatic, who I had hit multiple times took no dmg despite 4 players try to hit them, because from what I can tell in the subtle changes in their movement they were still in their ink dodge animation when we were seeing them walking and shooting....it felt like as you mentioned we were fighting the old MK8 ghosts on the track rather than an actual player While the enemy team were able to easily pick us off cuz we weren't firing at anything and as far as they were aware just played it super well.
I'm glad to see someone else picking up on some of this. I mean it's always been part of Splatoon, and maybe I'm just more aware of it, but the more closely I examine the details, especially picking up the long range again, the more obvious it becomes. I saw it a lot with rollers, but with rollers it's easy to doubt what you see in the chaos. When you're behind the action on an eliter or hydra there's no doubt about what you saw. The biggest problem (and this has been true since S1, but it seems like it's a bigger problem now precisely because it's so subtle) is that it's now very clear that you're not really fighting players, you're fighting AI's at times with movement prediction. The fact that I saw a squid swim up a wall, but fall off and move away, only to be up atop the wall, meaning they clearly did NOT fall off the wall and move away but made it successfully up - the AI made up that whole scenario to dispaly as a total fabrication - or your example of a player walking and shooting that was actually in an ink dodge. I doubt the AI can damage us, but it means an invisible player we can't see, CAN damage us, while we're shooting at AIs that aren't really there. That's DEVASTATING to results in a game at this speed. Every shot counts and we can waste our shots aiming at phantoms which lets them turn the tides easily. And they're granted invincibility as a result. I'm starting to wonder how much blame on "the matchmaker" putting together weak teams vs "OP high rank teams" is actually two weak teams with an ocean of lag making one invincible, and thus unstoppable momentum that makes them look amazing.

Watch closely for the speed shifts, too. It's easier to see on a charger. Sometimes it's very subtle and can't be easily seen, what you notice is that you're just missing all your shots (or some you're not missing but they don't count because you hit ghosts.) Ultrastamps make it VERY easy to see it happen though. Player movement accellerates beyond normal speed at times. It's tied to the rubberbanding/ghost thing. Basically it predicted their position, but they're at a different, farther place when they next update. Instead of teleporting like it does when they've gone a long time without updates synchronizing, it tries to "smooth it out", so it shows them traversing, but does so in "fast forward" to catch them up to the latest update quickly but smoothly. It makes the game LOOK fluid. "Nintendo polish" and all that. But what it actually does is completely screw up your ability to play especially the longer ranged weapons that really depend on predicting player position based on movement speed and direction. Short range weps are screwed up more by teleporting since they're no longer in front of you where you need them to be. Long ranged weapons are more screwed up by the frame acceleration because they're not at the point you expect them to be between slow shots because their rate of speed changed.

I've noticed bloblobber becoming kind of meta and I have a strong guess just like the frantic movements of "good" players, exploiting lag is why it seems so good. It's delayed impacts and semi-random shot placement combines with lag to be un-dodgeable attacks that can come from anywhere at any time including from invisible enemies. I've seen several unstoppable bloblobber users that seem to hit far, far too regularly and accurately for a weapon that's main feature is it's remarkable inaccuracy. It kills very fast if you connect all the blobs, but it's not easy to connect those blobs on evasive players, from long range under normal low lag conditions.

Explosher, huh? I just picked that up yesterday after "politely quitting with no fingers extended toward the screen" from ranked after the comm error caused me to "lose" a series :P It's kinda fun, I might be adding another main :)


Site Moderator
Site Moderator
Oct 19, 2015
Switch Friend Code
Oh a sincerely reccomend it there is a cool trick
- Explosher has 2 unique properties it has the pirece effect of most chargers, along with the aoe effect of blasters if it hits a wall or floor

If you keep an eye on reticle (in S3 they finally added a secondary marker within the reticle so you can see how to land it) you both the direct and aoe reticles to deal 90 dmg in a single hit...spaltting the enemy if they are on your ink

It is hard to get consistently at 1st but playing about base spalt charger range or pulling an Obi Wan Kenobi on the unsuspecting ankiling it becomes easier to land and super satisfying to use


Pro Squid
Oct 9, 2019
Switch Friend Code
That annoys me, too, and I wish they'd change it, BUT I'd assume that screen is actually masking loading the lobby in the background and/or crunching numbers/syncing stats to the windows 95 servers, or compiling the stored replay data. Like the "slowly squeezing through cracks and doors" trick to hide the load screens in modern AAA games. So they probably can't get rid of it, it's probably just a prettied up loading/"syncing data, please wait" screen. It probably hasn't tallied/synchronized the medal data yet.
None of this makes sense. The servers (which aren't NEX anymore, so Windows 98 jokes or whatever don't apply) are used only for matchmaking, not for the actual game, and there's no issue with showing medals on the victory screen anyway.


Pro Squid
Oct 9, 2019
Switch Friend Code
I'm very salty right now, because I ranked down in SR. It's a nightmare to play in solo queue, and I don't have anyone to play with. Today's lobbies are extra bad, and I stand no chance against 3 stingers aggroing me while I have an e-liter. Where's actual matchmaking that would put those low-skill players I'm constantly reviving at appropriate skill level shifts?

Fortnite isn't that much better either. I kept running into crappy controller players abusing the short range SMG aimbot aim assist, which is like the only way you can make an SMG work right now in the questionable weapon meta. Something like this is pretty uncommon in games with matchmaking that… works though.

Where are Eggsecutive VP only lobbies, Nintendo?


Squid Savior From the Future
Dec 18, 2015
I think the communications issues are getting worse. A lot worse. It was a meme at first, then an irritating bad joke. Now I'm seriously trying to get into a lobby 5, 6, 7 times and just get communication error before finally getting a match. When I'm in matches it feels like a coin toss if I watch players vaporize into smoke and the top bar show black holes where squids used to be before getting "one or more players disconnected". A few times I get the "connection unstable/error occurred" error, the game thinks I dropped, and I get banned for 10 minutes for their problem. And I'm seeing frequently that depending on where/when I put the console into sleep, when I start up I'm in the plaza, and every time I go into the lobby it just says "an error occurred", details show nothing, and nothing fixes it except exiting the game and restarting it. It's like a Ubisoft game suddenly, lol.

Also the lag/invincible squids are just crazy. The speed shifts when playing chargers. The teleporting squids when playing rollers. I had a few anecdotes from the past week but forget most of them now. I fought a sploosh yesterday while running explosher that literally continuously disappeared and reappeared somewhere else in Mahi. No ninja squid on them, they should not have been disappearing. I've seen a LOT of squids while running explosher that survive 5 indirect hits, or one direct hit and 1 or two indirects. It makes the sound that it hit. They're just invincible. Lots of squids dying long after I've killed them but I get the credit. Lots of squids I directly killed but I get an assist with no one around. Lots of squids kill me without having ever shot at me or from well outside their range. And bloblobber is just broken with how it interacts with lag. I've seen numerous squids standing on a splat bomb that explodes under them and they walk away. I've been killed by splat bombs that seemingly explode mid-air before hitting the ground.

Quite a mess.

OTOH, I didn't play ranked for a week because I was so close to S I didn't want to blow it until SZ was on. Finally it was on yesterday, and the matchmaker was in rare form. Started with 2 matches where we never even controlled the zone ONCE. I was inking like crazy, #1 zone inker, but it wasn't enough to actually take the zone. Then got 2 hard fought wins so I came out 5pt ahead. Then another series, that was a mix of 3 hard fought wins with me going super-insane-carry-mode, and a few BS losses which was enough to get me into the rank up match.

Rank up match: 2 matches in a row were so easy it was like playing C- TW. I barely even did anything. K/D of 1/0. I don't think I got any badges at all. I did very little at all, and rarely even saw enemies, I mostly just showered ink down from above with a flingza, alone and forgotten :P I didn't even have enough enemy ink to build specials. The enemy never controlled the zone, the matches were over in a minute or so. Then the players are rotated. An insane loss where we had no chance, we all have negative k/d. Ok, 2w/1l...I can deal with this. Continue. Another loss, more hard fought but still dominated with no hope. Oh no, one more and I'm out! So I pause the series, wait half a minute ,and re-join. This time I get a super team with a somewhat hard fought but technically easy win.

I'm back in S!. But IDK what that even means, the rank up series was mostly far easier than anything I played in the C's. 2 of the 3 matches were "Push A to Win." That's what it takes to be an S. Endure months of suffering in pre-determined failure matches where if you can't routinely win 1v4's you're out, then prove your worth by sitting alone while your team sweeps the enemy. :P

Not sure I have any intention of pushing to S+. It's too grueling and unfun. Might just play around with clam blitz and brushes in ranked now with S as the final goal post. Not worth putting more energy into it. I have my little silver tag badge, I'm cool.

Although, I did play one more series up until map change in S since SZ was on. So far I'm 4/1. IDK if I got a good team or bad enemies, but it was a pretty favorable to play. It doesn't actually feel any different from any other rank though.... It's not like in past ranking systems where a new rank means "OMG the level of play is so much faster here!" It's basically the same as all other ranks to the point I'm convinced rank means nothing really, it doesn't affect play, it only affects how many points you spend to start and thus how much losses hurt your rank. Which is bad considering how bad a lot of play is. I'm still finding teammates that don't ink the zone (literally, I walked by the zone that was not controlled, threw a splash of ink on a corner and suddenly we controlled it....Repeatedly. We lose 20s of control time in a match because nobody thinks to paint it...) And teammates that superjump INTO the zone....... Should that really be something seen in S ranks? I didn't finish the series since SZ ended, but I'll probably start playing the other modes again since I'm not really trying to rank up anymore. S is good enough. At least I'm still moving up in points for now.

Oh a sincerely reccomend it there is a cool trick
- Explosher has 2 unique properties it has the pirece effect of most chargers, along with the aoe effect of blasters if it hits a wall or floor

If you keep an eye on reticle (in S3 they finally added a secondary marker within the reticle so you can see how to land it) you both the direct and aoe reticles to deal 90 dmg in a single hit...spaltting the enemy if they are on your ink

It is hard to get consistently at 1st but playing about base spalt charger range or pulling an Obi Wan Kenobi on the unsuspecting ankiling it becomes easier to land and super satisfying to use
I DEFINITELY have found a new main with that thing. IDK, I think I go nuts with it. So funny you mentioned it the day after I discovered it. I messed with it in S2 but never got a feel for it, but this time I'm going absolutely nuts whenever I have it. I'm not landing enough direct hits. And too many invincisquids are impervious to 5+ hits from it, but the long range ability to effectively zone, push, and go over obstacles is incredible, and on the occasions you have a good team, I throw more sensors than shells, and it's like Pikmin, commanding my minions to attack the enemy :D And inkstorms are a great zoning/pushing special to go with it.

I haven't taken it into ranked yet, but maybe now that I'm in S I'll start. It's been amazing in TW. I've had a number of TW matches where we win and I'm the only one on the team with a positive k/d, with like 10/1 while the team is like 2/5, 1/4, 6/10.....if it can eek out a TW win like that, it has to do SOMETHING in ranked, right? :P

Though I did pull out a similar win with base splat charger with my new "bomb main build", so maybe it's not that explosher is that great and the matching is just turning out well? :P I got a friend request after using it though which rarely happens :P

None of this makes sense. The servers (which aren't NEX anymore, so Windows 98 jokes or whatever don't apply) are used only for matchmaking, not for the actual game, and there's no issue with showing medals on the victory screen anyway.
I'm not sure how replays are handled, nor the medals, splat counts, ink points, or whatever, but I'm assuming there's some sharing of data between the consoles at that point and whatever console is the "server" and the system has to handle the replay compilation at some point. Switch probably takes some seconds to do the number crunching, data transfer, whatever is going on. IDK for sure what precisely it's doing, but I'm fairly convinced that screen is more or less masking a "please wait" screen that would have to be there anyway. Whether that's number crunching or lobby loading. Remember when you see your stats screen you're in the lobby looking at your character in real-time in the lobby, so it has to be loading that during the post-victory screens. And the lobby is a slow loader. Also, if you get a comm error/disconnect during that screen it counts as an in-match DC even if you played through to the tape coming up.

I'm surprised Fortnite has the same issues. I'd have thought the biggest game out there would have enough player base to make matchmaking easy. That's just baffling. "Good enough to sell product" I guess is all that matters in the games industry now.

The Salamander King

Site Moderator
Site Moderator
Jun 23, 2016
Switch Friend Code
I think the communications issues are getting worse. A lot worse. It was a meme at first, then an irritating bad joke. Now I'm seriously trying to get into a lobby 5, 6, 7 times and just get communication error before finally getting a match. When I'm in matches it feels like a coin toss if I watch players vaporize into smoke and the top bar show black holes where squids used to be before getting "one or more players disconnected". A few times I get the "connection unstable/error occurred" error, the game thinks I dropped, and I get banned for 10 minutes for their problem. And I'm seeing frequently that depending on where/when I put the console into sleep, when I start up I'm in the plaza, and every time I go into the lobby it just says "an error occurred", details show nothing, and nothing fixes it except exiting the game and restarting it. It's like a Ubisoft game suddenly, lol.

Also the lag/invincible squids are just crazy. The speed shifts when playing chargers. The teleporting squids when playing rollers. I had a few anecdotes from the past week but forget most of them now. I fought a sploosh yesterday while running explosher that literally continuously disappeared and reappeared somewhere else in Mahi. No ninja squid on them, they should not have been disappearing. I've seen a LOT of squids while running explosher that survive 5 indirect hits, or one direct hit and 1 or two indirects. It makes the sound that it hit. They're just invincible. Lots of squids dying long after I've killed them but I get the credit. Lots of squids I directly killed but I get an assist with no one around. Lots of squids kill me without having ever shot at me or from well outside their range. And bloblobber is just broken with how it interacts with lag. I've seen numerous squids standing on a splat bomb that explodes under them and they walk away. I've been killed by splat bombs that seemingly explode mid-air before hitting the ground.

Quite a mess.

OTOH, I didn't play ranked for a week because I was so close to S I didn't want to blow it until SZ was on. Finally it was on yesterday, and the matchmaker was in rare form. Started with 2 matches where we never even controlled the zone ONCE. I was inking like crazy, #1 zone inker, but it wasn't enough to actually take the zone. Then got 2 hard fought wins so I came out 5pt ahead. Then another series, that was a mix of 3 hard fought wins with me going super-insane-carry-mode, and a few BS losses which was enough to get me into the rank up match.

Rank up match: 2 matches in a row were so easy it was like playing C- TW. I barely even did anything. K/D of 1/0. I don't think I got any badges at all. I did very little at all, and rarely even saw enemies, I mostly just showered ink down from above with a flingza, alone and forgotten :p I didn't even have enough enemy ink to build specials. The enemy never controlled the zone, the matches were over in a minute or so. Then the players are rotated. An insane loss where we had no chance, we all have negative k/d. Ok, 2w/1l...I can deal with this. Continue. Another loss, more hard fought but still dominated with no hope. Oh no, one more and I'm out! So I pause the series, wait half a minute ,and re-join. This time I get a super team with a somewhat hard fought but technically easy win.

I'm back in S!. But IDK what that even means, the rank up series was mostly far easier than anything I played in the C's. 2 of the 3 matches were "Push A to Win." That's what it takes to be an S. Endure months of suffering in pre-determined failure matches where if you can't routinely win 1v4's you're out, then prove your worth by sitting alone while your team sweeps the enemy. :p

Not sure I have any intention of pushing to S+. It's too grueling and unfun. Might just play around with clam blitz and brushes in ranked now with S as the final goal post. Not worth putting more energy into it. I have my little silver tag badge, I'm cool.

Although, I did play one more series up until map change in S since SZ was on. So far I'm 4/1. IDK if I got a good team or bad enemies, but it was a pretty favorable to play. It doesn't actually feel any different from any other rank though.... It's not like in past ranking systems where a new rank means "OMG the level of play is so much faster here!" It's basically the same as all other ranks to the point I'm convinced rank means nothing really, it doesn't affect play, it only affects how many points you spend to start and thus how much losses hurt your rank. Which is bad considering how bad a lot of play is. I'm still finding teammates that don't ink the zone (literally, I walked by the zone that was not controlled, threw a splash of ink on a corner and suddenly we controlled it....Repeatedly. We lose 20s of control time in a match because nobody thinks to paint it...) And teammates that superjump INTO the zone....... Should that really be something seen in S ranks? I didn't finish the series since SZ ended, but I'll probably start playing the other modes again since I'm not really trying to rank up anymore. S is good enough. At least I'm still moving up in points for now.

I DEFINITELY have found a new main with that thing. IDK, I think I go nuts with it. So funny you mentioned it the day after I discovered it. I messed with it in S2 but never got a feel for it, but this time I'm going absolutely nuts whenever I have it. I'm not landing enough direct hits. And too many invincisquids are impervious to 5+ hits from it, but the long range ability to effectively zone, push, and go over obstacles is incredible, and on the occasions you have a good team, I throw more sensors than shells, and it's like Pikmin, commanding my minions to attack the enemy :D And inkstorms are a great zoning/pushing special to go with it.

I haven't taken it into ranked yet, but maybe now that I'm in S I'll start. It's been amazing in TW. I've had a number of TW matches where we win and I'm the only one on the team with a positive k/d, with like 10/1 while the team is like 2/5, 1/4, 6/10.....if it can eek out a TW win like that, it has to do SOMETHING in ranked, right? :p

Though I did pull out a similar win with base splat charger with my new "bomb main build", so maybe it's not that explosher is that great and the matching is just turning out well? :p I got a friend request after using it though which rarely happens :p

I'm not sure how replays are handled, nor the medals, splat counts, ink points, or whatever, but I'm assuming there's some sharing of data between the consoles at that point and whatever console is the "server" and the system has to handle the replay compilation at some point. Switch probably takes some seconds to do the number crunching, data transfer, whatever is going on. IDK for sure what precisely it's doing, but I'm fairly convinced that screen is more or less masking a "please wait" screen that would have to be there anyway. Whether that's number crunching or lobby loading. Remember when you see your stats screen you're in the lobby looking at your character in real-time in the lobby, so it has to be loading that during the post-victory screens. And the lobby is a slow loader. Also, if you get a comm error/disconnect during that screen it counts as an in-match DC even if you played through to the tape coming up.

I'm surprised Fortnite has the same issues. I'd have thought the biggest game out there would have enough player base to make matchmaking easy. That's just baffling. "Good enough to sell product" I guess is all that matters in the games industry now.
Are you using a wifi or wired connection?


Squid Savior From the Future
Dec 18, 2015
So a series of RM in S was 50/50, some terrible matches and some wins, up 5p. Then.....5 straight wins and zero losses..... In clam blitz..... With ink brush.... Which never even happened in the Cs. So the easy matches start in S rank lol.

Actually one match was a bad loss, but didn't count due to player drops.... But that's the weird part. I got ruined by a charger that could shoot through walls. I watched the replay from their angle and they kept hitting me while not actually shooting at me. But didn't seem to do that to some other players. Then other teammates were getting nailed by a 52. The charger teleported from in front of me to behind me while I was attacking with brush at one point.

At the end of the match and even the victory/defeat screen nobody showed as disconnected. But the stats terminal shows one from each team was. I watched replay from camera of the teammate that was disconnected. They were there the whole time but at the end seconds, at spawn just jumped over the railing behind it shooting air. How long were they an ai?

Big weirdness in that match, thankfully it didn't count and I got a perfect win streak, first time ever. But that was weeeird.

Are you using a wifi or wired connection?
Wired in OLED switch (built in lan port.) On gigabit fiber...... :D

(I do play wifi handheld at times as well. The console gyro is nice for chargers. But this has been wired.)
Last edited:


Squid Savior From the Future
Dec 18, 2015
Has anyone else seeing the issue where you turn on your switch having turned it off in the lobby and are back in plaza. And every time you go into the lobby you just get "an error occurred" until you totally close the game and restart it? It's weird I know it's not happening to everyone but it's daily now for me. Or just started a week or two ago.

Also I had the funniest glitch game the other day. TW. I splat someone, but they don't die. Then I get splatted. But the kill cam can't find them, it's scanning frantically over the map not locking onto the squid that killed me. Then finally showed an under ink swimming squid.

I respawn, head to center, then a kill icon pops up.... Huh? Ididn't do anything. That was the splat I got 8 seconds ago registering..... Then I get splatted. Wipeout! Ugh. Respawn, back to center, splat someone. Wipeout! Yeah comeback! Respawn, get splatted. Wipeout! Wait a minute....I look up.

6 black holes and 2 squids. Everyone else was disconnected, it was 1v1 for a full minute of tw. I had explosher, he had splatter shot......

Defeat. With only 2 squids on the screen. :Do_O


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