Splatoon 3 general issues


Octarian Storyteller
Site Moderator
May 1, 2018
Octo Valley
The Salmon Run error is still a thing, I really hope Nintendo finds out about this error soon because it can be a dangerous thing to happen often to a game.


Squid Savior From the Future
Community Ambassador
Feb 3, 2016
Has anyone else seeing the issue where you turn on your switch having turned it off in the lobby and are back in plaza. And every time you go into the lobby you just get "an error occurred" until you totally close the game and restart it? It's weird I know it's not happening to everyone but it's daily now for me. Or just started a week or two ago.
Other than random "server error" message I did have to reboot due to some emergency server maintenance Wednesday or Thursday last week.

Guess people were having more disconnects than usual, so now we're supposedly back to our usual volume of disconnects...

Also I had the funniest glitch game the other day. TW. I splat someone, but they don't die. Then I get splatted. But the kill cam can't find them, it's scanning frantically over the map not locking onto the squid that killed me. Then finally showed an under ink swimming squid.

I respawn, head to center, then a kill icon pops up.... Huh? Ididn't do anything. That was the splat I got 8 seconds ago registering..... Then I get splatted. Wipeout! Ugh. Respawn, back to center, splat someone. Wipeout! Yeah comeback! Respawn, get splatted. Wipeout! Wait a minute....I look up.

6 black holes and 2 squids. Everyone else was disconnected, it was 1v1 for a full minute of tw. I had explosher, he had splatter shot......

Defeat. With only 2 squids on the screen. :Do_O

That's not so much a glitch as it is the "normal" symptoms when someone is about to disconnect and may or may not drag others in their wake. ... which can be incredibly frustrating during a ranked match and their dc drags you along with them---automatic loss and no medals! :mad:


Squid Savior From the Future
Dec 18, 2015
Edited: Wooww, I think I have now seen the strangest match I have ever seen in any Splatoon game! I'd have thought hacking, but I think it's just an example of the netcode being broken in ways I can't comprehend. It was a TW match, in a lobby where 2 games were played. The main point of the weirdness is that I was actually out of sync with the lobby. Both matches....

What do I mean by that? I mean when the match started, the moment the camera panned to behind the spawn platforms, my team immediately launched, were inking turf, and booyah-ing....BEFORE "Ready" or "Go" displayed! They launched immediately when the camera was behind the spawn. The "startup" music was playing, "Ready" displayed a second after they launched, "Go" displayed a few seconds after, they were already off the spawn platform, and THEN "Go" displayed and I was able to launch. It was about 3-4 seconds head start before my screen showed the match started and allowed me to launch. That's not simply lag. If it were lag I wouldn't be able to SEE them playing in real-time. Somehow their match had started and already been past "Go" before the game started mine. So while on my screen I saw the warmup to launch, they had already seen that and were playing.

Similarly at the end of the match, about 4 seconds before the end, they all stopped dead like creepy puppets at a halloween display...just 4 seconds at the end everyone just stops, frozen in time, and I'm still playing around the squidequins.

You could think that's a glitch on its own. But then the NEXT match in the same lobby, it happens AGAIN! About a 4 second head start, they're out playing before I get to "Go" and can launch. The last 4 seconds they turn into creepy dead puppets, suddenly stopping all at once mid-play. Only this time, the tape comes up and the game freezes there for a minute or so in zombie-opolis. Then I get "communication error". Then the terminal shows only ONE match in that lobby, and not two. Later I checked the terminal again, and now two show, and the second one shows as "not completed", and I'M the player listed as disconnected. And everyone's stats show 0/0 k/d, and 0p ink. Except we played the whole match and those stats aren't true even for a disconnect. It somehow lost everyone's stats. And the game didn't put the 10 minute ban on me for "disconnecting" which it would have if it thought I did like it shows it thinks happened.

Somehow, it is literally possible to be de-synchronized with a lobby where your actual game start and stop times, are not the same as everyone else's. Is it possible your actual gameplay is up to 4 seconds behind everyone's too? No wonder "invincible squids" exist, if you can be playing a 4 second old image of the game! Obviously 2 matches in a row with the same problem with the same group means something on the end of whoever's switch was the "server" was the issue, but the ability for that to persist is strange. Was I even watching players or AIs for most of that match?

I have noticed that connecting to a match in the same lobby is not tied to the "servers" normally. I had one match last week when the servers were down for maintenance, that I know for a fact the servers were already down for maintenance, but I was still waiting for the next match in a lobby, when they took it down, and it actually assigned the battle, loaded the map, and actually started playing into the launch sequence up until "Go" and the match started, then it did communication error and dumped back to the lobby and then showed the servers were down. So when you're on matchmaking and loading into a lobby, it seems like it ONLY uses the Switch that's the server and not the Nintendo servers at all, it doesn't try to contact the Nintendo servers until "Go" and only then does it find out there's no server. Might even matchmaking actually be running P2P on people's consoles at least when continuing in the same lobby?

FWIW, there's no replay of the second match, which was a better display of the creepy puppets at the end because almost everyone splatted near the end of the first one, because "I DC'd", but the replay of the first one does show the whole delayed start, extended end very clearly. It' also demonstrates that the replay is based on what your console thinks it saw, not what the other player's consoles saw, which was obvious but still important to note. Thus examples like my enemy charger shooting through walls the other day is just confirmation that my console never saw them aiming at me and doesn't reflect what they were actually shooting at, on their end etc.

@Ansible "A Communication error has occurred" :rolleyes:

I've actually noticed that communication errors seem a lot more common when trying to drop into a friend lobby. Seems almost guaranteed whenever I'm in a friend lobby communication errors are twice as likely at least.

Other than random "server error" message I did have to reboot due to some emergency server maintenance Wednesday or Thursday last week.

Guess people were having more disconnects than usual, so now we're supposedly back to our usual volume of disconnects...

That's not so much a glitch as it is the "normal" symptoms when someone is about to disconnect and may or may not drag others in their wake. ... which can be incredibly frustrating during a ranked match and their dc drags you along with them---automatic loss and no medals! :mad:
I got "server error" back around the Splatfest (but then it came back and I didn't know it because mine still said server error, but then the details showed the server was fine.) That was similar to this one - I had to quit the game and restart and it was fine. Then it was fine for a while, but even before the server maintenance issue last week it started this new thing that any time I put the console in sleep in the lobby then turn it back on, when I turn it back on, it won't reconnect, just shows an error until I quit the game and restart. Not that big a deal, but it's annoying having to relaunch the game instead of use sleep every time (or maybe go out to plaza first?) I swear nobody else has that problem, which itself is pretty weird.

Saltiest moment was the time they took the server down during the results screen of a ranked match, and it yielded an auto-loss and no medals. Equally saltiest was the time the game actually crashed during the results screen of a ranked match and also auto-loss, ending.

I've see a lot of squids disconnect, I've seen squids take others. But I've never seen it behave quite that crazy when it happens. That's one for the books! Usually you just get the "one or more players" and a no contest result. Or one or two DCs you may see them get possessed and then vanish in a smoke puff, and the game still plays. This one was REALLY crazy. I haven't seen a 1v1 since S1!
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Squid Savior From the Future
Dec 18, 2015
Rejoice! Nintendo has finally released an update tackling the communication issue! Furthermore, they will ban players who abused things that were never meant to be used in the first place. There's safety in good honest gameplay after all.
I took a look at the patch notes. I didn't see anything about banning players that abused exploits though. Where is that?

And Does it address disconnects though? It mentions transfer rate fixes, that might mean tick rate improvements? That's big news if so. But I don't see anything in the notes about fixing connection errors. They did note that in the last patch and it seemed to do absolutely nothing (if not make things worse) though.

I still love flingza despite nerf. I never really used it for spamming missiles anyway.

Being abile to bail out of a lobby while waiting is a really nice QoL fix. The alert when a friend joins is nice, but I will continue to see it as a pending communication error until proven wrong :)

I'm wondering what "to a certain extent" they're curtailing "staying back from the action and using subs and specials" is going to do and what new glitches that will bring. I kind of like that, because I hate the players that don't really play in the spirit of the game. But I wonder how this may negatively impact, say hydra or eliter players that by nature have to stay far back much of the time, or "infiltrator" types like inkbrush/carbon/splatanas that play by lurking behind enemy lines as harrassers, away from the action etc. I like trying to prevent that type of play that people just play from the back and don't engage, but I also fear any time a system tries to be too smart for its own good harming real play. Like PC game DRM that does nothing to stop pirates and mostly just destroys paying customer's time. Or like when Splatoon 2 didn't let us use the cloud saves way pay for for "integrity of the game".... ;)

I'm also worried about "reducing the matchmaking time"/making matchmaking more efficient. Matchmaking was already fast. Too fast, it's the QUALITY of the matchmaking not the matchmaking TIME that is the problem, I'd much rather they triple the wait time and make better matches, not shorten the wait time and throw us in with even more mismatched messes. I'm a little afraid of ranked after this patch. And here I was, sitting on an S+ rank-up. With one loss because the OLD matchmaker threw me into a rank-up battle with the exact same player that was the worst player on my team (deep negative k/d on SZ!) that I had in the losing battle on the series before the rank up battle!! Now they'll do it faster! :|

"Fixed an issue where, when another player’s movements were unable to be reproduced
smoothly due to the terrain, a process to instantaneously move them would not run, causing
them to stay in their displaced position for a long time."

Wait...what? Are they OPENLY stating that what you see is not what the other players see?!? Should not everyone's screen MATCH? Why would the game need to "reproduce" player movements when the terrain doesn't allow it if they didn't ACTUALLY move that way in that location?!?! They just OPENLY said in patch notes that they teleport squids, and displayed movements aren't what other players played!!! What we've spent 8 years speculating they just casually dropped like "oh yeah, of course the game is just approximated and not real-time"??

"Fixed an issue where the gear ability Ink Saver (Main) was not being activated when using
brushes and holding ZR to ink while moving."

Ooooohhhh....so THAT's why my inkbrush keeps running dry!

"Fixed an issue with the Ballpoint Splatling when firing at long range where the variation of the
speed of the ink fired was greater than intended."

Wow, I just started playing it and it's insane how lethal that thing can be. If the distance shots can actually be FASTER than they've been, that's nuts!

"Fixed an issue where the Ultra Stamp would not block fully charged shots from a charger.'

LOL, that's a LOT of ultra stamp fixes! I actually thought chargers were supposed to be able to kill stamps this whole time! Explosher and splatlings can kill them, too. I know stamp players have been complaining, but I have one big problem with stamps, and that's lag. No other special allows squids to teleport and move at exaggerated rubberband speeds more than an ultrastamp from what I've seen. I don't think Splatoon benefits from a "high speed" special like that, it can't handle the normal speed of the game let alone an acceleration mode. It's more problematic than Kraken because it's faster.

"Fixed an issue when a team had a synergy bonus related to hairstyles where the name displayed
would differ from the actual hairstyle."

........ I have no words... :P

"Fixed an issue where an error message would not properly display after a connection error
occurred while exchanging card bits in the deck editor."

(Translation: Fixed an issue where "connection error occurred" was not being displayed often enough)


Squid Savior From the Future
Dec 18, 2015
I can't say that I notice any major differences post-patch, which is probably a good thing. I can say that "communication error" has not been changed, and may actually be worse (I failed to get into a lobby 7 attempts in a row with "communication errors"), but they didn't say they did anything about that in this patch which is kind of disappointing. It's like they don't even know it's still a problem after the last non-fix.

I did try ballpoint again, and it's still great, but I didn't really notice any difference in its ranged fire rate, so whatever they changed must be so subtle as to not be noticeable. It was hilarious with everyone seeing how bad flingza nerf was. I had one lobby that was just 5 flingzas and 3 other weps. Interestingly I got a "communication error" in that lobby, started TW again, and got assigned into the same exact lobby with the 5 flingzas which was funny. Unfortunately I had ballpoint and 5 flingzas is not fun to deal with with a splatling. I haven't done ranked. It takes serious bravery to go into ranked right after a balancing patch!

I have mixed feelings about the "faster data transfer" and "teleport" fix. Splats really do register perceptibly faster versus the attack, wait, then find out if it hit that it was before. Kills really do register fast usually now. Which is great! But...hoooo boyy.... The amount of shifting/speed-changing/teleporting squids I'm seeing now seems a lot worse. I haven't tried charger yet. But....it seems bad. Granted, I was playing late when they have us playing far away lands with ridiculous pings mostly, but..... the amount of times I saw a squid go somewhere, chased them, only for them to be vanished without a trace and nowhere near where I saw them go, to then get splatted by someone (probably them) chasing me from elsewhere quintupled. It's really dangerous to frequently see squids go somewhere and then have them not be there. Sometimes I really think Nintendo does not understand that the internet outside Japan is not just a large LAN.


Octarian Storyteller
Site Moderator
May 1, 2018
Octo Valley
It seems weapon re-skins (except for the Hero Shot Replica) are gone. With the Tentatek Splattershot gone, I worry that the meta may be even more centralized than before, not to mention the unfortunate loss of cool-looking weapons we had in past games like the Octoshot Replica or the Kensa weapons line.

I could be wrong though (I hope so) and the weapon re-skins get added in a future update.

The Salamander King

Site Moderator
Site Moderator
Jun 23, 2016
Switch Friend Code
It seems weapon re-skins (except for the Hero Shot Replica) are gone. With the Tentatek Splattershot gone, I worry that the meta may be even more centralized than before, not to mention the unfortunate loss of cool-looking weapons we had in past games like the Octoshot Replica or the Kensa weapons line.

I could be wrong though (I hope so) and the weapon re-skins get added in a future update.
New weapon kits will be added when the new catalogue releases.


Squid Savior From the Future
Dec 18, 2015
TBH, I kinda like the game without an excess of "the same weapon but different kit", it keeps each weapon as a unique thing with a unique style to it. Most weapons just seem to have a well thought out kit to make that main have its place right now. I'll be sad when new kits come out. "It's the same thing but with a decal on it" -Sheldon

OTOH some kits like squiffer are kinda lame right now and at least they'll become more playable with alts.

Or maybe I'm just salty that Custom Eliter is gone and my whole entire S1 playstyle of max quick-SJ teleporting from perch to perch was eliminated in 2 :)


Squid Savior From the Future
Dec 18, 2015
Oh dear, a new patch 2 days after the new patch to 1.2.1
  • Fixed an issue in Rainmaker that caused the player who placed the Rainmaker on a checkpoint to appear motionless to other players.
  • Fixed an issue in Rainmaker where the goal distance count would go to 1 even when the Rainmaker had not reached the goal.
  • Fixed an issue where, if you got on an inkrail while using the Inkjet or Zipcaster, allies Super Jumping towards you would land at the start point of the inkrail instead of the intended location

Not mentioned in the patch but has anyone else noticed that you no longer always hear a sound when
Missiles lock into you? I thought I was being hit by missiles targeting someone else but I think I figured out it's not always playing the sound even ifi have the rings on me, so I don't notice it's locked on.

I had plenty of time to observe while losing the s+rank up match id saved against a team with an ace hydra, an ace stringer, and a juiced up reeflux with maxed special charge up spamming non stop missiles. If anyone is curious about the rank up lobby matchmaking, we had 2 S players including myself, 4 s+ or above players in the lobby and 2 unknown. 6 of 8 we're wearing their splash tag rank badge so I know for sure at least 2 on each team were s+minimum. Though one of our s+s that was easily the best of our team for 2 wins against other opponents and one loss to this same opponent suddenly started super jumping to instant death that match ending 1/10 for reasons I can't guess. the replay was painful to watch. Previously a great player.


Octarian Storyteller
Site Moderator
May 1, 2018
Octo Valley
I lately have seen some lag spikes, like delayed shots and splats.

If Nintendo keeps ignoring the core communication issues like this, I don't ever want a Splatoon 4 to come out, not until they invest in actual servers for each continent (and Australia off course, even though I don't live there).


Squid Savior From the Future
Dec 18, 2015
It's driving me crazy. I haven't heard of anyone else having this problem, but for me, every SINGLE time I turn off the console while in the lobby, if I don't go out to the plaza first, when I turn it back on, it errors on entering the lobby and dumps me back into the plaza when it tries to connect unless I exit the game and restart it. The game itself just enters a "broken" state, that it is unable to connect to the servers until the game is restarted. It's extremely annoying, wasn't like that when the game launched, it might have started after the first patch, but it hasn't been fixed in the last 2 patches, I think I'm stuck with that bug.

I AM finding that I'm more frequently entering a TW lobby that runs for a long time without a comm error which NEVER happened for a period of time, but it seems like it only happens in the "right" lobby. And matchmaking at least for TW seems worse than before patch, everything I've played since the patch (TW) has been a spawncamp one way or the other, with "zerg rush" play being suddenly standard gameplay where every match is an instant race to the enemy base, and either we get spawncamped from the start, or my team spawncamps and I just hover around mid doing nothing the whole match except pick off stragglers. That's how Splatoon 1 was all the time, but S2 and early S3 were not quite that extreme. That means really bad team balance. Every time it happens I feel like I'm back in Moray Towers.

@Cephalobro The lag is ridiculous. I was afraid of that with the "faster transfer rate" update. This game can't handle faster ticks with it's bad netcode. What I'm seeing feels like a bigger shift to S1 overall. Much more visible teleporting, much more delayed shots (the magic "sudden splattershot death" is back from S1!) I'm getting killed frequently before I'm actually in enemy range and with the hit "ticks" coming in much faster than they actually should hit. REALLY painful with a roller, I get instasplat before I can even close in near anyone depending on lobby lag. I've actually taken up bloblobber just to deal with it. I've also seen a huge uptick in "vanishing squids" - both the near teleport variety, and the situations where I chase after a squid that was never there, they didn't die, they had no escape, they're simply no longer there after the chase, and now you're trapped in a dead-end. I had one the other day where I chased TWO squids into one of the side corners of shipyard. I splatted one.....I inked the corners trying to flush out the other one....but there was no other one...it was empty. The second one I saw go in there with the first one was never there to begin with. So of course I wasted time inking corners and being exposed like an idiot. Fortunately nobody attacked me and I just kept going. It's like hallucinations. Bad sushi.... S1 was my favorite game, but S1 netcode/team balance was not.

On the plus side, most of the "invincible squids" seem to have been replaced by disappearing squids and insta-kill-you squids. That's an plus, right? Each patch makes things worse.

@Ansible I think I have your S-rank-up lobby luck for S+ rank-up. Tried the rank-up last week, got a good team, won 2 easily, but that third, the same team got stomped and one of the 2 S+ aces on the team started playing like a C- in the last round. Did a 5-game win streak back up to rank-up match and stopped there. I picked it up again yesterday - 3 losses in a row, all of them curbstomps by uberteams. Went back to normal series to rank back up to rankup, and got 3 wins in a row with a good team, then 2 curbstomps with 2 lobbies, then good team for 3rd lobby to win the 5 series again. Back to rank up match - 3 curb stomps with 3 lobbies, no wins. I had enough points that I'm still in ANOTHER rank up match after losing that one, but I held it there. I'm honestly just afraid to try it again at this point. I want my gold badge, but I don't think I can take the stress trying for it again! Of all the people that are ghosts in my lobby that used to be high S+ or X in past games, only one of them is back into high S+, the others are all A or below! Then somehow BCL is S+6 who was never S+ before last I played! o_O

Based on the player tags on the players, they're making the rank-up lobbies 2 S+ players each team, at least one S player each team, and 2 that are unknown in all cases (silver or gold rank badges on their tags, one player each team with none.) So there should be 2 players on my team "better" than me....yet...I'm always the top splatter and/or zone inker and/or zone defender and on a losing team. :p

I wish I'd had a zones rotation during my play time before the patch. I feel like the "faster" ranked matchmaking they touted (that doesn't actually seem any faster at all...if not slower....) has broken it completely.

I wasn't going to do this this time, but I think I'm going to dust off my alt (which is actually the account with my forum name here :) ) - I'm kinda tired of never playing ranked modes because I'm always waiting for the right rotation to rank up.
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Squid Savior From the Future
Dec 18, 2015
I realized my digital copy on my other switch can't be used by my other account, so I can't play unlimited ranked on my alt while waiting for "good" times to try a rank-up battle.

......So I bought another copy of Splatoon 3.


@Saber I was thinking while playing about the conversation earlier on momentum and how something is wrong with how momentum-heavy the game is. I haven't quite figured out why it seems worse in S3 than before, but I realized (other than the disastrous netcode and the matchmaking) what the biggest real issue with the gameplay is. SUPERJUMPING!!

It's a staple feature of the series. Some might say a foundation of it. It adds strategy. Outside high-levels it's just a method of team-self-destruction as they all jump to their doom repeatedly. Heck, even at high levels it often is.

But it's largely what breaks the game in ways unintended, and I think has the opposite effect on the game than it was probably intended in the beginning to have. Were trapped with a game breaking "core" feature that's a relic of being a WiiU gimmick for the second screen.

The intention of SJing was presumably to get squids back to the action with their teammates quickly and keep the action and back-and-forth going despite heavy splats. But the real effect is something different. SJ'ing is primarily an asset to the already winning team with the most turf under their control. It is primarily a liability to the losing team, both hurting themselves and helping the enemy team. This then combines with the specials to accellerate that momentum.

Consider a match. It can be any map. Think of the ink lines being equally up to center. Now imagine as team red gets a wipeout on team blue, in the respawn time they ink a lot of turf up to team blue's base, then start fighting into the base. As team red members are picked off, they SJ back all the way across the map, constantly refilling the ranks. They can SJ relatively safely because their team has a huge cache of ink, a large area to pull back a moment to safely provide SJ drops, and the map design of elevations toward spawn actually provides them endless cover to safely drop near walls without being able to be seen or attacked easily by blue, while still being placed into battle effectively at or in blue's base. They effectively become an endless army. Blue can not splat them fast enough that their chain of respawning and dropping right back at or in enemy base allows blue to regain any turf without having to outfight the enemy As soon as blue picks one off there's another coming back in to replace them, without a chance to recover turf between the waves of attackers.

Now consider blue, as they are splatted, they respawn. The enemy is at their doorstep in unrelenting waves SJ-ing has almost no advantage for them at all, because the battle is nearer their spawn, and they lack inked turf. SJing is dangerous/destructive to try in those CQC conditions, and even if they succeed they gain little. The attack positions are elevated and exposed to the enemy, the distance gained vs just swimming from spawn is negated by the SJ time, SJ is a weapon used by red, the leading team, to hold their advance position without having to fall back when defeated, with minimal penalty for defeat, while SJing is not useful in any way to blue. They gain no distance or advantage from the battle being near spawn.

Meanwhile the lead team, red, has total freedom of movement across the map at speed as they have it in their ink. Blue can try to escape the pending spawncamp by taking flank routes and using SJ to break out together. But to try to take the flank route means having to lay down ink over enemy ink to get out, that slows down movement, and also rules out stealth, inking makes them visible. Meanwhile the enemy has both stealth through their own turf, and rapid access to any area of the map, so it's very easy for them to break off and shut down a breakout attempt without giving up their position from a continued position of strength. The game mostly favors keeping a team in the turf lead in that lead permanently unless a herculean breakout effort reverses it. And TW level turf control is no less critical in ranked.

The only thing SJ does is help the team at advantage maintain or extend that advantage, while doing nothing, or being a detriment to the losing team. In other words it's the heart of the momentum problem and the game would be a LOT more balanced with a LOT more back and forth without SJ.

It combines with the specials. As the team in the advantage is continuously gaining turf, they have a greater supply of new ink to gain special charge so DURING that forward SJ-momentum driven push, they ALSO have the advantage of having more specials ready to go, more of the time, this helps secure the push as the leading/advancing team is able to also suppress the enemy with barrages of area specials and continue the advance. The losing team, by nature of losing ground, has little new ink except covering what enemies shoot, meaning that the only new turf is gained through weapon exchanges, meaning much less special charge, and often getting splatted by the driving momentum before charging specials. And the SJ-ing is what secures that momentum advantage. If enemies had to swim all the way back from red spawn, there would be ample opportunity to use every splat to regain territory and keep resetting the situation closer to center.

Now, the massive matchmaker team imbalancing can break that theory if blue happened to be a team that just outshoots team red in every battle. But all things being equal, Superjumping breaks Splatoon's balance, by actually accentuating any advantage and using it against the disadvantaged team. Staple feature or not, the game would be much more balanced and lose that momentum problem without it.

Maybe making SJ much slower without a ton of SJ-up would help fix it while keeping SJ in place. Or would it just disadvantage less skilled teams that will keep SJ-ing even at big time penalties? Right now it means a decent team in the lead is almost invincible unless they are wiped, becasuse one remaining squid puts everyone back in place as though they were never splatted.

(Rainmaker is the one exception to this since the rainmaker can make it's own path through enemy ink, advertises itself, is slow, and the shield halts a lot of that momentum.)

The Salamander King

Site Moderator
Site Moderator
Jun 23, 2016
Switch Friend Code
I realized my digital copy on my other switch can't be used by my other account, so I can't play unlimited ranked on my alt while waiting for "good" times to try a rank-up battle.

......So I bought another copy of Splatoon 3.


@Saber I was thinking while playing about the conversation earlier on momentum and how something is wrong with how momentum-heavy the game is. I haven't quite figured out why it seems worse in S3 than before, but I realized (other than the disastrous netcode and the matchmaking) what the biggest real issue with the gameplay is. SUPERJUMPING!!

It's a staple feature of the series. Some might say a foundation of it. It adds strategy. Outside high-levels it's just a method of team-self-destruction as they all jump to their doom repeatedly. Heck, even at high levels it often is.

But it's largely what breaks the game in ways unintended, and I think has the opposite effect on the game than it was probably intended in the beginning to have. Were trapped with a game breaking "core" feature that's a relic of being a WiiU gimmick for the second screen.

The intention of SJing was presumably to get squids back to the action with their teammates quickly and keep the action and back-and-forth going despite heavy splats. But the real effect is something different. SJ'ing is primarily an asset to the already winning team with the most turf under their control. It is primarily a liability to the losing team, both hurting themselves and helping the enemy team. This then combines with the specials to accellerate that momentum.

Consider a match. It can be any map. Think of the ink lines being equally up to center. Now imagine as team red gets a wipeout on team blue, in the respawn time they ink a lot of turf up to team blue's base, then start fighting into the base. As team red members are picked off, they SJ back all the way across the map, constantly refilling the ranks. They can SJ relatively safely because their team has a huge cache of ink, a large area to pull back a moment to safely provide SJ drops, and the map design of elevations toward spawn actually provides them endless cover to safely drop near walls without being able to be seen or attacked easily by blue, while still being placed into battle effectively at or in blue's base. They effectively become an endless army. Blue can not splat them fast enough that their chain of respawning and dropping right back at or in enemy base allows blue to regain any turf without having to outfight the enemy As soon as blue picks one off there's another coming back in to replace them, without a chance to recover turf between the waves of attackers.

Now consider blue, as they are splatted, they respawn. The enemy is at their doorstep in unrelenting waves SJ-ing has almost no advantage for them at all, because the battle is nearer their spawn, and they lack inked turf. SJing is dangerous/destructive to try in those CQC conditions, and even if they succeed they gain little. The attack positions are elevated and exposed to the enemy, the distance gained vs just swimming from spawn is negated by the SJ time, SJ is a weapon used by red, the leading team, to hold their advance position without having to fall back when defeated, with minimal penalty for defeat, while SJing is not useful in any way to blue. They gain no distance or advantage from the battle being near spawn.

Meanwhile the lead team, red, has total freedom of movement across the map at speed as they have it in their ink. Blue can try to escape the pending spawncamp by taking flank routes and using SJ to break out together. But to try to take the flank route means having to lay down ink over enemy ink to get out, that slows down movement, and also rules out stealth, inking makes them visible. Meanwhile the enemy has both stealth through their own turf, and rapid access to any area of the map, so it's very easy for them to break off and shut down a breakout attempt without giving up their position from a continued position of strength. The game mostly favors keeping a team in the turf lead in that lead permanently unless a herculean breakout effort reverses it. And TW level turf control is no less critical in ranked.

The only thing SJ does is help the team at advantage maintain or extend that advantage, while doing nothing, or being a detriment to the losing team. In other words it's the heart of the momentum problem and the game would be a LOT more balanced with a LOT more back and forth without SJ.

It combines with the specials. As the team in the advantage is continuously gaining turf, they have a greater supply of new ink to gain special charge so DURING that forward SJ-momentum driven push, they ALSO have the advantage of having more specials ready to go, more of the time, this helps secure the push as the leading/advancing team is able to also suppress the enemy with barrages of area specials and continue the advance. The losing team, by nature of losing ground, has little new ink except covering what enemies shoot, meaning that the only new turf is gained through weapon exchanges, meaning much less special charge, and often getting splatted by the driving momentum before charging specials. And the SJ-ing is what secures that momentum advantage. If enemies had to swim all the way back from red spawn, there would be ample opportunity to use every splat to regain territory and keep resetting the situation closer to center.

Now, the massive matchmaker team imbalancing can break that theory if blue happened to be a team that just outshoots team red in every battle. But all things being equal, Superjumping breaks Splatoon's balance, by actually accentuating any advantage and using it against the disadvantaged team. Staple feature or not, the game would be much more balanced and lose that momentum problem without it.

Maybe making SJ much slower without a ton of SJ-up would help fix it while keeping SJ in place. Or would it just disadvantage less skilled teams that will keep SJ-ing even at big time penalties? Right now it means a decent team in the lead is almost invincible unless they are wiped, becasuse one remaining squid puts everyone back in place as though they were never splatted.

(Rainmaker is the one exception to this since the rainmaker can make it's own path through enemy ink, advertises itself, is slow, and the shield halts a lot of that momentum.)
I'm going to make a video about this. Hopefully I will be able to post it here by tomorrow.

The Salamander King

Site Moderator
Site Moderator
Jun 23, 2016
Switch Friend Code
Here it is. It isn't pretty... or edited in any way, but here it is. One thing I forgot to mention: Tower Control and Rainmaker have checkpoints to help stop snowballing.


Octarian Storyteller
Site Moderator
May 1, 2018
Octo Valley
While most of my communication errors happen out of battle, it's still annoying because the time wasted waiting for a match still adds up. The worst part is finally getting into a match, only to lose that match when you're using a ticket.

Like seriously, I'm just trying to farm cash so I don't run out of it so quickly when I use the Shell-Out Machine (which is another annoyance entirely, so I won't talk about it now).


Pro Squid
Oct 9, 2019
Switch Friend Code
I'm surprised Nintendo hasn't tried to make sure you can't lose ticket uses to network issues.

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