

Semi-Pro Squid
Mar 9, 2016
a small house near Ancho-V Games
1. Favorite hat? (Ripped straight from Ika)
2. House or apartment?
3. Favorite plant
1. I don't wear hats, but fedoras look pretty nice, I guess.
2. I live in an apartment, but a house would be nice too.
3. Cacti. I'd like to have a small cactus on my shelf or near my window, just cause.

@Ikaheishi @Rustic @Cuttleshock @Anaru @Achamo @⭐️Zapfish⭐️ @Magolor @DualQuelcher @SilverBlue-Neko @woomycheri
(Tagging more people and asking more questions than usual to make up for the times I didn't tag anyone)

1. Maybe I asked this before, but what's your favorite food?
2. Do you have any pets? Would you like to have any others, or any at all?
3. The square root of Woomy is...?
4. Favorite kind of other food (stuff you don't eat as a full meal, but because you are a little hungry for instance)?
5. Chocolate or vanilla?
6. Your opinion on The Legend of Zelda?
7. Favorite artist of any kind?
8. What's the answer to life, the universe, and everything?
9. Would you rather be a knight or a samurai?
10. Favorite fictional character from anything ever?
Can you name all of the classes in Team Fortress 2?

(Sorry I'm throwing all of this at you, but I felt like I needed to make up for my lack of questions lately)


Inkling Cadet
Feb 26, 2016
Switch Friend Code
  1. Only if it's to escape the end of the world.
  2. Only one, I think.
  3. Sort of. A friend and I would compete to speedrun individual stages of one of the 3DS Mario games.
  4. I don't watch speedruns.
  5. I sort of flip-flop between them. The reality is that I'm reasonably extroverted, but I have some issues that make me a bit introverted at times.
  6. I'm not sure… Probably the original Super Mario Bros, HarmoKnight, or one of the Zelda games I have completed. I have yet to complete the original Zelda or Metroid.
  1. We moved quite a bit when I was little. Twice before the age of three, and then four more times before age ten. Thankfully we haven't moved since; I hate the whole process.
  2. Still variants of strawberry.
  3. Twelve and Thirteen. I also favor Three, Six, Twenty Four, Thirty Two, Forty Two, Sixty, Seventy Two, and Ninety Six.

I don't think you responded to the last two times I tagged you so I'm quoting you to try to make sure you get a notification. :)
@☆Zapfish☆ @G1ng3rGar1 @SilverBlue-Neko

Apparently I'm going with a clothing & fashion theme for my questions this time. o_O
  1. What styles of fashion do you like?
  2. What colors do you like to wear?
  3. If any, what kind of hats do you like to wear?
1. Always jeans and a t-shirt. I do like to wear bows in my hair though
2. I like purple and black!
3. Just the regular kind of hats. I do have a cat beanie that a wear a lot!


Inkling Cadet
Feb 26, 2016
Switch Friend Code
1. I don't wear hats, but fedoras look pretty nice, I guess.
2. I live in an apartment, but a house would be nice too.
3. Cacti. I'd like to have one on my shelf or near my window, just cause.

@Ikaheishi @Rustic @Cuttleshock @Anaru @Achamo @⭐️Zapfish⭐️ @Magolor @DualQuelcher @SilverBlue-Neko @woomycheri
(Tagging more people and asking more questions than usual to make up for the times I didn't tag anyone)

1. Maybe I asked this before, but what's your favorite food?
2. Do you have any pets? Would you like to have any others, or any at all?
3. The square root of Woomy is...?
4. Favorite kind of other food (stuff you don't eat as a full meal, but because you are a little hungry for instance)?
5. Chocolate or vanilla?
6. Your opinion on The Legend of Zelda?
7. Favorite artist of any kind?
8. What's the answer to life, the universe, and everything?
9. Would you rather be a knight or a samurai?
10. Favorite fictional character from anything ever?
Can you name all of the classes in Team Fortress 2?

(Sorry I'm throwing all of this at you, but I felt like I needed to make up for my lack of questions lately)
1. Hmmmm.... Carrot Cake
2. I have no pets but I really want a pet snake
3. Ummm, tentacles?
4. Potato Sticks
5. Vanilla
6. Love it but need to play more games! Wind Waker is my favorite
7. TamarinFrog!
8. Tentacles
9. Samurai
10. Todoroki from Boku no Hero Academia
I'll might do the same soon!


Oct 14, 2015
@Ikaheishi @Rustic @Cuttleshock @Anaru @Achamo @⭐️Zapfish⭐️ @Magolor @DualQuelcher @SilverBlue-Neko @woomycheri
(Tagging more people and asking more questions than usual to make up for the times I didn't tag anyone)

1. Maybe I asked this before, but what's your favorite food?
2. Do you have any pets? Would you like to have any others, or any at all?
3. The square root of Woomy is...?
4. Favorite kind of other food (stuff you don't eat as a full meal, but because you are a little hungry for instance)?
5. Chocolate or vanilla?
6. Your opinion on The Legend of Zelda?
7. Favorite artist of any kind?
8. What's the answer to life, the universe, and everything?
9. Would you rather be a knight or a samurai?
10. Favorite fictional character from anything ever?
Can you name all of the classes in Team Fortress 2?
  1. It's a tie between Tacos, Sushi, and Ice Cream.
  2. The nine rats I currently have is plenty.
  3. Squid.
  4. Sandwiches, Bananas, Fries, Ice Cream, Tacos, or Sushi.
  5. Depends on my mood.
  6. I'm not allowed to give an opinion since I'm a dedicated fan of the series.
  7. I like a lot of all the different forms of art… I don't think I really have a specific favorite.
  8. 42.
  9. I don't know.
  10. Asuna Yuuki and Maya Fey
  11. Scout, Soldier, Pyro, Demoman, Heavy, Engineer, Medic, Sniper, and Spy. (I had to think through my memory of the class selection screen to answer that! I haven't played TF2 in ages.)
@Achamo @woomycheri @Magolor
I'm going to ask the same questions of different members… I'm too hungry to think of new questions right now.
  1. What styles of fashion do you like?
  2. What colors do you like to wear?
  3. If any, what kind of hats do you like to wear?


Inkling Commander
Apr 1, 2016
1. Maybe I asked this before, but what's your favorite food?
2. Do you have any pets? Would you like to have any others, or any at all?
3. The square root of Woomy is...?
4. Favorite kind of other food (stuff you don't eat as a full meal, but because you are a little hungry for instance)?
5. Chocolate or vanilla?
6. Your opinion on The Legend of Zelda?
7. Favorite artist of any kind?
8. What's the answer to life, the universe, and everything?
9. Would you rather be a knight or a samurai?
10. Favorite fictional character from anything ever?
Can you name all of the classes in Team Fortress 2?
  1. Uhh... like... dunno. What always works for me is bread and soup, I guess.
  2. Have said this in detail before, so summarised: 3×tortoise, 6×turtle, many×fish. In the future, I'd like two large parrots (just one would be lonely, I imagine).
  3. Interpreting it as a base 26 integer, it doesn't have a rational root (of course, all rational roots of integers are also integers themselves. Think that might've been in one of my maths exams this summer! Definitely at least in a past paper I did) but, truncating the non-integer part, it's Dvg (almost Dvh).
  4. I'm partial to chocolate digestives with milk, which I realise is a little sugary for a snack. They're good because I get sick of them after, normally, six or seven biscuits, so I don't overeat.
  5. Chocolate.
  6. I made an extensive answer for this before, so I'll leave it, mostly. Only a little update - I recently watched a speedrun of Four Swords Adventures (from this year's SGDQ) and that was, like, cool. Also, I've seen all 13 episodes of the cartoon (y'know, "ex-cuuuse me, prin-cess!") and was very... much entertained.
  7. Is that... like, visual and audio artists both? In terms of historical art artists, I've no strong feelings (can hardly name any). Musically, I'd name Motoi Sakuraba, who composes for a bunch of games - Tales of, Golden Sun, a few arrangements in Smash Bros. (I was a little blown away when I discovered that he had arranged the Hoenn Victory Road theme for Brawl: combining Sakuraba and Pokémon is some sort of dream team for me), Kid Icarus Uprising, Star Ocean and a bunch more semi-obscure JRPGs. Video of him below. As for drawing artists, I don't think that I have any single stand-out favourite - I follow a few whose stuff I really like on Pixiv, and they're all great, really. The one linked in my signature is an example.
  8. Let's all smile together!
  9. Knight. Samurai, like, killed peasants and other mean stuff. Knights can jump over pieces of both colours and evade an opposing bishop with any move (as they always change parity after jumping).
  10. Answered that earlier on. The shortlist is N Harmonia, Hajime Ichinose and Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III (and probably someone I'm still forgetting).
  11. I did play this a little some years ago, albeit purely offline. Uh... Soldier, Mechanic, Heavy, Spy, Sniper, Medic, Demoman... I'm sure there's an eighth... oops, read Ika's answer. Pyro! 'Course. And I think I sort of mentally combined the Spy and Scout. And 'Mechanic' is wrong but I know whom I'm thinking of!
I'll do questions... next time...


Inkling Commander
Apr 1, 2016
Whats your favorite idea?
Oh, gosh, that's a really... difficult question to answer. Sorry, not sure what you really mean...

I did say I'd tag on my next post, so I'll go ahead and do so, though.
@PORYGON.zip @Goolloom @AlphaOmegaSplatter
  1. Do you frequently consume... butter?
  2. What's your shoe size? Do you have trouble fitting shoes at times?
  3. Whereabouts do you keep your volume on your main device most of the time (e.g. 'all the way up', 'around halfway', '8%' (that last one's me))?


Inkster Jr.
May 1, 2016
My world
1. I don't wear hats, but fedoras look pretty nice, I guess.
2. I live in an apartment, but a house would be nice too.
3. Cacti. I'd like to have a small cactus on my shelf or near my window, just cause.

@Ikaheishi @Rustic @Cuttleshock @Anaru @Achamo @⭐️Zapfish⭐️ @Magolor @DualQuelcher @SilverBlue-Neko @woomycheri
(Tagging more people and asking more questions than usual to make up for the times I didn't tag anyone)

1. Maybe I asked this before, but what's your favorite food?
2. Do you have any pets? Would you like to have any others, or any at all?
3. The square root of Woomy is...?
4. Favorite kind of other food (stuff you don't eat as a full meal, but because you are a little hungry for instance)?
5. Chocolate or vanilla?
6. Your opinion on The Legend of Zelda?
7. Favorite artist of any kind?
8. What's the answer to life, the universe, and everything?
9. Would you rather be a knight or a samurai?
10. Favorite fictional character from anything ever?
Can you name all of the classes in Team Fortress 2?

(Sorry I'm throwing all of this at you, but I felt like I needed to make up for my lack of questions lately)
oh my o-o I haven't been tagged in a while.

1. Pastaaaaa.
2. Sadly not any yet. I would like two cats and a dog at first. {Also a pea**** and tiger pls and thank you}
4. Ramen noodles and whatever pasta thing my mom buys
5. Vanilla
6. HYAAAAH! {I like it even though I never played any of the games properly so not a Zelda nerd}
7. Serafleur I think that's how you spell her name, look her up on instagram
8. The. answer. is. WOOMY!
9. Samurai since ninja isn't an option
10. Sango from InuYasha back in my animu days.
  1. It's a tie between Tacos, Sushi, and Ice Cream.
  2. The nine rats I currently have is plenty.
  3. Squid.
  4. Sandwiches, Bananas, Fries, Ice Cream, Tacos, or Sushi.
  5. Depends on my mood.
  6. I'm not allowed to give an opinion since I'm a dedicated fan of the series.
  7. I like a lot of all the different forms of art… I don't think I really have a specific favorite.
  8. 42.
  9. I don't know.
  10. Asuna Yuuki and Maya Fey
  11. Scout, Soldier, Pyro, Demoman, Heavy, Engineer, Medic, Sniper, and Spy. (I had to think through my memory of the class selection screen to answer that! I haven't played TF2 in ages.)
@Achamo @woomycheri @Magolor
I'm going to ask the same questions of different members… I'm too hungry to think of new questions right now.
  1. What styles of fashion do you like?
  2. What colors do you like to wear?
  3. If any, what kind of hats do you like to wear?
1. Casual mostly and Japanese gothic along with pastel and some lolita. Also old types of dresses like in the medieval times and of course Indian
2. Black..black..blue and red.
3 I don't wear hats, they don't look good on me. I like floppy hats tho xD

Uhh.. @Ikaheishi @Cuttleshock @G1ng3rGar1

1. Your favorite soundtrack of any game.
2. Do you like going to the dentist?
3. Are you the type of person that gets sick a lot or is it rare for you to get sick?


Don't get Cooked!
Jun 30, 2016
@Ikaheishi @Rustic @Cuttleshock @Anaru @Achamo @⭐️Zapfish⭐️ @Magolor @DualQuelcher @SilverBlue-Neko @woomycheri
(Tagging more people and asking more questions than usual to make up for the times I didn't tag anyone)

1. Maybe I asked this before, but what's your favorite food?
2. Do you have any pets? Would you like to have any others, or any at all?
3. The square root of Woomy is...?
4. Favorite kind of other food (stuff you don't eat as a full meal, but because you are a little hungry for instance)?
5. Chocolate or vanilla?
6. Your opinion on The Legend of Zelda?
7. Favorite artist of any kind?
8. What's the answer to life, the universe, and everything?
9. Would you rather be a knight or a samurai?
10. Favorite fictional character from anything ever?
Can you name all of the classes in Team Fortress 2?
1. Salmon.
2. A cat, but sadly I may have to give her to a new home when I move to california. However, when I do move I plan on getting a canary for my friend i'm living with and a snake!
3. I wish I could think up something clever for this...
4. I tend to eat meiji candies when I have them. Japanese chocolates are much more flavorful in my opinion.
5. Vanilla
6. I don't play it and I'm pretty neutral to it.
7. Kirby artists! I have a few favorites...
8. 42
9. Knight
10. I think it's pretty obvious... but 02 takes close in second after Magolor.

I don't play TF2 so I couldn't answer 11.
A lot of questions for a lot of questions.

@SurrealSquid @SyMag @Dessgeega @SilverBlue-Neko @woomycheri @G1ng3rGar1 @Achamo @DualQuelcher @Anaru @Ikaheishi @Rustic @ILikeKirbys @Meta Knightmare

1. Do you play tomodachi life?
2. Do you think cheating in video games in second playthroughs is OK? (i.e. you beat the game legit once, is it ok to cheat?)
3. Do you take vitamins?
4. Energy Drinks or Coffee?
5. Do you play any super old video games?
6. Thoughts on the Kirby franchise, because you know I can't pass up any mention of this game.
7. What is your favorite kind of fruit?
8. Do you own multiple of a console? If so, which?
9. Do you like seafood?
10. Do you need sunglasses / glasses in general?

(Kirby related questions you all can answer if you want! You don't have to if you don't know the game well or don't feel like it!)

11. Thoughts on Planet Robobot?
12. If you could choose to be a character from Kirby in real life, who would you choose?
13. What Kirby games do you own?
14. What game features would you like to see return in newer Kirby games?
15. Would you enjoy a fighting game similar to smash solely based on Kirby (no other franchise), as well as amiibos for all the characters added into the game?
16. Most difficult kirby boss for you?
17. Most difficult true arena?
18. Least favorite kirby character...?
19. Would you find it strange if kirby could actually speak fluently (I think he did in one game and it was really strange to me?)
20. How old do you think Kirby is in comparison to other characters in the franchise?

I'm so sorry I wanted to ask more kirby oriented questions and anyone can answer them, tagged or not!

Meta Knightmare

Full Squid
Jul 2, 2016
@Meta Knightmare

1. Do you play tomodachi life?
2. Do you think cheating in video games in second playthroughs is OK? (i.e. you beat the game legit once, is it ok to cheat?)
3. Do you take vitamins?
4. Energy Drinks or Coffee?
5. Do you play any super old video games?
6. Thoughts on the Kirby franchise, because you know I can't pass up any mention of this game.
7. What is your favorite kind of fruit?
8. Do you own multiple of a console? If so, which?
9. Do you like seafood?
10. Do you need sunglasses / glasses in general?

(Kirby related questions you all can answer if you want! You don't have to if you don't know the game well or don't feel like it!)

11. Thoughts on Planet Robobot?
12. If you could choose to be a character from Kirby in real life, who would you choose?
13. What Kirby games do you own?
14. What game features would you like to see return in newer Kirby games?
15. Would you enjoy a fighting game similar to smash solely based on Kirby (no other franchise), as well as amiibos for all the characters added into the game?
16. Most difficult kirby boss for you?
17. Most difficult true arena?
18. Least favorite kirby character...?
19. Would you find it strange if kirby could actually speak fluently (I think he did in one game and it was really strange to me?)
20. How old do you think Kirby is in comparison to other characters in the franchise?

I'm so sorry I wanted to ask more kirby oriented questions and anyone can answer them, tagged or not!
1. yep!
2. if youre just messing around with it/having fun, then sure why not? especially after 100% (or close as you can)
3. yeah!
4. both! it depends on my mood, really
5. yeah! i still play kirby superstar/dreamland 3 and the (old)doom/wolfenstein series from time to time
6. i love it honestly, its one of the most fun series ive gotten into in a while
7. im going to go with lychees
8. yes, xbox 360 because when my old one broke i never did anything with it (i think it works but not as well as my current one, also i have my dads old 360) id says xbox one's as well, but only because my brother leaves his at my house all the time
9. yes i love it!
10. i need glasses and its kinda.. annoying sometimes with how easily theyre smudged and sliding off my face
11. i loved it! it was the first kirby game i actually owned and i love all the references it made to the old game- i absolutely love the robot feature (and i cant not mention the use of stickers was fun) the other game modes were great too
12. oh this is going to sound absolutely terrible, but id go with marx. i promise to be good!
13. Kirby Superstar, Kirbys dreamland 3, kirby planet robobot, kirby epic yarn, kirbys return to dreamland and if kirby fighters deluxe counts along with dedede's drum dash deluxe, then those too. I wanna get kirby 64 and kirbys adventure on virtual console. I also plan on ordering Mass attack and super star ultra one of these days
14. helpers! please! i love making waddle doos and wheelies as my friends also more multiplayer co-op features in the console versions of the games (i know they usually do though)
15. oh yes!! yes yes! that would be so fun gosh
16. uuuhhh hmm... it sound ssilly but im going with either acro or hd3 (i forget how to write that ones name..) I feel if i play more other games ill choose otherwise
17. ive only done return to dreamland and robobots true arena, i think return to dreamland was the more challenging of the two? though probably because of no amiibo helpers
18. ah, uh, thats hard, maybe the master crown, mariel (from dreamland 3) or mutant scarfies- im choosing the enemies which freaked me out the most haha.
19. probably... yeah, a lot. i prefer him being a silent protag/one who makes very little noises
20. he seems like one of the youngest characters, along with maybe bandanna waddle dee? i mean, i know he saves the world and al that but he come off to me as just a kid. hes also very forgiving and kind too.



Senior Squid
Jul 24, 2016
@Ansible @DualQuelcher @Brie_no.20
  1. Do you ever laugh when no-one else is around and you're not watching a funny video/reading something/whatever?
  2. Have you ever intentionally invoked a glitch in a game? If so, do you do so frequently?
  3. What sort of headphones do you prefer (noise-cancelling, smaller but still ear-covering, earbuds or something else)?
1. I’ll laugh at something when I’m thinking of something funny, when no one’s around. I’ll be discrete most of the time though because I don’t really like drawing attention to myself.

2. Nope. I don’t even think I’ve ever seen a glitch in a game…

3. I’ll use earbuds when I’m traveling, but I prefer ear-covering headphones for sure.

@Scholly @Pandakai @malibee53

1. Your favourite soundtrack.
2. Which fictional character would you want to have as your best friend.
3. Your dream vacation.
Last edited:


Inkling Cadet
Jan 30, 2016
Flounder Heights
Switch Friend Code
Oh, gosh, that's a really... difficult question to answer. Sorry, not sure what you really mean...

I did say I'd tag on my next post, so I'll go ahead and do so, though.
@PORYGON.zip @Goolloom @AlphaOmegaSplatter
  1. Do you frequently consume... butter?
  2. What's your shoe size? Do you have trouble fitting shoes at times?
  3. Whereabouts do you keep your volume on your main device most of the time (e.g. 'all the way up', 'around halfway', '8%' (that last one's me))?
1. Depends
2. 8-9 Mens USA
3. About 20%


Inkling Cadet
Feb 26, 2016
Switch Friend Code
1. Salmon.
2. A cat, but sadly I may have to give her to a new home when I move to california. However, when I do move I plan on getting a canary for my friend i'm living with and a snake!
3. I wish I could think up something clever for this...
4. I tend to eat meiji candies when I have them. Japanese chocolates are much more flavorful in my opinion.
5. Vanilla
6. I don't play it and I'm pretty neutral to it.
7. Kirby artists! I have a few favorites...
8. 42
9. Knight
10. I think it's pretty obvious... but 02 takes close in second after Magolor.

I don't play TF2 so I couldn't answer 11.
A lot of questions for a lot of questions.

@SurrealSquid @SyMag @Dessgeega @SilverBlue-Neko @woomycheri @G1ng3rGar1 @Achamo @DualQuelcher @Anaru @Ikaheishi @Rustic @ILikeKirbys @Meta Knightmare

1. Do you play tomodachi life?
2. Do you think cheating in video games in second playthroughs is OK? (i.e. you beat the game legit once, is it ok to cheat?)
3. Do you take vitamins?
4. Energy Drinks or Coffee?
5. Do you play any super old video games?
6. Thoughts on the Kirby franchise, because you know I can't pass up any mention of this game.
7. What is your favorite kind of fruit?
8. Do you own multiple of a console? If so, which?
9. Do you like seafood?
10. Do you need sunglasses / glasses in general?

(Kirby related questions you all can answer if you want! You don't have to if you don't know the game well or don't feel like it!)

11. Thoughts on Planet Robobot?
12. If you could choose to be a character from Kirby in real life, who would you choose?
13. What Kirby games do you own?
14. What game features would you like to see return in newer Kirby games?
15. Would you enjoy a fighting game similar to smash solely based on Kirby (no other franchise), as well as amiibos for all the characters added into the game?
16. Most difficult kirby boss for you?
17. Most difficult true arena?
18. Least favorite kirby character...?
19. Would you find it strange if kirby could actually speak fluently (I think he did in one game and it was really strange to me?)
20. How old do you think Kirby is in comparison to other characters in the franchise?

I'm so sorry I wanted to ask more kirby oriented questions and anyone can answer them, tagged or not!
1. Sadly no. I'm not a big fan of those games.
2. Hmmmm, I guess so.
3. No, but I really should
4. I love me some caramel mocha so I prefer coffee!
5. I love playing retro games! I even play pong here and there.
6. My favorite franchise! None of the Kirby games have disappointed me!
7. Strawberry
8. I have a Wii, WiiU, Nintendo DS, Nintendo 3DS XL, New Nintendo 3DS XL, Gamecube, XBox 360, Playstation 2
9. I love seafood!
10. I have to wear glasses all the time.
11. I like it a lot, but I might prefer Triple Deluxe just because I love the Beetle copy ability. I wasn't a huge fan of the new abilities introduced in Robobot
12. Fumu!
13. Kirby Air Ride, Kirby Triple Deluxe, my sis has Kirby Planet Robobot, Kirby Superstar Ultra, Kirby Dreamland, Kirby Dreamland 3, getting Kirby Mass Attack again soon, might be forgetting some.
15. Definetely!
16. Hmmmm, Zero
17. Kirby's Return to Dreamland was super hard!
18. Escargon
19. I actually don't really like this concept.
20. Edited! I just got this question! Isn't Kirby like 100 years old?.
Last edited:


Egyptian Goo God
Feb 23, 2016
Switch Friend Code
Yeesh, that was a lot of typing.

1. Do you play tomodachi life? You tell me ;)

2. Do you think cheating in video games in second playthroughs is OK? (i.e. you beat the game legit once, is it ok to cheat?) Cheat the first time if you're so inclined. As long as it's a single-player game, who cares? It's your game, do what you want with it. Besides, old-school cheating allows for really hilarious stunts. Old-school Resident Evil games become quite entertaining when you give yourself infinite ammo.
3. Do you take vitamins? Yeah, I take a supplement now and then, it probably helps.
4. Energy Drinks or Coffee? Sooooooooda.
5. Do you play any super old video games? NES games probably count, considering I was around when those were new. There's some super-old arcade games at the Galloping Ghost I enjoy too, like Satan's Hollow and Sinistar.
6. Thoughts on the Kirby franchise, because you know I can't pass up any mention of this game. Always a good time.
7. What is your favorite kind of fruit? Mango.
8. Do you own multiple of a console? If so, which? The old PSX, because scroll up to my answer on cheating, the parallel port (used for the Gameshark) on one of them stopped working so I had to get another.
9. Do you like seafood? Nein.
10. Do you need sunglasses / glasses in general? Yep, I wear glasses, I'm near-sighted.

11. Thoughts on Planet Robobot? I want a Kirby/Mega Man X crossover. The Robobot controlling exactly like X's ride armors was a magical discovery.
12. If you could choose to be a character from Kirby in real life, who would you choose? Huh. I guess Plasma Wisp, because it can fly and is the rare dreamlander with functional hands.
13. What Kirby games do you own? All of them, in one form or another.
14. What game features would you like to see return in newer Kirby games? BRING BACK NAGU.
15. Would you enjoy a fighting game similar to smash solely based on Kirby (no other franchise), as well as amiibos for all the characters added into the game? Kirby Fighters Deluxe 2, then? I can dig it.
16. Most difficult kirby boss for you? ... None?
17. Most difficult true arena? Haven't played enough to have an opinion.
18. Least favorite kirby character...? Meta Knight. I'm not a fan of mysterious loners. He gets tossed in the same dumpster as Protoman and Shadow the hedgehog.
19. Would you find it strange if kirby could actually speak fluently (I think he did in one game and it was really strange to me?) He'd probably sound like a cat.
20. How old do you think Kirby is in comparison to other characters in the franchise? Kirby is officially an eldtrich being from beyond space according to a couple sources, like a really friendly and cutesy Cthulhu, so I'm assuming age and time are concepts that do not apply to the little pink void.

1. If you could leave Earth with an advanced ship that could somehow go the 5x the speed of light but never go back to Earth, would you leave? Nope. Doesn't matter that Earth is a hole these days, who's to say the next place will be any better?
2. How many people are you subscribed to on YouTube? A couple hundred, which probably doesn't count since many are inactive these days.
3. Have you ever done a speedrun of a game? Meh.
4. What's your favorite speedrun to watch? Meeeeeeeh.
5. How introverted/extroverted are you? If you could change to the other one, would you? Mildly introverted to mildly extroverted. A balance. Not always great in crowds, and I can be awkward at times, but well, look at my post count.
6. What's the most difficult game you've ever completed? And if there's a game that was so difficult you never beat it, mention that too. Huh. Tough call. I've beaten lots of challenging games. I'll just name two then, Etrian Odyssey 3 (100%) and Super Meat Boy (True ending.)


Senior Squid
Jun 6, 2016
1. Do you play tomodachi life?
2. Do you think cheating in video games in second playthroughs is OK? (i.e. you beat the game legit once, is it ok to cheat?)
3. Do you take vitamins?
4. Energy Drinks or Coffee?
5. Do you play any super old video games?
6. Thoughts on the Kirby franchise, because you know I can't pass up any mention of this game.
7. What is your favorite kind of fruit?
8. Do you own multiple of a console? If so, which?
9. Do you like seafood?
10. Do you need sunglasses / glasses in general?

(Kirby related questions you all can answer if you want! You don't have to if you don't know the game well or don't feel like it!)

11. Thoughts on Planet Robobot?
12. If you could choose to be a character from Kirby in real life, who would you choose?
13. What Kirby games do you own?
14. What game features would you like to see return in newer Kirby games?
15. Would you enjoy a fighting game similar to smash solely based on Kirby (no other franchise), as well as amiibos for all the characters added into the game?
16. Most difficult kirby boss for you?
17. Most difficult true arena?
18. Least favorite kirby character...?
19. Would you find it strange if kirby could actually speak fluently (I think he did in one game and it was really strange to me?)
20. How old do you think Kirby is in comparison to other characters in the franchise?

I'm so sorry I wanted to ask more kirby oriented questions and anyone can answer them, tagged or not!
1. I don't have a 3DS :(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(
2. Yes. I do it all the time. But I always go for the genuine experience the first time.
3. Just some general pills like fish oil and garlic. Nothing specifically.
4. ANYTHING is better than Coffee.
5. Nope. My first console was a DS, so I'm pretty modern. I have gotten emulators to play some of the 'classics' like Paper Mario and PM: TTYD.
6. The games I've played were great, but I want to play more.
7. Mango
8. Me and my sister both got DS Lites, but the top screens on both broke, so we got new ones (I got a DSi, she got a DSi XL).
Does owning a Wii emulator and a physical Wii count?
9. Salmon is amazing. I've also eaten some other types of fish, as well as crab. The crab was pretty bland (and a pain to open).
10. Yeah, I wear glasses.

11. I think it looked okay. I want to play it, but if I got a 3DS, it's not one of the games I would try to get first (that spot is reserved for the Mario & Luigi games.
12. Maybe Meta Knight just cause he is freaking awesome.
13. Two copies of Epic Yarn (for some weird reason) and Return to Dreamland on a flash drive (unfortunately, I lost it...)
14. I don't remember what exactly they're called, but Ultra Abilities (from Return to Dreamland, like Ultra Sword, Monster Flame, and Snow Bowl)
15. Yes and yes. Don't they have a bonus game similar to that in Triple Deluxe or something?
16. Your soul :scared: jk Magolor's Soul. It took me and my sister playing together at least five tries. Strangely, I beat it in the arena pretty easily.
17. Return to Dream Land (cause I haven't played any other)
18. I don't know that many characters... I don't have one that I really hate (well, there is Tuff from the anime...)
19. That's like asking Mario to speak something other than Italian! If Nintendo does that...

Spoiler Alert for Kirby Right Back at Ya

20. Before watching the anime, I thought he was a young kid, maybe around 6. After the anime... well, he's supposed to defeat an evil villain who is supplying King Dedede with gigantic monsters to kill a baby. And yet, he wins, often not realizing what he's doing half the time. Logic.


Inkster Jr.
May 1, 2016
My world
1. Salmon.
2. A cat, but sadly I may have to give her to a new home when I move to california. However, when I do move I plan on getting a canary for my friend i'm living with and a snake!
3. I wish I could think up something clever for this...
4. I tend to eat meiji candies when I have them. Japanese chocolates are much more flavorful in my opinion.
5. Vanilla
6. I don't play it and I'm pretty neutral to it.
7. Kirby artists! I have a few favorites...
8. 42
9. Knight
10. I think it's pretty obvious... but 02 takes close in second after Magolor.

I don't play TF2 so I couldn't answer 11.
A lot of questions for a lot of questions.

@SurrealSquid @SyMag @Dessgeega @SilverBlue-Neko @woomycheri @G1ng3rGar1 @Achamo @DualQuelcher @Anaru @Ikaheishi @Rustic @ILikeKirbys @Meta Knightmare

1. Do you play tomodachi life?
2. Do you think cheating in video games in second playthroughs is OK? (i.e. you beat the game legit once, is it ok to cheat?)
3. Do you take vitamins?
4. Energy Drinks or Coffee?
5. Do you play any super old video games?
6. Thoughts on the Kirby franchise, because you know I can't pass up any mention of this game.
7. What is your favorite kind of fruit?
8. Do you own multiple of a console? If so, which?
9. Do you like seafood?
10. Do you need sunglasses / glasses in general?

(Kirby related questions you all can answer if you want! You don't have to if you don't know the game well or don't feel like it!)

11. Thoughts on Planet Robobot?
12. If you could choose to be a character from Kirby in real life, who would you choose?
13. What Kirby games do you own?
14. What game features would you like to see return in newer Kirby games?
15. Would you enjoy a fighting game similar to smash solely based on Kirby (no other franchise), as well as amiibos for all the characters added into the game?
16. Most difficult kirby boss for you?
17. Most difficult true arena?
18. Least favorite kirby character...?
19. Would you find it strange if kirby could actually speak fluently (I think he did in one game and it was really strange to me?)
20. How old do you think Kirby is in comparison to other characters in the franchise?

I'm so sorry I wanted to ask more kirby oriented questions and anyone can answer them, tagged or not!
1. I have the game but I don't play it as much.
2. As long as you don't rub it in people's faces.
3. Yup
4. Neither
5. Nah
6. Kirby is cute.
7. Not too sour or too sweet or too bland or too bitter. xD
8. Too broke for that.
9. I like shrimp.
10. I always thought I did but apparently I don't.

Don't feel like asking stuff again sorreh. My previous post is there tho.


Inkling Commander
Jul 5, 2015
Canada, ON
1. Ever played Splatoon in black and white?
2. What is the oldest console you own?
3. Favorite character (of any movie/show/game) ever?
1. Nope, I haven't played it in black and white.
2. A Nintendo 64 that's older than me.
3. Gregory House. I dunno, I just found him fun to watch. I watched all of House M.D to the end and completed it recently. T'was a sad ending, but a good one.

1. Maybe I asked this before, but what's your favorite food?
2. Do you have any pets? Would you like to have any others, or any at all?
3. The square root of Woomy is...?
4. Favorite kind of other food (stuff you don't eat as a full meal, but because you are a little hungry for instance)?
5. Chocolate or vanilla?
6. Your opinion on The Legend of Zelda?
7. Favorite artist of any kind?
8. What's the answer to life, the universe, and everything?
9. Would you rather be a knight or a samurai?
10. Favorite fictional character from anything ever?
Can you name all of the classes in Team Fortress 2?
1. Pizza.
2. I do, the lone goldfish named Mr. Bubbles. Or was it Pablo? I don't know. But I do have a single. Silvery. Goldfish. The other two died from old age and that one is just living alone now. Sad, really.
3. Memes.
4. Chocolates of any kind. As long as it's not one of those toxic-tasting dark chocolates.
5. Chocolate. Vanilla is a tad too plain.
6. Nope, didn't play any of them to formulate an opinion that wouldn't be the obligatory "I dunno, man. I mean, I guess it looks... alright?"
7. Uh... No one really. I guess the Engineer from TF2, either him or Demoman.
8. -Insert deep and emotional response here-
9. Knight, m8. I just prefer knights over samurais.
10. OOH BOI, if only my memory wasn't faded and I wasn't already asked this question. Probably Bill from Left 4 Dead, because a old, grumpy, zombie-killing war veteran is the best character for a zombie apocalypse game.
11. Scout, Soldier, Pyro, Demoman, Heavy, Medic, Sniper, Spy, Engineer. I didn't even need to look at a guide for that, until I got caught in the illusion of the 10th class. Then I realized the 10th class doesn't exist and just went "oh whoop, all those GMOD videos paid off."

1. Do you play tomodachi life?
2. Do you think cheating in video games in second playthroughs is OK? (i.e. you beat the game legit once, is it ok to cheat?)
3. Do you take vitamins?
4. Energy Drinks or Coffee?
5. Do you play any super old video games?
6. Thoughts on the Kirby franchise, because you know I can't pass up any mention of this game.
7. What is your favorite kind of fruit?
8. Do you own multiple of a console? If so, which?
9. Do you like seafood?
10. Do you need sunglasses / glasses in general?

(Kirby related questions you all can answer if you want! You don't have to if you don't know the game well or don't feel like it!)

11. Thoughts on Planet Robobot?
12. If you could choose to be a character from Kirby in real life, who would you choose?
13. What Kirby games do you own?
14. What game features would you like to see return in newer Kirby games?
15. Would you enjoy a fighting game similar to smash solely based on Kirby (no other franchise), as well as amiibos for all the characters added into the game?
16. Most difficult kirby boss for you?
17. Most difficult true arena?
18. Least favorite kirby character...?
19. Would you find it strange if kirby could actually speak fluently (I think he did in one game and it was really strange to me?)
20. How old do you think Kirby is in comparison to other characters in the franchise?
1. What's Tomodachi Life?
2. Eh... it's up to a person's view. If you want to cheat after beating the game legitimately, then feh, it's up to you. Otherwise, I'm indifferent to this.
3. Sometimes, I primarily take stuff to prevent my Iron from getting too low. It's a bugger to go through when you're deficient in iron.
4. Coffee. Energy drinks mess with my attitude too much, making me too hyperactive and less caring about others. But then they're sometimes useful when I had to do those runs in my Phys Ed class with that boost of energy. But then by that time I usually end up just blanking my mind and lose feeling in my legs and ignore the fact my lungs feel like they've been shredded.
5. Does Donkey Kong 64, Super Mario 64, Star Fox 64, Legend of Dragoon, or Runescape count?
6. ur gam a carp. Just kidding, I'd say I'm indifferent. I barely acknowledge it or really know about Kirby. To me, Kirby is a pink spherical vacuum and that's that.
7. Probably oranges or apples, likely oranges. Because if I get orange juice, I can pour tons of sugar in it and heat it up and pour it into a green flask and call it an Estus Flask.
8. PS4, PS3, XBox 360, Nintendo 64, a PS1 that I know for a fact is lying around somewhere in my house, and the obvious Wii U.
9. Nope, if anything I have an aversion to it. I'm not even allergic I just don't like seafood. Its smell, taste, and overall look just drives me away.
10. I need glasses when I'm outside, otherwise I'm blind and can't see anything. For some reason my sight improves when I'm inside. Maybe it's some allergy or something I don't know of. [/shrug]

11-20. Bananas.


@⭐️Zapfish⭐️ @MacSmitty @Magolor @Goolloom @Ikaheishi @SilverBlue-Neko
Welp it's time to dish out the pain/questions.

1. Do you own anything that is old as/older than you?
2. You're on the verge of ranking up, but your entire team decides to squid party. Would you join them or become 200% mad?
Optional: If neither supplies your guessed-reaction, provide an opinion on Squid Parties in that situation.
3. Valor, Mystic, or Instinct?
4. What's your thoughts on Splatoon's weapon variation? Are they varied enough for thee to be satisfied or do they leave you wanting?
5. How do you think Ink weapons work? Like on Ink-based beings(Inklings and Octarians) and/or on non Ink-based beings(Crustaceans, Avian-life, Anemones, Humans, etc.)?
6. Opinions on the Miiverse on Splatoon? To me, it has had an annoying lack of funnies lately. But then again, it's difficult to make me smile or even laugh. wow, Rustic, you just provided an answer to your question! I know, me, shut up!
7. Which boss in any video game gave you the hardest time? In terms of difficulty and such.
8. What would your opinion be of a game mode that gave one player the best stats of everything in Splatoon, a unique weapon(say, a roller-ized version of the Rainmaker), increased health , but no radar. And gave the rest a gun that does poor damage, high inkage, and their standard gear. Basically an official cat and mouse gametype.


Inkling Cadet
Feb 26, 2016
Switch Friend Code
1. Nope, I haven't played it in black and white.
2. A Nintendo 64 that's older than me.
3. Gregory House. I dunno, I just found him fun to watch. I watched all of House M.D to the end and completed it recently. T'was a sad ending, but a good one.

1. Pizza.
2. I do, the lone goldfish named Mr. Bubbles. Or was it Pablo? I don't know. But I do have a single. Silvery. Goldfish. The other two died from old age and that one is just living alone now. Sad, really.
3. Memes.
4. Chocolates of any kind. As long as it's not one of those toxic-tasting dark chocolates.
5. Chocolate. Vanilla is a tad too plain.
6. Nope, didn't play any of them to formulate an opinion that wouldn't be the obligatory "I dunno, man. I mean, I guess it looks... alright?"
7. Uh... No one really. I guess the Engineer from TF2, either him or Demoman.
8. -Insert deep and emotional response here-
9. Knight, m8. I just prefer knights over samurais.
10. OOH BOI, if only my memory wasn't faded and I wasn't already asked this question. Probably Bill from Left 4 Dead, because a old, grumpy, zombie-killing war veteran is the best character for a zombie apocalypse game.
11. Scout, Soldier, Pyro, Demoman, Heavy, Medic, Sniper, Spy, Engineer. I didn't even need to look at a guide for that, until I got caught in the illusion of the 10th class. Then I realized the 10th class doesn't exist and just went "oh whoop, all those GMOD videos paid off."

1. What's Tomodachi Life?
2. Eh... it's up to a person's view. If you want to cheat after beating the game legitimately, then feh, it's up to you. Otherwise, I'm indifferent to this.
3. Sometimes, I primarily take stuff to prevent my Iron from getting too low. It's a bugger to go through when you're deficient in iron.
4. Coffee. Energy drinks mess with my attitude too much, making me too hyperactive and less caring about others. But then they're sometimes useful when I had to do those runs in my Phys Ed class with that boost of energy. But then by that time I usually end up just blanking my mind and lose feeling in my legs and ignore the fact my lungs feel like they've been shredded.
5. Does Donkey Kong 64, Super Mario 64, Star Fox 64, Legend of Dragoon, or Runescape count?
6. ur gam a carp. Just kidding, I'd say I'm indifferent. I barely acknowledge it or really know about Kirby. To me, Kirby is a pink spherical vacuum and that's that.
7. Probably oranges or apples, likely oranges. Because if I get orange juice, I can pour tons of sugar in it and heat it up and pour it into a green flask and call it an Estus Flask.
8. PS4, PS3, XBox 360, Nintendo 64, a PS1 that I know for a fact is lying around somewhere in my house, and the obvious Wii U.
9. Nope, if anything I have an aversion to it. I'm not even allergic I just don't like seafood. Its smell, taste, and overall look just drives me away.
10. I need glasses when I'm outside, otherwise I'm blind and can't see anything. For some reason my sight improves when I'm inside. Maybe it's some allergy or something I don't know of. [/shrug]

11-20. Bananas.


@⭐️Zapfish⭐️ @MacSmitty @Magolor @Goolloom @Ikaheishi @SilverBlue-Neko
Welp it's time to dish out the pain/questions.

1. Do you own anything that is old as/older than you?
2. You're on the verge of ranking up, but your entire team decides to squid party. Would you join them or become 200% mad?
Optional: If neither supplies your guessed-reaction, provide an opinion on Squid Parties in that situation.
3. Valor, Mystic, or Instinct?
4. What's your thoughts on Splatoon's weapon variation? Are they varied enough for thee to be satisfied or do they leave you wanting?
5. How do you think Ink weapons work? Like on Ink-based beings(Inklings and Octarians) and/or on non Ink-based beings(Crustaceans, Avian-life, Anemones, Humans, etc.)?
6. Opinions on the Miiverse on Splatoon? To me, it has had an annoying lack of funnies lately. But then again, it's difficult to make me smile or even laugh. wow, Rustic, you just provided an answer to your question! I know, me, shut up!
7. Which boss in any video game gave you the hardest time? In terms of difficulty and such.
8. What would your opinion be of a game mode that gave one player the best stats of everything in Splatoon, a unique weapon(say, a roller-ized version of the Rainmaker), increased health , but no radar. And gave the rest a gun that does poor damage, high inkage, and their standard gear. Basically an official cat and mouse gametype.
1. I don't think so
2. I would be all sorts of mad! Never squid party during rank matches!
3. Mystic
4. They're pretty decent. I did want one more type of ELiter though.
5. I don't even wanna delve in that, sorry!
6. I like it! I've seen many funny post and I love looking at people's drawing!
7. Hmmmmm, Captain K. Rool from Donkey Kong Country 2
8. I would be up for it! That's sounds super fun and creative!!!!


Oct 14, 2015
Uhh.. @Ikaheishi @Cuttleshock @G1ng3rGar1

1. Your favorite soundtrack of any game.
2. Do you like going to the dentist?
3. Are you the type of person that gets sick a lot or is it rare for you to get sick?
  1. SPLATOON!!!
  2. No. (Who does?)
  3. In a weird way, both. I don't get sick often, but I have had some serious bouts of getting sick. I was constantly getting sick from late 2014 and all the way through 2015. ; _ ;
@SurrealSquid @SyMag @Dessgeega @SilverBlue-Neko @woomycheri @G1ng3rGar1 @Achamo @DualQuelcher @Anaru @Ikaheishi @Rustic @ILikeKirbys @Meta Knightmare

1. Do you play tomodachi life?
2. Do you think cheating in video games in second playthroughs is OK? (i.e. you beat the game legit once, is it ok to cheat?)
3. Do you take vitamins?
4. Energy Drinks or Coffee?
5. Do you play any super old video games?
6. Thoughts on the Kirby franchise, because you know I can't pass up any mention of this game.
7. What is your favorite kind of fruit?
8. Do you own multiple of a console? If so, which?
9. Do you like seafood?
10. Do you need sunglasses / glasses in general?

(Kirby related questions you all can answer if you want! You don't have to if you don't know the game well or don't feel like it!)

11. Thoughts on Planet Robobot?
12. If you could choose to be a character from Kirby in real life, who would you choose?
13. What Kirby games do you own?
14. What game features would you like to see return in newer Kirby games?
15. Would you enjoy a fighting game similar to smash solely based on Kirby (no other franchise), as well as amiibos for all the characters added into the game?
16. Most difficult kirby boss for you?
17. Most difficult true arena?
18. Least favorite kirby character...?
19. Would you find it strange if kirby could actually speak fluently (I think he did in one game and it was really strange to me?)
20. How old do you think Kirby is in comparison to other characters in the franchise?

I'm so sorry I wanted to ask more kirby oriented questions and anyone can answer them, tagged or not!
  1. Nope.
  2. Uh… No comment.
  3. Nope.
  4. Occasional coffee.
  5. I'm pretty sure Super Mario Bros. is the oldest game I've ever played.
  6. Fun. (Although I've only played The Amazing Mirror and some fragment of another one I don't know the name of.)
  7. Strawberries!
  8. I own two 3DS systems. An original teal 3DS from launch, and the original limited edition Zelda 3DS that shipped with OoT.
  9. Very.
  10. Well, if I weren't wearing my glasses, I wouldn't be able to read your questions.
  11. Sorry, I'm not familiar with it.
  12. I don't think I'm familiar enough with the series yet to answer this one.
  13. Kirby and the Amazing Mirror
  14. I don't think I'm familiar enough with the series yet to answer this one either. :(
  15. Probably. I like using both Kirby and King Dedede in SSB.
  16. Can't remember, but they're in The Amazing Mirror
  17. Sorry, I don't know what those are.
  18. I have yet to know of whatever character is my least favorite yet.
  19. Not really.
  20. I have no clue.
@⭐️Zapfish⭐️ @MacSmitty @Magolor @Goolloom @Ikaheishi @SilverBlue-Neko
Welp it's time to dish out the pain/questions.

1. Do you own anything that is old as/older than you?
2. You're on the verge of ranking up, but your entire team decides to squid party. Would you join them or become 200% mad?
Optional: If neither supplies your guessed-reaction, provide an opinion on Squid Parties in that situation.
3. Valor, Mystic, or Instinct?
4. What's your thoughts on Splatoon's weapon variation? Are they varied enough for thee to be satisfied or do they leave you wanting?
5. How do you think Ink weapons work? Like on Ink-based beings(Inklings and Octarians) and/or on non Ink-based beings(Crustaceans, Avian-life, Anemones, Humans, etc.)?
6. Opinions on the Miiverse on Splatoon? To me, it has had an annoying lack of funnies lately. But then again, it's difficult to make me smile or even laugh. wow, Rustic, you just provided an answer to your question! I know, me, shut up!
7. Which boss in any video game gave you the hardest time? In terms of difficulty and such.
8. What would your opinion be of a game mode that gave one player the best stats of everything in Splatoon, a unique weapon(say, a roller-ized version of the Rainmaker), increased health , but no radar. And gave the rest a gun that does poor damage, high inkage, and their standard gear. Basically an official cat and mouse gametype.
  1. I have an NES that is probably older than me. Otherwise, I don't think so.
  2. I'd probably join them while subtly pushing the match to have my team win.
  3. Well, I do have a black tee with a blue silhouette of Articuno on it…
  4. I've been fine with it.
  5. I've thought about it before, but I can't remember what I've thought up.
  6. I haven't really paid it any attention lately.
  7. I have no idea, especially since I seem to favor games with difficult bosses. It's probably a Zelda Boss or one of the bosses from CrossCode.
  8. I don't know… It probably would be harder to balance than the rest of the game though.
I'm too out of it to think up questions tonight. Sorry.


Semi-Pro Squid
Mar 9, 2016
a small house near Ancho-V Games
1. Do you play tomodachi life?
2. Do you think cheating in video games in second playthroughs is OK? (i.e. you beat the game legit once, is it ok to cheat?)
3. Do you take vitamins?
4. Energy Drinks or Coffee?
5. Do you play any super old video games?
6. Thoughts on the Kirby franchise, because you know I can't pass up any mention of this game.
7. What is your favorite kind of fruit?
8. Do you own multiple of a console? If so, which?
9. Do you like seafood?
10. Do you need sunglasses / glasses in general?
11. Thoughts on Planet Robobot?
12. If you could choose to be a character from Kirby in real life, who would you choose?
13. What Kirby games do you own?
14. What game features would you like to see return in newer Kirby games?
15. Would you enjoy a fighting game similar to smash solely based on Kirby (no other franchise), as well as amiibos for all the characters added into the game?
16. Most difficult kirby boss for you?
17. Most difficult true arena?
18. Least favorite kirby character...?
19. Would you find it strange if kirby could actually speak fluently (I think he did in one game and it was really strange to me?)
20. How old do you think Kirby is in comparison to other characters in the franchise?
1. Nah. The concept sounds pretty silly to me, and I can't stand the Mii voices.
2. Cheating is a decision of the player in question. Do it if you want to, if the game is singleplayer.
3. Nope.
4. I don't like either one.
5. Does that one gallery with classic NES games from super smash 4 count?
6. I like it, it's very fun. And Kirby has got to be the cutest thing I've ever seen.
7. Raspberries. So delicious.
8. I own a regular 3DS (which is broken) and a New 3DS XL.
9. Yeah, as long as it isn't squid or octopus.
10. Nah, I do fine without them.
11. Haven't seen that much of it, so I can't really say.
12. Galacta Knight all the way!
13. Mouse attack, return to dreamland, super star ultra.
14. Helpers were very fun. Shame they weren't in the newer games.
15. Eh... I don't know.
16. None were extremely challenging, but Galacta Knight and Masked Dedede gave me a hard time at first.
17. Super Star Ultra's, couldn't beat it when I first got the game, did it a few years later. It's really tough.
18. Eh... The final boss from mouse attack was awful.
19. It would be very weird, to say the least.
20. Pretty sure he's still a child.

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