

Inkling Cadet
Feb 16, 2016
The Great Zapfish. It's really cozy here!
1. Salmon.
2. A cat, but sadly I may have to give her to a new home when I move to california. However, when I do move I plan on getting a canary for my friend i'm living with and a snake!
3. I wish I could think up something clever for this...
4. I tend to eat meiji candies when I have them. Japanese chocolates are much more flavorful in my opinion.
5. Vanilla
6. I don't play it and I'm pretty neutral to it.
7. Kirby artists! I have a few favorites...
8. 42
9. Knight
10. I think it's pretty obvious... but 02 takes close in second after Magolor.

I don't play TF2 so I couldn't answer 11.
A lot of questions for a lot of questions.

@SurrealSquid @SyMag @Dessgeega @SilverBlue-Neko @woomycheri @G1ng3rGar1 @Achamo @DualQuelcher @Anaru @Ikaheishi @Rustic @ILikeKirbys @Meta Knightmare

1. Do you play tomodachi life?
2. Do you think cheating in video games in second playthroughs is OK? (i.e. you beat the game legit once, is it ok to cheat?)
3. Do you take vitamins?
4. Energy Drinks or Coffee?
5. Do you play any super old video games?
6. Thoughts on the Kirby franchise, because you know I can't pass up any mention of this game.
7. What is your favorite kind of fruit?
8. Do you own multiple of a console? If so, which?
9. Do you like seafood?
10. Do you need sunglasses / glasses in general?

(Kirby related questions you all can answer if you want! You don't have to if you don't know the game well or don't feel like it!)

11. Thoughts on Planet Robobot?
12. If you could choose to be a character from Kirby in real life, who would you choose?
13. What Kirby games do you own?
14. What game features would you like to see return in newer Kirby games?
15. Would you enjoy a fighting game similar to smash solely based on Kirby (no other franchise), as well as amiibos for all the characters added into the game?
16. Most difficult kirby boss for you?
17. Most difficult true arena?
18. Least favorite kirby character...?
19. Would you find it strange if kirby could actually speak fluently (I think he did in one game and it was really strange to me?)
20. How old do you think Kirby is in comparison to other characters in the franchise?

I'm so sorry I wanted to ask more kirby oriented questions and anyone can answer them, tagged or not!
1. Nope
2. Ummmmm... why not?
3. I took gummy bears when I was younger
4. Energy Drinks
5. Not now
6. Great and it's one of the few franchises that can make really good video games yearly.
7. Green apples with caramel
8. Wii and Wii U
9. Yes
10. Yes because I don't like contacts.
11. A great game that improved upon the physics of Triple Deluxe, but whether it's better is debatable.
12. Meta or Galactic Knight without a doubt.
13. Return to Dreamland (my personal favorite), Triple Deluxe, Plant Robobot, The Amazing Mirror, Dream Collection, and Super Star Ultra.
14. 5 players especially now that you have the game pad available as one of the controllers.
15. I would enjoy it but I wouldn't think it would be nessesary when they could be working on other things.
16. I don't know. It's been a while since I've played some of the games I listed.
17. Either Return to Dreamland or Super Star Ultra
18. I don't know.
19. Probably not if it's in his voice.
20. It says he's a baby but he was in a war over a thousand years ago and escaped so I'll say about 20 years younger than Meta Knight.

And please, no more 20 questions.


Inkling Cadet
Feb 11, 2015
QC. Canada
@Cuttleshock @Anaru @Goolloom

1. If you have to be outdoors, do you prefer the city, suburbs, deep nature, beach, other?
2. What's your creative outlet (if any)?
3. (I already asked this to others but I want to know moar) What generally bad movie/TV show/anime is a guilty pleasure of yours?
1. I prefer being in crowds... in big cities.... I like it
2. Music. I played trumpet for 6 years... It's been a while since I played, but hey, I can still pick it back up anytime.
3. The Donkey Kong Country TV show... I watched it as a kid and even if it's really bad, I like it.

@Goolloom @SilverBlue-Neko @G1ng3rGar1
I'm going to ask some questions I've asked others:
  1. What is someplace you haven't been to but would like to visit?
  2. What outdoor activities do you like to do?
  3. Have you ever written a story? If so, what was it about?
1. Anywhere within France...
2. I like riding my bike... or swimming.
3. Uum... I did not write a story lately... but I can say the stories I wrote for school were complete rip-offs of games I played, haha!

@PORYGON.zip @Goolloom @AlphaOmegaSplatter
  1. Do you frequently consume... butter?
  2. What's your shoe size? Do you have trouble fitting shoes at times?
  3. Whereabouts do you keep your volume on your main device most of the time (e.g. 'all the way up', 'around halfway', '8%' (that last one's me))?
1. Not really to be honest....
2. Uum.... 8's... I do have a hard time trying to find shoes that fit me...
3. I wear headphones most of the time, and I try to keep just loud enough so I can barely hear others speak.

@⭐️Zapfish⭐️ @MacSmitty @Magolor @Goolloom @Ikaheishi @SilverBlue-Neko
Welp it's time to dish out the pain/questions.

1. Do you own anything that is old as/older than you?
2. You're on the verge of ranking up, but your entire team decides to squid party. Would you join them or become 200% mad?
Optional: If neither supplies your guessed-reaction, provide an opinion on Squid Parties in that situation.
3. Valor, Mystic, or Instinct?
4. What's your thoughts on Splatoon's weapon variation? Are they varied enough for thee to be satisfied or do they leave you wanting?
5. How do you think Ink weapons work? Like on Ink-based beings(Inklings and Octarians) and/or on non Ink-based beings(Crustaceans, Avian-life, Anemones, Humans, etc.)?
6. Opinions on the Miiverse on Splatoon? To me, it has had an annoying lack of funnies lately. But then again, it's difficult to make me smile or even laugh. wow, Rustic, you just provided an answer to your question! I know, me, shut up!
7. Which boss in any video game gave you the hardest time? In terms of difficulty and such.
8. What would your opinion be of a game mode that gave one player the best stats of everything in Splatoon, a unique weapon(say, a roller-ized version of the Rainmaker), increased health , but no radar. And gave the rest a gun that does poor damage, high inkage, and their standard gear. Basically an official cat and mouse gametype.
1. I have a SNES and some old CRT TV's laying around
2.If it was the match that would make me rank up, I'd get mad.
3. Uum... No idea!
4. I think the weapon variety in Splatoon is amazing... I think it has enough as is, but I like to think of some other kits that could maybe exist.
5. Hmm.... Well first I thought ink weapons would work like water guns... but thinking what the ink does to other being... I think it would do the same to Cap'nCuttlefish when you soak him in ink in Octo Valley.
6. There is memes or some kids that do not know what they are talking about, most of the time... but it happens that I see some good art.
7. Right now the first that comes to mind is Maneater from Demon's Souls. Once the boss reached half health, another one spawns. Not to mention you are fighting them on a small bridge, which makes it that most of your deaths are you falling off more often than them actually killing you, which can become really irritating.
8. It could lead to some interesting moments.... I would say... you have 5:00 mins to splat the "tank". If the tank survives, he wins, and of course if he dies, he loses.

And since this post is getting atrociously long, I am going to tag people and ask questions on another post.
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Feb 7, 2016
Oh, gosh, that's a really... difficult question to answer. Sorry, not sure what you really mean...

I did say I'd tag on my next post, so I'll go ahead and do so, though.
@PORYGON.zip @Goolloom @AlphaOmegaSplatter
  1. Do you frequently consume... butter?
  2. What's your shoe size? Do you have trouble fitting shoes at times?
  3. Whereabouts do you keep your volume on your main device most of the time (e.g. 'all the way up', 'around halfway', '8%' (that last one's me))?
1. No
2. 7, yes because my feet are really wide
3. all the way up
@DualQuelcher @G1ng3rGar1 @Ikaheishi
1.Do you like Dank Memes?
2.Whats your favorite candy?
3.Are you mlg


Inkling Fleet Admiral
Sep 25, 2015
Inkopolis, born and raised!
Switch Friend Code
oh my o-o I haven't been tagged in a while.

1. Pastaaaaa.
2. Sadly not any yet. I would like two cats and a dog at first. {Also a pea**** and tiger pls and thank you}
4. Ramen noodles and whatever pasta thing my mom buys
5. Vanilla
6. HYAAAAH! {I like it even though I never played any of the games properly so not a Zelda nerd}
7. Serafleur I think that's how you spell her name, look her up on instagram
8. The. answer. is. WOOMY!
9. Samurai since ninja isn't an option
10. Sango from InuYasha back in my animu days.

1. Casual mostly and Japanese gothic along with pastel and some lolita. Also old types of dresses like in the medieval times and of course Indian
2. Black..black..blue and red.
3 I don't wear hats, they don't look good on me. I like floppy hats tho xD

Uhh.. @Ikaheishi @Cuttleshock @G1ng3rGar1

1. Your favorite soundtrack of any game.
2. Do you like going to the dentist?
3. Are you the type of person that gets sick a lot or is it rare for you to get sick?
1. You cruel person XD
I have favorite soundtracks of a lot of games! It's so hard to just pick one!
Splatoon: Calamari Inkantation (Sorry Chirpy Chips)
SMG: Gusty Garden or Good Egg
SMG2: Bowser's Galaxy Generator
Xenoblade Chronicles: Gaur Plains, You Will Know Our Names
Megaman 2: Wily's Stage 1
Mario Kart: …I need a second
All the Rainbow Roads sounds great
That one Toad city I can't remember the name of in MK8 is really nice
The music stage in 7 and 8 is also great (yay memory left me)
I also like Sans's theme in Undertale (I believe that's it I can't remember)
2. It's aight
Better since I don't have cavities
I didn't mind orthodontist appointments, since they just adjusted the wires and changed the color of the braces (plus it's a door or two away from a Williams Sonoma)
3. It's pretty rare for me
And I'm pretty glad, cause I hate even getting a cold
I mean runny noses and headaches ugh
1. No
2. 7, yes because my feet are really wide
3. all the way up
@DualQuelcher @G1ng3rGar1 @Ikaheishi
1.Do you like Dank Memes?
2.Whats your favorite candy?
3.Are you mlg
1. I guess so
2. Reese's probably
Also, Nerds and 100 Grand
3. Um
1. Salmon.
2. A cat, but sadly I may have to give her to a new home when I move to california. However, when I do move I plan on getting a canary for my friend i'm living with and a snake!
3. I wish I could think up something clever for this...
4. I tend to eat meiji candies when I have them. Japanese chocolates are much more flavorful in my opinion.
5. Vanilla
6. I don't play it and I'm pretty neutral to it.
7. Kirby artists! I have a few favorites...
8. 42
9. Knight
10. I think it's pretty obvious... but 02 takes close in second after Magolor.

I don't play TF2 so I couldn't answer 11.
A lot of questions for a lot of questions.

@SurrealSquid @SyMag @Dessgeega @SilverBlue-Neko @woomycheri @G1ng3rGar1 @Achamo @DualQuelcher @Anaru @Ikaheishi @Rustic @ILikeKirbys @Meta Knightmare

1. Do you play tomodachi life?
2. Do you think cheating in video games in second playthroughs is OK? (i.e. you beat the game legit once, is it ok to cheat?)
3. Do you take vitamins?
4. Energy Drinks or Coffee?
5. Do you play any super old video games?
6. Thoughts on the Kirby franchise, because you know I can't pass up any mention of this game.
7. What is your favorite kind of fruit?
8. Do you own multiple of a console? If so, which?
9. Do you like seafood?
10. Do you need sunglasses / glasses in general?

(Kirby related questions you all can answer if you want! You don't have to if you don't know the game well or don't feel like it!)

11. Thoughts on Planet Robobot?
12. If you could choose to be a character from Kirby in real life, who would you choose?
13. What Kirby games do you own?
14. What game features would you like to see return in newer Kirby games?
15. Would you enjoy a fighting game similar to smash solely based on Kirby (no other franchise), as well as amiibos for all the characters added into the game?
16. Most difficult kirby boss for you?
17. Most difficult true arena?
18. Least favorite kirby character...?
19. Would you find it strange if kirby could actually speak fluently (I think he did in one game and it was really strange to me?)
20. How old do you think Kirby is in comparison to other characters in the franchise?

I'm so sorry I wanted to ask more kirby oriented questions and anyone can answer them, tagged or not!
Geez tagged again XD
1. No
2. Um?
3. No
Used to but I really don't
4. Neither
5. I like Super Mario World XD And I have Paper Mario 64 (sorry guys, I just young)
6. I love Kirby, I just don't have any of the games
Does the amiibo count?
7. Oranges
8. No
9. Yassss
10. My eyesight is sucky
I've worn glasses since like kindergarten (although there was a year I didn't need it)
11. I got the demo, and I like it! Especially the robot :D
12. Kirby or a Bandanna Dee
13. None, unfortunately
14. this is p much N/A for me
15. Yes
Like that one game that was in Triple Deluxe
I want that one
16. N/A
17. N/A
18. Waddle Doo
19. Yes
20. Kirby's like 5. Everyone else is older XD Meta Knight might be late 20s early 30s probably
I guess I'll tag later? Sorry ;-;
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SOLDIER 1st Class
May 9, 2014
The intersection of Conch and Coral
@SurrealSquid @SyMag @Dessgeega @SilverBlue-Neko @woomycheri @G1ng3rGar1 @Achamo @DualQuelcher @Anaru @Ikaheishi @Rustic @ILikeKirbys @Meta Knightmare

1. Do you play tomodachi life?
2. Do you think cheating in video games in second playthroughs is OK? (i.e. you beat the game legit once, is it ok to cheat?)
3. Do you take vitamins?
4. Energy Drinks or Coffee?
5. Do you play any super old video games?
6. Thoughts on the Kirby franchise, because you know I can't pass up any mention of this game.
7. What is your favorite kind of fruit?
8. Do you own multiple of a console? If so, which?
9. Do you like seafood?
10. Do you need sunglasses / glasses in general?

(Kirby related questions you all can answer if you want! You don't have to if you don't know the game well or don't feel like it!)

11. Thoughts on Planet Robobot?
12. If you could choose to be a character from Kirby in real life, who would you choose?
13. What Kirby games do you own?
14. What game features would you like to see return in newer Kirby games?
15. Would you enjoy a fighting game similar to smash solely based on Kirby (no other franchise), as well as amiibos for all the characters added into the game?
16. Most difficult kirby boss for you?
17. Most difficult true arena?
18. Least favorite kirby character...?
19. Would you find it strange if kirby could actually speak fluently (I think he did in one game and it was really strange to me?)
20. How old do you think Kirby is in comparison to other characters in the franchise?

I'm so sorry I wanted to ask more kirby oriented questions and anyone can answer them, tagged or not!
Holy list Batman... o.o
1. I don't own the game unfortunately.
2. I don't know if cheating is the right word here, but after I beat the game once without cheating, I'll use a walkthrough to play through it again to see what I missed the first time. Don't know if that counts as cheating or not...
3. Nope!
4. I don't drink caffeine; believe me, caffeine is the last thing I need to ingest lol
5. Sure do! Just last Saturday I bought a copy of Hogan's Alley and Ice Hockey for the NES.
6. THE LITERAL DEVIL, THE SUPER DEVIL, THE ROOT OF ALL EVIL!!! To be fair, I used to like Kirby, I really did...but let's just say somebody irreversibly ruined that franchise for me, to the point where even losing to Kirby in Smash Bros. is similar to unleashing Armageddon.
7. Red grapes, they're the only fruit I can eat because every other fruit is too sweet for me.
8. I can't say I do...unless owning a Game Boy Advance and a GBA SP counts? In which case, I have an Arctic White Game Boy Advance and a Venusaur Green SP.
9. I can't even smell seafood without getting sick.. :(
10. I wear glasses, yes. I almost always wear sunglasses outside too, not because I need them, but I like how they look.

I've been triggered once in this post already, might as well keep things rolling.
11. I haven't played a Kirby game since Mass Attack, so no comment. Though it looks alright.
12. Probably Meta Knight.
13. Kirby's Dream Land 1/2/3, Kirby's Adventure, Kirby Super Star, (I did own Kirby 64 in-box but sold it to make some quick cash), Nightmare in Dream Land, Kirby Air Ride, Kirby and the Amazing Mirror, Kirby Squeak Squad, Kirby Super Star Ultra, Kirby Mass Attack, Kirby's Return to Dream Land. Kinda ironic I have so many Kirby games right?
14. I can't say I have one honestly
15. Meh, I have Smash, my life is complete.
16. Probably Marx Soul.
17. See above.
18. Kirby... don't hate me please ;-;
19. ...Now that you mention it that WOULD be weird...
20. Wasn't it mentioned somewhere that Kirby is just a baby?

@G1ng3rGar1 @DualQuelcher @⭐️Zapfish⭐️
1. I need to laugh after this Q&A session. Gimme your best joke!
2. If you could replace any one character in Smash with another character, who would you choose?
3. What's the worst car ride/drive you've ever had?


Inkling Cadet
Feb 16, 2016
The Great Zapfish. It's really cozy here!
Holy list Batman... o.o
1. I don't own the game unfortunately.
2. I don't know if cheating is the right word here, but after I beat the game once without cheating, I'll use a walkthrough to play through it again to see what I missed the first time. Don't know if that counts as cheating or not...
3. Nope!
4. I don't drink caffeine; believe me, caffeine is the last thing I need to ingest lol
5. Sure do! Just last Saturday I bought a copy of Hogan's Alley and Ice Hockey for the NES.
6. THE LITERAL DEVIL, THE SUPER DEVIL, THE ROOT OF ALL EVIL!!! To be fair, I used to like Kirby, I really did...but let's just say somebody irreversibly ruined that franchise for me, to the point where even losing to Kirby in Smash Bros. is similar to unleashing Armageddon.
7. Red grapes, they're the only fruit I can eat because every other fruit is too sweet for me.
8. I can't say I do...unless owning a Game Boy Advance and a GBA SP counts? In which case, I have an Arctic White Game Boy Advance and a Venusaur Green SP.
9. I can't even smell seafood without getting sick.. :(
10. I wear glasses, yes. I almost always wear sunglasses outside too, not because I need them, but I like how they look.

I've been triggered once in this post already, might as well keep things rolling.
11. I haven't played a Kirby game since Mass Attack, so no comment. Though it looks alright.
12. Probably Meta Knight.
13. Kirby's Dream Land 1/2/3, Kirby's Adventure, Kirby Super Star, (I did own Kirby 64 in-box but sold it to make some quick cash), Nightmare in Dream Land, Kirby Air Ride, Kirby and the Amazing Mirror, Kirby Squeak Squad, Kirby Super Star Ultra, Kirby Mass Attack, Kirby's Return to Dream Land. Kinda ironic I have so many Kirby games right?
14. I can't say I have one honestly
15. Meh, I have Smash, my life is complete.
16. Probably Marx Soul.
17. See above.
18. Kirby... don't hate me please ;-;
19. ...Now that you mention it that WOULD be weird...
20. Wasn't it mentioned somewhere that Kirby is just a baby?

@G1ng3rGar1 @DualQuelcher @⭐️Zapfish⭐️
1. I need to laugh after this Q&A session. Gimme your best joke!
2. If you could replace any one character in Smash with another character, who would you choose?
3. What's the worst car ride/drive you've ever had?
1. A Kirby walked into a bar. He stretched and stretched until he couldn't stretch any more. Then he unstretched. He was confused. Then he ate the bar and walked away. Here's another one. What did the boss Ness do to his employee Kirby? He Pk fired him!

2. Could I replace 3 miis with 3 characters? If I could, I'd put in Wolf, Ice Climbers (if it was possible, and if not then Snake for the veterans), and either Shovel Knight, K. Rool, Banjo and Kazooie, or Rayman (take your pick) (I would also like Galactic Knight put I'm thinking of other people here). If I could only take out one character, I would take out Dark Pit and give his side b to Pit and well as the damage output on the arrows and then make Pit's old side b into a custom move that replaces the counter version. I would replace him with Wolf.
3. The one where I threw up 3 times.


Inkling Fleet Admiral
Sep 25, 2015
Inkopolis, born and raised!
Switch Friend Code
Holy list Batman... o.o
1. I don't own the game unfortunately.
2. I don't know if cheating is the right word here, but after I beat the game once without cheating, I'll use a walkthrough to play through it again to see what I missed the first time. Don't know if that counts as cheating or not...
3. Nope!
4. I don't drink caffeine; believe me, caffeine is the last thing I need to ingest lol
5. Sure do! Just last Saturday I bought a copy of Hogan's Alley and Ice Hockey for the NES.
6. THE LITERAL DEVIL, THE SUPER DEVIL, THE ROOT OF ALL EVIL!!! To be fair, I used to like Kirby, I really did...but let's just say somebody irreversibly ruined that franchise for me, to the point where even losing to Kirby in Smash Bros. is similar to unleashing Armageddon.
7. Red grapes, they're the only fruit I can eat because every other fruit is too sweet for me.
8. I can't say I do...unless owning a Game Boy Advance and a GBA SP counts? In which case, I have an Arctic White Game Boy Advance and a Venusaur Green SP.
9. I can't even smell seafood without getting sick.. :(
10. I wear glasses, yes. I almost always wear sunglasses outside too, not because I need them, but I like how they look.

I've been triggered once in this post already, might as well keep things rolling.
11. I haven't played a Kirby game since Mass Attack, so no comment. Though it looks alright.
12. Probably Meta Knight.
13. Kirby's Dream Land 1/2/3, Kirby's Adventure, Kirby Super Star, (I did own Kirby 64 in-box but sold it to make some quick cash), Nightmare in Dream Land, Kirby Air Ride, Kirby and the Amazing Mirror, Kirby Squeak Squad, Kirby Super Star Ultra, Kirby Mass Attack, Kirby's Return to Dream Land. Kinda ironic I have so many Kirby games right?
14. I can't say I have one honestly
15. Meh, I have Smash, my life is complete.
16. Probably Marx Soul.
17. See above.
18. Kirby... don't hate me please ;-;
19. ...Now that you mention it that WOULD be weird...
20. Wasn't it mentioned somewhere that Kirby is just a baby?

@G1ng3rGar1 @DualQuelcher @⭐️Zapfish⭐️
1. I need to laugh after this Q&A session. Gimme your best joke!
2. If you could replace any one character in Smash with another character, who would you choose?
3. What's the worst car ride/drive you've ever had?

1. I don't tell jokes, I read them off tumblr XD sorry
But I hear naming your Pokemon after what autocorrect changes them to is hilarious
I really want to tell you a joke but I can't think of any ;-; I'm sorree
2. I'd replace Bayonetta with Ice Climbers
3. All car rides are decent to me
Although there was that one time I rode with my grandma at night and she was continuously over the speed limit XD
But the worst ride was a train ride with noisy brakes. So annoying
Like the whole station heard this train stopped. And it wasn't an express so we heard it on every stop on the line ;-; thankfully we were able to transfer to an express

@Anaru @DualQuelcher @SgtUBER

1. Favorite smell
2. Do you like cars
3. Is your kitchen big or smol


Inkling Commander
Apr 1, 2016
1. Your favorite soundtrack of any game.
2. Do you like going to the dentist?
3. Are you the type of person that gets sick a lot or is it rare for you to get sick?
  1. I can name game series but don't wanna pick a single game... Golden Sun has perhaps my overall favourite Sakuraba compositions - unlike most other games by him, I really like the menu, environment, town and dungeon music, etc., in addition to the battle themes. Guess that'd be The Lost Age, as it features most music from the first game plus some more (and I've never played through Dark Dawn, so can't speak for that). I really love Layton music generally, but would have to listen to a lot of it before I could pick a single game. Pokémon music is really consistent but rarely outstanding for me - some tracks, like Hugh's theme and the PWT Finals (both from B2W2) are among my favourite compositions ever, still. Xenoblade Chronicles has a glorious soundtrack, so I might say that.
  2. ... can I say N/A? I haven't been to one for... a while...
  3. I don't think that I'm much of either. When I do get ill, I'll very rarely miss school, though.


Inkling Cadet
Feb 16, 2016
The Great Zapfish. It's really cozy here!

1. I don't tell jokes, I read them off tumblr XD sorry
But I hear naming your Pokemon after what autocorrect changes them to is hilarious
I really want to tell you a joke but I can't think of any ;-; I'm sorree
2. I'd replace Bayonetta with Ice Climbers
3. All car rides are decent to me
Although there was that one time I rode with my grandma at night and she was continuously over the speed limit XD
But the worst ride was a train ride with noisy brakes. So annoying
Like the whole station heard this train stopped. And it wasn't an express so we heard it on every stop on the line ;-; thankfully we were able to transfer to an express

@Anaru @DualQuelcher @SgtUBER

1. Favorite smell
2. Do you like cars
3. Is your kitchen big or smol
1. Popcorn is good. With butter, and not burnt. Thank you that'll be all.
2. I like riding in them
3. Medium?


SOLDIER 1st Class
May 9, 2014
The intersection of Conch and Coral
1. A Kirby walked into a bar. He stretched and stretched until he couldn't stretch any more. Then he unstretched. He was confused. Then he ate the bar and walked away. Here's another one. What did the boss Ness do to his employee Kirby? He Pk fired him!
View attachment 4020
2. Could I replace 3 miis with 3 characters? If I could, I'd put in Wolf, Ice Climbers (if it was possible, and if not then Snake for the veterans), and either Shovel Knight, K. Rool, Banjo and Kazooie, or Rayman (take your pick) (I would also like Galactic Knight put I'm thinking of other people here). If I could only take out one character, I would take out Dark Pit and give his side b to Pit and well as the damage output on the arrows and then make Pit's old side b into a custom move that replaces the counter version. I would replace him with Wolf.
3. The one where I threw up 3 times.
You sir, are a troll. lol


1. I don't tell jokes, I read them off tumblr XD sorry
But I hear naming your Pokemon after what autocorrect changes them to is hilarious
I really want to tell you a joke but I can't think of any ;-; I'm sorree
2. I'd replace Bayonetta with Ice Climbers
3. All car rides are decent to me
Although there was that one time I rode with my grandma at night and she was continuously over the speed limit XD
But the worst ride was a train ride with noisy brakes. So annoying
Like the whole station heard this train stopped. And it wasn't an express so we heard it on every stop on the line ;-; thankfully we were able to transfer to an express

@Anaru @DualQuelcher @SgtUBER

1. Favorite smell
2. Do you like cars
3. Is your kitchen big or smol
It's fine! D:


Inkling Cadet
Nov 2, 2015
This post is enormous.
@Ikaheishi @Rustic @Cuttleshock @Anaru @Achamo @⭐️Zapfish⭐️ @Magolor @DualQuelcher @SilverBlue-Neko @woomycheri
(Tagging more people and asking more questions than usual to make up for the times I didn't tag anyone)

1. Maybe I asked this before, but what's your favorite food?
2. Do you have any pets? Would you like to have any others, or any at all?
3. The square root of Woomy is...?
4. Favorite kind of other food (stuff you don't eat as a full meal, but because you are a little hungry for instance)?
5. Chocolate or vanilla?
6. Your opinion on The Legend of Zelda?
7. Favorite artist of any kind?
8. What's the answer to life, the universe, and everything?
9. Would you rather be a knight or a samurai?
10. Favorite fictional character from anything ever?
Can you name all of the classes in Team Fortress 2?

(Sorry I'm throwing all of this at you, but I felt like I needed to make up for my lack of questions lately)
If you make 10-11 questions and tag 10 people, you get 100+ responses.
I had a cat but it died a few years ago. I have a dog right now. I want to have a horse sometime, but that's different than most pets, since you can't really keep them in your house. Or a pet dragon.
I usually only eat meals. But I eat dessert, so I'll choose Cookies and Cream ice cream as my favorite kind of other food.
I love all the games! It's very fun to explore the worlds and dungeons, the new game looks amazing, you can just explore anywhere you want to without any limits really, sort of like the first one but 3D and with way more features, since the first one was just a NES game and couldn't do much. Majora's Mask is my favorite, I don't have a least favorite of all of them, but I like every 3D game better than OoT (yes, even skyward sword). My favorite 2D Zelda is oracle of ages, which is slightly better than oracle of seasons. I've gotten 100% completion on all of them except wind Waker since that has those dumb statues from pictographs that you need to get, and TriForce Heroes. I'm going to come up with a list of my favorites of all of them.
1. Majora's Mask-I like how the game encourages you to explore, you can in other Zelda games but most players will still just follow the linear route since the game always tells you what to do, this game is better about giving you freedom, the masks are fun to use, and constantly reminds you about the fact that the world will end, and makes the ending world actually timed, instead of just allowing you to do whatever while the enemy sits in a castle waiting for you.
2. Wind Waker-This game also lets you explore a lot, mostly during the triforce quest, which I actually really liked since it made the player do some exploring in the giant ocean, the only thing I dislike it that it takes a while to sail places sometimes. Apparently this is better in the HD remake but I've never played that. The first time I played this, I actually didn't realize the sail was an item, and just held R for what felt like 40 minutes until I got to dragon roost... That's my mistake though, I should have realized.
3. Oracle of Ages-I feel like this game has the best puzzles out of any Zelda game. There's a time travel mechanic like in OoT but it's used a lot more instead of being just a thing you use 2-3 times to do dungeons as a different character. And some of the between dungeon sequences are really fun, I really like the crescent island one in particular.
4. Oracle of Seasons-The seasons game is similar to ages but everything is slightly worse. Changing seasons is better since there are 4 options that you have more free access to, and you don't have to wait through a song when changing them. But the dungeons and over world feel just a little less fun, apparently this game is supposed to be more combat based and ages is supposed to be more puzzle based, but it feels to me like ages does both better. I like how you can make on game a direct sequel of the other by using a code, the rings are cool ideas for little bonuses you get, but I wish you had to use the rod/harp for something related to their purpose in the games bosses.
5. Twilight Princess-This game does have a lot of stuff to do if you explore the world but I feel like most people don't even realize and just follow the linear route they're provided with. The game doesn't ever give you a moment to explore for the main quest, except with owl statues, but they're all marked and you can just go right to them and activate the letters, they all have a puzzle for something good near them so that's cool, but it still probably won't get very many people exploring. There are the poe souls that you can do if you want to take the time, but usually you can get 20 from normal play, and then getting all 60 seems like a task that's way too difficult, and you won't want to go explore to find any more. The dungeons are probably my favorite out of all the games, and there are a lot of them, so that's really good. And I love transforming into a wolf.
6. Link to the Past-There's not a whole lot of exploring you can do, every dungeon is marked, but the dungeons are really fun, and you get a dungeon item from the dungeon instead of just purchasing them like in lbw, I didn't like that feature, but I'll talk about that later. You can get medallions, hearts, and more gear from exploring, but most of them are just a little off the path to the dungeons and easy to get.
7. Four Swords Adventures-This one is really different from the other games, it's so linear that you literally choose levels, but this doesn't just make every level linear, like the level in the town in the second world where you have to explore to get through instead of going through enemies. The level design in this game is really good, and controlling 4 links is really fun too.
8. Mining Cap-This one lets you explore a bit, but most sidequests involve those half-medals that you collect mostly just by random, which is kinda dumb. I like the hat companion, he's pretty much the only one I like in any Zelda game. The cape is really fun and the wind temple uses it a lot, so that's my favorite dungeon in it. But I really don't like how you have to fit stones together just to explore. It also has the 4 sword but it only lasts for a moment and is just used for certain puzzles.
9. Skyward Sword-You can ride around the sky like the ocean in WW, but it's smaller, but riding on a bird is way more fun than a boat. It is linear in most cases but you do have to explore the world some to get to most locations. I didn't mention this in TP but the double claw shots are extremely fun to use. You do actually get a boat for the quicksand/ocean part of the game. I really like the parts where you go do the trials and have to get all the tears, which is another cool thing about TP too that I didn't mention. The final boss is very easy since the game has a freaking invincibly potions that lasts for 3 minutes for just 200 rupees, and you can get 4 of them, so there's no risk of death. I don't know why Nibtenfo put very long lasting invincibility potions in their game.
10. Ocarina of Time-At least it's in my top 10. Every Zelda fan loves this game and I do too but I love 9 other games more. The dungeons are merely average and there aren't any major areas created just for extra exploring, just a little off the path of the main route. And the final boss is really easy, and the time traveling isn't used very well.
11. Link's Awakening-I don't have much to say about this one. It's fun. Very average.
12. Link Between Worlds-I hate how you freaking buy items in this game. They did that so you can do the dungeons in any order but why couldn't at least hide the items in the world and make you explore to get them? You once again won't be exploring much normally since the dungeons are marked but at least the dungeons are good and becoming a painting is cool.
13. Phantom Hourglass-Touch screen controls work alright for this game, but it doesn't feel as good as using a button to attack. You can explore like Wind Waker but there aren't many optional islands for you to explore. The dungeons are average. Touch screen does at least allow for some cool items like the boomerang.
14. Spirit Tracks-Phantom Hourglass: Train Edition. They're very similar, but it has more locations to explore. But despite that, I've always liked Phantom Hourglass a little better, I'm not really sure why.
15. Four Swords (Anniversary)-Because I don't know anyone with a gameboy with lttp+fs. The random levels aren't that great but they increase replayability I suppose. It's probably more fun if you actually have people to play with.
16. Zelda-Very small amount of content, and the dungeons aren't very good. But you can explore anywhere.
17. Zelda 2-Unique, it's a platformer, the death mountain area is very hard but everything else is just a little difficult.
18. TriForce Heroes-I have little motivation to 100% this game and I almost wish it didn't exist. Maybe it's fine if I had friends to play it with, but online has terrible players and disconnecters most of the time. I switched to single player half way through and it was extremely easy and boring. The pace of the game is really slow since you need to stack people up and throw them everywhere. The puzzles are bland since almost every one is just throwing or towering to reach something. This is the only Zelda game that I actually dislike.
Grant Kirkhope is my favorite composer (only one I even know except for Koji Kondo), I also like Bob Ross's paintings (only painter who's name I know).
Don't know enough about either of them to choose.
That's really tough to answer. Maybe Shulk, he's really loyal to all his friends and tries his hardest to protect everyone he cares about, and he's able to change his mind about who his real enemy is instead of being blinded by his hate for the Mechon for trying to destroy all of the life on Bionis. And he has a really cool sword.
Yes, I have 100 hours exactly on that game. I'll try to do it in order so it's a little more challenging.
Scout, Soldier, Pyro, Demoman, Heavy, Medic, Sniper, Engineer, Spy

@SurrealSquid @SyMag @Dessgeega @SilverBlue-Neko @woomycheri @G1ng3rGar1 @Achamo @DualQuelcher @Anaru @Ikaheishi @Rustic @ILikeKirbys @Meta Knightmare

1. Do you play tomodachi life?
2. Do you think cheating in video games in second playthroughs is OK? (i.e. you beat the game legit once, is it ok to cheat?)
3. Do you take vitamins?
4. Energy Drinks or Coffee?
5. Do you play any super old video games?
6. Thoughts on the Kirby franchise, because you know I can't pass up any mention of this game.
7. What is your favorite kind of fruit?
8. Do you own multiple of a console? If so, which?
9. Do you like seafood?
10. Do you need sunglasses / glasses in general?

(Kirby related questions you all can answer if you want! You don't have to if you don't know the game well or don't feel like it!)

11. Thoughts on Planet Robobot?
12. If you could choose to be a character from Kirby in real life, who would you choose?
13. What Kirby games do you own?
14. What game features would you like to see return in newer Kirby games?
15. Would you enjoy a fighting game similar to smash solely based on Kirby (no other franchise), as well as amiibos for all the characters added into the game?
16. Most difficult kirby boss for you?
17. Most difficult true arena?
18. Least favorite kirby character...?
19. Would you find it strange if kirby could actually speak fluently (I think he did in one game and it was really strange to me?)
20. How old do you think Kirby is in comparison to other characters in the franchise?

I'm so sorry I wanted to ask more kirby oriented questions and anyone can answer them, tagged or not!
So I answer those 10 on airplane mode on my flight and get off to find 20 more, fantastic.
Nope. I've played the GameCube and 3ds animal crossing and I think those are similar.
Cheating's usually fine as long as it's not a multiplayer/competitive game, you can't possibly be ruining the game for anyone but yourself, and it could make the game more fun if you use cheats to skip boring parts. But it probably is best to play it legit the first time for a better experience.
Sometimes, but I have minor deficiencies because of a disease, so they're actually useful.
None, I don't like either of them.
Oldest I've played is Pac-Man on an emulator, I memorized how to get a maximum score on the first 3-4 levels. Oldest one I own is probably an SNES game, like Super Mario World.
Very short games and very easy but they're still fun. I played superstar ultra first, which isn't really short since it has a bunch of games in 1, I beat every game on it, even the really difficult one where you fight every boss. I played epic yarn next, I played about 3/4 of it alone and 1/4 of it with my brother, I wished it was harder, it's literally impossible to die. Then a year ago I got Amazing Mirror, it was just like the superstar games but not as linear, like the great cave offensive, I remember really liking the smash copy ability where you get kirbys smash moveset, which is very useful since it could hammer pillars, burn stuff, and cut ropes.
I've answered this exact question before, Cantouloupe, but it would be strawberries, but it's bad for me to eat large amounts of seeds, and strawberries have a lot, but sometimes I cut off the sides of strawberries since that's where all the seeds are, and then I can eat them fine.
I've had 2 3ds's, I have a new 3ds now. I got my second 3ds right before the new 3ds (very confusing name by the way) was announced, so I didn't have the second 3ds for very long.
I like the fish I've eaten, which I believe is just salmon and swordfish.
I used to wear glasses, but not really because of poor vision, I was getting headaches because my left eye is 20/30 or maybe 40 and my right eye is 20/20. So I could see fine with my right eye, but my bad left eye was giving me awful headaches, and my glasses only improved my left eye. But I would occasionally try going a week without them, and eventually I somehow stopped getting headaches from that, so I haven't worn glasses since I was about 12. People still occasionally remember at random times that I used to wear glasses and ask me why I don't wear them anymore. And I did wear sunglasses on the beach a few days ago because it was really sunny, that was the first day I've worn sunglasses in a very long time, though.

I know nothing about it, but I can safely assume that it involves robots.
Meta Knight, I guess. All I know is him, Dedede, and Kirby.
I said this, but superstar ultra, epic yarn, amazing mirror.
I don't know much about the newer games, but it'd be cool if the smash copy ability appeared again, I'm pretty sure it's only in amazing mirror.
I'd enjoy it but not buy it since smash already exists.
None of them are even hard for me.
The only one I did was the superstar ultra one, it was a little difficult.
Yeah, he definitely shouldn't be able to talk.
I have absolutely no idea what his age is.
Those were really disappointing answers, I don't know much about Kirby so I probably shouldn't have answered then. Also, I have watched the first 2 episodes of the Kirby show.

I beat the wind fortress in just 35-ish minutes, it was actually very easy and short... I thought it would be even harder than the sanctuary.

Very tired but I should probably make questions after answering 31.
I'll tag people from the welcome center, hopefully they answer.
@Pandakai @Cesuvia @AcidSceptile
Actually I'm so tired I'll save this for morning, this is taking me over half a day to make...
1. How long have you been playing Splatoon for?
2. What's the main reason you joined Squidboards?
3. What's your favorite game?
@Anaru @DualQuelcher @SgtUBER

1. Favorite smell
2. Do you like cars
3. Is your kitchen big or smol
Alright I can do one more
Pine trees have a fantastic smell.
A little. They aren't very fun to ride in but they do get you places faster. Planes are much better.

34 total answers.
I should do 25 tags and 50 questions sometime and try to get 1,250 different answers.


Inkling Cadet
Feb 16, 2016
The Great Zapfish. It's really cozy here!
This post is enormous.

If you make 10-11 questions and tag 10 people, you get 100+ responses.
I had a cat but it died a few years ago. I have a dog right now. I want to have a horse sometime, but that's different than most pets, since you can't really keep them in your house. Or a pet dragon.
I usually only eat meals. But I eat dessert, so I'll choose Cookies and Cream ice cream as my favorite kind of other food.
I love all the games! It's very fun to explore the worlds and dungeons, the new game looks amazing, you can just explore anywhere you want to without any limits really, sort of like the first one but 3D and with way more features, since the first one was just a NES game and couldn't do much. Majora's Mask is my favorite, I don't have a least favorite of all of them, but I like every 3D game better than OoT (yes, even skyward sword). My favorite 2D Zelda is oracle of ages, which is slightly better than oracle of seasons. I've gotten 100% completion on all of them except wind Waker since that has those dumb statues from pictographs that you need to get, and TriForce Heroes. I'm going to come up with a list of my favorites of all of them.
1. Majora's Mask-I like how the game encourages you to explore, you can in other Zelda games but most players will still just follow the linear route since the game always tells you what to do, this game is better about giving you freedom, the masks are fun to use, and constantly reminds you about the fact that the world will end, and makes the ending world actually timed, instead of just allowing you to do whatever while the enemy sits in a castle waiting for you.
2. Wind Waker-This game also lets you explore a lot, mostly during the triforce quest, which I actually really liked since it made the player do some exploring in the giant ocean, the only thing I dislike it that it takes a while to sail places sometimes. Apparently this is better in the HD remake but I've never played that. The first time I played this, I actually didn't realize the sail was an item, and just held R for what felt like 40 minutes until I got to dragon roost... That's my mistake though, I should have realized.
3. Oracle of Ages-I feel like this game has the best puzzles out of any Zelda game. There's a time travel mechanic like in OoT but it's used a lot more instead of being just a thing you use 2-3 times to do dungeons as a different character. And some of the between dungeon sequences are really fun, I really like the crescent island one in particular.
4. Oracle of Seasons-The seasons game is similar to ages but everything is slightly worse. Changing seasons is better since there are 4 options that you have more free access to, and you don't have to wait through a song when changing them. But the dungeons and over world feel just a little less fun, apparently this game is supposed to be more combat based and ages is supposed to be more puzzle based, but it feels to me like ages does both better. I like how you can make on game a direct sequel of the other by using a code, the rings are cool ideas for little bonuses you get, but I wish you had to use the rod/harp for something related to their purpose in the games bosses.
5. Twilight Princess-This game does have a lot of stuff to do if you explore the world but I feel like most people don't even realize and just follow the linear route they're provided with. The game doesn't ever give you a moment to explore for the main quest, except with owl statues, but they're all marked and you can just go right to them and activate the letters, they all have a puzzle for something good near them so that's cool, but it still probably won't get very many people exploring. There are the poe souls that you can do if you want to take the time, but usually you can get 20 from normal play, and then getting all 60 seems like a task that's way too difficult, and you won't want to go explore to find any more. The dungeons are probably my favorite out of all the games, and there are a lot of them, so that's really good. And I love transforming into a wolf.
6. Link to the Past-There's not a whole lot of exploring you can do, every dungeon is marked, but the dungeons are really fun, and you get a dungeon item from the dungeon instead of just purchasing them like in lbw, I didn't like that feature, but I'll talk about that later. You can get medallions, hearts, and more gear from exploring, but most of them are just a little off the path to the dungeons and easy to get.
7. Four Swords Adventures-This one is really different from the other games, it's so linear that you literally choose levels, but this doesn't just make every level linear, like the level in the town in the second world where you have to explore to get through instead of going through enemies. The level design in this game is really good, and controlling 4 links is really fun too.
8. Mining Cap-This one lets you explore a bit, but most sidequests involve those half-medals that you collect mostly just by random, which is kinda dumb. I like the hat companion, he's pretty much the only one I like in any Zelda game. The cape is really fun and the wind temple uses it a lot, so that's my favorite dungeon in it. But I really don't like how you have to fit stones together just to explore. It also has the 4 sword but it only lasts for a moment and is just used for certain puzzles.
9. Skyward Sword-You can ride around the sky like the ocean in WW, but it's smaller, but riding on a bird is way more fun than a boat. It is linear in most cases but you do have to explore the world some to get to most locations. I didn't mention this in TP but the double claw shots are extremely fun to use. You do actually get a boat for the quicksand/ocean part of the game. I really like the parts where you go do the trials and have to get all the tears, which is another cool thing about TP too that I didn't mention. The final boss is very easy since the game has a freaking invincibly potions that lasts for 3 minutes for just 200 rupees, and you can get 4 of them, so there's no risk of death. I don't know why Nibtenfo put very long lasting invincibility potions in their game.
10. Ocarina of Time-At least it's in my top 10. Every Zelda fan loves this game and I do too but I love 9 other games more. The dungeons are merely average and there aren't any major areas created just for extra exploring, just a little off the path of the main route. And the final boss is really easy, and the time traveling isn't used very well.
11. Link's Awakening-I don't have much to say about this one. It's fun. Very average.
12. Link Between Worlds-I hate how you freaking buy items in this game. They did that so you can do the dungeons in any order but why couldn't at least hide the items in the world and make you explore to get them? You once again won't be exploring much normally since the dungeons are marked but at least the dungeons are good and becoming a painting is cool.
13. Phantom Hourglass-Touch screen controls work alright for this game, but it doesn't feel as good as using a button to attack. You can explore like Wind Waker but there aren't many optional islands for you to explore. The dungeons are average. Touch screen does at least allow for some cool items like the boomerang.
14. Spirit Tracks-Phantom Hourglass: Train Edition. They're very similar, but it has more locations to explore. But despite that, I've always liked Phantom Hourglass a little better, I'm not really sure why.
15. Four Swords (Anniversary)-Because I don't know anyone with a gameboy with lttp+fs. The random levels aren't that great but they increase replayability I suppose. It's probably more fun if you actually have people to play with.
16. Zelda-Very small amount of content, and the dungeons aren't very good. But you can explore anywhere.
17. Zelda 2-Unique, it's a platformer, the death mountain area is very hard but everything else is just a little difficult.
18. TriForce Heroes-I have little motivation to 100% this game and I almost wish it didn't exist. Maybe it's fine if I had friends to play it with, but online has terrible players and disconnecters most of the time. I switched to single player half way through and it was extremely easy and boring. The pace of the game is really slow since you need to stack people up and throw them everywhere. The puzzles are bland since almost every one is just throwing or towering to reach something. This is the only Zelda game that I actually dislike.
Grant Kirkhope is my favorite composer (only one I even know except for Koji Kondo), I also like Bob Ross's paintings (only painter who's name I know).
Don't know enough about either of them to choose.
That's really tough to answer. Maybe Shulk, he's really loyal to all his friends and tries his hardest to protect everyone he cares about, and he's able to change his mind about who his real enemy is instead of being blinded by his hate for the Mechon for trying to destroy all of the life on Bionis. And he has a really cool sword.
Yes, I have 100 hours exactly on that game. I'll try to do it in order so it's a little more challenging.
Scout, Soldier, Pyro, Demoman, Heavy, Medic, Sniper, Engineer, Spy

So I answer those 10 on airplane mode on my flight and get off to find 20 more, fantastic.
Nope. I've played the GameCube and 3ds animal crossing and I think those are similar.
Cheating's usually fine as long as it's not a multiplayer/competitive game, you can't possibly be ruining the game for anyone but yourself, and it could make the game more fun if you use cheats to skip boring parts. But it probably is best to play it legit the first time for a better experience.
Sometimes, but I have minor deficiencies because of a disease, so they're actually useful.
None, I don't like either of them.
Oldest I've played is Pac-Man on an emulator, I memorized how to get a maximum score on the first 3-4 levels. Oldest one I own is probably an SNES game, like Super Mario World.
Very short games and very easy but they're still fun. I played superstar ultra first, which isn't really short since it has a bunch of games in 1, I beat every game on it, even the really difficult one where you fight every boss. I played epic yarn next, I played about 3/4 of it alone and 1/4 of it with my brother, I wished it was harder, it's literally impossible to die. Then a year ago I got Amazing Mirror, it was just like the superstar games but not as linear, like the great cave offensive, I remember really liking the smash copy ability where you get kirbys smash moveset, which is very useful since it could hammer pillars, burn stuff, and cut ropes.
I've answered this exact question before, Cantouloupe, but it would be strawberries, but it's bad for me to eat large amounts of seeds, and strawberries have a lot, but sometimes I cut off the sides of strawberries since that's where all the seeds are, and then I can eat them fine.
I've had 2 3ds's, I have a new 3ds now. I got my second 3ds right before the new 3ds (very confusing name by the way) was announced, so I didn't have the second 3ds for very long.
I like the fish I've eaten, which I believe is just salmon and swordfish.
I used to wear glasses, but not really because of poor vision, I was getting headaches because my left eye is 20/30 or maybe 40 and my right eye is 20/20. So I could see fine with my right eye, but my bad left eye was giving me awful headaches, and my glasses only improved my left eye. But I would occasionally try going a week without them, and eventually I somehow stopped getting headaches from that, so I haven't worn glasses since I was about 12. People still occasionally remember at random times that I used to wear glasses and ask me why I don't wear them anymore. And I did wear sunglasses on the beach a few days ago because it was really sunny, that was the first day I've worn sunglasses in a very long time, though.

I know nothing about it, but I can safely assume that it involves robots.
Meta Knight, I guess. All I know is him, Dedede, and Kirby.
I said this, but superstar ultra, epic yarn, amazing mirror.
I don't know much about the newer games, but it'd be cool if the smash copy ability appeared again, I'm pretty sure it's only in amazing mirror.
I'd enjoy it but not buy it since smash already exists.
None of them are even hard for me.
The only one I did was the superstar ultra one, it was a little difficult.
Yeah, he definitely shouldn't be able to talk.
I have absolutely no idea what his age is.
Those were really disappointing answers, I don't know much about Kirby so I probably shouldn't have answered then. Also, I have watched the first 2 episodes of the Kirby show.

I beat the wind fortress in just 35-ish minutes, it was actually very easy and short... I thought it would be even harder than the sanctuary.

Very tired but I should probably make questions after answering 31.
I'll tag people from the welcome center, hopefully they answer.
@Pandakai @Cesuvia @AcidSceptile
Actually I'm so tired I'll save this for morning, this is taking me over half a day to make...
1. How long have you been playing Splatoon for?
2. What's the main reason you joined Squidboards?
3. What's your favorite game?

Alright I can do one more
Pine trees have a fantastic smell.
A little. They aren't very fun to ride in but they do get you places faster. Planes are much better.

34 total answers.
I should do 25 tags and 50 questions sometime and try to get 1,250 different answers.


Inkling Commander
Apr 1, 2016

@G1ng3rGar1 @Ikaheishi @Anaru @SurrealSquid @Magolor (just the first five that came to mind; please don't feel hurt if I let you out of this revival post!)
  1. Favourite traditional comic (not manga, not webcomics)?
  2. Do you like plastic cutlery? That of the sturdy variety, not disposable forks that come with delivery meals or such.
  3. Favourite map projection?
  4. Happiest piece of music you've heard recently, or just some happy composition that comes to mind?
  5. Before Splatfests, there was the Everybody Votes channel on the Wii. Splatfests could've taken some notes from it. Like, really. A personal favourite of mine: penguins or kiwis?


Inkling Fleet Admiral
Sep 25, 2015
Inkopolis, born and raised!
Switch Friend Code

@G1ng3rGar1 @Ikaheishi @Anaru @SurrealSquid @Magolor (just the first five that came to mind; please don't feel hurt if I let you out of this revival post!)
  1. Favourite traditional comic (not manga, not webcomics)?
  2. Do you like plastic cutlery? That of the sturdy variety, not disposable forks that come with delivery meals or such.
  3. Favourite map projection?
  4. Happiest piece of music you've heard recently, or just some happy composition that comes to mind?
  5. Before Splatfests, there was the Everybody Votes channel on the Wii. Splatfests could've taken some notes from it. Like, really. A personal favourite of mine: penguins or kiwis?
1. Does The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl count?
And Garfield
2. I don't mind either version
3. Robinson, Plate Carrée, and Globe
4. Good Egg Galaxy comes to mind
And when I actually think about it Limitless by Colton Dixon works too
5. What the heck XD
I can eat kiwis so kiwis
(I love penguins tho)

@woomycheri @Achamo @AlphaOmegaSplatter

1. Do you like soup? If so, what's your favorite kind?
2. do you consider yourself small or tall?
3. Favorite fruit
Last edited:


Inkling Cadet
Jan 30, 2016
Flounder Heights
Switch Friend Code
1. Does The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl count?
2. I don't mind either version
3. Robinson, Plate Carrée, and Globe
4. Good Egg Galaxy comes to mind
And when I actually think about it Limitless by Colton Dixon works too
5. What the heck XD
I can eat kiwis so kiwis
(I love penguins tho)

@woomycheri @Achamo @AlphaOmegaSplatter

1. Do you like soup? If so, what's your favorite kind?
2. do you consider yourself small or tall?
3. Favorite fruit
1. No
2. Somwhere in the middle
3. Cucumbers (THEY ARE FRUITS)


Inkling Cadet
Feb 16, 2016
The Great Zapfish. It's really cozy here!

@G1ng3rGar1 @Ikaheishi @Anaru @SurrealSquid @Magolor (just the first five that came to mind; please don't feel hurt if I let you out of this revival post!)
  1. Favourite traditional comic (not manga, not webcomics)?
  2. Do you like plastic cutlery? That of the sturdy variety, not disposable forks that come with delivery meals or such.
  3. Favourite map projection?
  4. Happiest piece of music you've heard recently, or just some happy composition that comes to mind?
  5. Before Splatfests, there was the Everybody Votes channel on the Wii. Splatfests could've taken some notes from it. Like, really. A personal favourite of mine: penguins or kiwis?
Not me :(?

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