

Inkling Cadet
Feb 16, 2016
The Great Zapfish. It's really cozy here!
@Anaru @DualQuelcher @Ikaheishi

1. Have you ever cheated on games?
2. How many amiibos do you own if any?
3. Do you go on any trips?

Hope it's ok I made one of these out of the blue, I haven't been tagged recently so...
1. Probably
2. Zelda and Pac-Man which my friend got for me.
3. Family Reunion every 2 years.


Semi-Pro Squid
Mar 9, 2016
a small house near Ancho-V Games
1. Least favorite animal
2. Latest you stayed up
3. Favorite breakfast
1. Grasshoppers. Especially the big ones, they're absolutely disgusting. If one comes, I'll be the first one to go away because I just plain hate them.
2. Around 4:30 A.M... it wasn't by choice. I was in a sort of camp, and my roommates just wouldn't let me have even a slightest bit of sleep. I only fell asleep at the end because I was completely exhausted.
3. Cereal! And pancakes, though I usually don't eat them for breakfast.

1. Have you ever been involved in some kind of natural disaster, like a fire or earthquake?
2. What's the worst injury that you've gotten?
3. What's the prettiest animal you've ever seen?
1. Just a tiny little earthquake that was a repercussion from one many kilometers away. The people at the epicenter had it rough, I only felt some slight vibrations.
2. A wound on my forehead from when I fell on a piece of metal as a kid. I still have a scar from it.
3. Those big butterflies with the insanely detailed patterns on their wings, I guess.

Will tag someone later.


Inkling Cadet
Nov 2, 2015
@Anaru @DualQuelcher @Ikaheishi

1. Have you ever cheated on games?
2. How many amiibos do you own if any?
3. Do you go on any trips?

Hope it's ok I made one of these out of the blue, I haven't been tagged recently so...
Yes. On Skyrim I occasionally use god mode if I'm about to die on a boring part and haven't saved in a while, or to carry dragon bones back to my house since they weigh so much and I'm really bad at getting rid of items and hold on to a lot of stuff, I've also cheated on a really difficult Mario 64 rom hack, when I needed to get a 100 coin star that had exactly 100 coins that are possible to miss and hidden really well. I look up guides in games occasionally if I've been stuck on a really hard puzzle for a very long time and I'm getting bored, and sometimes when I 100% games I'll use guides for stuff like finding some gold skulltulas in OoT. I think that's all, I usually only cheat when I'm not having fun.
Marth, first 3 splatoon ones, yarn yoshi, jigglypuff, wolf link, and toon link, so 8 total.
I'm actually on a trip right now. I left to a different area yesterday, but I had been on Long Beach Island to the east of New Jersey since last Saturday. I'm still in New Jersey but I'm leaving tomorrow night.


Inkling Commander
Apr 1, 2016
1. You're going to get a spaceship! Which one [that you know of] would you pick? Use your imagination, but it has to be space worthy. [Nothing like the SHIELD Helicarrier, it has to be capable of space travel]
2. Another picky pick question! Out of all the weapons in video games, which would you pick? It can be anything or anyone.
3. Best boss fight in a video game?
  1. Initially, I'd say something cool from Infinite Space, perhaps the Corsair (because I don't remember most of their names by now), but... what about the Faceship from Mario Galaxy 2? It's such a lovely place to be, has its own atmosphere and stuff. It looks kind of dumb and probably can't travel very fast, but I'm more concerned about livability.
  2. [If you're reading this, I forgot to come up with an answer. Placeholder: the Monado (Xenoblade Chronicles).]
  3. Ralph the Raven from Yoshi's Island, for pure amazement factor on a SNES game (though I've only played the GBA remake). 15 years before Mario Galaxy, we already had fully circumnavigable planetoids! Of course, there'd subsequently be that gyro GBA cartridge Yoshi game, but I dunno anything about that... I also love duel bosses from the Tales series - the one near the ending of Xillia 2, in particular, comes to mind.


Inkling Cadet
Nov 2, 2015
3. Best boss fight in a video game?[/USER]
I read final boss fight, whoops. How did I misread it that badly. I seriously remember reading that at least 4 times to make sure I was answering it correctly.
probably can't travel very fast,
It goes between 2 galaxies on the map in less than a second!


Inkling Commander
Jan 6, 2016
Tokyo, Japan
1.Something that makes you happy
2.Worst game you've ever played
3.Describe yourself in one word
1. public displays of affection
2. This is hard. There are genuinely terrible games and also games that are well-received but personally don't jive with me. For the former, I might say something like Oneechanbara, and for the latter, unpopular opinion but I think Animal Crossing is stupid and boring.
3. dank

1. What's your favorite game genre outside Splatoon?
2. What's your favorite console (home or handheld) of all time and why?
3. What's your favorite food.
1. Platformers. 3D or 2D. Favs are Kirby Super Star, Galaxy, Yoshi's Island
2. SNES. Objectively on par with Wii in terms of library and quality of games probably. However nostalgia tends to tilt it into number 1. Asking me to rank consoles is a very difficult task, though.
3. Pizza ("wow, that's a very creative and original answer!!" - you, probably)

Since I'm a bum and replying to these together I'm only gonna tag 3 people, not 6.

@Dessgeega @Magolor @G1ng3rGar1

edit: wow I didnt even post my 3 questions

1. How old were you when you first started gaming and describe that experience
2. What country do you want to visit the most and why
3. What's your favorite genre of music and/or favorite artist/composer


Inkling Commander
Apr 1, 2016
It goes between 2 galaxies on the map in less than a second!
Yesss... but Mario galaxies are miniscule. By the standards of fictional space travel, it's probably pretty pathetic. On the other hand, what's the use of comparing to spacecraft from other continuities if we don't need to go fast to reach new lovely planets? So hey, living in the Mario universe rocks!
Since I'm a bum and replying to these together I'm only gonna tag 3 people, not 6.
A) It's standard only to tag 3 people regardless of how many things you answer.
B) You gonna ask questions... ?
C) Never mind, quick to the draw.


Don't get Cooked!
Jun 30, 2016
@Dessgeega @Magolor @G1ng3rGar1

edit: wow I didnt even post my 3 questions

1. How old were you when you first started gaming and describe that experience
2. What country do you want to visit the most and why
3. What's your favorite genre of music and/or favorite artist/composer
1. I can't remember, sorry!
2. Japan, since I enjoy the food a lot.
3. I really like video game music, sadly that's not too interesting but it's at the top.
Pretty on vocals that fit the game story for kirby games take the cake too.


Egyptian Goo God
Feb 23, 2016
Switch Friend Code
1. How old were you when you first started gaming and describe that experience
2. What country do you want to visit the most and why
3. What's your favorite genre of music and/or favorite artist/composer
1. 4, Metroid. From what I can remember of that time, it was magical.
2. Easter Island, as mentioned above. When you get right down to it, people and the basics thereof are the same anywhere you go. Me, I'd want to go somewhere where I can take in some old-school culture.
3. Chiptune, hah, though I like all kinds. My favorite non-chiptune musicians would have to be They Might Be Giants.

As for me, I tag, uhhhh, @Cuttleshock , @DualQuelcher , and @birdiebee due to lack of imagination.
1. What's the oldest movie you've ever seen? Delve into history!
2. What's a foreign food you'd like to try?
3. Which animal of the Chinese zodiac were you born under?


Inkling Cadet
Feb 16, 2016
The Great Zapfish. It's really cozy here!
1. 4, Metroid. From what I can remember of that time, it was magical.
2. Easter Island, as mentioned above. When you get right down to it, people and the basics thereof are the same anywhere you go. Me, I'd want to go somewhere where I can take in some old-school culture.
3. Chiptune, hah, though I like all kinds. My favorite non-chiptune musicians would have to be They Might Be Giants.

As for me, I tag, uhhhh, @Cuttleshock , @DualQuelcher , and @birdiebee due to lack of imagination.
1. What's the oldest movie you've ever seen? Delve into history!
2. What's a foreign food you'd like to try?
3. Which animal of the Chinese zodiac were you born under?
1. Something from the 1930's
2. I don't think I've had octopus
3. Dragon


Inkling Commander
Jan 6, 2016
Tokyo, Japan
1. What's the oldest movie you've ever seen? Delve into history!
2. What's a foreign food you'd like to try?
3. Which animal of the Chinese zodiac were you born under?
1. Battleship Potemkin (Film Degree here... D; ) edit: Actually, it's Nosferatu. I looked up the dates. Potemkin is 1925 while Nosferatu is 1922. I may have seen something from the 1910s but I cant think of it atm. EDIT 2: Birth of a Nation, 1915.
2. Fried Milk? I've seen it as a Korean street food. I don't even know how
3. Monkey. RIP Harambe :'(

@Mr. 9 @blu @MacSmitty

1. What's the most amount of food you've ever eaten in one sitting
2. What's your favorite kind of sauce
3. What generally bad movie/TV show/anime is a guilty pleasure of yours
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Inkling Commander
Apr 1, 2016
1. What's the oldest movie you've ever seen? Delve into history!
2. What's a foreign food you'd like to try?
3. Which animal of the Chinese zodiac were you born under?
  1. Uhh... uhhh... I uncultured prole. Can't think of any old live-action films that I've seen - at most, something Russian from the 50s/60s that my parents made me watch but I don't remember in detail. However, this kind of counts!
  2. I'm thoroughly unadventurous with food, so not much. I enjoy trying different kinds of noodles, though.
  3. I always get that and the Latin star signs mixed up until I stop and think for a bit. The ox - fitting to my town of residence (Oxford)!
@SilverBlue-Neko @SyMag @chubbypickle
  1. Wireless or wired mouse? Or do you not use one?
  2. Did you have any silly misconceptions about the world when you were very young (e.g. I used to think that the way printers worked was that the computer screen imprinted a piece of paper behind it and sent it, tightly rolled up, through the connecting wire)?
  3. ... Monopoly (the game)?
Last edited:


SOLDIER 1st Class
May 9, 2014
The intersection of Conch and Coral
@SilverBlue-Neko @SyMag @chubbypickle
  1. Wireless or wired mouse? Or do you not use one?
  2. Did you have any silly misconceptions about the world when you were very young (e.g. I used to think that the way printers worked was that the computer screen imprinted a piece of paper behind it and sent it, tightly rolled up, through the connecting wire)?
  3. ... Monopoly (the game)?
1. I had a trackpad on my laptop so that's what I used.
2. Okay this is gonna sound weird even for this topic. But when I was 4/5 I thought the gas pump you use to fill your car's gas tank was scissors that poked me when I was sitting down. I would actually got upset whenever my mom pulled into the gas station.
3. I like it. Of course I have to be in the right mood to play it because each game takes a solid 3 days to play to completion.

@DualQuelcher @Magolor @Dessgeega
1. Chocolate or vanilla ice cream?
2. Do you prefer fast food or a sit-down restaurant?
3. Favorite car (if you're into cars)?


Inkling Cadet
Feb 16, 2016
The Great Zapfish. It's really cozy here!
1. I had a trackpad on my laptop so that's what I used.
2. Okay this is gonna sound weird even for this topic. But when I was 4/5 I thought the gas pump you use to fill your car's gas tank was scissors that poked me when I was sitting down. I would actually got upset whenever my mom pulled into the gas station.
3. I like it. Of course I have to be in the right mood to play it because each game takes a solid 3 days to play to completion.

@DualQuelcher @Magolor @Dessgeega
1. Chocolate or vanilla ice cream?
2. Do you prefer fast food or a sit-down restaurant?
3. Favorite car (if you're into cars)?
1. Mint Chocolate Chip. It has chocolate in it.
2. Depends, but usually fast food because sitting down with my sister is out of the question.
3. I'm not into cars but I'll say Cars 1 just to give some sort of answer.


Oct 14, 2015
@Anaru @DualQuelcher @Ikaheishi

1. Have you ever cheated on games?
2. How many amiibos do you own if any?
3. Do you go on any trips?

Hope it's ok I made one of these out of the blue, I haven't been tagged recently so...
  1. Maybe in some video games when I was little. There's nothing that I can distinctly remember.
  2. I currently have eight: Inkling Girl, Boy, and Squid, Callie and Marie, Link, Zelda, and Wolf Link.
  3. Not really as of late, though last weekend I went to over to Little Tokyo.
@birdiebee @Anaru @Cuttleshock
  1. What type of games do you like to play?
  2. Have you ever done any cosplays?
  3. What do you watch most often that's broadcast on television?


Egyptian Goo God
Feb 23, 2016
Switch Friend Code
1. Chocolate or vanilla ice cream?
2. Do you prefer fast food or a sit-down restaurant?
3. Favorite car (if you're into cars)?
1. Vanilla. Chocolate is blah. YEAH YOU HEARD ME
2. Sit-down. I prefer eating at home, so if I eat out I may as well enjoy it. Also diners are love.
3. Meh! All I care about is whether the vehicle can get me to where I'm going safely and efficiently.


Inkling Fleet Admiral
Sep 25, 2015
Inkopolis, born and raised!
Switch Friend Code
1. public displays of affection
2. This is hard. There are genuinely terrible games and also games that are well-received but personally don't jive with me. For the former, I might say something like Oneechanbara, and for the latter, unpopular opinion but I think Animal Crossing is stupid and boring.
3. dank

1. Platformers. 3D or 2D. Favs are Kirby Super Star, Galaxy, Yoshi's Island
2. SNES. Objectively on par with Wii in terms of library and quality of games probably. However nostalgia tends to tilt it into number 1. Asking me to rank consoles is a very difficult task, though.
3. Pizza ("wow, that's a very creative and original answer!!" - you, probably)

Since I'm a bum and replying to these together I'm only gonna tag 3 people, not 6.

@Dessgeega @Magolor @G1ng3rGar1

edit: wow I didnt even post my 3 questions

1. How old were you when you first started gaming and describe that experience
2. What country do you want to visit the most and why
3. What's your favorite genre of music and/or favorite artist/composer
Wow XD
1. Um
I don't remember XD but I do remember playing video games at the dentist's office
It was pretty cool (plus they had food!)
2. Jaaaaappaaaaaannn cause Japanese :D
3. Don't know
Matthew West/Mercy Me/Danny Gokey/Koji Kondo

@Goolloom @⭐️Zapfish⭐️ @Anaru

1. Favorite live action movie and animated movie
2. Do you like car trips
3. Are you a kid or a squid

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