1. public displays of affection
2. This is hard. There are genuinely terrible games and also games that are well-received but personally don't jive with me. For the former, I might say something like Oneechanbara, and for the latter, unpopular opinion but I think Animal Crossing is stupid and boring.
3. dank
1. Platformers. 3D or 2D. Favs are Kirby Super Star, Galaxy, Yoshi's Island
2. SNES. Objectively on par with Wii in terms of library and quality of games probably. However nostalgia tends to tilt it into number 1. Asking me to rank consoles is a very difficult task, though.
3. Pizza ("wow, that's a very creative and original answer!!" - you, probably)
Since I'm a bum and replying to these together I'm only gonna tag 3 people, not 6.
@Dessgeega @Magolor @G1ng3rGar1
edit: wow I didnt even post my 3 questions
1. How old were you when you first started gaming and describe that experience
2. What country do you want to visit the most and why
3. What's your favorite genre of music and/or favorite artist/composer