The Bragging Thread


Egyptian Goo God
Feb 23, 2016
Switch Friend Code
I found out the Dual Squelcher is awesome after getting 28 kills with it in museum d´alfonsino tower control. The enemies just kept jumping right in front of me.
Hail to thee, fellow squelcher! :D


Inkling Commander
Jul 5, 2015
Just got my second pure that I wasn't even trying to get. Shame hacks eliminated 90% of the excitement I probaly would have.

Edit: Just read Dissg last brag post >_>. I posted on my Miiverse my reaction as "Just got a legit pure from rolling. Now I'm really fancy." Guess us Fancies think alike.


Egyptian Goo God
Feb 23, 2016
Switch Friend Code
Eh, when those hacks get fixed and the hackers banned, YOU WILL REMAIN, STRONGER THAN EVER.

Floating Eyeball

Inkling Cadet
Feb 15, 2016
I thought it was fun enough to dash past people with the RM, but man, I feel invincible getting in good shots. I just had two great moments on both maps:
Camp Triggerfish- The backstory to this moment was already an awesome story of teamwork-A push straight into their base brought us to 33, but they got equally close to our base-until they were splatted right where there would be a tie. Three of us started clearing up the area while a fourth realized it'd be best to grab it and send it back to the center, where it was waiting for us after we had already got some ink on their path up. I got to be the lucky guy holding the RM once we popped it, and nobody got close-The perch above, a Splash Wall thrown in front, nothing stopped the charges (think I ended up with 5 total, but that's still good for 30 seconds), and my teammates were right nearby stopping everyone else.

Hammerhead Bridge- I usually hate playing RM here (I can never maneuver well enough on the grates), but I actually managed to carry it on the last grate before the goal, jumping over two Seekers (possibly my first time ever jumping over them), splatting a sniper, and dodging a Suction Bomb. I got splatted by the next Suction Bomb, but it still felt great.


Inkling Commander
Jul 5, 2015
Just got to S+ 80 for the first time. All I did was constantly take RM on HM and run my squid booty off. I wanted to test the Pure Run shirt I rolled but didn't expect this. Not a single positive KD ratio, but the objective was fulfilled.


Inkling Commander
Apr 1, 2016
A week ago, on a whim, I started a blaster alt: they always just seemed like my kind of weapon but I figured there was no way I'd be able to use them in S, so I started from the bottom. Today, I reached A+ at Level 19 on that alt, using pretty much every blaster (other than the last two that are unlocked) for effectively the first time (just played one or two Turf Wars with them in the past) on various modes to get nearly a perfect sweep up to A and then a dominant run to A+.

Presently, I'm at A+ 60 or so, Level 21, finishing on a nice note with a 14-3 RM game on Hammerhead with the CRB. The thing is, I never try new weapons, or haven't done so for ages, and haven't had to 'aim' since using the Junior in A+ some months ago; I didn't at all expect to get a handle on blasters to this degree. I begin to fear that maybe, perhaps, buckets aren't my true calling after all... ?


Egyptian Goo God
Feb 23, 2016
Switch Friend Code
A week ago, on a whim, I started a blaster alt: they always just seemed like my kind of weapon but I figured there was no way I'd be able to use them in S, so I started from the bottom. Today, I reached A+ at Level 19 on that alt, using pretty much every blaster (other than the last two that are unlocked) for effectively the first time (just played one or two Turf Wars with them in the past) on various modes to get nearly a perfect sweep up to A and then a dominant run to A+.

Presently, I'm at A+ 60 or so, Level 21, finishing on a nice note with a 14-3 RM game on Hammerhead with the CRB. The thing is, I never try new weapons, or haven't done so for ages, and haven't had to 'aim' since using the Junior in A+ some months ago; I didn't at all expect to get a handle on blasters to this degree. I begin to fear that maybe, perhaps, buckets aren't my true calling after all... ?
Seems to me that single-shot area-burst weapons might be your overall niche ;)


Pro Squid
Jan 2, 2013
Bragging about my team mates in Solo and reporting one weird lag(?) instance.

Camp Tower. My squad, H3, Custom Jet Squelcher, Octoshot, Tentatek
Their squad, I do not recall. They had a Tentatek though

Round starts. Our Tentatek DC's. The rest of us don't realize this until after our initial push, which got us to 40. Our remaining trio held the line and won the game for the rest of the 5 minutes with one really close instance of their team pushing it to 41. In the middle of this match, I rush to mid to fight and suddenly explode. Then the game tells me I splatted someone in a spot where no one is. The kill cam the sky? My killer is not only in the sky, but that's the person I killed...when they were in the sky apparently?

I don't know if this was lag or what have you, but it amused me.

Next game, Camp Zones.
My Squad: H3, Sploosh, Carbon Deco, Tentatek
Their Squad: 96 Deco, 52, 52, Wasabi

Round starts and I rush to mid, taking out the 52 before their wall goes up. My team arrives shortly after and we get a quick wipe. The Tentatek and I charge their side while the Carbon and Sploosh take to the Tower. I realize both me and my Tentatek pal are going to die if we can't get this 96 down, so I stop moving and focus on the shield. My gambit works. I go down, but the shield and the squid does too, giving Tentatek the space he needs to move up and continue the assault. Elsewhere on the map, I see Sploosh is solo on the Tower while Carbon is dealing with the Wasabi. I jump to the tower and take out the 96 that the Sploosh can't reach while getting gunned down by one of the 52's who is quickly splatted by Tentatek. Another full wipe! Sploosh and Carbon get on the Tower and I jump back to it, we're at 17. Tentatek goes on the offensive and I back him up, but get shot down. But it's too late for them. We've won.

My team's score:
Tentatek - 7 - 0
Carbon - 3 - 0
Sploosh - 2 - 0
H3 - 2 - 3

I like to think each of my deaths saved my team mates from dying.


Oct 19, 2015
Switch Friend Code
Just hit the an enemy octobrush arm (midswing) who was standing on the ledge above on tower control which guaranteed us the win


Inkling Cadet
Aug 12, 2014
New York City
Had some very good RainMaker matches recently.
One match in Walleye we we losing and made it into overtime. Taking the RainMaker, I took out some of the opposing team while my teammates were assisting me when I carried the RainMaker to the enemy's side. We took out the whole team, and we managed to win.
Another match in Walleye we managed to get a knockout thanks to my team taking out forces while I placed the RainMaker on the podium.
The matches I listed and other matches involved me racking up kills in the double digits.
Not also mention I finally got my S-Rank back thanks to these matches.

Hero of Lime

Inkling Fleet Admiral
Sep 26, 2015
Switch Friend Code
So yesterday I got my first even quad splat. It was amazing, and the match went super well, but I already posted that story in the best match ever thread.

But, today, literally one day after my first quad splat, I get my second. In Rainmaker solo ranked. The whole match wasn't quite as good as my first quad splat match, but we won nonetheless. The game decided after 550 hours of playtime, now I should be thrown into situations where I can take out an entire team. I guess I can't complain.


Pro Squid
Jan 2, 2013
So, my Kelp Scope game was at maximum today.

Urchin Tower.

My team gets wiped and the enemy squad is riding the tower towards us. I snipe 3 of them in sequence and bomb the forth 10 seconds later. I'm kinda shocked, since I rarely pull those off. Later in the match, I get cornered by a brush and a roller and I not only come out alive, I splat them both myself. Rather or not they were just bad players or I was Really Feeling It, I have no idea.

My team and I won
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Squid Savior From the Future
Dec 18, 2015
Kelp Scope
bomb the forth 10 seconds later

Are you sure you're not using a Custom Kelp from Sheldon's Picks Pack 2 or something? I'm not so sure you can bomb a squid with a sprinkler. Not without a LOT of damage up anyway ;)

So, my Kelp Scope game was at maximum today.

Urchin Tower.

My team gets wiped and the enemy squad is riding the tower towards us. I snipe 3 of them in sequence and bomb the forth 10 seconds later. I'm kinda shocked, since I rarely pull those off. Later in the match, I get cornered by a brush and a roller and I not only come out alive, I splat them both myself. Rather or not they were just bad players or I was Really Feeling It, I have no idea.

My team and I won
But yeah, I know that feeling, I've been getting the triple + 1 often these days myself :) Except usually my team decides to go check the spawn for backdoor invaders at the time I do it so it nets us nothing :P

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