The Bragging Thread


Pro Squid
Apr 8, 2016
Oh man, footage from the global testfire... It hurts my eyes to watch that now.
But the two rollers bumping against each other happened to me a lot too back when I was just a C rank noob and the game was out for barely two weeks or so. I honestly found it pretty funny.
*splat each other*
Truly, those were simpler times ;)

But I suppose the rest of the team got motivated too, since we went from getting dominated the entire game to wiping the enemy team twice and bubbling at the end to secure the win.
It’s true that extra time sometimes really galvanizes the losing team so much that they start working together as a team to take the lead. It’s really exhilarating when that happens! I recall a Kelp Dome Rainmaker game where we were losing in overtime, but I managed to escort the holder very efficiently by splatting anyone who got close with my Tempered Dynamo. I don’t remember the outcome of that match though, haha.


Pro Squid
Apr 8, 2016
Sorry about posting twice in a row again but… I played two matches against/with ThatSrb2DUDE in solo queue!! I was watching his stream and trying to get into his lobby. Check out this link at 1:57:02 to see me play. I was the Dynamo used named Léa. The first match was pretty great but I completely dropped the ball in the second one, unfortunately. Still, really glad that I got to play with him. (And since I can't record my gameplay, it's pretty useful to have a streamer's video feed to look at, even if not from my point of view.)

Also, from earlier today: got 8/1 in Piranha Pit Zones S+ using the vanilla Dynamo. Same map, mode and weapon: I got 14/6 (best K/D of my team) and we won in Extra Time after a pretty drawn-out battle where the zones went neutral quite a few times. Today was a great day to be playing Splatoon.


Inkling Cadet
Feb 11, 2015
QC. Canada
After putting up with an infinite amount of salt and a big'ol loss streak, I went back in, getting a huge winning streak that boosted me all the way up to S+82.
Knowing with how the points are at this level, S+99 is so close yet so far away....


Inkling Cadet
Aug 12, 2014
New York City
So I did a match with the Krak-On Roller just for fun, and I ended up getting alot of kills and managed to almost get a knockout in Tower Control.

Floating Eyeball

Inkling Cadet
Feb 15, 2016
Having a great time learning weapons- I've finally got a good grasp on the Krak-On Roller (still learning beacons a little, but the Museum doesn't help out much with that), somehow totally clicked with the Splattershot Pros (I had an idea of how they worked before but I was having a great time with the range now), and actually did pretty well with my first Squelcher! Managed at least five splats with each and inked up over 800!


Inkling Fleet Admiral
Nov 3, 2015
In the Paradox of Spring
This was a while ago, so I don't quite remember all the details, but I do remember it was a game on Moray Towers. Right as the match starts, one of the guys on our team disconnects, eliciting a low groan out of me. "All right," I'm thinking, "we've already lost the game now, but that doesn't mean we go down without a fight." My teammates must've felt the same way, because we somehow ended up destroying the other team in spite of our handicap. It was as though we hadn't had a disconnected player at all! By the match's end, we had managed to worm our way deep into the enemy base, ensuring a 60-something-% victory. I don't know how the hell it happened, whether my whole team kicked into overdrive to compensate or if the opponents were just off their game at the time. Regardless, I felt damn good at the time; never will I ever insist on being one of the 3 in a 3v4, but I can't very well complain about how this instance turned out. I can only imagine how my teammates reacted to getting hammered by a crippled team...


Inkling Commander
Apr 1, 2016
A few days ago, I designed a neat little flowchart-style plan to help me, hopefully, gain rank points, starting from around S 40 at that time (stuff like 'stop playing after 3 wins or losses from the start'). It worked surprisingly well, and I climbed up S pretty quickly, considering that that shouldn't really have impacted on my win rate. Last night, I got to S 88, which was just crazy for me (the highest I'd been before this plan was S 70).

Today, I had a less exciting start but didn't plummet or anything; got to S 65 at the lowest point, and mostly wavered around S 80. Even so, I almost always had a positive record, played the objective well, generally was at the top of my game. This includes the near-miss 3v4 that can be read about here. The Bluefin/Mahi-Mahi RM rotation ended with me at around S 75, feeling rather robbed after some games, but I thought that Kelp and Hammerhead TC could be my key to victory. Safe mode, I play blasters, I'm especially confident on the latter map.

But it wasn't TC at all! Initially, I thought that it was bad news that it was SZ, as both maps scared me in that mode. After long deliberation, I decided to play with the Soda, as its Special was wonderful on the maps available (and it got a lot of ledges that the Tri wouldn't). First game didn't go as planned - don't remember whether I won or lost, but I didn't feel like my performance was up to the standard that I needed to win consistently, even though it wasn't awful. So I went with my heart after all and switched to the Tri-Slosher.

Correct choice. I invite you now to listen to a song that describes with uncanny precision the hour that was to follow.
Just a bucket-wielding squid on a Tuesday night, looking for the fight of my life. In the Splat Zones world, no-one saw me at all. They said I was crazy. Something, something, I danced into the Splat Zone, could cut you like a knife... I'm a maniac, maniac in the Zone! And I danced like I'd never danced before! Et cetera.

The vast majority of the battles that were to follow, I had complete control over. I didn't win all of them, I'll admit, but I either went around 6/1 in a quick KO, had a high 2:1 record or, in games we lost, typically as many splats as the rest of my team combined (I got taken out loads in return, but still made it positive). A highlight was my reimbursement for the 3v4 injustice earlier on, in which I and two Splattershots faced a balanced team on Kelp, I realised about 90 seconds in that we were down one, and we nevertheless won with my teammates going negatively and myself, something like 18/9.

All of which is a trumpet-blowing build-up to the fact that I am, for now, the proud owner of what I consider to be a well-deserved S+.


Inkling Cadet
Feb 10, 2016
A few days ago, I designed a neat little flowchart-style plan to help me, hopefully, gain rank points, starting from around S 40 at that time (stuff like 'stop playing after 3 wins or losses from the start'). It worked surprisingly well, and I climbed up S pretty quickly, considering that that shouldn't really have impacted on my win rate. Last night, I got to S 88, which was just crazy for me (the highest I'd been before this plan was S 70).

Today, I had a less exciting start but didn't plummet or anything; got to S 65 at the lowest point, and mostly wavered around S 80. Even so, I almost always had a positive record, played the objective well, generally was at the top of my game. This includes the near-miss 3v4 that can be read about here. The Bluefin/Mahi-Mahi RM rotation ended with me at around S 75, feeling rather robbed after some games, but I thought that Kelp and Hammerhead TC could be my key to victory. Safe mode, I play blasters, I'm especially confident on the latter map.

But it wasn't TC at all! Initially, I thought that it was bad news that it was SZ, as both maps scared me in that mode. After long deliberation, I decided to play with the Soda, as its Special was wonderful on the maps available (and it got a lot of ledges that the Tri wouldn't). First game didn't go as planned - don't remember whether I won or lost, but I didn't feel like my performance was up to the standard that I needed to win consistently, even though it wasn't awful. So I went with my heart after all and switched to the Tri-Slosher.

Correct choice. I invite you now to listen to a song that describes with uncanny precision the hour that was to follow.
Just a bucket-wielding squid on a Tuesday night, looking for the fight of my life. In the Splat Zones world, no-one saw me at all. They said I was crazy. Something, something, I danced into the Splat Zone, could cut you like a knife... I'm a maniac, maniac in the Zone! And I danced like I'd never danced before! Et cetera.

The vast majority of the battles that were to follow, I had complete control over. I didn't win all of them, I'll admit, but I either went around 6/1 in a quick KO, had a high 2:1 record or, in games we lost, typically as many splats as the rest of my team combined (I got taken out loads in return, but still made it positive). A highlight was my reimbursement for the 3v4 injustice earlier on, in which I and two Splattershots faced a balanced team on Kelp, I realised about 90 seconds in that we were down one, and we nevertheless won with my teammates going negatively and myself, something like 18/9.

All of which is a trumpet-blowing build-up to the fact that I am, for now, the proud owner of what I consider to be a well-deserved S+.
Nice! I made it to S+, lost it, and then regained it, and I think the best strategy is to win a battle or two and then stop for a while. If you can win 4 points every rotation, then you can rank up no matter what. And again, congratulations!


Egyptian Goo God
Feb 23, 2016
Switch Friend Code
Apparently my friend Nick is a good luck charm. He came by, and in the middle of things was interested in seeing some Splatoon action. I said okay, and went into solo ranked. Two matches, both Saltspray Zones, and uh, those were the easiest matches I've had in weeks. All three allies in both matches immediately dogpiled the enemy and splatted them left and right, leaving me to waltz up and paint the zone. 100 to 0 knockouts the second the match started. Thanks Nick, and thanks my remarkably vicious random allies! Yay for playing support!


Inkling Commander
Apr 1, 2016
Do you mind sharing? It sounds like it was really helpful! Also, congrats on the S+ rank!
Why not? It was mostly mental, but I went and put together an actual graph that brings together the main ideas.
Three addenda which didn't really fit in that representation:
  1. If, at any point, you're tired and you know you're not likely to win, ignore whatever the chart says and call it a day.
  2. This doesn't apply very well to S 80+ and S+ 40+, due to the large discrepancy between winnings and losses; it can also be shaky in the lower ranks depending on how match-ups go, but that's harder to judge. In cases like that, give a single loss greater value (e.g. losing twice in S 80+ is equivalent to losing thrice normally).
  3. I completely ignored this when breaking into S+, if I'm honest. That was because the rotation felt wonderful, I was enjoying myself and I was sure that I'd never do worse than break even if I kept playing. I mostly used this, therefore, to get up to S 80 and considerably boost my confidence in the process.


Pro Squid
Apr 8, 2016
Why not? It was mostly mental, but I went and put together an actual graph that brings together the main ideas.
Three addenda which didn't really fit in that representation:
  1. If, at any point, you're tired and you know you're not likely to win, ignore whatever the chart says and call it a day.
  2. This doesn't apply very well to S 80+ and S+ 40+, due to the large discrepancy between winnings and losses; it can also be shaky in the lower ranks depending on how match-ups go, but that's harder to judge. In cases like that, give a single loss greater value (e.g. losing twice in S 80+ is equivalent to losing thrice normally).
  3. I completely ignored this when breaking into S+, if I'm honest. That was because the rotation felt wonderful, I was enjoying myself and I was sure that I'd never do worse than break even if I kept playing. I mostly used this, therefore, to get up to S 80 and considerably boost my confidence in the process.
Thank you! I was going to use it (and I did, technically, up until my fifth match which gave me a 3/2 W/L ratio) but then I found myself playing really well, so I kept going despite not meeting the "requirements". I did end up with more points than I had started this session with though, so all's well.

Speaking of today's session, I had a great time with the Aerospray MG. I stayed alive for long periods of time and got really important splats with the Inkzooka. Since the main weapon covers so much turf so quickly, I was able to keep getting it over and over. Also got a ton of Seeker splats. Seekers are awesome on Mall and Museum.


Mar 7, 2016
Playing ranked earlier, Rainmaker on Kelp Dome. Running Luna Blaster, I jump from the top of the plus circle in mid. As I am falling toward the popped rainmaker I shoot someone on the catwalk above. Direct hit. When I hit the ground, the rest of the team comes around the corner throwing out walls and grabbing the rainmaker. I find a gap between the stage's walls and their splash wall. Kill all three of them seconds after the catwalk kill because blaster indirect hits. We grab the rainmaker and run it in for the last second knockout.

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