Matchmaking last night was brutal. I lost a streak of games where the opposing team was around +200 power vs us, and the results were predictable.
Disconnects were a lot more frequent. I almost never encounter DC's in normal play and saw them happen in 1:4 games last night.
Disconnects were a lot more frequent. I almost never encounter DC's in normal play and saw them happen in 1:4 games last night.
I still kill my fair share of bosses as a roller, but I find that a good roller player should constantly support by ferrying eggs, keeping paths inked, rolling over mooks (so the charger player can do their job!) and reviving teammates.A friend of mine and I played Salmon Run yesterday, and wow it was bad. Usually I play with a full group or at least 3 of us who I know I could depend on, but in several games the two randoms we had were terrible. Rollers who don't know you can actually do other things aside from rolling, Squiffers who can't contribute much. It was the first time I got fairly salty with SR.