So I spent all 24 hours of my Thanksgiving flat on my back miserable in bed. Good thing a) roomie was there to save the day and deliver food down the hill for dinner, and b) I managed to get some Squid Wars in despite all this.
Met a nice guy who'd just gotten the game. Another Dualie Squelcher. Good teamo, nice booyah returns. Last match of the night it stuck us on opposing teams on Starfish. He splatted me and a little bit later I returned the favor. Snoogins, buddy ;)
He accepted my friend request.
Matches for the most part have been fun overall, tough but fair. A good time seems to generally be had by all.
Most likely this is because I stay in the shallow end of the Turf pool (if matchmaking is anything like it is for Spawnfest, that'd mean I'm in the 1500-1600 range). It never fails though that the first match of the night is a lobby full of gung-ho 50's, and then pretty much everything after that - since I tend not to hang around in places where I'm likely to be abused for sport - is a much more even level spread. Last night though...
all the noobs. All of them. On my team. Every time. Return of the noob-wrangler, I guess :'D
Splattershots afraid to leave spawn. Training wheels (and I mean it, squiddo was level 6 dragging that thing around) Splatterscope who DC'ed twice before he gave up. Good luck to you, wherever you went after that, son. One team comp who finally got their big squid pants on and went
INSANE, which ended with me dancing circles around mid, my teamos painting the other guys' spawn, and the other team...camping our empty spawn pad. Never change, Squid Wars, never change
This gear-swap-between-matches-without-leaving-the-lobby thing puts some flavor back into Turf. At least now I don't have to question reality when someone shows up with two different weapons two matches in a row =p