The Dead(er) Sea: Saltiest Catch


Squid Savior From the Future
Community Ambassador
Feb 3, 2016
Has anyone else been seeing an increase in squidbaggers? I've been seeing a variety though...
The regular squidbag, the cod bag, the slow bag and lets not forget the '$2.99 with your bonus trip to the shadow realm' bag we see all the time in ranked.
Yeah I've encountered an uptick of them in rank and turf since about late November. Different varieties as well. Along with an occasional few Square trying to legitimize it...


Egyptian Goo God
Feb 23, 2016
Switch Friend Code
Yeah I've encountered an uptick of them in rank and turf since about late November. Different varieties as well. Along with an occasional few Square trying to legitimize it...
They have been daily for the last week. I've been reporting more people than I have in months. Now for my own rant.

This week I am on the worst losing streaks I have ever been on since the launch of the sequel, and the blame falls squarely on my cruddy teammates. Is blaming teammates bad? Hell yes! But MATCH STATS DON'T LIE. I've been tracking my performance on splatnet in all modes for over a week, and without fail the randos I get are bottom of the match.

Of course, in solo and turf, getting horrid allies is just RNG hating me. No, my purest rage is saved for my pair league teammates. Morons make a conscious decision to bring horrible weapon pairs to league. Double chargers, double inkbrushes, sploosh + carbon, tenta + e-liter, on and on and on WHY DO YOU PEOPLE DO THIS? Why bring utter crap to league!? You're only hurting your chances to win! You don't exist in a vacuum! Winning isn't everything but being screwed before the match even starts because two idiots thought they had a good idea isn't fun either!

I can get the most kills, control the entire map, make expert use of specials, pull off doubles and triples and wipes, and it won't matter because I get morons who walk forward holding ZR while we're fighting pros from famous clans. BAH!!!

Hero of Lime

Inkling Fleet Admiral
Sep 26, 2015
Switch Friend Code
Does anyone else just find the inkling noises in this game to be worse overall? The "Ouch" noises are the worst, but a few others are bad, like the inkling boy's "This Way" that actually sounds like "this way". They probably removed some sounds that were in Splatoon 1, but I can't remember there being any from Splatoon 1 that aren't here as well.
I believe just about all the sounds from the first game are still in this one. But echoing J'Wiz's post, I really like a lot of the new sounds, at least from the females. No one can forget the beauty of "Squankyuu" Splat 2 has given us to start. c:


Lord of the Squids
Aug 15, 2015
Switch Friend Code
I'm totally not the worst at playing rainmaker, honest! Just ask my squad! :p


Inkling Commander
Aug 28, 2017
Something I've noticed from the post-Christmas Turf War battles: Bullies using Respawn Punisher. Come on man. You know you're gonna be better than all these new people to the game and now you're punishing them for being new to the game and making it so difficult for them to play. The more time you spend respawning the more time you spend doing nothing not enjoying the game. Literally people who opened this game with excitement yesterday are being punished by really mean people taking advantage of them.

Drew Sebastino

Inkling Cadet
Aug 9, 2017
Switch Friend Code
Well, I got really excited that I finally got 20 run speed up ability chunks, as I figured I would be able to max out a piece of gear I have that already has one run speed up sub. Well, as most of you probably already know, you can't; every subsequent sub of the same type will cost 10 more chunks than the last. What a bunch of BS; they add a way to perfect gear in the game, but then make the requirement so damn high that they might as well have not even bothered. You can get lucky and get two of the same subs with rerolls, but it doesn't really matter if you still have to pay the bulk of it with chunks on top of wasting Super Sea Snails. I'd be less agitated if the drinks actually worked, but even "slight influence" is an understatement of how useless they really are. The level you have to grind in this game is that of a "free to play" game, but you can't even use money if you wanted! What a slap in the face.


Inkling Cadet
Jun 17, 2015
Recently got the switch and splatoon 2 (YESH!!!!!), and this was one of my first ranked matches.
View attachment 5991
Also the new screenshot and capture functions are an absolute blessing
(Psst. Add me on the switch. Code in signature.)
Clam Blitz i think. Cool dude.
Aside from the issue that Clam Blitz almost never seems to be in rotation when I play, this accurately describes my Clam Blitz experience so far (well minus the 32 splats bit).

I'm kind of unsure on what to do in C- since most player play it more like a TDM with a optional objective then anything... Should I try to play more defensive so enemies don't slip though to our base to score points, or play more aggressive to be that guy to score as many points as possible.


Inkling Cadet
Sep 12, 2017
@Drew Sebastino What most people do to make the grind less of a nuisance is to take a drink of whatever ability you want on your gear, and keep leveling up and scrubbing until you get two slots of said ability, then use chunks for the last one. If you do that, you'll only need 30 chunks, and in the process of trying to get the right abilities, you'll get some other chunks in the process. I admit it can still get very frustrating getting the two right ablities depending on your luck.

What I generally do is just scrub if the first ability isn't the desired one. Most people don't recommend this, since it can get expensive, but to me, it makes the process quicker.

For chunks in general, you can get alot if you just scrub occasionally and do Salmon Run. I don't do any special grinding, and I have around 40-70 of every chunk. It takes a long time if you do it this way, but it's less irritating than constantly grinding.

Green Waffles

Inkling Fleet Admiral
Apr 18, 2016
@Drew Sebastino looks like j'wiz already covered most stouf.

But also, playing with only main abilities can help improve one's gameplay: it is Splatoon's ankle weights =p
If you can master dynamo roller without :ability_inksavermain:, you can dominate with it. Except dynamo is kinda meh this time around, but you get the idea, ye?


Egyptian Goo God
Feb 23, 2016
Switch Friend Code
I just had a ranked match where I had someone disconnect almost immediately. Naturally the enemy gets a huge lead and I put in the effort to push them back. The match is running down, I start to relax because it'll be over... and one of the enemy team disconnects in the last 10 seconds. And because the match was suddenly "fair", I get a crack after ONE LOSS.

What. Is with. All these. DISCONNECTS!? Why do I even try playing when someone is going to drop from the match roughly 50% of the time according to splatnet? I don't know what else to say. I'm just livid.

Green Waffles

Inkling Fleet Admiral
Apr 18, 2016
weird phenomenon. . .
I've experienced a slight uptick in player disconnects and a noticeable jump in latency as of late.

My first thought is all the new players coming in may not all have access to the best connection. . .
but then I remember I'm playing primarily in solo ranked S+.

I shouldn't be seeing the new squids at all(or very, very few) outside of Salmon Run and turf war.
What gives? I'm trying my best to enjoy what time I have left before subscription fees capsize the boat

Drew Sebastino

Inkling Cadet
Aug 9, 2017
Switch Friend Code
@Drew Sebastino keep leveling up and scrubbing until you get two slots of said ability, then use chunks for the last one.
By some act of God, I actually got a piece of gear with two run speed up right after I made that comment... Now, I just need to repeat that miracle two more times and grind like I've never grinded before so my inkling is no longer slow as tar.:D

What I generally do is just scrub if the first ability isn't the desired one. Most people don't recommend this, since it can get expensive, but to me, it makes the process quicker.
Except the problem is that I'm limited by money; 20,000 is large even with food. I even primarily play Ranked Battle, where I'm S+ in every mode other than Clam Blitz because I frankly just haven't put forth the effort.

I don't do any special grinding, and I have around 40-70 of every chunk.
The hell? What level are you? I'm level 32 and I only have 5-10 of every chunk. Salmon Run is super tedious to me so rarely play it after having reached Profreshional, but regardless, it doesn't appear to be all that much faster at getting chunks than regular versus modes. There's quite frankly no way to get chunks in this game without grinding for forever, there are just different degrees of forever, lol.

But also, playing with only main abilities can help improve one's gameplay: it is Splatoon's ankle weights =p
There's not really much reason for me to try and get better though. I hope I don't sound too arrogant, but I believe I'm better than a good majority of even S+ players I've played against, and have thus had no problem ranking up. Getting to S+ in Splatoon 1 has really prepared me for anything this game has thrown at me. Being greater skilled might be useful for Leauge, but I don't play League because I don't have a partner, and even if I did, there's still not really any insentive for doing so.


Dec 26, 2017
California, USA
Switch Friend Code
My saltiest catch so far? I had someone DC on my team right before the match even started, and when I inevitably lost, the Rank bar broke, when technically your rank bar is supposed to remain unaltered if you lose a match when someone DC'd...I kept my rank, but it was a bit infuriating because I still could have had the chance to rank up if I had won matches after that one. Nintendo apparently needs to make sure that DCs before matches begin are counted as well.


Egyptian Goo God
Feb 23, 2016
Switch Friend Code
By some act of God, I actually got a piece of gear with two run speed up right after I made that comment... Now, I just need to repeat that miracle two more times and grind like I've never grinded before so my inkling is no longer slow as tar.:D

Except the problem is that I'm limited by money; 20,000 is large even with food. I even primarily play Ranked Battle, where I'm S+ in every mode other than Clam Blitz because I frankly just haven't put forth the effort.

The hell? What level are you? I'm level 32 and I only have 5-10 of every chunk. Salmon Run is super tedious to me so rarely play it after having reached Profreshional, but regardless, it doesn't appear to be all that much faster at getting chunks than regular versus modes. There's quite frankly no way to get chunks in this game without grinding for forever, there are just different degrees of forever, lol.

There's not really much reason for me to try and get better though. I hope I don't sound too arrogant, but I believe I'm better than a good majority of even S+ players I've played against, and have thus had no problem ranking up. Getting to S+ in Splatoon 1 has really prepared me for anything this game has thrown at me. Being greater skilled might be useful for Leauge, but I don't play League because I don't have a partner, and even if I did, there's still not really any insentive for doing so.
There's a grind, sure, but it isn't "forever". Use 1-star gear that has it's slots unlocked with drinks and play a lot of ranked, you'll get 3750 EXP per knock-out. 20,000 cash is chump change as well, many players pile up hundreds of thousands to millions quickly just playing daily. You can have a set of pures within a week of effort if you have a plan, so figure out what you want and get it.

Drew Sebastino

Inkling Cadet
Aug 9, 2017
Switch Friend Code
just playing daily.
That's just it. I did play the original Splatoon much, much more, and I do have 8.5 million in that game, but I have far less interest in Splatoon 2. Ranked Battle is what really kept me playing the first game, but while I could try and aim to get S+50 in Splatoon 2, I don't see the point if I'm not going to be paired with any higher level teammates. Your rank just begins to feel like I second level, and I have no motivation to try and increase my level because it frankly doesn't do anything.


Egyptian Goo God
Feb 23, 2016
Switch Friend Code
That's just it. I did play the original Splatoon much, much more, and I do have 8.5 million in that game, but I have far less interest in Splatoon 2. Ranked Battle is what really kept me playing the first game, but while I could try and aim to get S+50 in Splatoon 2, I don't see the point if I'm not going to be paired with any higher level teammates. Your rank just begins to feel like I second level, and I have no motivation to try and increase my level because it frankly doesn't do anything.
...Then why the concern about gear? What abilities you're using is irrelevant if you aren't motivated to play. You're simultaneously grumbling about the gear grind and the game itself and it kinda clashes.

Drew Sebastino

Inkling Cadet
Aug 9, 2017
Switch Friend Code
@Because I'm a completionist.:p If my gear is levelled up how I want, I might enjoy the game more as well; I can beat most anyone just fine, but the slow movement still hampers my enjoyment of the game.


Egyptian Goo God
Feb 23, 2016
Switch Friend Code
@Because I'm a completionist.:p If my gear is levelled up how I want, I might enjoy the game more as well; I can beat most anyone just fine, but the slow movement still hampers my enjoyment of the game.
Well hey, you know how to achieve your gear goals now, go forth and get the gear you want! Really, following the advice in this thread it'll take you less time to get perfect gear than it would in many other competitive games these days (without spending tons of cash, anyway).

Drew Sebastino

Inkling Cadet
Aug 9, 2017
Switch Friend Code
Really, following the advice in this thread it'll take you less time to get perfect gear than it would in many other competitive games these days (without spending tons of cash, anyway).
o_O Well, good thing I don't play any other modern "competitive" video games. If you people wonder why I play this game yet complain about it so much, it's because there's nothing better to play. Every other shooter I've played in the last 10 years is far more a casual bore, which is ironic because this game is aiming for the youngest demographic of any of them.
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