So this week was obviously some kind of universe-revenge for last week's fun.
Thanks, team. I love the optimism, I love the chorus of booyahs at the start. I really love that y'all all went straight to the killbox in mid and left
everything from spawn up to there for me to farm for missiles and money =p
Dear Charger, I broke my own general rules and instead of casually flanking like I usually do, plowed ahead and made a convenient path for you directly to one of the better sniper perches on Manta.
Why are you back there painting our base?
Teleporting E-liters are a thing now, I guess.
Run Speed abuse epidemic.
Quick Respawn abuse epidemic.
Something fishy going on with beakons...
Four squaddies in the lobby, two from the same squad. Of those four, three are on the other team. The one remaining is on mine, carrying a charger. Levels 14 and 6, both with rollers, are also on my team. It's Moray Towers.
It was awful.
Two squaddies on my team, playing for glory. I lead in turf coverage. Somehow we still lost???
Murderous level 72 Jet Squelcher suddenly becomes useless when on my team. Funny how that happens.
Two Aerosprays and two Sploosh-o-Matics in the lobby. All of them are on the same team.
As usual, squids who have yet to learn that splatting someone and continuing on toward their spawn point is not the smartest idea...
A dude I would have reported, except for the fact that his Mii's pornstache and pose went so well with his objectionable screenname kinda made me laugh.
Not so much noob-herding as noob-
carrying. I do my best, but as sole carrier on a team of four...
Cornered and missiled. Shame on me.
Escape jump (swan dive with a half-gainer, flawless entry) followed by (10-point) landing smack on top of a curling bomb. Then the whole bus clapped.
By end of playtime last night, if not for the fact that my roommate was sleeping in the next room, I'd have been screaming like a bloodthirsty barbarian in realtime as I mowed down opponents left and right, covered from head to toe in the ink of enemies and teammates alike, crazed and slavering and hurling missiles at everything that moves. Good times, good times =p