The Escape from Octo Valley (IC)


Octarian Storyteller
Site Moderator
May 1, 2018
Octo Valley
Clam, Coral and Kelp decide to explain what's going on.

Clam: Well, we have a rescue mission today.

Coral: Basically, the Crimson Octarians kidnapped Inklings and kept them in various facilities all over Octo Valley.

Kelp: Our job as Ringed Octarians is to rescue these Inklings and help them get back into Inkopolis.

Coral: Basically, our General is expecting us to meet with the rest of the Ringed Octarians including himself outside the base.

Clam: His name is Anemone by the way, so we call him General Anemone, but you can call him just General if you'd like.


Octarian Storyteller
Site Moderator
May 1, 2018
Octo Valley
Clam: Alright, just meet us outside when the General called us.

Coral: We'll convince him to let you help.

Kelp: We will just have to wait for his orders.


Octarian Storyteller
Site Moderator
May 1, 2018
Octo Valley
As the group finish their breakfast, the intercom sounded. General Anemone talked through them and he said, "Alright break's over! Report outside the base and remember, Ringed Octolings are required to wear the uniforms before the meeting outside!" After that, the intercom turned off, all the Ringed Octarians got out of their seats to head outside the base. Coral, Clam and Kelp did the same after quickly finishing their breakfast.

Clam: Time to meet everyone else outside.

Coral: This will be our first rescue mission, I don't know how we will we do.

Kelp: I'm sure he will tell us what we need to do.

After that, the three walked toward the door leading outside.


Octarian Storyteller
Site Moderator
May 1, 2018
Octo Valley
Coral and Kelp lined up with the rest of the Ringed Octolings while Clam lined up with the rest of the tentacle-based Ringed Octarians. The General gave the speech, as he did, the Ringed Octohurler already had his orders in mind. "Now", he began, "the time has come for us to rescue the first group of Inklings, wait for my orders before moving in, as we are going to need to disable their defenses to get in." He continued, "now Octolings, you are to accompany your bodyguards, the Tentacle Troops and for the Tentacle Troops, your job is to not let our Octolings get captured" He stops in his tracks and checking his paperwork, "now go out there and shut down the Crimsons' facility!" After that, everyone said "sir yes sir!!" before heading off to the Crimson Octarian's facility.


Octarian Storyteller
Site Moderator
May 1, 2018
Octo Valley
General Anemone decided to trust Coral's group to protect Baku.

General Anemone: Alright, you're going to be with Coral's group, now you have to remember one thing, the Crimson Octarians are a mean bunch, now don't worry about being splatted as we already registered you to our Spawn Point, just make sure they don't capture you, alright? Now go out there and show everyone what Inklings are capable of!


Octarian Storyteller
Site Moderator
May 1, 2018
Octo Valley
As Coral, Clam and Kelp arrive at the facility, they await the General's order. The other Ringed Octarians arrived there as well, also waiting the General's order. Many Ringed Octocopters arrive to place signal stoppers on the facility's antennas in order to jam the communication signal of the Crimson Octarians. Back at the base, the General along with some others work on jamming the camera signals of the facility. With the preparations done, he calls the rest of the Ringed Octarians and order them to move into the facility, Ringed Octosnipers can be seen perched on top of some hills to provide fire support just in case things go wrong.

Clam: Alright, let's go go go! *runs into the facility*

Coral: *Following Clam* This is a point of no return, so let's make sure we can win this!

Kelp: *Following the other two* With so many of us rushing in, we can be sure to win this by surprise.


Octarian Storyteller
Site Moderator
May 1, 2018
Octo Valley
As all the Ringed Octarians rushed in, they didn't notice the guards, but Ringed Octosnipers splatted the guards. Clam, Coral and Kelp stopped in their tracks in order to start looking for the place in which Inklings are held. At the same time, other Ringed Octarian groups are looking for the key to said place.

Clam: Alright, lets look for Inklings, start checking the doors, but heed my warning, be prepared to battle and call for help if need be.

Coral: Got it! *opens a door that's closest to him*

Kelp: Not knowing who is on the other side is scary. *carefully opening up a door close to her*


Octarian Storyteller
Site Moderator
May 1, 2018
Octo Valley
Clam eventually finds a room, with all sort of notes messily laid on the table, however, he wasn't alone, lurking in the shadows was a Crimson Twintacle Octotrooper who jumped right at him.

Clam: Gyahh!! *grabbing the Twintacle attacking him and slamming the enemy Octarian on the ground* B-be careful out there guys, make sure you're not attacked without knowing!

While a brawl between the two Octotroopers happen, Coral opens a door to a seemingly empty room, then he hears a familiar, yet disturbing voice. The voice says "Hello Coral, still being a crybaby over your mommy and daddy?" Coral then quickly looks over to the direction of the voice and he sees another Crimson Octoling in the room, he knows this Octoling from school, as this particular Octoling was a bully to him.

Coral: Heh, didn't think you would stoop down to the loser group. *saying this to obviously annoy the Octoling who has bullied him*

As soon as he said that, the Crimson Octoling in the room jumped right at Coral with Blaster in hand. At the same time, Coral aimed his Octo Shot at him and started shooting, the ink battle showdown between two Octolings began.

Kelp was looking through another room and she saw a female Crimson Octoling jumping from an unseen puddle of ink towards her.

Kelp: Yikes!! *she began swinging her Carbon Roller at the Octoling* I know you have that brush, but I won't let you harm me!

The battle between Octolings with swinging weapons began.

At the same time, the facility became even more noisy by the combined battles of Ringed vs Crimson Octarians. Some Crimsons saw Baku and yelled "Capture him!" before advancing toward him with a large bag.
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Octarian Storyteller
Site Moderator
May 1, 2018
Octo Valley
After the three of them won against their respective enemies, Clam, Coral and Kelp went to follow Baku through the door that he opened, splatting the Crimsons who were after him. In the room, a glass tank containing many Inklings is seen by the group. Coral has contacted the General for further orders, but he had to act quick as the Crimsons already knew of his presence.

Coral: *activating his communication device* General, can you hear me? We found the Inklings, but we need to know how to rescue them, and fast!

The General's voice sounded through, "You can either shatter the glass or look for the key, but choose fast as I can see many Crimsons heading your way!"

Clam: I mean, we need to act fast before we are caught or splatted. Quick, somebody think of a way!

Kelp: We can just break the glass, we just need to hit it with something heavy.

Clam: Alright *picks up a steel chair and starts swinging it at the glass tank*

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