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"yeah I know, terrifying. I still have PTSD from it, I have gotten used to the PTSD, the nightmares do not affect me though, but I have trouble with focusing because of my PTSD " he explains to Olivia.
"And given that you weren't affected by the genetic split, they were selfish for forcing that split on you." Kelp adds, genuinely upset at what DJ Octavio's Octarians had done to Bennet.
"it wasn't D.J Octavio's fault, they squidnapped me without D.J Octavio knowing. And that I just hope that General Anemone can help me locate where Bryce is." Benett says
"Don't worry, my uncle already made a commitment to bringing as many as he can to the surface. I already knew of his plan to use his reliable bio scanners to search the known areas while also sending scouts to look in areas that the bio scanner can't pick up." Kelp explains, "We will find your friend no matter what. Once this final facility is destroyed, we will have enough time to find everyone in these domes before journeying to the only kettle that will allow us to get out of here."
"My sister and I argued and fought often. We were thieves. I didn't want to be a thife. I wanted to have a real job. I left for a better life for myself. And now I regret it."