I think that we shouldn't have too many loanwords. Or at least what ones we do have shouldn't be carbon copies of the word we adapted it from.
@PiyozR Now to take care of some of those words
@theFIZZYnator suggested in his first post (the one on food). I won't do the words in the 'Food Items' section, only the others. Any ones that I've missed we either have already (such as 'to heat' and 'full') or you could easily say with the words that we already have (such as 'school lunch'). I'll also throw in some new words of my own (not necessarily food related, though).
Right. Here we go. Brace yourself for another forum-swamp:
{gáize} - Drink (this and the next one were created from 'máme gáize')
{máme} - Alcohol
{máezai} - Buffet
{šóbu} - Fat
{bárua} - Oil
{héšumezai} - Frozen Food
{mókuŧa} - Grain
{néši} - Seed
{zákuzai} - Instant Food
{žošétazai} - Junk Food
{šetáro} - Health (derived)
{biánu} - Meat
{médu} - Noodle
{gáfuzai} - Packed Lunch, Bentō
{gáfutu} - Container (derived), Pot, Pan
{gáfuro} - Contents (derived)
{žéno} - Paste (food)
{kóženo} - Glue (shortening of 'kóža žéno' (lit. artificial paste))
{pataší} - Protein
{kiné} - Fruit (shortening of 'ki néši' (lit. with seed))
{šáiyo} - Vegetable
{žešáiyozoi} - Vegetarian
{zúso} - Juice
{kefá} - Coffee
{kefápai} - Café (derived)
{uyakefápai} - Cafeteria (derived)
{obáoro} - Hunger (derived)
{zaiyáze} - Restaurant (lit. eat building)
{hóči} - Information
{zaiyápai} - Dining Room (derived)
{uyaríta} - Shop
{ríta} - Trade
{tádo} - Kiosk
{zoúya} - Chopsticks
{zaiyúši} - Plate
{tóbero} - Bottle (derived)
{tobétu} - Trap (derived)
{gaizótu} - Cup (derived)
{daóyutu} - Timer (derived)
{táikaro} - Solid (state of matter), Rigidity, Hardness (derived)
{suitáro} - Liquid (state of matter), Flow (derived)
{tákiro} - Gas (state of matter), Inflation (of a balloon, of an economy, etc.) (derived)
{šúsatu} - Fork (derived)
{kičátu} - Knife (derived)
{kusétu} - Spoon (derived)
{kuítoro} - Cooking (derived)
{kuítopai} - Kitchen (derived)
{ratéro} - Frying (derived)
{kúbapai} - Bakery (derived)
{kubáro} - Baking (derived)
{zeáketu} - Blender (derived)
{tabóžuro} - Evaporation, Boiling (derived)
{turítu} - Screen (derived)
{čirítu} - Computer (an alternative to Eclipse's derived word, if you choose to use it) (shortened from 'display information device') (derived)
{čakíburo} - Derivation (derived)
{kuíto} - To Cook
{ežámi} - To Mix
{raté} - To Fry
{ežáte} - To Stir-fry (combining 'to mix' and 'to fry')
{bárate} - To Deep-fry (combining 'oil' and 'to fry')
{tabóžu} - To Boil, Evaporate
{zeáke} - To Blend
{kúba} - To Bake
{gáizo} - To Drink (HOW HAVE WE NOT GOT THIS ONE YET‽)
{kičá} - To Chop, Cut
{gížo} - To Slice
{héšume} - To Freeze
{anokái} - To Thaw
{gáfu} - To Contain
{turí} - To Display
{čakíbu} - To Derive
{tóbe} - To Capture, Bottle
{šúsa} - To Impale
{kusé} - To Scoop
{zúsokoi} - To Juice (derived)
{kédekoi} - To Dice (lit. to cube, see below) (derived)
{suitákoi} - To Flow (derived)
{tákikoi} - To Inflate (derived)
{hóčikoi} - To Inform (derived)
{mísukoi} - To Corner, Trap (derived)
{rítakoi} - To Trade (derived)
{zakú} - Instant, Immediate
{šóbušai} - Fatty
{šéta} - Healthy
{žošéta} - Unwell, Unhealthy, Ill
{fuzaiyó} - Gluttonous
{kóža} - Artificial, Man-made (squid-made?)
{gafušái} - Contained, Encapsulated (derived)
{kinešái} - Fruitful, Fertile (derived)
{hóčišai} - Informative (derived)
{čakíbušai} - Derived (derived)
{táika} - Solid, Hard, Rigid
{suitá} - Liquid, Flowing
{táki} - Gaseous
Shape Words (all of these are nouns)
{táči} - Shape
{mísu} - Corner, Vertex
{takáo} - Face (shape)
{širá} - Edge (shortened to 'ši' when put after a number to make the name of a shape)
{úši} - Circle (lit. one side)
{čáši} - Triangle (lit. three side)
{déši} - Square (lit. four side)
{kéde} - Cube (lit. 'six four', as a cube has six faces and each side has four edges)
{dečá} - Tetrahedron, Pyramid (lit. 'four three', for the same logic as above)
'Derived' has stopped sounding like a word to me now...
I'll do Fizzy's second post when I can.
EDIT: Oh, and
@EclipseMT, since in Standard Inkling there is no {yu} character, may I request {yumasu} be altered to {áyumasu}.