It's actually a bit annoying to see a lot of people acting as if rollers are going to be useless now. Seeing those types of reactions does kind of motivate me though. I can say that I am going to have some fun on Monday bringing my roller with me and showing people what rollers can do when used well. :)
The nerf on rollers actually isn't that bad. I'm a roller main and I
agree with the nerfs we were given. To be quite frank, I didn't even know that we were able to 1 hit kill with the side of our rollers. I had never even noticed it before since most of the time, I'm either killing with my splash or killing with the center of my roller. It does explain a few odd double kills I've gotten though. o_O I was also not aware that we could splat people when we're out of ink. I always just assumed that we wouldn't be able to since no other weapon can so I never gave it a try. o_O
So let me just say that as a roller main... The nerfs to our weapons is fair.
The nerfs are going to make rollers more balanced and they are needed changes. I'm just going to be very harshly honest right now... If you're complaining about the nerf to rollers, it's probably saying a lot more about
your skill level than it is about Nintendo's decision. Right now, it appears that the only thing rollers will have to change is our aim. We just have to be a better aim and can't just swing our rollers mindlessly. However, if you're skilled with a roller, you probably already focus on your aim and don't just swing that thing randomly. The one roller that this nerf actually hurts are the Dynamo rollers. To be honest, a lot of Dynamo users just swing randomly and mindlessly. With this nerf, they'll have to think a little more and work a little more for their kills.
So really... If you're upset over the roller nerf, my only piece of advice is to practice and get skilled with your roller. :)
Super happy about that blaster nerf! They were also a weapon in need of being balanced out.
I dont like shotters,i spend 800 hours of play with Dynamo to nerf my weapon....
Its not fair
The nerf is completely fair. The Dynamos were overpowered and a lot of users were just swinging randomly. The damage nerf done to rollers doesn't actually hurt them very much. You just need to be a bit more careful, think a bit more, and get better with your aim. If other rollers are already focusing on our aim and thinking then you Dynamo users can as well. ^.^" Just practice and you'll get accustomed to the new changes.