The real reason for regional matchmaking: so western players won’t get jealous seeing ppl with exclusive gear all the timeMore earrings.
Or just minimalist headgear in general, really, but I'd pay good money to get my hands on the Emperor set.
If Nintendo were to do something like this, then they should definately prioritize finding other teams to play against in the queue before pairing your squad agaisnt 4 solo players. Imagine someone new going into Turf War and running into 3-4 man teams every match and getting mopped; hard to say they'll be sticking around this game after a few sessions like that.Just popped in my head something I'd like them to do to the Regular Battle with Friends options.
Currently the system is really just a leap of faith that you end up in the same room as your friend. This is really a kind of screwy system, it's inconsistent based on match making and dear god is it even less likely you'll get 3 much less 4 fiends in the same room.
What I think would be a much better solution is make this option work similar to the Private Battle menu, BUT the cap for a room is only 4 players. The limit of 4 players is to ensure people can't completely abuse this mode like Private Battles, you are required to at least be half random players.
Similar to Private Battles you can set which team each person will be on, so if you want to go into Turf Wars as a single team the whole time, you can or split up randomly or pre determined teams.
Once the 2 to 4 people are ready, you guys are sent into random Turf War queue just like any other room. You'll pick up 4 random people and the game will begin. Rewards will be exactly the same as normal Turf Wars.
Once the match ends, instead of being given to option to play again with the same room, leave, etc. you'll be booted back to the Regular Battle with Friends menu, you cannot stay with the same group of randoms.
Also, on a side note, I kind of wish they would allow us to do solo Salmon Run at The Shoal.
I know this game is supposed to be an online multiplayer game, but sometimes a man just doesn't have internet or a random friend to spare at the time. Unlike Turf Wars and Ranked, Salmon Run doesn't inherently require multiple people. Yes, you'll probably fail miserable on anything above 50% difficulty, but there's a fun in trying, y'know.
Would be a nice alternative to just playing Octo Canyon. (Though the Octo Expansion will undoubtedly help in that regards.)
I think queue already tries to take Splat Power into account. So naturally this carries over.If Nintendo were to do something like this, then they should definately prioritize finding other teams to play against in the queue before pairing your squad agaisnt 4 solo players. Imagine someone new going into Turf War and running into 3-4 man teams every match and getting mopped; hard to say they'll be sticking around this game after a few sessions like that.
I agree with most of the team turf war battle idea, BUT I think that if it is implemented it shouldn’t give the ability to set players on opposite teams. This would make it possible to have some people throw the match so a player on the other side can level up. I guess there’s a chance of that happening the way things are now, but it would be much easier to coordinate, and that wouldn’t be fun for ppl stuck on the sandbagging teamJust popped in my head something I'd like them to do to the Regular Battle with Friends options.
Currently the system is really just a leap of faith that you end up in the same room as your friend. This is really a kind of screwy system, it's inconsistent based on match making and dear god is it even less likely you'll get 3 much less 4 fiends in the same room.
What I think would be a much better solution is make this option work similar to the Private Battle menu, BUT the cap for a room is only 4 players. The limit of 4 players is to ensure people can't completely abuse this mode like Private Battles, you are required to at least be half random players.
Similar to Private Battles you can set which team each person will be on, so if you want to go into Turf Wars as a single team the whole time, you can or split up randomly or pre determined teams.
Once the 2 to 4 people are ready, you guys are sent into random Turf War queue just like any other room. You'll pick up 4 random people and the game will begin. Rewards will be exactly the same as normal Turf Wars.
Once the match ends, instead of being given to option to play again with the same room, leave, etc. you'll be booted back to the Regular Battle with Friends menu, you cannot stay with the same group of randoms.
Also, on a side note, I kind of wish they would allow us to do solo Salmon Run at The Shoal.
I know this game is supposed to be an online multiplayer game, but sometimes a man just doesn't have internet or a random friend to spare at the time. Unlike Turf Wars and Ranked, Salmon Run doesn't inherently require multiple people. Yes, you'll probably fail miserable on anything above 50% difficulty, but there's a fun in trying, y'know.
Would be a nice alternative to just playing Octo Canyon. (Though the Octo Expansion will undoubtedly help in that regards.)
I like to think that the Shifty Stations are Nintendo's secret way of testing new content...but we haven't seen the results yet. That one where the stage slowly closed in on itself was amazing. There was a lot of work put into that gimmick, so hopefully it's used for more than a 48-hour event. The Shifty Stations are a really divisive topic in the hardcore community. Some love 'em, some hate 'em. Personally, While I think they aren't very good maps in terms of design, they always have interesting ideas that I'd love to be explored more. Interesting is a good word.If I could see anything it would have to be elements used in shifty station. some of the simply didn't work (*COUGHT GRAPLINKS*), but the ones that did were amazing. I especially loved the contamination zones from the Chicken vs Egg Splatfest. it was like the old Camp Triggerfish but opposite, you know?