What is something you'd like to see in Splatoon 2?


Inkling Fleet Admiral
Mar 8, 2018
Switch Friend Code
I want Quick Respawn to be effective.
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Inkling Fleet Admiral
Aug 4, 2016
I would like to see a ranked mode with a random and or choice option for mode and map.


Inkling Commander
Sep 5, 2015
More earrings.

Or just minimalist headgear in general, really, but I'd pay good money to get my hands on the Emperor set.


Inkling Commander
Nov 29, 2016
More earrings.

Or just minimalist headgear in general, really, but I'd pay good money to get my hands on the Emperor set.
The real reason for regional matchmaking: so western players won’t get jealous seeing ppl with exclusive gear all the time

(It didn’t work im jealous of ALL the exclusive gear)


Full Squid
Oct 26, 2017
Some sort of a sword like weapon that would shoot out the ink when swung like a vertical slash from a roller. Basically a brush(you drag the tip on the ground) with a verticle and hopefully horizontal type slash.

Different ground types. One that constantly sucks up the ink within 5 seconds or so. Something like gravel, that you can paint. But as you walk over it you leave footprints behind of the opposite color ink.

Perhaps a wall or floor type that disintegrates for a few seconds when hit with ink before reforming itself a few seconds later. Or the opposite of that, empty space that fills on ink contact.

Some sort of gravity defying surface that allows you to walk up surfaces while in inkling form allowing you to fire from walls and or ceilings.

More inclusion of the movement additions to single player. Those grapple spots, the jump pads etc.

Nothing wrong with variety.

Inkling kirby

Semi-Pro Squid
Feb 22, 2018
Modes without a mirror objective would be really interesting. They wouldn't be ranked for giving teams different objectives, which can never be perfectly balanced, but that would be a good thing in a way seeing that we only have one unranked mode. There could be whole new maps for these modes, but probably not unless this is something they'd add in the next sequel.

There could be a payload mode where the opposing team is trying to stop the other from getting the tower to the goal, and an attack/defend mode where one team is trying to get and hold splat zones for a certain amount of time to capture them in succession. I also had this idea for a kind of zapfish escort. One team is trying to use their color ink to connect a zapfish to a series of objectives so it can power them to open gates and advance forward.


Full Squid
Oct 26, 2017
Painting tape/short walls. These would be placeable in a straight line 4 a certain amount of distance. Would work like the sprinkler wall in that you cannot walk through it/jump over it without first destroying it. that might have to be a special so that it doesn't get used too often but it would be really good for stopping pushes and letting your team catch up.( can only be placed in your own ink color/empty floor)

A standard Capture the Flag type game mode. we have tower control and we have clam Blitz, it's kind of like capture the flag. but not just a standard go out grab the enemies flag take it back to your base and you can only turn in the flag when your flag is at your base.

Just a straight Deathmatch mode where the most kills gets you the win. 8 person free for all and 4v4 and 2v2.

Like someone else mentioned some sort of puzzle-solving mode where your team has to work together to solve a series of puzzles before the next team does.

I've had so many conversations with my wife about different game modes and different floor styles and different weapons that I cannot possibly remember everything. I'm sure I will remember some more in a bit.

we have grizzco which teams up four people against NPCs. but that is egg collecting.
I would also like to see you some sort of Survival game for 4 people versus NPCs where you're just trying to Outlast the waves. the glowfly round of grizzco really reminds me of a zombie rush type.
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Inkling Fleet Admiral
Sep 20, 2015
Just popped in my head something I'd like them to do to the Regular Battle with Friends options.

Currently the system is really just a leap of faith that you end up in the same room as your friend. This is really a kind of screwy system, it's inconsistent based on match making and dear god is it even less likely you'll get 3 much less 4 fiends in the same room.

What I think would be a much better solution is make this option work similar to the Private Battle menu, BUT the cap for a room is only 4 players. The limit of 4 players is to ensure people can't completely abuse this mode like Private Battles, you are required to at least be half random players.
Similar to Private Battles you can set which team each person will be on, so if you want to go into Turf Wars as a single team the whole time, you can or split up randomly or pre determined teams.

Once the 2 to 4 people are ready, you guys are sent into random Turf War queue just like any other room. You'll pick up 4 random people and the game will begin. Rewards will be exactly the same as normal Turf Wars.

Once the match ends, instead of being given to option to play again with the same room, leave, etc. you'll be booted back to the Regular Battle with Friends menu, you cannot stay with the same group of randoms.


Also, on a side note, I kind of wish they would allow us to do solo Salmon Run at The Shoal.

I know this game is supposed to be an online multiplayer game, but sometimes a man just doesn't have internet or a random friend to spare at the time. Unlike Turf Wars and Ranked, Salmon Run doesn't inherently require multiple people. Yes, you'll probably fail miserable on anything above 50% difficulty, but there's a fun in trying, y'know.

Would be a nice alternative to just playing Octo Canyon. (Though the Octo Expansion will undoubtedly help in that regards.)
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Pro Squid
Mar 12, 2016
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Switch Friend Code
Just popped in my head something I'd like them to do to the Regular Battle with Friends options.

Currently the system is really just a leap of faith that you end up in the same room as your friend. This is really a kind of screwy system, it's inconsistent based on match making and dear god is it even less likely you'll get 3 much less 4 fiends in the same room.

What I think would be a much better solution is make this option work similar to the Private Battle menu, BUT the cap for a room is only 4 players. The limit of 4 players is to ensure people can't completely abuse this mode like Private Battles, you are required to at least be half random players.
Similar to Private Battles you can set which team each person will be on, so if you want to go into Turf Wars as a single team the whole time, you can or split up randomly or pre determined teams.

Once the 2 to 4 people are ready, you guys are sent into random Turf War queue just like any other room. You'll pick up 4 random people and the game will begin. Rewards will be exactly the same as normal Turf Wars.

Once the match ends, instead of being given to option to play again with the same room, leave, etc. you'll be booted back to the Regular Battle with Friends menu, you cannot stay with the same group of randoms.


Also, on a side note, I kind of wish they would allow us to do solo Salmon Run at The Shoal.

I know this game is supposed to be an online multiplayer game, but sometimes a man just doesn't have internet or a random friend to spare at the time. Unlike Turf Wars and Ranked, Salmon Run doesn't inherently require multiple people. Yes, you'll probably fail miserable on anything above 50% difficulty, but there's a fun in trying, y'know.

Would be a nice alternative to just playing Octo Canyon. (Though the Octo Expansion will undoubtedly help in that regards.)
If Nintendo were to do something like this, then they should definately prioritize finding other teams to play against in the queue before pairing your squad agaisnt 4 solo players. Imagine someone new going into Turf War and running into 3-4 man teams every match and getting mopped; hard to say they'll be sticking around this game after a few sessions like that.


Inkling Fleet Admiral
Sep 20, 2015
If Nintendo were to do something like this, then they should definately prioritize finding other teams to play against in the queue before pairing your squad agaisnt 4 solo players. Imagine someone new going into Turf War and running into 3-4 man teams every match and getting mopped; hard to say they'll be sticking around this game after a few sessions like that.
I think queue already tries to take Splat Power into account. So naturally this carries over.

Plus, if the Splatfest ratio is any indication, at best only about 5% of matches are even composed of teams. And that's honestly being generous since there will naturally be more squads during Splatfest than on random days.

Though if anything, just get rid of the ability to decide the team and just leave it to random pairing.

Either way, I just want a more convenient way of getting Turf Waring with friends.


Inkling Commander
Nov 29, 2016
Just popped in my head something I'd like them to do to the Regular Battle with Friends options.

Currently the system is really just a leap of faith that you end up in the same room as your friend. This is really a kind of screwy system, it's inconsistent based on match making and dear god is it even less likely you'll get 3 much less 4 fiends in the same room.

What I think would be a much better solution is make this option work similar to the Private Battle menu, BUT the cap for a room is only 4 players. The limit of 4 players is to ensure people can't completely abuse this mode like Private Battles, you are required to at least be half random players.
Similar to Private Battles you can set which team each person will be on, so if you want to go into Turf Wars as a single team the whole time, you can or split up randomly or pre determined teams.

Once the 2 to 4 people are ready, you guys are sent into random Turf War queue just like any other room. You'll pick up 4 random people and the game will begin. Rewards will be exactly the same as normal Turf Wars.

Once the match ends, instead of being given to option to play again with the same room, leave, etc. you'll be booted back to the Regular Battle with Friends menu, you cannot stay with the same group of randoms.


Also, on a side note, I kind of wish they would allow us to do solo Salmon Run at The Shoal.

I know this game is supposed to be an online multiplayer game, but sometimes a man just doesn't have internet or a random friend to spare at the time. Unlike Turf Wars and Ranked, Salmon Run doesn't inherently require multiple people. Yes, you'll probably fail miserable on anything above 50% difficulty, but there's a fun in trying, y'know.

Would be a nice alternative to just playing Octo Canyon. (Though the Octo Expansion will undoubtedly help in that regards.)
I agree with most of the team turf war battle idea, BUT I think that if it is implemented it shouldn’t give the ability to set players on opposite teams. This would make it possible to have some people throw the match so a player on the other side can level up. I guess there’s a chance of that happening the way things are now, but it would be much easier to coordinate, and that wouldn’t be fun for ppl stuck on the sandbagging team


Inkling Cadet
Sep 12, 2017
I have a few.

1) Longer names. Admittedly this is more of a Switch thing than just Splatoon, but I think having longer names would be nice. Admittedly my name only had 5 characters, but sometimes I just want to name myself "Reggie's Nostrils"!

2) Splatoon amie. I already went over this in the Inkling Appreciation Thread. Either that or just something where we can interact with our squids more.

3) Mustaches. We need some maturity in our baby squid game! Give us mustaches!

4) Salmon Run ELO. Having a number that shows you where you stand in SR skill would be nice. I don't really want it for matchmaking purposes, just as a gauge.


Inkling Cadet
Aug 31, 2016
1. A royale mode where you and your friend fight 3 other teams with a certain objective. (2v2v2v2)
2. Being able to customize your inkling's pupils kinda like how the squid sister and off the hook have unique eyes. For example, you can pick eyes with stars, or sparkles or etc.
3. A volume mixer, or at least a way to turn off music.
4. A Judd amiibo.


Semi-Pro Squid
Mar 21, 2018
New England
Switch Friend Code
I didn't know where to put this, so I figured here's a good a place as any. I'd like to see the other bands show up in game or in concert. I think the character design for Ink Theory and Chirpy Chips is on point, and I absolutely love how Bottom Feeders is basically Flogging Molly built out of sea floor dwellers.

I feel like those designs go to waste by only floating out in the cloud of side materials. I want more fiddle playing sharks in my life.


Inkling Cadet
Mar 8, 2017
I would like to see flounder heights return.
By far my most favourite map due the sheer amount of inkable walls.
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Pro Squid
Nov 25, 2016
More than anything, more weird weapons! Splatoon has more potential for weird than any other shooter I've played, and I can't help but feel there's so much more they could do. Like a pair of battering-ram dualies, where dodge-rolling is a killing move.

Also, an attack/defend mode, except it'd all take place in a single match rather than two. There would be a grate on each side of the map - an Inkling falling through the grate would be given an invincible Ink Armor, but be unable to use their main weapon, and be set to explode after 100 seconds. To score points, they'd need to get to the opponent's grate and fall in - their time remaining is added to their score, and when one team scores 100, they win.

The trick would be that both teams can decide not to have an Armored, or they could decide to have four at once and just use subs and specials.


Octarian Storyteller
Site Moderator
May 1, 2018
Octo Valley
I like the idea of a capture the flag like mode involving ink, I know Rainmaker and to some extent, Clam Blitz is like that. But I think a cool idea would be that the capture zone have to be your ink color before it registers the enemy flag as being captured.


Inkling Commander
Nov 29, 2016
Sorry for kinda necro-ing, I remembered this thread but I didn’t realize how inactive it got. I think this goes here nonetheless...

In addition to ranked and regular battles, there could be event matches or something like that, where strange stipulations are put into play (like ‘everyone has to use chargers’ or ‘if you stay in squid form for too long you explode’)

It would make the game more fun for True Casuals and not ruin anything for those who are more competitive (and maybe it’d be a nice break from the normal game for them, too)


Full Squid
May 30, 2018
Switch Friend Code
If I could see anything it would have to be elements used in shifty station. some of the simply didn't work (*COUGHT GRAPLINKS*), but the ones that did were amazing. I especially loved the contamination zones from the Chicken vs Egg Splatfest. it was like the old Camp Triggerfish but opposite, you know?


Inkling Cadet
Dec 28, 2016
If I could see anything it would have to be elements used in shifty station. some of the simply didn't work (*COUGHT GRAPLINKS*), but the ones that did were amazing. I especially loved the contamination zones from the Chicken vs Egg Splatfest. it was like the old Camp Triggerfish but opposite, you know?
I like to think that the Shifty Stations are Nintendo's secret way of testing new content...but we haven't seen the results yet. That one where the stage slowly closed in on itself was amazing. There was a lot of work put into that gimmick, so hopefully it's used for more than a 48-hour event. The Shifty Stations are a really divisive topic in the hardcore community. Some love 'em, some hate 'em. Personally, While I think they aren't very good maps in terms of design, they always have interesting ideas that I'd love to be explored more. Interesting is a good word.

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