What is your personal weakness as a player?


Formerly 'Grekly'
Mar 26, 2024
Here is the idea basically I want you to put any weakness you have as a player weather it's getting tilted over the littlest things or struggling to figure out when to play aggro/passive. The idea here is that I want this thread to be some sort of self reflection tool because it's easy to put all the blame on your teammates but sometime there are things that you could of done better so it's good to question yourself and wonder "What could I've done better?"

One more thing I should mention is to not beat yourself up over these every player has something they struggle with there is no splatoon god who goes 50-0 and has a 95% win rate.

Heck I even go first with my own

I have a lot but I start with this one which is my very VERY poor awareness in what my team is doing. I play a lot of short range slayer weapons so I rarely if ever pay attention to my team positioning, fights they are taking, or when they got special. This leads to me tossing myself in a ton of disadvantageous positions. This also leads to me leaving teammates to die in a fight I could've help them out in. I'm at the point where I'm considering playing a more supportive weapon to force myself to acknowledge my teammates existence instead of ignoring them.


Inkling Cadet
Jan 30, 2024
Dr. Light's Laboratory
great thread idea! really got me thinking

Honestly for me I have been struggling with knowing when to play aggressive
some games I will go 11 and 9 with 2 specials and think welp I should have been more passive
and others I will go 7 and 2 with 4 specials and wonder why I lost (it was because I was too passive)
Swapping between a passive and aggressive playstyle mid game or rather when to swap has been tricky to learn

How I am working on it now is I am trying to narrow my weapon pool to weapons that don't play wildly different in terms of aggression
and studying better players on my weapons to see how they play


Inkling Cadet
Jan 30, 2024
The Chicken pen
Switch Friend Code
I am. SO arrogant

I have a history of living through specials that should in theory one-shot if they connect. Zooka directs, Kraken charge attacks, Ultra Stamp train attack directs, Inkjet directs etc. (I'm keeping a list!)
And as a result, I've lost all fear. I hear a Zooka activate and I feel nothing.
I don't hide behind cover, I don't back down. I just sit there, charging my splatling waiting to eat a swirling vortex of death with my face.
The fact that it actually works half the time is NOT helping me get better.

Also I have trouble switching between the midline and backline mindsets. Ahh... The curse of playing such a versatile class.
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Pro Squid
Jan 31, 2024
Anywhere, Everywhere
Switch Friend Code
There's probably a lot I could point towards, I'm not a strong player (And I'm fine with this, I'm not in the competitive scene at all and I'm not trying to be), but I think my biggest weaknesses would probably be tunnel vision and making bad plays that I know in the moment are not good but continuing to commit to them anyways. Frequently I start trying to attack someone when they're not in range of me and they're a weapon that outranges me, but instead of putting my weapon down and trying to readjust my position to get to them, I just try and power through and hit them anyways, despite the fact they are backing up while also outranging me. This doesn't pair well with my tendency to target backliners, whoops.

Oh and then bad aim but that's kind of inevitable. I've tried learning motion controls, but 1. I prefer playing handheld up in my room, the only place I can play docked is down in the basement, and 2. I find it almost like... disorienting. Even when I play sticks while docked, I just feel almost a bit overwhelmed in a way I don't in handheld. So as much as I'd like my aim to get better, and I'm working on my aim with sticks, poor aim is just something I'm always going to have in some form regardless of how much I'd like it to be better.

But hey, as I said, I'm fine with being a weak player! I'd like to be better than I am, but I'm not beating myself up over it. Plus, I'm not too bad in Salmon Run! Whenever I get too frustrated at my win:loss in PVP, I go play SR instead since that's a place where I'm routinely able to succeed and do well versus the much more in the air performances of PVP


May 1, 2018
Octo Valley
I have way too much trouble with ink consumption on the Splatana Wiper. Just when I got somebody finally cornered enough to splat them, the ink runs out, worse yet, it runs out right as the other person is one hit away from being splatted.


Inkster Jr.
Apr 29, 2024
I feel like I struggle with positioning. Sometimes I push too far ahead and end up surrounded by the enemies with less time to react, then I end up dying more then I should. Other times I'm too far back and can never really contribute to the objective or assist my teammates. For some weapons like back liners it's easier to find good spots, and with front liners I pretty much have to play up close. Unfortunately, I decided to main a weapon that falls more into midline on top of being a splatling, so it's a weakness I pretty much have to conquer because of its flexibility. On top of that I'm trying to get used to crab tank which really appreciates good positioning (if you're too close, it gets destroyed, too far it does nothing.)

To improve I'm considering using recon to find multiple good positions on the map modes in rotation before I play. I'll also use my replays to learn when I should advance, retreat, or hold my ground. If I get used to finding these spots and rotating between them when appropriate it will probably help a lot!


Inkling Commander
Jun 28, 2023
a dunkin donuts parking lot
Switch Friend Code
i think a lot of my problems boil down to me playing very impulsively. i play aggressive in-your-face weapons like tetras and vdualies, and i've been doing that since i started playing, and in early ranks you can kinda get away with rushing into enemy fire and shooting down enemies indiscriminately. so i got used to rolling first, thinking second, yknow? now i'm in S rank limbo and allegedly a competitive player and that kind of impulsive playstyle is a lot more risky with less reward, but it's so ingrained in how i play that it's a hard habit to break

the hardest part is i think it also makes learning new strategies more difficult, since i get impatient and just want to throw it all out and throw myself at the opposing team 👍


Inkling Commander
Jan 30, 2024
Right now, I'd say I still have a bit of walk and shoot syndrome. I'm used to playing tent, and with that weapon, walk and shoot is basically a death sentence so I never had this issue. But switching to recycled, I get a lot more greedy, if I ever miss a shot (which is very common), instead of backing up, repositioning, staying mobile... a lot of the time I just stubbornly keep shooting, which gets me punished nine times out of ten.
"Well surely I'll hit them one day"
- An idiot in the making
I'm definitely getting better at this though, I've improved a lot recently.

Another thing I'm not great at is avoiding bad matchups. For recycled, stuff like slosher, machine or blaster are especially bad but when fighting those I don't really adapt much, I just keep running at the enemy like I usually do, which works sometimes, but against great players, doesn't get you anywhere. I should try playing more passively, sharking some more, or in general avoiding them.


Full Squid
Nov 29, 2021
Right now I'd say I'm struggling with awareness, specifically with teammates. Knowing where they're at or how many of them are still alive, or if we have any specials ready. I also have a bad habit of jumping too much when doing a charge slash with Stamper, which half the time leaves me vulnerable to longer range weapons like a Hydra.


Pro Squid
Jan 31, 2024
cali gang
i know kill count isnt everything but ive been having less flashy k/ds this year compared to last year. thats probably bc im just not playing as much, but im worried that ive become too self-aware and play extra passively when i dont have to. i do backline most of the time so its not like i play aggro high k/d weapons anyways. i need a good balance between fvck it we ball but still taking good fights

i also need to work on mindset for mechanically difficult weapons i think? im grinding zfscope 5 star and ive taken a 3 week break from it, mostly for irl reasons but partly also bc i feel like im trying to break down a brick wall by bashing my head into it so to speak lol. i want to finish 5 starring it but i dont want to push myself too hard to the point of burnout. it sorta became a lose/lose situation where i was either playing poorly and losing + not making 5* progress or switching to a more comfy weapon + not making 5* progress. im planning to pick it back up again and i hope the break will turn out to be helpful. its a hard weapon and i shouldnt beat myself up for having off days


Inkling Commander
Jan 30, 2024
Northeast US
When I first saw this thread my initial reaction was "eeeeh I better stay out of this one because my list of shortcomings is so long I'll just demoralize myself even more if I start to think about them" but reading through it I think it's actually kind of validating to see that everyone else is struggling with a lot of the same things that I am. So I feel like my answer would be like 'all of the above' lol.

If I had to pick one thing though, it's probably that at the root of things I struggle a lot with visual processing. So many of my problems stem from a lack of awareness but a large part of my lack of awareness is my lack of ability to interpret the blurs of color that my eyes are taking in into anything meaningful. It just feels like it takes way too long for me to understand what I am looking at sometimes. I just feel blind and I have to choose between taking things so slowly that I feel like I can't be effective, or just diving in anyway and hoping for the best. The fact that the latter works out for me as often as it does (nowhere near enough to be considered acceptable by any means but often enough that it's hard to break the habit of it because it still has a better success rate than doing nothing) is absolutely alarming to me; it's like something in my subconscious knows what I am looking at before I do and is already pushing the buttons to react accordingly and sometimes it honestly freaks me out that there's this entire part of my brain that I have no access to but it knows how to play the game better than I consciously do somehow?? ANYWAY, but the thing is sometimes my visual processing actually does work at a normal (I assume I guess I don't know what's normal) rate and when it does it feels absolutely amazing. I can actually see the game and make conscious choices about what is going on and things make sense and it's just... surreal but in the best possible way. So I know that I at least have the capacity to visually process things quickly somewhere in me. I'm just still trying to figure out how to actually use/activate that capacity more often.


Full Squid
Jan 30, 2024
Objective? Teammates?
Nah, I'm currently chasing a roller into what's obviously a trap.

I overcommit and forget that other things exist. Prioritising is something I struggle with regardless of what I'm doing.

I guess more practise and regular breaks could help, and I'll try to implement that.


Pro Squid
Jan 30, 2024
Switch Friend Code
I overspecialize in "splatting fools" and can't do much of anything else to the point where I play Dread Wringer and the N-ZAPs like slayers. It's funny when it works, of course! The problem is, as I (slowly) climb the ranks, I need other skills I don't have. I'm slow to ready my first Special and tend to get splatted before I can use subsequent Specials. My single-minded aggression means that reasonably intelligent players can predict my movements and at least force trades if I can get to them at all. Playing in solo queue gives me an "every Inkfish for themself" mindset, so I tend not to pay attention to my teammates except when I need someone to Super Jump to (which, now that I mention it, my Super Jumps are slightly less careless these days).


Full Squid
Jan 30, 2024
Switch Friend Code
I struggle making plans! I often dunno what kind of positions are good for my weapons despite having at least played most maps quite a bit, I feel a trip to recon with the purpose of checking good spots for my weapons could help.
This also feeds on not knowing what kind of strategies are common to winning, mostly go with the things I think I can control and trying to pick fights I feel can help my team move up, but I'm not good at identifying that kind of stuff I think.

I feel my execution gets there eventually even if I struggle with some of my weapons like bucket or stamper, so improving my mentality and getting familiar with maps I want to play might be the play, yeah! Yipee!


Inkling Fleet Admiral
Jan 31, 2024
Marooner’s Bay
Switch Friend Code
Two things. The simpler one is lack of motivation. The game’s seasonal rank reset has completely ruined my will to improve because no matter how much effort I put in, I’m just getting reset back to S when the next season starts. What’s the point of trying?

The second and more uniquely “me” weakness is my emotional attachment to the game. I completely despise a good one third of all weapons that exist in this game, and it ends up making it difficult to enjoy matches where I have to play against them. It doesn’t help that many of these weapons are incredibly popular options; Tentatek Splattershot is on the list, among other common shooters.
Sometimes I’ll get a team with a Junior, ZAP, and Shot, and think, “does my team really deserve to win this match?” Then I see that the enemy team has a Dapple Nouveau, Bloblobber, and Squeezer, and let out a begrudging sigh.

Ultimately, I don’t see a reason to improve when my progress doesn’t matter and I hate half of the meta.
I could be really good at this game, most definitely. But I’d sooner stick with solo S+ Open, or even Turf War.

My greatest hope for Splatoon 4 is that they fix their garbage de-ranking system. My most far-fetched is that they completely fix the game’s balance so easy weapons like (full auto) shooters are low tier competitively, and hard weapons like brellas run the meta.
Genuinely, why do weapons like Splash, ZAP, and Shot deserve to be meta when they’re functionally no different from an Aerospray? Why are support weapons that paint more than any other class allowed to splat an enemy in half a second? You can see where I’m coming from here, right?? Why are the nozzlenoses worse than the full autos when they require twice as much skill?
I genuinely think Nova is the most balanced shooter. All it needs is good accuracy.

I’ll close out before this becomes too much of a rant.


Inkling Cadet
Jan 30, 2024
Genuinely, why do weapons like Splash, ZAP, and Shot deserve to be meta when they’re functionally no different from an Aerospray? Why are support weapons that paint more than any other class allowed to splat an enemy in half a second? You can see where I’m coming from here, right?? Why are the nozzlenoses worse than the full autos when they require twice as much skill?
I genuinely think Nova is the most balanced shooter. All it needs is good accuracy.

I’ll close out before this becomes too much of a rant.
to be honest i'd love to discuss / debate this because you bring it up very often and i have my own thoughts that i wanna share but never really want to derail a thread to do so. sometime i think it would be useful to make a dedicated thread to the topic because i do think there's a lot to discuss about it

to be on topic though... honestly i think my major weakness atm is that i struggle to identify what i'm struggling with, lol. i do struggle to aim a lot, still actively practicing that, but aside from that i can't really tell what problems i've been having. maybe poor execution is all there is to it for me, but i feel like there's probably more going on underneath the surface that i gotta analyze. i took a break for a while and played again today and... did very bad, so i've got a lot to work on


Inkling Fleet Admiral
Jan 31, 2024
Marooner’s Bay
Switch Friend Code
to be honest i'd love to discuss / debate this because you bring it up very often and i have my own thoughts that i wanna share but never really want to derail a thread to do so. sometime i think it would be useful to make a dedicated thread to the topic because i do think there's a lot to discuss about it
Been meaning to do so for a while. Might be able to next week. Sure to be an interesting, animated discussion.

Now that I think about it, I could also probably stand to improve my ink management when I play brellas. I’ve run out in the middle of combat one too many times, even after I got the IS(M) I needed for my gear.


Inkster Jr.
Mar 8, 2024
haunted physics lecture hall
Switch Friend Code
I think that my greatest weakness is that I don't put much effort into becoming a better player or trying new weapons.
I'm fine with being a non-competitive player, (my house wifi is so bad that I never play ranked. I don't want to cause someone to lose their rank because of me disconnecting) but I do want to be a better player just so I don't get so frustrated and have more fun. I want to be more engaged in this game, and I feel like playing better will help.

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