When is squid partying ok?

How do you feel about Squid Parties?

  • I love them in all modes.

    Votes: 2 2.5%
  • I loathe them in ranked, but I don't mind them in turf wars.

    Votes: 47 58.0%
  • I loathe them in turf wars, but I don't mind them in ranked.

    Votes: 1 1.2%
  • I loathe them in all modes.

    Votes: 3 3.7%
  • It depends on the partiers for whither I like it or not.

    Votes: 8 9.9%
  • I am neutral about them / I don't have an opinion.

    Votes: 4 4.9%
  • Only in private matches, please.

    Votes: 16 19.8%

  • Total voters


Inkling Fleet Admiral
Sep 25, 2015
Inkopolis, born and raised!
Switch Friend Code
I really don't care if you do it in Tri or Quad Squad Ranked as long as your friends don't care because it's a simple knock out for the team.

What I don't like is people saying (sorry to call you out @G1ng3rGar1 ) Turf Wars doesn't matter because it's not Ranked. Just because it's not Ranked doesn't mean people don't get upset that they lose because someone doesn't want to play, as I had stated, it's simply being selfish. In a team based game, not considering your team mates feelings is so rude. One day after leaving and re-joining I was in 5 squid parties in a row, always on my team. I blocked them immediately after as I always do and got paired with others. Do it in private, because issues like that can sour someone's exp so much. There are no valid reasons to do it outside of private, just excuses that don't hold up.
…Okay, that makes sense.

It's just not as fun to do squid parties with one other person

I will play turf war like its intended 99% of the time, though, so you won't have to worry about that from me
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Meta Knightmare

Full Squid
Jul 2, 2016
its true everyone has their own version of fun (wether it be hardcore competitive play or just messing around) but it still makes no sense to become a inking ball of rage because someone elses fun is your annoyance- to both sides.
thats just how I see it though. Because while I did say i enjoyed partying, it doesn't mean I don't go hard when it comes down to it.


Don't get Cooked!
Jun 30, 2016
Honestly from what i'm reading it seems moreso to be the partiers that do it constantly in turf wars that piss people off and gave ones that do it every now and then (or really, any partiers) a bad name. I still don't mind it since I am an extremely casual player, but as i said in a previous reply, it's one of the few ways to befriend overseas players that also happen to be casual players, since they seem to usually be WAY more competitive than most I see in turf wars.

So uh... I guess it's just relaxing for me to find.
It's just my personal opinion, but since i try to rarely party I just find it upsetting how everyone's villianizing any type of partier that doesn't keep it to private.

I get it, though. It's not how the game is supposed to be played, but it is a way to make casual friends as I said. Casual friends that are also willing to be serious too- and I think I said this too but I met an overseas player via a squid party that played serious with me and my friend most of the other times that we played unless they saw us partying first (which me and my friend rarely do unless the entire team ended up partying).

I didn't think squid parties were so common that you had to refresh a lobby 5 times just to get in a normal match. I see nothing but normal matches nowadays.


Egyptian Goo God
Feb 23, 2016
Switch Friend Code
At the end of the day, partying isn't playing the game as it was intended. There's no debating around that fact. We can go back and forth about different playstyles and what we find fun, but that's the basic irrefutable fact of the matter.

All it'd take for this practice to not get so many negative responses is a bit of tact and consideration. Partiers like Galacta and Meta Knightmare and G1ng3rGar1 (heck of a name there, friend) are a-okay. To give another positive example, I remember one museum turf match where a pair on my team were partying while everyone else played, I got frustrated and spammed "C'Mon!"... and they packed it in and helped us utterly dominate the match. They got a whole lot of booyahs from me.

Of course, Splatoon's demographic is kids, and they aren't always that mature. And then there's people like Airi who weaponize it, and outright trolls...

Not everyone has the marathon partiers like GirigriHERO and myself do, but the fact that more than one person can report on that shows how this little activity CAN be problematic. Just, you know, party responsibly! Let people enjoy their glorious squid gladiator combat!


Inkling Cadet
Feb 26, 2016
Switch Friend Code
Squid partying is just another way people play the game.

I love me a good squid party, but I can related to people who don't like them. Sometimes you want to just want to have an actual Turf War and it really sucks when you barely lose just because there was one squid partier on your team. But then again, I wouldn't have met my best squid friend if it wasn't for me joining a squid party. They're a good way to meet some awesome people and also do some silly things (like drawing hearts with your Inkbrush). In fact, almost all the friends I have on Splatoon I met from squid parties. I dare to say that I probably wouldn't like Splatoon as much if it wasn't for squid parties. After having an extremely stressful match, a squid party is the most refreshing thing ever!

If you don't like them, then that's okay. There are way more people who pl
Honestly from what i'm reading it seems moreso to be the partiers that do it constantly in turf wars that piss people off and gave ones that do it every now and then (or really, any partiers) a bad name. I still don't mind it since I am an extremely casual player, but as i said in a previous reply, it's one of the few ways to befriend overseas players that also happen to be casual players, since they seem to usually be WAY more competitive than most I see in turf wars.

So uh... I guess it's just relaxing for me to find.
It's just my personal opinion, but since i try to rarely party I just find it upsetting how everyone's villianizing any type of partier that doesn't keep it to private.

I get it, though. It's not how the game is supposed to be played, but it is a way to make casual friends as I said. Casual friends that are also willing to be serious too- and I think I said this too but I met an overseas player via a squid party that played serious with me and my friend most of the other times that we played unless they saw us partying first (which me and my friend rarely do unless the entire team ended up partying).

I didn't think squid parties were so common that you had to refresh a lobby 5 times just to get in a normal match. I see nothing but normal matches nowadays.
I completely agree with you!

I love me a good squid party, but I can related to people who don't like them. Sometimes you want to just want to have an actual Turf War and it really sucks when you barely lose just because there was one squid partier on your team. But then again, I wouldn't have met my best squid friend if it wasn't for me joining a squid party. They're a good way to meet some awesome people and also do some silly things (like drawing hearts with your Inkbrush). In fact, almost all the friends I have on Splatoon I met from squid parties. I dare to say that I probably wouldn't like Splatoon as much if it wasn't for squid parties. After having an extremely stressful match, a squid party is the most refreshing thing ever!

If you don't like them, then that's okay. There are way more people who play the game seriously, then people who squid party. Out of maybe 20 matches of Turf Wars, I might run into one squid partier.


Pro Squid
May 7, 2015
Switch Friend Code
during turf wars and private battles its fine to squid party


Inkling Fleet Admiral
Sep 25, 2015
Inkopolis, born and raised!
Switch Friend Code

All it'd take for this practice to not get so many negative responses is a bit of tact and consideration. Partiers like Galacta and Meta Knightmare and G1ng3rGar1 (heck of a name there, friend) are a-okay.
XD You can call me Ginger or Gari if you want, I don't mind. (Gari is my personal favorite, tho)

But yeah, party responsibly, squiddies :) ;)
And think of others. If they're in need of an extra squid, go and help! You throw a mini party later. And keep the parties out of ranked.


Squid partying is just another way people play the game.
This is where my problem stems, you ARE NOT playing the game. The game has a set of laid out rules as a standard, if you don't follow those you aren't playing the game. How are you inking turf by jumping up and down? That's the one thing that really bothers me, people consider this "playing the game".

You had also mentioned you like to do it after a few stressful matches. Well what if someone on your team has had stressful matches and just wants to win, and then they join a match where their team mates want to unwind? That makes it even more stressful for them, showing that you aren't taking others feelings in to consideration.

I would never go in to a private Squid Party and kill people, just as others shouldn't go in to a public Turf Wars battle and party, and for the record I did have 5 matches in a row where I had left and rejoined and had squid partiers on my team each match.

EDIT: I don't see this as a means to meeting friends, because if you can't even communicate with them what is the point of jumping up and down on the screen with them?

Meta Knightmare

Full Squid
Jul 2, 2016
im sorry to come off harsh or blunt, but we get it. you completely loathe squid parties.
youre a hardcore inkling, just keep doing you in the games and avoid the partiers or!
play ranked.


Egyptian Goo God
Feb 23, 2016
Switch Friend Code
Well, I take a little solace in not being the number one party hater 'round these parts, despite posting dozens of times on the matter :D


im sorry to come off harsh or blunt, but we get it. you completely loathe squid parties.
youre a hardcore inkling, just keep doing you in the games and avoid the partiers or!
play ranked.
I just loathe them when they disturb public games, private mode or tri/quad squads is completely fine because you're not bother anyone else or giving someone else in rank a very easy KO.


Don't get Cooked!
Jun 30, 2016
I would never go in to a private Squid Party and kill people, just as others shouldn't go in to a public Turf Wars battle and party, and for the record I did have 5 matches in a row where I had left and rejoined and had squid partiers on my team each match.
There are a lot of people that have never experienced consecutive matches of it.
Also you've been ignoring my points when I say it's a way to make friends with casual overseas players that you may not be able to contact otherwise. It does have it's perks, but doing it constantly causing your team to lose when everyone else just wants to play is not that good. If the entire team is participating as well as members of the other team, I feel it is fine.

You are actively villanizing anyone who parties, even the more respectful ones that would start partying to help out, in all of your replies i've seen so far. You want them to stick to private battles, and I understand that, but how are you going to get in touch with people overseas to see if they want to party? You can't if you don't know their language, if they don't speak english.

I'm not trying to defend the partiers that go out of their way to use it to ruin peoples experiences on purpose. I am trying to tell you that you're being a bit rude when it comes down to it. As stated by other people, it's not the primary way the game is meant to be played, but it is a game for fun. Seeing people that are becoming so violent over any type of partier whither they are a jerk or not is kinda really horrible generalization. . .

As I said, I rarely see it now so i don't understand your situation, but really... perhaps you should consider that not all partiers may have their personal reasons for doing it?
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There are a lot of people that have never experienced consecutive matches of it.
Also you've been ignoring my points when I say it's a way to make friends with casual overseas players that you may not be able to contact otherwise. It does have it's perks, but doing it constantly causing your team to lose when everyone else just wants to play is not that good. If the entire team is participating as well as members of the other team, I feel it is fine.

You are actively villanizing anyone who parties, even the more respectful ones that would start partying to help out, in all of your replies i've seen so far. You want them to stick to private battles, and I understand that, but how are you going to get in touch with people overseas to see if they want to party? You can't if you don't know their language, if they don't speak english.

I'm not trying to defend the partiers that go out of their way to use it to ruin peoples experiences on purpose. I am trying to tell you that you're being a bit rude when it comes down to it. As stated by other people, it's not the primary way the game is meant to be played, but it is a game for fun. Seeing people that are becoming so violent over any type of partier whither they are a jerk or not is kinda really horrible generalization. . .

As I said, I rarely see it now so i don't understand your situation, but really... perhaps you should consider that not all partiers are damn pricks and may have their personal reasons for doing it?
I've personally never encountered someone who will play half way through, so I'm not judging those who do. It's the people who don't play. From my experience those are the players that cause the team to lose. I've seen an S rank Level 50 in Turf Wars get 0 points literally, because THEY don't care, THEY don't gain anything from winning. Those are exactly the people I'm going against.

As for a means to meet people...if you can't communicate with them, are they really a friend? If I meet someone in a game of Splatoon and can't communicate with them because I don't speak their language (or can't because my Wii U doesn't have a Japanese keyboard) is there really any point to consider them a friend? I've ignored that point because it's very loose as they aren't someone you're going to be talking with often. Futhermore I'm sure you can find others on a forum like this that would prefer to do it with you, rather than searching in random matches.


GirigiriHERO, take this small bit of advice from one loather of parties to another.
lol to be honest, in real life I'm not upset, I'm just looking for someone to give me a valid reason for partying in public that can't be refuted, which I have yet to find.


Don't get Cooked!
Jun 30, 2016
I've personally never encountered someone who will play half way through, so I'm not judging those who do. It's the people who don't play. From my experience those are the players that cause the team to lose. I've seen an S rank Level 50 in Turf Wars get 0 points literally, because THEY don't care, THEY don't gain anything from winning. Those are exactly the people I'm going against.

As for a means to meet people...if you can't communicate with them, are they really a friend? If I meet someone in a game of Splatoon and can't communicate with them because I don't speak their language (or can't because my Wii U doesn't have a Japanese keyboard) is there really any point to consider them a friend? I've ignored that point because it's very loose as they aren't someone you're going to be talking with often. Futhermore I'm sure you can find others on a forum like this that would prefer to do it with you, rather than searching in random matches.
Oh? I saw that a lot when I played (and honestly, I'd do that myself quite a few times). I always try to cover turf no matter if I party a bit or not, honestly- so there's that. I feel I understand what you're saying and why you're mad a bit more now though- the type of partier that doesn't help at all is usually the worst kind in most cases, especially if you want to be serious. I think waaay back when piranha pit was introduced that happened with me and I just ended up being the only one actually playing. They kept superjumping and booyahing in a corner while i was trying to keep ground covered. It was frustrating, mostly since this was before I even knew what partying was.

There is a japanese player that I happened to get the twitter of and we manage to talk sometimes (even though we both have to use google translate.) though honestly "friend" wasn't the best term I could have chosen. Casual acquaintance / teammate would be better, I suppose? Even then, I really would like to make friends with overseas players in splatoon. But this leaves the primary question: Even if they're casual acquaintances to play with, if there's no way to communicate after you add them how are you supposed to send them requests to party after you add them in private matches?

Though now that I think about it I can also see why you loathe it so much, especially with all the points you've been bringing up.

Of course all of my points, especially the one about finding squid partiers via turf wars to party with in private matches, was my method before I joined this forum. Your point about this, well, being a forum and allowing me to just ask if people want to mess around in private matches instead of being a bother for people in turf wars is an entirely valid point, and I respect you for pointing it out to me! I haven't been on forums for a long while, so I kind of got caught up in my past method of finding people on splatoon still.

Now that I think about it, private matches makes it more fun because you can choose the map you want to be on too... ! I apologize for how I responded to past posts.


Inkling Commander
Sep 28, 2015
That's where you are wrong, by jumping around you are literally NOT playing the game. So by you inconveniencing others, WE have to change lobbies? You're the definition of selfish. That's like saying I could join a hockey game and pull out a baseball bat because, it's all fun, this is how I play.
Let's see.... I'm selfish for having fun. I'm a troll for having fun. I'm a bad person for having fun. What else can we throw in? :) I think this thread has already established that joking around isn't allowed in Splatoon anymore apparently. x) It's not that hard to switch lobbies. It literally takes two clicks to change lobbies... Or I guess three since you have to click down. My point is that it really isn't quite the big deal people are making it out to be. No one has to change lobbies. Feel free to stay in the same lobby. Feel free to change lobbies for any reason at all. No one is going to care whether a player stays or goes. Most don't even remember the people they just played with.

I don't know. I guess it's just because I have a more carefree sort of attitude that I don't see the big deal with changing lobbies. If I don't want a squid party and it annoys me, I just simply change lobbies to find a real one instead of a party one. I don't find it does any harm to me to switch lobbies? In Ranked, I could understand being upset but Turf War? It's the definition of casual and getting mad over Turf War just feels so...pointless to me. I guess I can understand how they'd be annoying but I just don't think it's worth to get so upset over. Just ignore and switch lobbies like we do when another player annoys us for any reason. *shrugs*

I guess I can also see how it pisses people off, too... I wouldn't like that to happen to me, but if i'm in a four-squid squad with friends in a voice call we may be able to plot out a strategic recovery to win >:3c
We've encountered teams who have taken the same tactic as us in Ranked when we're trying to play seriously and it really is quite fun to handle. Sometimes, we'll just outright kill the squid party because we know what they're doing but other times... We'll join their party to humor them. Some players are really good and can comeback when their plan backfires but others... Let's say we've gotten them back into their base and just leave them there until the timer counts down because we can. Troll meet troll I guess haha. xD


Don't get Cooked!
Jun 30, 2016
NOTE: I added a new poll option based on replies!

There just needs to be a squid party mode in 3.0 or Spla2n so everyone can stop yelling because they dislike the way that the game is being played

*silently backs out of thread*
Oh gosh that'd be really good for people that just want to party.
I think some partiers want to try and leech exp (ones that cover the minimum amount of turf and then just party)...
Like if it's just one person on the team that does that or even two. I've had two partiers leech the winning points and 400pts inked off of winning teams before esp if the rest of the other team is partying. That doesn't feel fair?

So def. another mode for squid partying in Spla2n would be interesting. Doubt they'd add it as an update in the current game.
I actually feel after girigiri's posts that it's best to keep it to private matches esp. if you have a set group of friends already.


There just needs to be a squid party mode in 3.0 or Spla2n so everyone can stop yelling because they dislike the way that the game is being played

*silently backs out of thread*
I think it's a bit foolish to have to go to that extent, but I wouldn't be against it either.

@Airi , do you know the definition of selfish? Because you just defined it in your post. You're doing what you think is fun while ignoring everyone else feelings and brushing aside the rules of the actual game, so YES, that is 100% selfish. It's already been established in this thread that a small niche of people Squid Party, therefore it is very safe to assume most people either don't like it, or find it outright dumb. So by joining in a lobby with other people who more than likely don't share your same definition of fun, you are being a nuisance no matter which way you look at it.

Furthermore you are dumping the inconvenience of others rather than yourself. You say it's easy to switch lobbies, well you know what's easier? Making a private match and having friends join. It's not the matter of switching lobbies either, it's waiting 3 minutes while your team gets slaughtered in a 4 vs. 3 match or turning off your system and waiting for it to reboot, which in all honesty with the Wii U, probably takes 3 minutes. Your entire post just reeks of ignorance.

For the record while I don't like Squid Parties, I saw a YouTube video of Dude doing Brush Bumper Cars which I think would be a lot of fun, however I'd never do that in a public match with my friends.

EDIT: Lastly at @Airi , I shouldn't feel the need to SEARCH for a match by jumping in and out of lobbies in a mode that is meant to be played properly because your agenda goes above anyone elses, which is selfish and inconsiderate. I'm not trying to be mean, but what you are saying is exactly that.

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