I like tea.
Also I'm English and tea leaf is ****ney rhyming slang for thief (even though I'm not ****ney, nor am I a thief, I just enjoy the wordplay ok? Maybe I should start making more thief characters in games though...)
Sometimes when TeaLeaf is taken on some websites, I add a 15 on the end for the date of my birthday (cliche, I know).
After I changed most of my account names to TeaLeaf, I changed the name of my main Overwatch account to Duality (which is supposed to be a nod to my favourite heroes as well as my dual nature as a tank and support main). In hindsight Duality is a much cooler sounding name, and if I ever get into YouTube or esports or anything like that I will probably change everything again. Some people keep their usernames since childhood, I end up changing everything every few years. Before TeaLeaf I was NightRaven, because ravens are cool.
I was probably only supposed to talk about my current username but oooops