Inkling Cadet
So I decided I'd try out the Clash Blaster in something else than Turf War, so I picked it up for the Tower Control rotation that happened earlier today and... well this happened

Reminds me of the time I got all Special Charge UPS on a Squiddor Polo with a Special Charge Up Main B)Y'guys! Today I re-rolled a piece of gear for the first time (my favourite head gear, the retro specs), and I got three ink saver main subs. (*o*)
I couldn't believe my luck! It's my favourite kind of ability, besides swim speed up.=
That's amazing! :D I've played Salmon Run for hundreds and hundreds of times (...and probably hours, too *^.^*), and I never got a pure piece of gear... *dreams*Reminds me of the time I got all Special Charge UPS on a Squiddor Polo with a Special Charge Up Main B)
Haha, you too?! What's up with Ink Saver (Main) being so generous lately? xD I wouldn't scrub those Aviators if I were you, the mere thought of doing so gives me the heebie jeebies...Wasn't even using a drink for Ink Saver Main and by absolute random luck ended up getting 3 in a row. I don't even like the 18K Aviators, I only wear them when farming for Run Speed Up chunks, but it still feels like a shame to scrub them.
You should try using 3 run speeds/Swim speeds or Ink resistance ups :pI always avoid grabbing the Rainmaker, as I feel there'll always be a person in my team who can handle it better than I do... But today, in my last two matches before turning off the game, I grabbed it two times, and both times resulted in a K.O. for my team! I will definitely try to summon up more courage grabbing it from now on. *^o^*
Oh, and in the first of the two matches, the other team was leading by a lot and only had 6 (or so) points to go!
Finally some solid matches for me in ranked mode again!~
Yes,You should try using 3 run speeds/Swim speeds or Ink resistance ups :p
Ninja squid really does not help with rainmaker (especially If you're an octobrush main like me) I tend to just swim slowly are just go around non crowded areas. Especially if you have ninja squid while you have the rainmaker it serves no purpose whatsoever as the enemies clearly can target who has the rainmaker.Yes,and
are two great abilities in Rainmaker (especially if you grab the RM itself), and as I virtually always wear a Squid Ninja shirt, I'm already lacking in the speed department... That's why I always try to have at least one Swim Speed Up main ability when Ninja'ing around. :) Also, I tend to use Octobrush (or rather Herobrush Replica, but it's the same thing with a different paint job ;)). Then Run Speed Up isn't as viable, I think? But that's a very good tip, either way!
Also your ranked battle stats are the exactly same as me xDNinja squid really does not help with rainmaker (especially If you're an octobrush main like me) I tend to just swim slowly are just go around non crowded areas. Especially if you have ninja squid while you have the rainmaker it serves no purpose whatsoever as the enemies clearly can target who has the rainmaker.
That's cool that we're both Octobrushers with the same skill level. :D I did rank up to S in Splat Zones today, I haven't had time to change that yet... But my rank changes all the time (in all three modes), between A+ and S+0. *^.^*Ninja squid really does not help with rainmaker (especially If you're an octobrush main like me) I tend to just swim slowly are just go around non crowded areas. Especially if you have ninja squid while you have the rainmaker it serves no purpose whatsoever as the enemies clearly can target who has the rainmaker.