I already wrote about this over at gamefaqs, but I really should write about it here too! :3 Somebody over there said that I ought to test the Jet Squelcher for Kelp Dome, as I said that it was my least enjoyed map.
Mwell, Kelp Dome wasn't in the last turf war rotation, but I thought I could try the Jet Squelcher out for a spin anyway. I was quite nervous at first, as I've barely ever used anything that has a long range. I always thought that my aim would be bad in stressful situations (in Salmon Run my aim is quite good, but I have hundreds of hours of practice, and real, actual players aren't as predictive as the Salmonids of course).
Anyhoodles, I joined a new friend who added me after we had played Salmon Run together (hi, Mr. Cupcake!) and I had an absolutely awesome time in the room. Even though I didn't get the high turf points I always strive for (800+), I think I did a nice job of keeping the players at bay with the Toxic Mist, and my splat count got increasingly better as I went along. I never thought I would have such an awesome time with a long range weapon, but here I am! :D I wonder which ranked mode Jet Squelcher works best for... Out of the 15 matches I played, my team won 14...! I already reached the Fresh status with it!
Oh, and as a last sidenote--Mr. Cupcake was extremely unlucky in that room. I felt so bad for him. Two d/cs for his team, in two separate matches... I wish we always could've played in the same team. Well, that topic is for a different thread. ;)