Being on the winning side of this match felt pretty good:
I also managed a new best Pay Grade in Salmon Run the other day:
I also got an awesome Flyfish kill while playing today that made me desperately wish I'd been recording my game (and that I had the ability to do so to begin with, for that matter). There was a Flyfish with one launcher left hovering around over the grated section in front of the main building. It was right next to one of the tall pillars, and I was at a really bad angle for the shot. But no-one else was in range, so I decided to go for it anyway. I lobbed the bomb at it, only to miss and hit the side of the pillar instead. But the bomb bounced off the pillar, hit the lid of the Flyfish's launcher, fell inside and exploded, taking it down anyway. I was so shocked at what I'd managed to do that I could barely concentrate on the game any more, and almost got killed several times. The fact that that particular run ended in a wipe (though thankfully
not due to my shock-induced stupidity) put a bit of a downer on the moment, but I still love that I managed to pull that shot off.
Also, while it's not Splatoon 2 specific, my Callie and Marie amiibo turned up the other day:
I sadly missed out on them when they first came out, but last month I spotted a Japanese seller on eBay selling them at pretty much retail price with free shipping. It took them about a month to get here, but here they are. Now I just need amiibo of Pearl and Marina.