Just a short notice alert for those of you that remain.
@TACarbuncle and
@Lydia are the new GMs! Yay! Sadly, I do not have a celebration gif for them.
GM applications are now closed, at least for now (again).
We'll be wrapping up things at Camp, and we'll open up a new thread. Because as
@Chaos_Knight and
@Aykorn brought up, there is a whopping 40+ pages on the IC thread right now. Far too many for a newcomer to coherently read.
But in any case! We'll be doing a roll call. It's just a quick headcount to see who's returning, so we can make adjustment for any newcomers.
@Chaos_Knight Are you here?
@InkAmerica You there?
@MacSmitty Is the little Squid here? plzno
@Zerul Did your suit malfunction or something?
@Zawlt There's a bamboo hat sale down the street! Got your attention, didn't I?
@13thGalaxy Are you present and accounted for?
@Ayykari Are you here?
@silly979 -insert "HERE!" joke here-
@Serena Inkwell You there?