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  • used vdapples in a scrim last night and I'm really glad I did. I don't know that I was as effective as I could have been (it's really hard to tell what your impact is with beakons and cooler) but it got me thinking differently in a way that I think may have finally pulled me out of the weird rut I've been in since the start of the season.
    I keep trying to figure out 'formulas' to get me into the mental states that I learn best in but there's so many factors that it's hard to pin down. But I think scrims are the closest to the best environment because they tick many boxes for things that help my mindset and none of the things that hurt it (thanks again GW let's do this a lot more!!)
    i love your bacons they are so good!!!!!!!
    you were very being effective and even at what you arent the best at yet you arent the best at it YET
    i think its just using cooler ('just' if it isnt difficult to balance doing that lol) but i think you also mentioned getting used to dapple again
    also its not just being effective but having fun! and it was very fun to play with your dapples i hope it was fun for you too
    It was such a fun Big Run but I am so tired, hah.

    I didn't get to play as much as I wanted but I got to EVP 800-something and I am happy about that. I really hope we see this map again one day; maybe in the rotation of future Big Big Runs? High tide was rough though ngl

    Hey y'all what kit do these have?
    It is a beautiful day to be on squidboards :>

    Also I am so excited for Grand Run! I am really curious about the extra perma-cannon mechanic. I'm guessing the map is going to be extra large? It would be interesting if it was designed in such a way that eggs were easier to obtain, to assist in the global quota efforts. (This stuff has probably been datamined already but I'm avoiding that level of spoiler, hah)
    aaaaaaaaaaahhh I love this game it just makes me so happy :>

    (Also if you haven't seen already the switch news article is up now where you can grab the grandfest gear and banners!! go get them they are so cool)
    What’s your favorite piece of it? Mine has to be the Marie crown or pearls hat
    I can't even decide! Those two are both up there though. I also love the horns and how they blend in to your tentacle colors to look almost like an alternate hairstyle.
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    I made a very large peach pie to celebrate the end of the season (also I really like peach pie and this was first time ALL SUMMER I was actually able to find enough peaches at an affordable price for some reason). It is a good day (but I am also very tired from working in the kitchen all day).
    What a weird night. I know I'm playing better than I have been in a long time; I can feel it, but I won an entire two out of twenty games this evening and I... don't know what to chalk that up to. I'm feeling too good to let it bother me but it's still like... ?????

    Anyway, at least I got my X-placements done. Numbers!
    AaaaaaaAAaAaa there isn't a rainmaker X rotation til midnight (when I should be asleep) and the one after that is at 8am (when I have a work meeting). It's really not that big a deal and I'll probably be able to catch the one after, but... I have just gone entirely from being apprehensive to antsy overnight, lol
    my first X battle was on haggle zones (lol) and I specifically got totally steamrolled. BUT at least I did one. Finally.

    Though really I don't know what I expected; I shouldn't be doing this at nearly midnight when I'm beyond exhausted and have work in the morning anyway but I'm just running out of time x.x and it's not like I can sleep anyway.
    Something kind of funny in my old weapon notes is me having a meltdown over the new sploosh kit announcement because it was literally my first main but with the special from my second (wail from inkbrush) and sub from my third (beakons from vdapples). It felt tailor-made for the person I was in drizzle season '22, but by the time it showed up I was a very different person. It just felt a little tragic, lol.
    Honestly, weekends like this past one are what life is all about. The whole point of being a boring responsible day-job-having bill-paying adult is so that you can have going-with-whatever-feels-right weekends doing the things that you love with your friends. Like these are the actual important things in life and everything else just exists to make these things possible.
    I really need to do X battles before the season resets but I want to be in good mental shape for it for the sake of my teammates and instead I have been chronically sleep deprived and overworked for like three weeks and can't seem to get myself back on track and now I'm getting sick :C


    [insert something positive and optimistic here (I know it exists I just haven't thought of it yet because. tired.)]
    I swear S+0 anarchy series is harder than X battle.
    @Grushi Yeah, I really want to at least do the placements and if I get close to running out of time I guess I'll just do them badly. I do want the numbers even though I have a love/hate relationship with them. While they are incredibly motivating and make my brain happy, they are also stressful when my brain tries to use them as 'concrete evidence' to justify being mean to me, lol
    I hate this game - it's awesome.
    This recent gold grizzco rotation got me my first silver map badge and I am happy about that! I only was aiming for bronze but then silver came naturally in the process of grinding scales. I feel like I've come a long way with figuring out how to handle the grizzco weapons well :>

    Back on my spreadsheet nonsense again, this time trying to figure out how hard it is to get gold brand badges since I have hit the money cap a couple times now (and I don't find gambling satisfying, blasphemy I know.)
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