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  • Don't think I've mentioned but I uploaded my silly Drizzle 2022 montage. I don't know how it comes across to others though because it wasn't intended for an audience and is mostly full of little personal references/foreshadowings that only make sense to me/no one else has context for, but... it does make me very happy, so maybe at least the positive vibes translate, lol.
    I had a rainmaker game where we were well on our way to KOing within the first minute but then someone on the other team DC'd and the game ended just as we were climbing up the goal pedestal. 🥲
    Okay but what about games where you get a good lead, but then one of your teammates dc's with like, 2 minutes left. I usually lose those, but whenever we win it feels EPIC
    @sevenleaf oh NOOO that's so unfortunate. But also just funny that rainmaker is the only mode this happens in (mmmaaybe it could happen in clams? I've never seen it though)
    @Grushi aaaaaa yes it does feel so good to win those! Hilariously I was on the other end of that a few days ago when we were ahead, the other team had a DC around 3 minutes in, and SOMEHOW they came back and won. :what: A humbling experience for sure but that must have felt amazing for them, lol.
    Just wanted to mention that I got around to watching your streamed set with YY last night. Really good stuff, you made some great plays there!
    It's always so validating when you find out that a solution to a problem you sort of unconsciously worked out independently is actually a well-accepted solution to that problem used by many people.
    Me: It's sooo hard to keep myself from going on autopilot during matches and maybe it's just an ADHD thing but I need to figure out how to break that because I can't actually learn anything on autopilot.

    Me Later: Huh, when I'm recording my matches I seem to go on autopilot a lot less, and I don't know why but I guess I'll exploit this as much as possible to my benefit.
    Also Me Later: Haha I always feel compelled to talk about/narrate what I'm doing when I'm recording my matches... I'm so weird but oh well.

    Me Today, reading an article: "Self-narration is a method used in professional esports to avoid autopilot. The player talks to themselves while they play and tries to narrates as many of the important details that are going on in the match as they can."

    Me: .........OH.
    thanks for the idea, I think I'll try this
    SHJDFGhjahjsagfd I finally got back into A- for the first time since like probably last drizzle season!! After failing my rank-up battle three times lol.

    Now I have a month and a half to try to get to A+ so I never have to do that B>A rank up battle again. Then I'll worry about what's next.
    It's occurring to me that I might feel less overwhelmed and lost 95% of the time if I had a panel of splatoon experts that I could just ask 10 million questions to and have long drawn out discussions about complex concepts and they wouldn't mind or judge me.

    ...and also if I could actually convince myself they didn't mind and I wasn't wasting their time or being annoying by asking them.
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    Reactions: sevenleaf
    this is too relatable stop calling me out man
    @Grushi Fair point, I mean there are certainly some folks around who could be considered experts. I guess in my head I was thinking more in an imaginary situation where it was just me and said experts where I could be more open/vulnerable than I am on a public forum, heh.
    @Aiko.Octo Oh yeah I get it, it's certainly not the greatest place to get too personal
    If you told past me that I was going to get into alpha bracket in my first tournament ever I would have looked at you like you had two heads (we got immediately eliminated by the team that ended up winning the whole thing but still)
    i think i might have just seen you in anarchy open
    AAH SO THAT WAS YOU. I saw the name and was like nah that couldn't be?? what are the odds?? haaaah that's wonderful :D
    Most days my endless hope and optimism and stubbornly wanting it badly enough are enough to keep me believing I'm still capable of overcoming my skill issues eventually.

    Today is just... not one of those days.
    So I wound up in a coaching group for folks preparing for Junior Draft and I participated in my first group session tonight and honest to cod it was so. unbelievably. fun. I should have gotten involved in group stuff years ago. I can't believe I let my shyness keep me from this for so long. Not to mention I got some actionable advice that I am hopeful about and excited to put into action. :>
    y'all are lucky there's a character limit for these posts because I could easily gush for ten paragraphs about how much fun I had. I might also just be a little high on human connection right now lol
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    playing with other people is probably the most fun you could ever have in this game tbh
    My solution to not having the energy to find someone to commission a PFP from and not wanting to just use a screenshot was apparently to....... paint-trace over a screenshot, lol. I am not sure if this actually works or just looks like a badly photoshopped screenshot but it'll do for now.
    It was also very relaxing to do. I kinda gave up on art years ago because I couldn't ever make anatomy make any sense in my head but I always really loved coloring. I can easily zone out for hours on end just coloring.
    Did you know there are wikipedia pages for "Cephalopod Attack", "Cephalopods in popular culture" and "List of squid-faced humanoids" (don't ask me how I ended up down this rabbit hole) (It was definitely not looking up how hard an octopus can bite you)
    just registered for junior's draft and if all goes well this will be my first ever comp experience of any kind and I'm sooo nervous and excited and aaaaaaaaaa!!!

    I wonder how much practice I can cram into the next two weeks. I feel so rusty since I've barely had time to play all month with this move nonsense happening but.... there's still time to get back into the swing of things.
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    Reactions: Tereox
    a hot mess
    a hot mess
    wanna test your skills?
    yeahhhhhh!! i did junior's draft last season and it was SO fun!! and it got me a lot more enthusiastic about the comp scene in general

    i signed up for this season too so maybe we'll play against (or even with???) eachother
    I hope I have time/energy to splatfest at all... it's moving weekend and we're gonna be up half the night packing and tomorrow morning we rent the uhaul and hope we can get everything moved over before we have to bring it back. Maybe I'll have time sunday if I don't spend the whole day asleep/recovering, hah.
    Salmon was weirdly hard today. Started out with four wave-one wipes in a row and a derank. Then I got six clears with a full king meter before the king finally showed up. But we got a gold scale and I got back into EVP, so I can't complain too much. I think I just wasn't expecting it to be that difficult, but I suppose a lot of the freelance life is luck-based after all.
    They should make a brella themed after a betta fish. Since they flare their gills when they feel threatened. I have no creativity to expand on this idea but this is extremely funny to me. (I also am suddenly realizing how sleep deprived I am right now so I am blaming that for these weird thoughts.)
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