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I'm still on break, not playing the game very seriously so it's been fun switching it up this season! Recycled 2 and tent are on the back burner for a while, I also need to be locked in to play them effectively and I just want to go ballistics.
So main thing I'm playing is splash and dualies, which I've really enjoyed so far!
I'm such a fake present fan, lowkey rooting for the other teams because I'm really curious to see how they'd influence the next game
What would past winning change? Would we see the great turf war? Would that ruin my hopes for a tactics game prequel?? Would the cuttletavio shippers finally see their dreams come true??? guys these people have been feeding off one sunken scroll for years now. help them
My weird conspiracy theory is that all the people complaining about triple splashdown are just gold aerospray players being sad that their goddamn booyah spam strategy doesn't work against tsd.
I gotta say, every grizzco weapon having "-but it's ink hungry" as a major weakness is giving me a newfound appreciation for the grizzco brella and blaster.
Apparently mint decavitator and zink mini splatling have finally dethroned junior as the best bubble weapons (not to mention vroller but it's not picked for bubble).
Wait guilty gear strive's coming to switch?? HELLO??? This must have been one of my like, top 3 unrealistic port wishes that's so cool. The game looks awesome I can't wait to try it
You know what, it's as good a time as any to say I'll be taking a long term break from splatoon soon.
I've been feeling a bit burnt out from the game recently after grinding it so hard for two seasons straight, and I just want to take time away from it for a while. I still love it to death and I'll be playing the grandfest and big run for sure but I don't think I'll play much afterwards.
I'm honestly tired of hearing people say "recycled brella deals good damage" because no it doesn't. In the lobby, wow, how impressive! 90 damage per shot?? But go in an actual game and tell me how many 90s you're actually hitting. It's extremely difficult to hit, so hot take, I think it needs to reliably 2 shot, let this weapon actually deal the insane damage it's supposed to.