For me (Patrick, S Rank starting Power), this Splatfest has been going miles better than the preceding one, the theme of which I don't even remember [looked it up after writing this post and oops, I didn't dislike Hoverboards vs. Jet Packs that much].
I'm winning around half of games, which is totally fine by me, particularly because I'm using this event as an opportunity to practise the Sloshing Machine some more and so would expect to be performing sub-par. I'm running precisely neutral records surprisingly often. I'm also managing to colour 700p or more most of the time, which is great for this weapon. I'm not using standard gear for this weapon, as I'm also taking the opportunity to level up my Legendary Cap and would normally go for more ink efficiency.
At first, connection and stuff was reasonable, not outstanding by Splatfest standards but not worse than usual. I had one disconnect on my team, but that was the only time it happened within 10+ games (I'm not yet done ranking up). It did take quite a while to find some matches but not too many games were Patrick vs. Patrick. I managed to keep the same reasonably good team for a while, but there was one thing that kept completely throwing me off... a Roller user (probably Krak-On) was constantly using D-pad emotes, for reasons I can't fathom. I think that they were using "C'mon!" as a taunt rather than strategic command, although I can't be certain they were from the USA. It was deeply irksome and I was glad to have to leave to go shopping...