This splatfest seems pretty even to me in terms of skill (at least, from what i've seen). I'm currently at 1669, highest was 1677, and i'm gonna try to get at least 1700.
I had the realization earlier when I switched from Dual Squelcher to Splattershot Pro (after I lost to a really good one) that I really don't like the ROF and ink efficiency of it. Yeah, splatting in 3 shots is nice (a Pro will always out DPS a DS), but the fire rate makes it bad in CQC, so i'd rather just stack damage up on my Dual... which is what i've been doing, and i'm loving it.
Anyways, still facing 90% Japanese players, so there's that. The only thing that bothers me though is laggy Dynamos, and i've seen quite a few. Started facing my own team once I got past 1650-ish, so i'm guessing Team Fancy will win wins and Team Costume will win popularity. The only question now is, will Costume have so many players that it wins by pure popularity?
...or I could be wrong, but who knows?
Made it to 1700. I could probably go higher, but I have things I need to get done. The higher I got, the more often I faced my own team.