Grizzco Break Room


Full Squid
Oct 26, 2017
Grizzco Charger is definitely an expert weapon. Not great for even medium-skill players due to its massive ink consumption and low damage (for a charger), but if you have excellent ink management and aim, it's pretty fantastic.

Am I right in saying that it has the fastest ink depletion of any weapon in the game? It can empty a tank in about 1 second.
Since I've been playing quite awhile and still have yet to see anything higher than 0-99 profresh I'd have to respectfully disagree here. I am in no way an expert level player. If you understand the mechanic of the weapon it's amazing. I always felt robbed when the game decided I needed to use the scoped version of almost every other sniper type out there. I kid you not I got 2 scoped snipers per run 2 games in a row. The grizzco versions always seem to be an upgrade to me. You just have to be sure of your shots.


Inkling Fleet Admiral
Aug 4, 2016
But why want a weapon that's asking to die over one that can't die?
I die well with both at times. I feel like I contribute more with the roller.. Guess thee ole right index finger ain`t as fast as she used to be.

Edit: Wow that charger Mr.Grizz handed out was something else. Not sure if I love it or hate. He was very generous with it in my shifts. Had 3 at one time one round. That did not end up well. It was early in the rotation and quite a few squids were having trouble wielding it.
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Full Squid
Oct 26, 2017
Should have been obvious, but I wasn't thinking about it at the time.

The reason I like/was so good at the grizzco charger is that it functions like a normal sniper from other games. Ie. I pull the trigger and it goes off. Rather than having to sit there and charge it up and then line up the shot to release. It's a simple point and click. Much easier to get behind.

Also does this mean that in future SR's with ?'s we will have a small chance at the grizzco charger from now on?


Inkling Commander
Apr 19, 2016
Switch Friend Code
Also does this mean that in future SR's with ?'s we will have a small chance at the grizzco charger from now on?
I think every time there's a "?", there's one Grizzco weapon that can appear there, but that weapon seems to have a large chance of appearing. Maybe 10%? Higher?


Full Squid
Oct 26, 2017
I see. So the game chooses one type of grizzco weapon to lend you each time the question mark show up? No chance at multiple types?

Not that that is a bad thing really.(overpowered much?) But I was kind of looking forward to having the charger while my wife has the Blaster (that's her favorite grizzco weapon.)
That would be a killer matchup.


Inkling Fleet Admiral
Aug 4, 2016
That's some stupid looking Grizzco. gear for May.
Mr.Grizz is definitely scraping the bottom of the buoy this month .

Always nice to see the Jet during a shift. It shines in SR I think.
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Inkling Cadet
Jan 23, 2016
Switch Friend Code
Dear Salmon Run co-workers, please stop running back to the basket and hiding around it like it's your spawn in TW/Ranked. There is no protective barrier to protect you from getting splatted. All you're doing is luring bosses to the basket, not killing them, and making it near impossible for those of us trying to deposit eggs. Specially when there's 2-3 drizzlers, 2 steel eels, and a steel head there, throw in a scrapper or two as well. That's like...instant death or instant wave fail.


Lord of the Squids
Aug 15, 2015
Switch Friend Code
Dear Salmon Run co-workers, please stop running back to the basket and hiding around it like it's your spawn in TW/Ranked. There is no protective barrier to protect you from getting splatted. All you're doing is luring bosses to the basket, not killing them, and making it near impossible for those of us trying to deposit eggs. Specially when there's 2-3 drizzlers, 2 steel eels, and a steel head there, throw in a scrapper or two as well. That's like...instant death or instant wave fail.
It's more beneficial to kill bosses closer to basket, as long as your team can handle it. It means less travel time, which means that there's less time where your teammates are occupied, and far more importantly, when everyone is close to basket it means that it's easier to revive them as opposed to having everyone spread out.

If this is on Marooner, then this is exactly what you should be doing- having one stick around the basket at when the rest of the team are either on the left or right side of the map. The left and especially the right side may look like they're close to basket, but in practise you'll spend a lot of time using the lifts to get back up, and if things get heated it's hard to come back out because there's only one point of escape- those lifts.

Salmon chase after the closest inking and if they start spawning on the opposite side, they will move either through the ship or around it and flank you from the other side. Not only does this mean a lot of traveling, this also mean they will get nowhere near close to the basket during their entire travel time. If they spawn from the other side but someone is sitting next to basket, they'll come to the basket instead giving you an easier source of eggs and the rest of your team a little bit less trouble.

The only map where i would agree with your sentiment is Lost Outpost, because the center is pretty dangerous to stick around in.


Inkling Cadet
Jan 23, 2016
Switch Friend Code
It's more beneficial to kill bosses closer to basket, as long as your team can handle it. It means less travel time, which means that there's less time where your teammates are occupied, and far more importantly, when everyone is close to basket it means that it's easier to revive them as opposed to having everyone spread out.

If this is on Marooner, then this is exactly what you should be doing- having one stick around the basket at when the rest of the team are either on the left or right side of the map. The left and especially the right side may look like they're close to basket, but in practise you'll spend a lot of time using the lifts to get back up, and if things get heated it's hard to come back out because there's only one point of escape- those lifts.

Salmon chase after the closest inking and if they start spawning on the opposite side, they will move either through the ship or around it and flank you from the other side. Not only does this mean a lot of traveling, this also mean they will get nowhere near close to the basket during their entire travel time. If they spawn from the other side but someone is sitting next to basket, they'll come to the basket instead giving you an easier source of eggs and the rest of your team a little bit less trouble.

The only map where i would agree with your sentiment is Lost Outpost, because the center is pretty dangerous to stick around in.
I don't have a problem with people leading them to the basket. I have more of a problem where they lead more than they can handle and either get splatted, or they end up running away and leaving the boss for whoever arrives there to deal with. That's why I had specified them leading bosses to the basket, but not killing them. Lead them by all means, I have no issue with that. That just means the quota will be quicker/easier to achieve. I wouldn't do that if I didn't believe it to be true.

But, if you go and start/try leading them to the basket, but then just simply running away after getting there, having it follow you and doing nothing with it, that's not really gonna benefit anyone. That's more of what I'm talking about. I'm sure we've all had both good, bad , and uncooperative teammates and have experienced both successful boss slayings and utter defeat with leading them close.


Semi-Pro Squid
Mar 21, 2018
New England
Switch Friend Code
I cannot stand when people kill scrappers and maws at the shoreline. I'll give it a pass if we just need to thin boss numbers quickly, but come on. It wastes so much time to run those eggs from shore to basket.


Inkling Cadet
May 13, 2015
I cannot stand when people kill scrappers and maws at the shoreline. I'll give it a pass if we just need to thin boss numbers quickly, but come on. It wastes so much time to run those eggs from shore to basket.
I usually kill bosses whenever i'm near them too, even if it's far out from the basket.
Cause if i don't, they tend to bite my or my teammates butts, if there are too many of them.


Full Squid
Oct 26, 2017
I cannot stand when people kill scrappers and maws at the shoreline. I'll give it a pass if we just need to thin boss numbers quickly, but come on. It wastes so much time to run those eggs from shore to basket.
Unfortunately it seems when I try to do that they end up killing people. So as much as I would like to leave them, doing so usually means the death of at least one other person.

Or. I try and leave the maw alone and run back to the egg basket hoping it will follow me... and a teammate will kill it right on the shoreline. better the devils are dead and we just have to kill the little Chums coming up to steal our eggs.

Though I do agree it gets quite annoying when you have to traverse over half the map just to go and grab one egg.

But hey, we are profreshionals, we got this.


Inkling Fleet Admiral
Aug 4, 2016
The letting the bosses come closer or kill asap is a slippery slope and I tend to lean towards the side of luring them in. Especially during low tide rounds.


Inkling Commander
Apr 19, 2016
Switch Friend Code
I'll usually kill whatever I find whenever I find it, since 90% of my losses are due to team wipes.


Octarian Storyteller
Site Moderator
May 1, 2018
Octo Valley
The bosses that lure the most are the Maws, mainly because of it being the easiest boss to lure without putting teammates in danger. They are only in danger if it's lured near them.


Inkling Cadet
Sep 12, 2017
Actually to us, the new shoes should make sense. We have a special Ninja Turtle Splatfest, so the best way to celebrate is having Ninja Turtle shoes!

Dark Sage Walker

Inkling Commander
Oct 1, 2017
Over there
Switch Friend Code
That's some stupid looking Grizzco. gear for May.
I respectfully disagree. I think they look cute! Perhaps it could be that I am used to many Inklings out there finding work and trail boots fashionable, but I think these shoes are nice!

Luring bosses has been a sore spot for me for a while. I've never been fully confident that my co-workers will be able to handle things if I just leave a boss or two to come closer to the basket. Last thing I want is for them to see a boss that I left to get closer to the basket and have them respond by running away and crying. Or worse yet, just getting splatted in an anticlimactic display of bravado that ends with their face in a Steel Eel's rear. But lately, I have been leaning more towards luring them to the basket. Here's why:
  • Less travel time to get eggs from point A to point B, meaning more of those excellent waves that end in 40+ eggs!
  • Easier to revive downed co-workers when they are all in a relatively centralized location.
  • Ignoring lesser threats (Steel Heads, Maws) gives me more time to focus on greater ones (Stingers, Flyfish).
  • Most of the bosses that will follow you all the way to the basket are not that hard to deal with...
  • ...Steel Eels not withstanding. I tend to take them out before they get to the basket because they simply take up too much space. This is especially an issue on high tides and in the Lost Outpost!
Also, and I'm not sure if this is just plain dumb luck, but I have been noticing that the quality of my co-workers seems to have improved since I reached Pro 400. I am relatively certain that this is just confirmation bias informing my brain that things have gotten easier, but i would like to think that I have proven that I am one of the big dogs and that Mr. Grizz has seen fit to let me work with the best of the best. The point is that I am no longer as afraid to let things follow me back to the basket as I once was. This shift in perspective must be what one would calling 'getting gud,' huh?


Octarian Storyteller
Site Moderator
May 1, 2018
Octo Valley
I have been noticing more teammates going after Stingers in Profresh 400, now to see more of them to go after the Flyfish (which I have been noticing has been increasing too). I feel like those two Salmonids as well as the Steel Eels are the bane of my existence.

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