Dear Salmon Run co-workers, please stop running back to the basket and hiding around it like it's your spawn in TW/Ranked. There is no protective barrier to protect you from getting splatted. All you're doing is luring bosses to the basket, not killing them, and making it near impossible for those of us trying to deposit eggs. Specially when there's 2-3 drizzlers, 2 steel eels, and a steel head there, throw in a scrapper or two as well. That's like...instant death or instant wave fail.
It's more beneficial to kill bosses closer to basket, as long as your team can handle it. It means less travel time, which means that there's less time where your teammates are occupied, and far more importantly, when everyone is close to basket it means that it's easier to revive them as opposed to having everyone spread out.
If this is on Marooner, then this is exactly what you should be doing- having one stick around the basket at when the rest of the team are either on the left or right side of the map. The left and especially the right side may look like they're close to basket, but in practise you'll spend a lot of time using the lifts to get back up, and if things get heated it's hard to come back out because there's only one point of escape- those lifts.
Salmon chase after the closest inking and if they start spawning on the opposite side, they will move either through the ship or around it and flank you from the other side. Not only does this mean a lot of traveling, this also mean they will get nowhere near close to the basket during their entire travel time. If they spawn from the other side
but someone is sitting next to basket, they'll come to the basket instead giving you an easier source of eggs and the rest of your team a little bit less trouble.
The only map where i would agree with your sentiment is Lost Outpost, because the center is pretty dangerous to stick around in.