Grizzco Break Room


Inkling Fleet Admiral
Aug 4, 2016
Sounds liek the flyfish went rogue..

For the lost out post I am not really a fan of it all all but it is a decent map I think. Always have to worst luck with Glowflies on that map.


Inkling Cadet
Sep 12, 2017
Lost Outpost is my least favorite map. Things always go south on that map. The area by the basket is a death trap, and the map is the worst about opposite end Flyfish and Stinger spamming. Try to take out a Stinger, and one at the opposite side of the map takes you out!

Next rotation looks delicious. Will spend extra time savoring the death and destruction.


Octarian Storyteller
Site Moderator
May 1, 2018
Octo Valley
Off course Salmonid Smokeyard had to be the one present for today and oh look, giving me an H-3 Nozzlenose to make the situation even worse. I mean sure the other three weapons are great for this, but can this stage just be deleted from existence?


Inkling Fleet Admiral
Aug 11, 2017
Both Nozzlenoses are fine for SR. Not the best for croud control, but not bad either, and they ink fine. The best thing about them is killing bosses with them.


Inkling Cadet
Feb 10, 2016
I only had time for 5-ish shifts of salmon run during the nozzlenose rotation, but that was all it took for me to reach 1200 points. I won 5 shifts and had a disconnect on another, so I ended up getting around 270 points per shift. I really think that smokeyard is the easiest map to win on, and I think that's because I rarely get team wipes on it. On the other hand, lost outpost is by far the most difficult map due to the fort of death that you are forced to enter to deposit eggs.


Octarian Storyteller
Site Moderator
May 1, 2018
Octo Valley
I had a great round of Salmon Run, my teammates and I managed to get 40 Golden Eggs in one wave. Aside from fog waves, I had such great teammates who prioritize getting rid of Salmonids with infinite range. As for weapon choices go, this is actually not bad, Aerosprays are great in quickly taking down Stingers, while a scoped Charger limits the visibility, this wasn't bad at all.

Dark Sage Walker

Inkling Commander
Oct 1, 2017
Over there
Switch Friend Code
On the Lost Outpost question, I lean on the side of it being a bad map. There is just something or another to dislike at every step of the way! Let's break it down:
  • Normal Wave? Hope you don't mind Flyfish spawning in the grated area! Y'know, where their Inkjets work but yours don't? No swimming, no inking, no hope, and no fun.
  • Low Tide Wave? How about that additional space between you and the spawning mooks in the form of that land bridge that only serves to slow things down and create a bottleneck every time a Steel Eel or a Scrapper spawns?
  • High Tide Wave? Better hope that no more than one Steel Eel ever shows up or that central fort will become your briny grave, little Inklings!
  • Mothership Wave? Good luck seeing where any of the carriers are going through the walls of the Outpost! Also it gets kind of cramped in there with all the Chums and Cohocks running amok.
  • Goldie Seeking Wave? With how spread out everything is, good luck getting pointed in the right direction with the gushers! Also, see the previous cramping issue.
  • The less said about the horrors of Glowflies and Grillers, the better. I still have the nightmares!
  • Fog. Well, you know the problems with regular waves? Now take those problems and add terrible visibility on top of it! Nothing like getting hammered by a Flyfish from an unseen location only to realize that it is over the grates. With no visibility. Or movement options. Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay...
About the only wave that goes according to plan here is the Cannon wave, but even then the additional space on Low Tides with that annoying land bridge makes things slow going. Not to mention that Flyfish spawning puts them right in front of the cannons after they move into position. If they are facing away from you for whatever reason, you just had one cannon invalidated for a while while the Flyfish gets to have all sorts of ballistic fun!

So what are the good points to this map? Most of the walls are inkable. Makes for some nice escape routes and places to hide during Glowflies and Grillers. That's about it. Yeah, I don't like this map very much. Did I maybe miss a positive point of this map along the way, though? Please let me know!


Octarian Storyteller
Site Moderator
May 1, 2018
Octo Valley
I can see why some would hate Lost Outpost but I'm actually pretty neutral about this one, well, except that unforgivable grated area.


Inkling Fleet Admiral
Sep 29, 2015
Switch Friend Code
Why is it so hard for players to learn how to deal with bosses on the spot? It's Grillers on lost outpost, right? I'm being aimed by both and i swim up a high wall. YOU CAN CLEARLY SEE THAT WHAT I DID MADE IT EASIER TO KILL THEM. WHY WOULD YOU NOT DO THAT YOURSELF?!?!? Instead they just run around making it harder, not to mention the little devils running around too. Same goes for rush, but it's doable if the weapons have high fire rates.


Inkling Cadet
Jan 23, 2016
Switch Friend Code
Okay look, co-workers. Booyah. Look, if you wanna do it to signify hello or good luck at the very beginning, I'm fine. If you wanna booyah to say thank you for reviving me/saving me from dying, that's fine, too. At the end of each wave, great. During the entirety of the match I hear a booyah from you every...few seconds...STOP. I hate having to glance up every second thinking it's an Ouch or something but no, you wanna spam booyah. Freaking...stop. You're getting on my nerves, and I'm tempted to just let the bosses kill you.

There's a difference between fun and annoying. Guess which one you are? And @Leronne, that would only make sense now wouldn't it? See someone do something clever, but instead of following suit, just don't. To ensure you that you don't win. Sometimes I feel that's what most people go for: to ensure a loss and not a victory.


Inkling Commander
Apr 19, 2016
Switch Friend Code
Why is it so hard for players to learn how to deal with bosses on the spot? It's Grillers on lost outpost, right? I'm being aimed by both and i swim up a high wall. YOU CAN CLEARLY SEE THAT WHAT I DID MADE IT EASIER TO KILL THEM. WHY WOULD YOU NOT DO THAT YOURSELF?!?!? Instead they just run around making it harder, not to mention the little devils running around too. Same goes for rush, but it's doable if the weapons have high fire rates.
Because it doesn't make it easier to kill them. It makes them pivot around rapidly in a very small space, getting in each others' way and constantly moving their weak spots, sometimes toward the wall where no one can reach them. Meanwhile the smallfry swarm around them and prevent approach from every other direction. And you only have a few seconds of that before the smallfry start climbing the walls and kill you. Oh, and because you're stuck on the wall, you're not killing smallfry or collecting eggs. I very rarely see anyone attempt this trick successfully. Usually it's, "Oh, great, they're trying that stunt" and then we're all dead. It only "works" when someone does it when the Griller chasing them is close to dead already.

Instead of that, put yourself in the back, behind the basket, so you can hop up and down the ledge and make the grillers turn around in a predictable, relatively slow way. This gives your allies plenty of time and room to position themselves favorably and get the kills while you kill smallfry and maybe even deposit some eggs if they're in the vicinity.


Inkling Fleet Admiral
Aug 4, 2016
I tend to agree with MindWanderer`s post.

While you are swimming up the wall during the griller or glowfly round you are a sitting duck unless your co-workers deal with the threat. If for some unfortunate reason they get splatted the chances for a crew wipe are pretty much automatic.

Sign me up all day every day if the mini splatling in involved. Love that weapon.

Well put Dark Sage Walker. If the Lost Outpost got lost again I would not shed a tear.


Inkling Cadet
Feb 10, 2016
Because it doesn't make it easier to kill them. It makes them pivot around rapidly in a very small space, getting in each others' way and constantly moving their weak spots, sometimes toward the wall where no one can reach them. Meanwhile the smallfry swarm around them and prevent approach from every other direction. And you only have a few seconds of that before the smallfry start climbing the walls and kill you. Oh, and because you're stuck on the wall, you're not killing smallfry or collecting eggs. I very rarely see anyone attempt this trick successfully. Usually it's, "Oh, great, they're trying that stunt" and then we're all dead. It only "works" when someone does it when the Griller chasing them is close to dead already.

Instead of that, put yourself in the back, behind the basket, so you can hop up and down the ledge and make the grillers turn around in a predictable, relatively slow way. This gives your allies plenty of time and room to position themselves favorably and get the kills while you kill smallfry and maybe even deposit some eggs if they're in the vicinity.
This biggest problem is that there is no easy way to deal with grillers, or anything, on this map. If someone tries to climb a wall the team is at 3 players instead of 4 while they are on the wall, and if the grillers don't die immediately then they will. If you try to use the standard small-ledge hop that works on all stages then the team will just die for no reason. There is no way to deal with grillers on this map, and glowflies really aren't that much better, as there's always somebody letting the salmonids pass.


Inkling Fleet Admiral
Sep 20, 2015
Because it doesn't make it easier to kill them. It makes them pivot around rapidly in a very small space, getting in each others' way and constantly moving their weak spots, sometimes toward the wall where no one can reach them. Meanwhile the smallfry swarm around them and prevent approach from every other direction. And you only have a few seconds of that before the smallfry start climbing the walls and kill you. Oh, and because you're stuck on the wall, you're not killing smallfry or collecting eggs. I very rarely see anyone attempt this trick successfully. Usually it's, "Oh, great, they're trying that stunt" and then we're all dead. It only "works" when someone does it when the Griller chasing them is close to dead already.

Instead of that, put yourself in the back, behind the basket, so you can hop up and down the ledge and make the grillers turn around in a predictable, relatively slow way. This gives your allies plenty of time and room to position themselves favorably and get the kills while you kill smallfry and maybe even deposit some eggs if they're in the vicinity.
I'm inclined to disagree. The having the targeted player swim up the wall is indeed a fairly sound plan. Yes, the Griller may tend to pivot a lot when they are up against the wall, but their movements aren't unpredictable and there is only like 2 orientations they could be in, both are typically are still vulnerable from most angles. It is not difficult to deal the minimum amount of damage to get it dazed. Once it is dazed, if the team haven't already taken it out, you simple swing to the side and start attack it yourself. It's not difficult.

Given it becomes less sound once 2 Gillers are active, however can still be taken advantage of it both Griller are targeting a single person. As a strategy, it is completely sound and assuming people who know what they're doing, it should be a non issue until 2 Gillers come and most people throw out any semblance of strategy.

I actually hate when people just go back and forth between the area behind the basket. Yes the Grillers might be a bit more predictable but there is actually very little time where their weak point is exposed in doing so since you're basically up against a corner.
Last edited:


Inkling Fleet Admiral
Aug 4, 2016
That could be said for anything Griller related.

True enough. By far that round ends the most shifts. Well at least in my experience.

Also in my experience wall hugging does not usually end up well during the shifts I have worked. Does it work? Sure it does but you better have some savvy co-workers.


Inkling Cadet
Jan 23, 2016
Switch Friend Code
I don't have a problem with the wall strategy on lost outpost at all for multiple reasons. It can be a hit, or it can be a miss, like all other waves. Because one of a few situations happen.

A: A teammate climbs up the wall, but we stun it before it even gets to them.
B: I hide behind the basket on that ledge and just twirl and do nothing, and my teammates stun it, again, before it can get to me or them.
C: People get overly confident or don't pay attention to the second griller and get splatted.
D: Some person literally runs around the outside of the base and usually gets splatted.
E: People are too busy trying to kill grillers and not depositing eggs so it's either a failed wave because of the quota isn't reached...or everyone dies.
F: The person targeted by grillers usually gets people splatted because they run in a way that the griller splats someone who was focused on something else (Like running/jumping outside the base and the griller follows).
G: The last 2 grillers target me or someone who sees we have enough eggs on the ground, so we stick on the outside walls so people will stop attacking grillers and deposit the eggs so we can actually win.

I have a question about that. Why is it that whenever there's enough eggs on the ground to win, people ignore them and continue killing grillers? Shoting to stun, I get, cuz then you can deposit the eggs without them chasing you and win. But...why continue to try and kill them (more than likely stopping them while they're above or blocking eggs) and prevent others from getting said eggs?

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